Zarc's First Job Interview

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Finally, the boys were ready to start filming their next video. They were all very excited, and it showed. Yuri in particular was extra excited.

"So, when we left off, Zarc was going to bed after his first day of life," Yuya said as the loading screen disappeared. Then he blinked and the four boys burst into laughter, "Uhh...?"

Zarc was standing on the sidewalk outside his house, wearing the towel and flip-flops that made up his pajamas. "Zarc what the hell are you doing wearing that outside!" Yuri squealed. Yuto shook his head with a grin, "Alright, who was playing this save file without the rest of us?"

"Uhm, I did, but I wasn't playing with Zarc, I swear!" Yuya promised. "All I was doing was practicing my building. I... uh... made a pretty decent house actually, and if I'm being honest, I'm really proud of how well it turned out. Reiji and Shingo gave me advice on how to decorate it, cuz I was having trouble figuring out how to fill up all the empty space."

"Wait, so you let your boyfriends see it before us?" Yugo pouted. Yuya quickly reassured him, "Only because I wanted to surprise you guys with it, and have you react to it on camera!"

"Oh, well, that's okay then," Yugo conceded. "So should we look at it now and then play with Zarc?"

"Nah, we're already here with Zarc, "Yuya pointed out. "We can record this episode, then we can make your reaction video."

Yugo pouted and crossed his arms, but didn't object out loud. Yuto chuckled and hit the play button. Immediately, Zarc's phone rang, making all four boys jump. Yuri glared at the time on the screen, "Who calls someone at 3:24 in the morning?!"

"You do," Yuya pointed out. Yuri huffed and looked away. Yuya had Zarc answer the phone, and a popup appeared. "Hello, Zarc! This is Peter at CaffeineKings Coffee Shop! We'd like to offer you a job interview today at 8:30 AM! Will you be there?"

"Oh! He got a job interview!" Yugo cheered. "Wasn't that the job that paid the most?"

"Yeah!" Yuto replied, "Let's accept it!"

"So how do job interviews work in Reality Bytes?" Yuri asked. He, Yuto, and Yugo looked at Yuya in expectation, but the tomato-head shook his head, "I don't actually know. This is the first Reality Bytes game that has job interviews. All the other games gave Folks any job they applied for automatically."

"Well, looks like we'll be figuring this out together then!" Yuto said with a smile. He clicked the option to accept the job interview, then checked Zarc's needs. "Oof, he needs to go back to sleep. Alright, Zarc, back to bed with you!"

He sent Zarc to bed again, and the clock began speeding up. "Uhm, is it supposed to do that?" Yugo asked, wide-eyed. Yuya nodded, "Yeah, it goes into QuickMode whenever everyone in the house is asleep." Yugo relaxed in relief, and the four boys watched Zarc sleep.

"Heh, this isn't creepy at all," Yuri chuckled. Yuto raised an eyebrow. "So you do know how creepy it is to watch people sleep."

"Eh, it's fiiiine!" Yuri waved his hand dismissively. Yuya shook his head in amusement. "I lost track of how many times I woke up to find you watching me sleep back when we were one."

"Gotta make sure nothing happens to you in your sleep," Yuri defended himself calmly.

"Uh, guys, it's already 8 and he's still asleep!" Yugo said quickly. Yuto immediately paused the game. The clock was at 8:27AM. "Uhhhh! He's gonna be late for his job interview!"

"Uh-oh!" Yuya quickly canceled the sleep interaction, and sighed, "Guess he won't be getting that job..."

They unpaused the game, and Zarc started getting up. But at 8:30, a popup appeared, "It's time for Zarc's job interview at CaffeineKings Coffee Shop! Should he still go?"

"Oh, okay, he won't miss it," Yuya sighed with relief. "He's just gonna have to go without breakfast." He selected the option to confirm, and the loading screen popped up. A few moments later, the loading screen disappeared, revealing Zarc at a cafe, wearing his Formalwear outfit. Yuri raised his eyebrows. "I suppose that is dressed to impress."

"It's a good thing the outfit randomizer didn't give him something silly for his Formalwear," Yuya giggled. "Just imagine if he was wearing something like his Summer clothes to the job interview!"

"Which outfit was his summer clothes, again?" Yugo asked, Yuya grinned, "A hotdog suit and bunny slippers."

"Oh yeah!" Yugo grinned. "Oh, but imagine him going to a job interview in his workout clothes! Ya know, the ballet leotard and hiking boots!"

