"You." Theo growled, pulling out a knife and pointing it at Brian.
"Woah man, chill." Brian said, putting his hands up. "I'm just here to congratulate you all on nearly making it to my victory. Because, well, you're all going to be dead. Speaking of, how are any of you still alive? I heard your conversation."
"Disabled the microphones." Kat said casually. "They've got to hate this right now, final showdown and no sound."
"Why are you talking to him?" Theo snarled. "He murdered our friends, and just threatened to kill us!"
Brian shrugged. "He does have a point."
Theo raised his knife, and stepped closer.
"Theo, wait." Swann said hesitantly.
He stopped, and looked at her oddly.
Swann continued in a stronger voice, looking at Brian. "I need to know. Carlos. Why would he help you, of all people?"
"Ah. Carlos. He was too easy to mislead. I planned on killing him, but I saw Chelsea. I always had my suspicions about your group, Kat, from the first presentation I heard one of you give at school. Convinced him they were dangerous, and he was ready to eliminate all of you."
Swann frowned. "But- but- Carlos. He was intelligent enough. He would have known not to trust someone who was threatening him."
"Ever consider that there was something else at play?" Brian said.
"Enough talk." Theo ordered. "Draw your weapon." he said, nodding at Brian.
"Really? You're not just going to come after me? Stab me before I can defend myself?" Brian mocked.
"I want to kill you Brian. And I want it to be a challenge so I can know my friends didn't die for nothing."
"Well. That's very... noble of you." Brian remarked.
"Stay out of this, I need to be the one to kill him." Theo said, nodding at Kat and Swann.
"No! Together! We promised!" Swann called.
"You two are getting out of this even if I'm not." Kat muttered under her breath.
Brain pulled out a sword, and rushed at Theo. Theo barely managed to block off his blow with his small knife, and skidded back across the sand.
"Chivalry died centuries ago, Theo. Stop being noble, there's no such thing in these times." Brian said.
Brian swung his sword again and grazed Theo's arm.
Swann shook her head. "I am not letting this happen." She reached for Kat's backpack, and pulled out Kat's communicator.
"What's that?" Brian said quickly, loosening his grip on his sword slightly. "What is that?"
Theo knocked Brian's sword out of his hand, and pressed his knife against his throat, making a small cut.
Swann pressed the blue button, and the communicator started shaking. She threw it to the ground, and it exploded, sending a huge ball of fire upwards.
"The extraction team should be on their way." Kat said. "Good thinking Swann."
"Please, please!" Brian begged. "Don't kill me."
Theo rolled his eyes. "And why on earth wouldn't I?"
Brian took a deep breath. "This isn't me. I'm not a sociopathic murderer. Secretly, I've cried after every life I've taken."
Kat shook her head. "That's the biggest load of crap I've ever heard."
Brian looked her right in the eye. "I'm not lying. Remember Elizabeth?"
"Who doesn't? She's one of those they highlight every year. The savage flame, they call her. What of her?" Kat remarked.
"Well her, or should I say, our family is even more messed up then even she knew. Our mother didn't die. She grew bored of Elizabeth's father, and faked her own death. She probably did the same to several other men before she met my father, and I was born. She tried to do the same to my father, but my dad, he was clever. Before they married, he ran into one of her past husbands, and learned of who she was. Long story short, he waited after her funeral until she climbed out of her casket, and kept her from fleeing."
Swann raised her eyebrows.
Brian went on. "She killed him, of course, and was finally stuck with a child of her own that she had to raise. And raise me she did. Bitterly, of course. She knew that she was the mother of Elizabeth Morty, which led to her keeping that last name, and led to me being the disappointing child, the child who wasn't violent enough, wasn't ruthless or angry enough to become as famous as her daughter."
Brian took a deep breath. "I put on this persona for her, make mummy proud, I told myself. Now?" he chuckled. "I hope one of her husbands found her while I was away. I hope she's dead."
Kat, Theo, and Swann all stared at Brian, unsure of what to say.
Brian knocked the knife out of Theo's hand, caught it, and quickly stood up. Theo backed up to stand with Kat and Swann.
"Doesn't mean I won't defend myself until my dying breath. More then anything right now, I don't want to die." Brain announced, holding the knife out, his arm trembling slightly.
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