Part 29

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Rebecca's POV-

Me: My dad is home at the moment, so I'll meet you at the park across from Caroline's Café.

Lexie: Okay, I'll see you there in 15 minutes.

I can't believe I was actually going to do this. I was going to tell her everything.

I climbed out of bed quickly getting changed and throwing my hair back into a low messy bun. I then brushed my teeth and washed my face. The bruise under my eye wasn't as dark as it was yesterday, but it was still pretty visible.

Not having time to put makeup on though and there being very little point anyways seeing as Lexie already knew, I just left it and headed downstairs.

"Morning Munchkin." My dad greeted me from the kitchen as I reached the bottom step.

"Morning dad." I replied quietly still slightly weary of him. "Um... Lexie left her notes at school, so I was just going to quickly meet her at the park to give her mine." I said, unsure of what his response was going to be.

"Well then don't let me keep you. Go, have fun, take your time." He said turning towards me with a small smile before going back to making his breakfast.

"Will do, bye." So with that I left taking my backpack with me in case he got suspicious.

The walk there wasn't that far. I was still trying to work out exactly what I was going to tell her, but I knew that what ever it was, it had to be the truth. That I knew for sure.

When I arrived I saw her sitting on a picnic bench, so I made my way towards her taking the seat across from her.

"Are you okay?" Lexie asked first with so much concern in her eyes.

She looked tired like she hadn't really slept much last night, but here she was asking me if I was okay. I didn't deserve her.

"No." I answered trying to be as completely honest with her as I could.

"Did someone punch you?" She asked pointing towards the bruise on my eye.


"Did someone b-beat you?" She stuttered now looking down towards my stomach.


"God." She said realising a shaky breathe looking at me now straight in the eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked as tears started to form in her eyes.

"I... I was afraid." I stuttered out saying the first honest thing that I thought of. It felt strange. For the first time I wasn't just being completely honest with her, I was also being completely honest with myself.

"Do I know them?" She asked with a slightly more serious tone.


"Are you still in a position where they can hurt you again?" She asked raising her eyebrows trying to figure everything out.

"Y...yes." I hesitated, but I was no longer going to lie to her.

"Then we have to tell someone." She said as she reached out to hold her hand on mind which was rested on the table in front of me.

"No!" I nearly shouted pulling my hand back fast. "No one else can know." I said looking at her with a sense of panic.

"We need to tell an adult, so they can help you." She stated confused at my reaction.

"You.. you don't understand." I started to panic more. "That'll just make it worst."

"Then help me understand, Rebecca. How could this possibly get any worst?" She said almost pleading with me to give her a proper answer.

"You... you can't tell anyone." I said not being able to think of a proper excuse. "You just can't."

"Give me one good reason." She said giving me her fully attention, as she waited for an answer.

My mind was going crazy try to to think, if she told someone the school would get involved and then so would my dad. That couldn't happen.

"Because... because if you do... I'll... I'll break up with you." I said, instantly regretting it.

I panicked, okay. I didn't know what else to say.

As I looked at her face she was now completely avoiding eye contact with me, her expression a mix of shock, anger and sadness.

Nearly a minute of silence later she finally looked me straight in the eyes and said "Okay." Before she got up and left.

What was that supposed to mean. Was she going keep my secret or not?

I stayed sat on that picnic bench for almost 20 minutes just replaying the conversation that we had just had over and over again in my head. I was pretty sure that she wasn't going to tell anyone, at least I hoped not, but there was nothing I could really do about it now, could I?

As I stood up from the bench I put my backpack back on my back and started my slow walk back home. My plan for the rest of the day was to just stay in my room and read. I just wanted to get away from reality for a bit and forget about the last 24 hours of my life.

When I got home I opened the front door to find my dad and Lexie sitting next to each other on the sofa. My entrance had forced them both to look over at me.

Well there goes my plan of getting away from reality i thought as I told my backpack off placing it down on the floor next to the door where it normally goes.

What the hell was Lexie even doing in my house? Had she come here straight from the park? What had she been talking to my dad about? Questions started rushed through my head as my brain kept thinking of the worst possible answers.

"Ahhh, Becca you're finally home." My dad said looking at me with an unreadable face, only making my worries more real.

I switching my gaze between the both of them trying to work out what was going on. Lexie looked at me with an almost shameful expression.

"What's going on?" I asked hesitantly. My dad was clearly sober, but the way he called me Becca had me on edge.

"Lexie came over to discuss her concerns about you." He paused giving me a knowing look before taking a step towards me.

I had no idea what he was going to do or say, he was so unpredictable that I just didn't dare move. There's no way he would do anything while Lexie was here, right?

"Munchkin." He said softly changing his whole demeanour. "Lexie said that someone has been bullying you. Sweetheart, it that true?" He asked reacting out and resting his hand on my shoulder trying to act like a caring father.

I looked over to Lexie who was now standing up as well, sadness written all across her face.

"I'm sorry Rebecca, but I had to tell someone. You need to let us know who's hurting you." She said pleading with me to talk.

"Rebecca honey, is it someone from school?" He asked giving me a knowing glare that Lexie couldn't see.

When I took too long to answer I felt his grip on my shoulder start to tighten. Not wanting Lexie to see he pulls me into a hug as he starts to squeeze harder on my shoulder.

The pain surges through my shoulder causing me to whimper quietly as he muffles my sound with his hug. A tear starts to fall down my check as it starts to become too painful.

"Please tell me." He says finally realising his grip on my shoulder leaving it numb from the pain, as he slowly pulls away from the hug.

"Y...yes." I stutter wiping the tear away from my check.

"Oh sweetheart , I wish you had told me." He said keeping up his pathetic act. "I'll come with you to school first thing Monday and we'll get this all sorted out, okay sweetheart." He continued.

Not answering him I just decide to lower my head and except my defeat.

"Lexie..." He starts as he turns around to face her. "Thank you some much for letting me know, but is it ok if you head on home now. I would like to talk to Becca a bit more about this alone." He said giving her a fake smile.

"Of course, Mr Wilson." She said as she made her way past me to the front door, but just before she left she said one more thing. "I'll see you at school Monday." She said offering me a smile before she left closing the door behind her.

Anytime Lexie would smile, I would instantly be forced into a good mood. But not this time. This time she was leaving me with the big bad wolf which she had just prodded with a stick without even realising, leaving me to fend for myself.

As I turned back around I saw my dads face, he was more angry than I had ever seen him before. I gulped out of fear, frozen like a deer in head light. I had no where to run.

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