Episode 3 : Rosemary

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" Clayton , you need to..."
" Father !! "
" Son , you need to... you....need....tooo...."(Voice fades)
" Father, please come back....We need you ! Fatherrrr...."(echoes)
" Come back , please come back...." Clayton murmurs as he wakes up in a jolt ; his vision blurred by his own tears . He was completely drenched in sweat.
" That dream ! Again . It always ends on the same note . " he says , disappointed , as the same dream , that's been plaguing his sleep for years , didn't complete this time either .
" Why won't it ever complete, goddamnit ."
He questions himself , rudely , as if it was his own fault .
As Clayton is sitting right on the corner of his bed, still thinking about the dream , Levine , his younger cousin (Darcy's son) , enters his room , trudging ; a look of worry and sadness plastered upon his face. Clayton notices him.

"Levine" ! Clayton addresses his brother , but Levine stands quietly . He doesn't reply.
Instead , a tear makes its way outta his eye , more following its trail right after.

"What happened, Levine ?" Clayton asks in a worried tone. He still doesn't reply. Clayton shooks his brother by his arms , throwing questions at him ; a dozen at once. But Levine won't speak. He'd only sob , silently.
"Levine !" Clayton shouts. Levine stops crying. He raises his hand , slowly , revealing a old looking stone , with something engraved on it.

The stone wasn't in the best of its shape. It was dark and scratched all over , making it very difficult to interpret whatever was engraved on it.

" I saw father placing it near Aunt's head in the middle of the night." Levine says , as he tries to hold back his tears.

"What ? Why ?" Clayton asks , confused.
"I don't know. Father was looking very sick. He then went towards the back entrance of the stronghold. I tried to follow him , but he was already gone. I tried to look from the balustrade , but it was like he vanished into thin air. I don't think he's safe. I'm- , I'm worried. Will he even return, brother ? " Levine says as another tear drops out of his eye.

"Levine ! Levine , look at me. We will find uncle Darcy . We sure will.. " Clayton tries to console his brother.
(Scene change)
Hills of Deltus , Oakenville

" Enflamus" she says as she summons the divine arrow of blazing fire . This is the moment. The beast is right in front of her.
" Ablaze. " she says as the string of her bow escapes the clasps of her royal fingers. The arrow pierces straight through the goliath's neck , setting it's body ablaze the very next moment. The crowd of the native hillside farmers start to group up near the corpse of the beast , cheering , their eyes gleaming with happiness. The beast had been feeding upon their cattle for so long. It was finally dead. It surely was a moment of relief for them.

The group starts to advance towards the royal blood on the horse, to present their gratefulness to their savior. An old person in saggy clothes trudges forward with a basket of rosemaries .

" I'd like to speak on their behalf , Princess" the old man says pointing towards the crowd.
"You've saved us and our cattle from the filthy beast. We'd always be grateful to you and the royal pedigree. Please accept this as a requital of our gratitude . We'd always be in your debt , Princess Rosemary...." the old man says as he raises the basket of flowers towards the princess . Others bow down their heads to convey gratitude and honor. Rosemary accepts the basket happily .
" Thank you so much " she says , holding the basket as she herself bows to exhibit a token of thanks for the basket of rosemaries. The old man is both shocked and mesmerized by her magnificence.
" Princess , please , you don't have to bow-" he's cut short as Rosemary pulls the bridle , as her horse takes a turn and prounces swiftly towards the royal fortress.

After about twenty minutes or so, Rosemary stops the horse as she stares at something on the ground in awe.
"What , how" she questions as she's unable to believe what she had saw.

Lying on the ground was a breastplate , coated with fresh human blood and guts .
"It's Uncle Darcy's...." she mumbles , as a howling shriek escalates from behind her.

~Episode 3* end

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