3 | "first date"

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"Chenle. Wanna hang out after school? Since we're getting out early today," Donghyuck asked. Chenle lifted up his head from his desk and nodded at Donghyuck.

"Ok head to your next class," Ms.Kim said.

Chenle grabbed his stuffed and walked out of the classroom. He walked to his next class. He was there a bit early.

Chenle pulled out his phone to check anything. He saw a message. It was from Jisung.

Remember we're hanging out today!

Oh right! I'll see you later then,

Cool ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Chenle looked around the classroom and saw Donghyuck already in his seat. He was talking to Jaemin.

Chenle quickly got up from his seat and walked over to Donghyuck.

"I can't hang out after school with you guys," Chenle said. Donghyuck tilted his head in confusion.

"Why?" Donghyuck asked.

"I'm meeting up with Jisung today remember?" Chenle replied. Donghyuck made an 'oh' face.

Donghyuck and Jaemin nodded their heads. Chenle walked back to his seat.

"Why am I getting so nervous to properly meet Jisung today?" Chenle mumbled to himself.


It was the last class of the day before everyone had to go the auditorium for the school's talent show.

"Chenle? Are you excited for the talent show?" Jaemin asked him. Chenle turned his head and looked at Jaemin with a serious face.

"Of course not. I think the talent show is just a waste of time," Chenle said.

"Why didn't you audition to be in the talent show?" Jaemin joked around giving Chenle a soft punch on his arm.

"We get it Jaemin. I can sing but do I really want to show off my talent to the entire school? No," Chenle said looking back at his desk finishing his class work.

"Why don't you want people to know that you sing?" Jaemin asked.

"I just don't ok," Chenle said.

"Ok class! We are all heading to the auditorium now for the school's talent show," Ms. Kim said.

Everyone in class stood and walked to the door to exit.

"One last thing! Make sure to bring all your things because after the talent show there's not coming back up to get your things since we are going on a school break the following week," Ms. Kim said.

Chenle grabbed all his things and waited for Jaemin to get his stuff as well.

"Alright! Let's go to the talent show!" Jaemin said with an excited voice. He was more excited to see talent show than Chenle was.

They walk down the stairs to the talent show. The theme was that was neon. Everything was glow in the dark type of things. Chenle thought it looked cool.

"I feel like I'm at a club," Chenle giggled.

"You're right," Jaemin said giggling back.

They decided to stand in the middle of audience but it was still pretty far back.

"Not to scare you but Jisung is right there," Jaemin said. Chenle looked to where Jisung was looking. He was right. Jisung was standing there talking to some of his friends. He was wearing a black hoodie with a hat.

Just like the last time.

"It's pretty hard to spot Jisung since he doesn't really stand out," Chenle tells Jaemin.

The talent show finally started. Everyone would cheer once someone finished their act.

Jaemin turns around and looks for Jisung again.

"I don't see him anymore," Jaemin whispers to Chenle. Chenle turns around and looks for Jisung. He end up staring at one corner. He thought he saw Jisung but it turns out to be someone else.

Chenle felt a vibration from his phone. He looked down and saw that it was from Jisung.

We just made eye contact mate

We did? I don't think I saw you properly

I kind of really want to watch this talent show with you

Why don't you come over to where I am?

I'm a chicken
I don't think I can

Come on please

I'll try if I'm not a chicken

lol ok

"What did he say?" Jaemin asked. Chenle looked at Jaemin and told him what he texted.

"He's a chicken to come over next to me," Chenle replied.

"I wonder why he likes you," Jaemin said.

The talent show continued. Chenle and Jaemin would cheer for every person who went up.

Chenle felt another vibration in his phone. He grabbed and looked at who it was. It was Jisung again.

I'm coming to you

Alright let's see you chicken

Chenle giggled to himself. He didn't believe that that Jisung would walk to him and stand next him to watch the talent show.

Jisung got up from where he was sitting and looked around to see where Chenle was standing. He found Chenle standing next to Jaemin in the middle at the back of the audience.