The boys all laughed in amusement, imagining it. "Well, it really is good that we got a normal outfit for Formalwear," Yuto chuckled. "Now, let's see how the job interviews work!"

They hit play, and a Folk approached Zarc. A popup appeared. "The Hiring Manager greets Zarc. How should Zarc respond? Be Casual. Be Respectful. Be Rude."

"Well, it's out of character for Zarc, but he needs a job, so let's go with Be Respectful," Yuto said. His counterparts all nodded in agreement and they selected the option. Zarc and the Hiring Manager shook hands and sat down. The Hiring Manager babbled in Folksy, and Yuya grinned. "He's asking about Zarc's work experience."

Sure enough, a popup appeared, confirming what Yuya said. The options were "Be Honest" and "Embellish A Bit."

"Let's be honest," Yugo said. Yuri frowned, "But Zarc has no job experience. Won't that make him less desirable for a job?"

"Well, if he lies about his work experience and gets caught, he won't get the job anyway," Yuto pointed out. Yuya nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's just be honest."

Yuri pouted, but didn't object further. The boys selected the option, and Zarc babbled in Folksy. Yuya blinked, "Okay, so he's saying he has some experience in his high school theater club. I suppose that could be because of his A-List Actor Life Goal."

The Hiring Manager babbled some more, and Yuya translated, "He's asking about Zarc's skills."

"Does he even have any skills?" Yuto asked. Yuya nodded, "Yeah he acquired the Collecting skill from mining at the park, the Cooking skill from making his salad for dinner, and the Charisma skill from chatting with people."

"Oh okay," Yuto said, as the popup appeared. The options were the same, to be honest or embellish. Yuri frowned but selected the honesty option. Zarc babbled his answer, which was just as Yuya had said.

The Hiring Manager's next question was about Zarc's availability. The popup that followed had a list of the days of the week with check boxes and instructions to select all that applied. The Yuus all looked at each other. "Uhm, what days should he be available?" Yuto asked.

"Monday through Friday?" Yuri suggested. "I mean, that's probably their busiest days, with people needing coffee before work."

"True," Yugo agreed. Yuya frowned, "Yeah, but if we're available everyday, including weekends, that'll give us more days that we can earn money."

"True," Yuto agreed, "But we want at least one day off, right? Just for some Zarc time."

"How about Sundays?" Yuri suggested. "Most people in Japan have Sunday off anyway."

"Yeah, that sounds good," Yugo agreed. The boys selected Monday through Saturday as Zarc's available days. Then the Hiring Manager asked about Zarc's available hours, with each hour from 4AM to 10PM as options.

"How about 5AM to 11AM?" Yugo suggested. "I bet those are the busiest hours anyway."

"Yeah, that makes sense," Yuto agreed. Yuri and Yuya nodded and Yuto selected the hours. The Hiring Manager babbled, and Yuya grinned, "Last question! How does Zarc react to difficult people?"

The options this time were "Be Courteous and Understanding" and "Be Stubborn and Difficult."

"I think if we go with Be Courteous and Understanding, we got a much better chance at getting this job," Yuto said. "Even if we all know it's not true."

Yuri snickered, "Agreed." He selected the option, and Zarc babbled it. Then the Hiring Manager and Zarc both stood up. The Hiring Manager babbled, and a popup appeared. "The Hiring Manager thanks you for your time and says he'll contact you within a few days. How does Zarc respond? Be Casual. Be Respectful. Be Rude."

"Respectful," all four boys said in unison. Yuri nodded sagely. "No point in ruining our chances this time. We can be rude all we want when we're a rich and famous actor."

"Hey, Yuya, what're you reading?" Yugo asked suddenly. Yuto and Yuri looked at Yuya to see him on his duel disk. "Oh, I'm looking up the job interview process in Reality Bytes to see if there's a way to tell if we got the job. It says here that bluffing or embellishing usually only works when Folks have high Charisma. It's better to be honest if you've got low Charisma. Being honest and having more availability is a very easy way to get entry-level part-time jobs anyway, according to the site. Especially if your available hours are during the busiest times of the job's workday, which for CaffeineKings is 4AM to 11AM. So I'm pretty sure Zarc is gonna get the job."

"Great!" Yugo said happily as they sent Zarc back home. "So, since we've got the interview out of the way, can we see the house you made? I'm dying to see it!"

"You know what?" Yuya mused. "I suppose we could pause this episode, record your reaction to my house, and then resume this video after that one is finished and just edit this video and the second part together."

"Yay!" Yugo cheered. "Let's do it!"

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