Chapter 13

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(Slight smut)
Once we had breakfast Professor McGonagall came to visit us.

"Afternoon Professor, What brings you here" I gave her a cup of tea and went to sit next to Draco.

"Well we need to speak about the events of the other night" I could see Draco tensing up, I took his hand squeezing it ever so lightly.
He looked up at me with a weak smile.
"Do you want me to tell her what you told me?"

"Um ok but I... I don't want to hear that story again, I'll be in our bedroom" he stood up kissing me lightly and then leaving the room.
"Well then what is the story?"

"Ok well today he told me this thing that happened to him."
I took a long sip of my tea before continuing.

"So he was in the toilets when a group of three Slytherining came in, they threw hex's at him for an hours straight"

(Time skip, so theres no rape talk)

"Well I see, um do you know who the three boys were" I could see McGonagall was very shocked and well very disturbed that this would happen in her school.
"No he wouldn't tell me who it was"

There was loud bang from the bedroom, I rushed in to find Draco giggling like a loon.
"What are you doing"
"Oh I found this thing that .." he could finish his sentence due to the amount he was laughing.

"Ahh you scared the living day lights out of me" I chuckled, I was so happy to see him like this, so genuinely happy and full of life.
"Come here" he called for me.

I walked over to him, he pulled me down climbing onto my lap kissing me. Before he could deepen the kiss I pulled away.
"Come baby we need to get back to Professor McGonagall"

I could see how disappointed he looked but still stood up.
"Later I promise"
He giggled in agreement and followed me out to the kitchen.

"I hope everything is ok"
"Of course it is" Draco was still gleaming.
"Well that is good, but to get back to the matter at hand" that's when Draco became the same person he had been for the past month and that hurt me so much but I understood.

"I want to know how Harry has been helping you so that I can decide if it is best for you to still be living together"

"Well ugh I really love living with Harry, he's helped me a lot. I feel so safe with him, he stands up for me when other students say things or try to hurt me."

"Ok well Mr.Potter, what have you helped Draco with?"
I took his hand, drawing circles on the back of his hand.
"Well he is become more open about how he feels and what he's been through to me. Also he has slowly been eating more. Even though all his has been through I feel that his has become a stronger person this past month"

"Well I feel as if for the time being it will help not only Mr.Malfoy but also you Mr.Potter to become stronger wizards if you lived together. Your bond is very strong and it has become a very important relationship. However if there is any funny business then you will no longer live together. Understood?"

We both nodded.
"Well then that shall be all, you have the rest of the week off to catch up on your classes and regain your health" with that she left.

"Well shall we get to working on this potions assessment"
"Why not we get up to some funny business" I couldn't help but laugh at the quote 'funny business'

I picked him up wrapping his legs around my waist walking to the bedroom. I put him onto the bed climbing onto his thighs.
I bite at his neck leaving hickey after hickey.

He pulled Harry's shirt off feeling up his abs. Draco flipped them over pushing Harry onto his back before sucking down his chest.
"You so hot. Ugh I want you so much" this sent vibrations down Harry's spine.

Draco moved his hands up and down he's thighs making him wimper. He knew that was his soft spot where you could make Harry moan at the slightest touch.

Draco moved to the side of him, Turing onto his back. Harry followed kissing down his spine,

he got to Draco's ass cupping his cheek.

"NO! No don't please no"
I didn't know what I did at first but then it hit me.
"Hey hey it's ok baby it's me."
I went to his side pulling him into a hug.

He was crying and I felt so guilty, I put him in this situation and now he's freaking out I should of known this would happen.
"Shh baby it's ok it's me hey hey I got you"

After a while he calmed down and was lying on my chest.
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be sorry don't ever be sorry"

"But I am I shouldn't of done that it's not you who did it to me"
"no you listen, I love you so much. And if you don't want to do something with me or anyone don't feel sorry because of it. Remember you need to recover from what happened so maybe we should put of doing this for the moment"

"But I i want to do it with you"
"And I you but you need to feel comfortable and safe with doing that ok"
I kissed his forehead before hugging him closer.
"Good night my love"
"I love you" he snuggled closer into my chest.

After awhile of comfortable silence he fell asleep and soon after I too.


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