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   Hermes passed the book to Artemis, who read out the chapter title, a god buys us cheeseburgers, with a weird look on her face.

"Who's buying you cheeseburgers?" Piper asked.

Annabeth shrugged, "It would be more fun if you found out because of the book."

The next afternoon, ... and I was sure that was obvious.

Aphrodite wrinkled her nose, "Was there no way for you guys to shower?" When she received 'no's, she mumbled to herself – Percy thought it was something like: 'what has the future come to, I need to figure out ways to remedy this.'

"Let's try to contact Chiron," ... "What are you talking about?"

"I love oblivious Percy," Travis snickered. "He's the best."

He fed in the quarters and set the knob to FINE MIST. ... "You summon the goddess with a spray gun?"

Zeus blinked in surprise, while Chiron answered, "I guess we kind of do, Percy."

Grover pointed the nozzle in the air and water hissed out in a thick white mist. ... "Luke!" I called.

Some of the campers groaned under their breath.

He turned, ... what's that noise?" Luke yelled.

Artemis was interrupted by the sound of a popped tire.

"I'm sorry," Piper wheezed. "I'm just imagining Mr Boombastic on full volume."

"I'll take care of it.'" ... then he handed me the spray gun and followed Annabeth.

Rachel raised an eyebrow at Grover, who shook his head with a smile.

I readjusted the hose so I could keep the rainbow going and still see Luke. ... probably the same scumbag who summoned the hellhound.

Thalia nodded, her eyes narrowed.

Now the campers are starting to take sides. ... then the music's volume decreased drastically.

"I'm boombastic, tell me fantastic," Piper whispered, trying to keep a straight face.

"So what's your status?" ... and I realized I only had one more minute before the water shut off.

Percy shut his eyes, remembering how much he'd liked Luke.

"I wish I could be there," ... You'd have to be invisible."

The only sound around the campfire was the wood burning, everyone was silent, while Luke tried to curl in on himself.

"What?" Annabeth whispered. When she didn't say anything else, Artemis resumed reading.

We were both silent, ... I'll feel better if I know they've done you some good."

Luke wasn't looking at anyone, rather looking at the turf of grass near his feet like it was the most fascinating thing he had ever seen.

"Oh. . . uh, yeah!" ... Nobody will get turned into a pine tree if he just—"

Thalia stared holes into the back of Luke's head.

But the mist was gone, ... "Come on, let's find some dinner."

Annabeth wanted to say something, but understood things like this wouldn't have helped at that point in time.

A few minutes later, ... Annabeth looked ready to pass out from hunger.

"I was," she confirmed, quickly stuffing a s'more in her mouth.

I was trying to think up a sob story for the waitress when a rumble shook the whole building; ... Caucasian human skin.

"Well, I think we know who's buying you cheeseburgers," Dionysus drawled.

The guy on the bike would've made pro wrestlers run for Mama. ... handsome, I guess,

Piper raised an amused eyebrow at Percy.

but wicked— ... and crowded Annabeth against the window.

Athena glared at Ares.

He looked up at the waitress, ... "So you're old Seaweed's kid, huh?"

Ares looked at the book, confused, "I'd never say that."

"Yeah, you'd be too scared to," Hermes joked, earning him a punch in the shoulder.

I should've been surprised, ... "Ares, god of war."

"'Clarisse's dad,'" Ares repeated. "Do you always remember deities by their children?"

"If they have children, yes," Percy nodded.

Ares grinned and took off his shades. ... then left with the gold.

Hera gave her son a disappointed look.

"You can't do that," ... I need you to do me a favor."

Triton narrowed his eyes, "What kind of favour?"

"What favor could I do for a god?" ... "Why don't you go back and get it yourself?"

"We really need to have a talk about how to talk to gods," Poseidon muttered, massaging his temples.

The fire in his eye sockets glowed a little hotter. ... I didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

Athena eyes the boy with delight.

"We're not interested," ... I'm the one who told him my suspicions about old Corpse Breath."

