Part 20

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Rebecca's POV-

Why was everything getting so complicated? I didn't ask for any of this. I wish they could have just left it alone. For now though, I'm okay. They said they would leave it... for now.

At least that buys me some time. But from now on though, I'll have to be careful. I'll have to be really careful.

As I reached my front door I checked the time.

5:11pm. I was late, so all I could do now was hope that he was in a good mood and hadn't started drinking yet.

The only way for me to find out though, was for me to open the door. So I did just that.

But the second I did it hit me. The smell.

The unforgettable smell of cheap beer, hatred and sorrow all mixed into one.

Knowing that nothing good could come of this situation I quickly made my way up the stairs before he could notice me. But as I reached the top step I heard him.

"Becca! Is that you?" He shouted from behind me forcing me to turn and meet his gaze.

"Yeah, sorry I'm late. I... I had to finish a project with Lexie." I said looking at his clearly drunken state leaning against the banister at the bottom of the stairs.

"Don't lie to me, Becca!" He shouted as he took a wobbly step towards me.

But before he could start to attempt the stairs I ran straight into my room slamming the door shut behind me. There was no way I was dealing with him tonight if I could avoid it.


Waking up the next morning was difficult. The last thing I felt like doing was leaving my bed because at that moment it was the only place that offered me undeniable comfort.

It didn't hurt me. It didn't ask questions. It didn't even force me to lie to it. It was just... safe. And that was all I wanted.

But I had to get up, school was sadly compulsory and I really needed to keep up appearances. And if that wasn't the worst part, it was Tuesday. Meaning the project was due today.

With that thought I hopped out of bed and jumped in the shower. Seeing as the day was going to be a long one, I wanted to look half decent. So I decided on a nice pair of denim shorts with a cute pink blouse and a subtle but cute amount of makeup.

When I was ready I slowly made my way down the stairs being careful to listen out for any signs of the big back beast. As I reached the bottom step I saw him laying on the sofa fast asleep snoring with a nearly empty bottle of beer still rested in his hands.

So ever so slowly I made made my way over to the front door. Trying to be as quiet as possible I grabbed my bag and decided against breakfast this morning. His snoring was load and almost animalistic, so when it sudden stopped I froze in my tracks.

Only being a metre away from the front door I prayed as I slowly looked over my shoulder.

But the beast was awake.

"And where do you think you're going?" He slurred slowly sitting up as he took another swig of his beer.

"Um.. school." I replied not sure of how he was going to react.

"School? Really?" He said in a questioning manner.

"Yeah, school. So I better get going otherwise I'm going to be late." I said taking the final step towards the door as I reached for the door handle.

"Wait!" He interrupted. "You never told me why you was late home last night!" He said louder like his brain was only just letting him remember something that happened less than 12 hours ago.

"I did... I told you that I had to finish a project at Lexie's." I answered again hoping he would just except it.

"Yes, I remember." He said putting his beer down on the table.

"Great. But I really should be going." I said grabbing the door handle.

"But I also remember you ignoring me." He said standing up and taking a step towards me. "And slamming your bedroom door." He continued getting even closer.

But before I knew it his palm was pressed against the door just above my head closing the small gap I had managed to open.

I was so close, but I guess not close enough.

Before I could turn around I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head as he grabbed a fist full of my hair pulling me back into his chest.

"Where was you last night?" He hissed into my ear as he pulled my head to the side.

"Ahh, I... I told you." I half shouted through gritted teeth.

With that he pulled harder causing be to cry out in pain.

"This is your last chance. Where were you!" He shouted.

"Lexie's... I was at Lexie's!" I shouted. But the second I answered I knew it wasn't what he wanted to hear. The only problem though, was that I didn't know what he wanted to hear.

"Stop lying to me, Becca!" He shouted throwing me to the floor.

Landing on my side I winced in pain.

"What do you want me to say?!" I cried, not knowing what more to do.

"You was with that gay boy! Wasn't you?" He spat now leaning over me as I laid on the floor.

"Mike! This is about Mike?" I asked looking up at him.

"I don't want you hanging out with people like him." He continued with so much hate. "I won't have my daughter being friends with a creep like him."

"He's not a creep!" I protested.

"Okay, then what is he?" He asked grabbing the collar of my blouse pulling me closer to his face as he lent over me.

"He's my friend!" I shouted.

I know I shouldn't have said it, but Mike is my friend and it felt like what he was saying about Mike, he was also saying about me. Even if he didn't know it yet.

"You bitch!" He shouted as he punched me across the face causing me to fall back to the floor in a daze.

He hit me. He actually hit me.

The pain shooting through my right eye from the impact was quickly paired with a weird numbness that made it hard for me to open my eye.

"Take that back!" He shouted. But I was too confused and dizzy to comprehend what was happening anymore as I just lay there holding my eye.

But when I didn't respond fast enough he kicked me in the stomach, hard. I cried out in pain but he he didn't care. He just left. He left me alone just lying there on the floor in more pain than I had ever been in in my entire life.

The worst part though, was that I was alone.

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