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  Ariadne took the book from her husband's hands. "The prophecy comes true," she read.

We were the first heroes to return alive to Half-Blood Hill since Luke, ... She punched me and told me to shut up.

Annabeth rolled her eyes at the memory, though she had to suppress a smile.

Being the son of Poseidon, ... It was fun to burn.

"I bet it was," Triton nodded. Those of the sea looked at the daughter of Ares present with carefully contained contempt.

As Apollo's cabin led the sing-along and passed out s'mores, ... he was proud of what I'd done.

The campers smiled wistfully at the book.

As for my mother, ... "a huge step forward in super-ugly neorealism."

"Completely unrelated, of course," Thalia snickered.

But don't worry, ... yet he was my oldest friend.

The two looked at each other, still sitting next to – somehow not tangled, but on top of each other in a way Piper couldn't understand how they got there – each other. Grover put an arm around Percy's shoulder, smiling.

Annabeth gave him a hug. ... But he didn't really sound annoyed.

"Way to share my secrets," Grover jokingly complained.

He gripped his walking stick and slung a backpack over his shoulder. ... I hope they make good enchiladas."

Percy grimaced, "I kind of jinxed that, didn't I?"

"Kind of?" Clarisse repeated, her eyebrow raised, showing the rest that the situation the satyr would get himself into soon was not something she thought was a 'slight' problem.

Grover grinned, ... He had to be.

Hermes smiled at the satyr.

July passed. ... I tried to convince myself that its prophecy had come to completion.

Percy grimaced.

You shall go west, and face the god who has turned. Been there, done that—even though the traitor god had turned out to be Ares rather than Hades.

Hades nodded while his wife, Persephone, smiled at the questers.

You shall find what was stolen, and see it safe returned. Check. One master bolt delivered. One helm of darkness back on Hades's oily head.

The king of the Underwold's eyes narrowed, though he kept quiet.

You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend. This line still bothered me. Ares had pretended to be my friend, then betrayed me. That must be what the Oracle meant . . .

Luke looked down.

And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end. I had failed to save my mom, but only because I'd let her save herself, and I knew that was the right thing.

Hestia smiled at Percy, who suddenly felt like he'd had some of his ma's cookies or chocolate milk.

So why was I still uneasy? ... I was glad the firelight covered my blushing.

"It didn't really," Katie told Percy, causing him to flush slightly.

The design was pitch black, ... most of them would be leaving for the year.

Chris sighed sadly, "Yeah."

The next morning, ... Now I had only a few hours to decide.

"And then I get really anxious," Leo said conversationally, nodding.

The decision should have been easy. ... That's where you learn whether you're any good or not.

Piper saw Annabeth blink, surprised at the idea that Percy – whether she was surprised at a twelve-year-old Percy or just Percy in general, Piper wasn't sure – had listened to her and actually used the information in his decision making.

I thought about the fate of Thalia, ... I got to the sword-fighters arena and found that Luke had had the same idea.

Annabeth winced.

His gym bag was plopped at the edge of the stage. ... how he possibly could've failed at his quest.

Luke, from where he was sat with his head down, looked up shortly.

Finally, ... the other steel.

Tyson tilted his head, while Connor looked at the book, his facial expression unreadable, opening his mouth, before closing it again.

Luke noticed me looking at it. ... "It's one of a kind."

"For a reason," Chris mumbled.

He gave me a tiny smile, ... I don't know why I hesitated.

Percy smiled bitterly, avoiding looking at Luke.

I should've felt relieved that Luke was being so friendly. ... "Why not?"

"Oh, Percy," Rachel sighed.

We walked down to the woods and kicked around for some kind of monster to fight, ... Are you kidding?"

"I knew there was sense in there somewhere," Rachel smiled.

Luke raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I miss it," I admitted.

Rachel kept quiet, pursing her mouth. Percy smiled at her sheepishly, "Oops?"

She huffed, "What do you mean 'oops'? You almost died on that quest multiple times! Like..." She faltered. "At least four times!"

Percy tried to shrug, turning his attention back on the book when Rachel seemed to be done scolding him.

"You?" ... You'll crawl into bed one night and find your sheets filled with centipedes and mud.

The Romans looked spooked at the sentence.

"The heck with laurel wreaths," ... I brought you down here to say good-bye."

"Just thought I'd say it; I don't like this," Leo whispered.

He snapped his fingers. ... You'll be dead in sixty seconds."

Poseidon made a noise in his throat.

"Luke, ... "You," I said.

Ariadne looked over to Percy with sad eyes.

He stood calmly and brushed off his jeans. ... I couldn't believe this was happening.

"I can't either, and we're only reading about it," Dakota murmured.

"Luke . . . ... I needed time to think.

"Oh no," Thalia whispered. Everyone was quiet, making sure not to disturb the reading goddess.

"Kronos," ... "He's brainwashing you, Luke."

Luke looked down again.

"You're wrong. ... "So why didn't you bring the items to Kronos?"

Katie sat with wide eyes, whispering, "Just stall for a little longer."

Luke's smile wavered. ... that night in the forest."

Poseidon was looking at the book with a weird look on his face.

"We had to make Chiron think the camp wasn't safe for you, ... He even confused the curse."

Grover blinked, "Oh." Percy hugged his friend.

Luke looked down at the scorpion, ... I'll leave you with my little friend to set things right."

You should have died in Tartarus, Percy.

Oh how right Luke had been.

"Thalia gave her life to save you," ... The scorpion lunged.

Percy squeezed his eyes shut, rubbing at his palm.

I swatted it away with my hand and uncapped my sword. ... I could barely stand up.

The demigods listened with baited breath.

Sixty seconds, ... Then everything went black.

Jason shakily exhaled, "That's like... Good, right? Because you're still here, so–"

"Yes, Jay," Percy gave him a small smile. "I'm okay now."

I woke with a drinking straw in my mouth. ... which is how I knew she was overjoyed to see me conscious.

Annabeth spluttered.

"You were green and turning gray when we found you. ... then microwaved."

The gods grimaced, not sure what a microwave was, but they knew either way that it was a bad feeling.

"Apt, ... He was never the same after his quest."

Luke grimaced at Annabeth's words.

"This must be reported to Olympus," ... And Annabeth?"

Now, Poseidon grimaced.

Chiron glanced nervously at the ceiling. ... "Assuming I live that long."

Will raised his eyebrows.

Chiron put his hand on my ankle. ... Nobody answered.

"I hate this," Clarisse declared.

Chiron rolled himself out of the room. ... that isn't a good idea."

"When is anything I do," Percy smiled.

I slid my legs out of bed. ... "That took guts."

"He's right, Annabeth," Piper whispered to the blonde girl.

She pursed her lips. ... Agreed?"

Ariadne was cut off by a shrill 'What?'.

"You mean to tell me," Clarisse yelled. "That that was your guys' plan all along?"

"Yep," Annabeth said – to her credit, slightly remorseful.

"Sounds like a plan worthy of Athena." ... so I could pack my bags for home.

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