Hades glowered at the ground.

"You told him Hades stole the bolt?" ... "Thanks," I grumbled.

Dakota looked at Percy in awe.

"Hey, ... "My mom?"

Aphrodite looked at her lover, "What happened between our time and this book, you wouldn't do that?"

He grinned. ... almost like he was nervous.

Clarisse glared at Percy, "I'm never nervous."

"You're lucky you met me, ... they clouded your ability to think.

Poseidon looked at his son, "You were able to figure out what he wanted very easily."

"It's probably some kind of trick," ... Even strength has to bow to wisdom sometimes."

Percy nodded, as if that sentence explained life's purpose, while Annabeth muttered, "I never should have said that to him."

"But this water park. . . ... so it read WAT R A D.

Aphrodite grimaced, wondering why they would've gone on a date there.

The main gate was padlocked and topped with barbed wire. ... "I'd hate to see what she looks like."

Everyone stayed quiet, while Artemis tried to read the next bit out as fast as possible.

"Percy," ... Echidna?"

Nobody dared to say anything.

Eventually, Aphrodite chuckled, "You're right, from what I've heard, I would never go there."

Percy looked scared and confused, "In my time, you're very different."

"No, Aphrodite," ... and Dude, Where's My Swimsuit?

"Awful names," Artemis commented.

No monsters came to get us. ... "Watch me."

The Stolls whooped for Annabeth.

She snatched an entire row of stuff off the racks and disappeared into the changing room. ... all three of us were decked out like walking advertisements for the defunct theme park.

"I need to draw that," Rachel breathed.

We continued searching for the Tunnel of Love. ... "She likes bikers."

"Hey, don't judge," Leo mock-chastised.

"Whatever." ... In front of us was an empty pool that would've been awesome for skateboarding.

"He was a skater boy, she said see you later, boy," Will mumbled under his breath. Nico gave him a weird look. "Hey, my father is the god of music," he defended himself.

It was at least fifty yards across and shaped like a bowl. ... "Eta. I wonder. . ."

"Stupid," Annabeth whispered to herself, while Piper comforted her with an arm around her shoulder.

"Grover," ... that was underground."

"Sorry," Percy apologised.

"Okay, ... Annabeth, come with me—"

Leo nearly choked on his marshmallow, "Dude."

"Are you kidding?" ... What if somebody saw me?"

"You entirely jinxed that," Percy told her. She threw a piece of chocolate at him.

"Who's going to see you?" ... they could look at their favorite people: themselves.

Clarisse snorted.

I picked up the scarf. ... and let's get out of here."

"Thank you for that," Percy said, face red.

The moment I touched the shield, ... Too late."

Annabeth sighed.

"There's another Greek letter on the side of the boat, ... "Duh!" Annabeth said.

"I love that, actually," Gwen said, putting her marshmallow between two crackers.

I grabbed the shield and we ran, ... "Sp—sp—aaaah!"

Piper pulled Annabeth closer.

I'd never seen her like this before. ... And we weren't gods.

"Great point," Hazel squeaked, looking green.

Annabeth and I climbed into the boat. ... Where does the ride's water come from?

The demigods were sat on the edge of their (metaphorical) chairs.

Then I saw them: ... I tried to imagine that I was dragging the ocean all the way to Denver.

"A bit more than necessary, but it's the first time using your powers, so it will probably be okay," the king of the sea said.

"Two, one, zero !" ... but the boat seemed to respond.

"I don't think I imagined it, I mean, I can control boats," Percy commented.

At least, ... the other cracked in half.

"Uh oh," Leo murmured.

"Unfasten your seat belt," ... "On your mark!"

"Simple Physics?" Clarisse snorted. "You're smart, Princess, those aren't 'simple'."

She hesitated. . . ... Grover!

Grover! Piper let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

In midair, ... "Thank you! Good night!"

"Sassy Percy!" Travis cheered.

The Cupids turned back to their original positions. ... "We need to have a little talk with Ares."

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