He walked up to him and stood right next to him. He tapped to on Chenle's shoulder and looked at him. Jisung stood star struck. He never knew how cute and handsome Chenle was.

"Oh hi Jisung," Chenle said as soon as he noticed Jisung. He flashed him a smile and it made Jisung blush. Luckily it was dark so nobody could see his blush.

"Hi Jisung," Jaemin also waves at him.

"Hey," Jisung awkwardly said.

They just stood there and kept watching the talent show. Jisung would look down at his phone and go on social media, ignoring the talent show.

Chenle looked over and looked at what Jisung was looking at on his phone. Chenle tapped on Jisung's phone. Jisung looked at him and gave him a confused face. Chenle only smiled.

"Why is he standing so far from you? Is he that shy around you?" Jaemin whispered to Chenle. Chenle only shrugged at him.

Chenle decided to stand closer to Jisung. Jisung noticed what he was doing and stepped away. Chenle did it again and so did Jisung. Chenle then got annoyed and grabbed Jisung's arm and pulled him closer to him.

Jisung gave him a shocked face and Chenle only smiled.


"Finally the talent show is over!" Chenle said as they were walking out of the school.

"I know. Now we have a week of vacation!" Jaemin said happily.

"Where's Jisung?" Chenle asked as he realized Jisung disappeared.

"Look he's right there," Jaemin said he pointed over to Jisung who was talking to Jeno.

Jeno suddenly left and Jisung ran to were Jaemin and Chenle we're standing.

"Ok! So are we going to McDonald's?" Jisung asked. Chenle nodded his head.

Chenle and Jisung started walking. Until Jisung stopped.

"Are you gonna bring your friend?" Jisung asked talking about Jaemin.

"Oh, I don't know," Chenle replied.

"I mean I don't really mind if he comes with us, it's up to you," Jisung said rubbing his nape.

Chenle looked back and saw Jaemin walking away a few blocks away.

"Jaemin!" Chenle yelled at him. Jaemin turned and saw Chenle and Jisung standing there waiting for him.

Jaemin walked over to them.

"What's up?" Jaemin asked.

"Wanna come with us to McDonald's?" Chenle asked.

"Sorry. My dad called and said I need to go home. Emergency," Jaemin said. Chenle simply nodded and watched Jaemin walk away.

"Alright let's go I guess," Jisung said as he walked to away. Chenle only followed.

They were silent all the way. They passed by a couple restaurants and passed by his hang out spot that Chenle usually goes with his friends. He looked and saw Donghyuck standing by the window with his phone.

Clearly, Chenle can tell that Donghyuck was talking a photo. Chenle immediately looked down at his feet.

"God he's so embarrassing," Chenle mumbled.


"You want anything?" Jisung asked as he was about to place an order.

"Whatever you get," Chenle said.

Jisung ordered two milkshakes.

It was pretty quick, soon the two headed to the park.

"So tell me about yourself," Jisung said.

"What do you want to know?" Chenle asked.

"Ok. Favorite color and season?" Jisung asked.

"Green and Spring," Chenle replied. Chenle noticed something odd though. He noticed that Jisung would slowly take steps away from him. Chenle grabbed Jisung by the arm and pulled him closer to him.

Jisung face would become a light shade of pink and he would look away.

"Chenle! Remember what I said! You can change him!" Jeno yelled. Chenle looked and saw Jeno walking right past them.

"Anyways. I can tell you about me," Jisung said.

The talked for about 30 minutes. Jisung would continue telling stories, while Chenle only listened. He would laugh and smile.

"I gotta go now," Chenle said as he stood up from the bench.

"It was cool talking to you," Jisung awkward chuckled. Chenle awkwardly smiled back.

"Can I have your phone number?" Chenle simply said.

"Oh yea," Jisung said. He took out his phone and they exchanged phone numbers.

Soon enough they parted their ways.

This a long chapter

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