Scene 15

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We've already passed by sixty-one road signs since we departed, and I can confidently say my count was accurate because I never looked towards the driver's seat. Not even for a second.

The reason?

I don't want to meet Noon's eyes. I can feel her glancing at me, especially when we're stopped at traffic lights but I never glanced at her back.

If only this had happened yesterday, when she was still not acting so strange, then maybe I could act casual around her like usual. I would probably be comfortable being around her alone like this, at least enough to initiate a conversation and not share this awkward silence.

I stopped counting the road signs when my phone beeped with a text message. I didn't want to get it from my purse, but thinking I could use my phone to pass the time, I decided to take it out.

['I prepared a gift for you. Bet you'd like this.']

The text was from P'Mai, and along with her message was a photo of a book. My eyes widened when I saw her name on it. It must have been the printed version of her novel that she previously mentioned!

Feeling elated at her gift, I quickly typed a reply expressing how much I liked it. I was almost done typing when the car came to a sudden stop, catching me off guard. I looked at Noon automatically, asking her, "Why did you stop?"

Noon's furrowed brows and pursed lips met my eyes. This expression of hers is not new, but her eyes tell me something is going on. Especially considering all the things she showed and did throughout the day.

"Was that Mai?" She asked me in a cold, deep tone. I nodded slowly to her question. "Do you always exchange messages with her like that? Smiling like an idiot?"


"You were smiling ear to ear. Why? What's so fun about that woman??" she continued, almost yelling.

I stared at her. I've been trying not to overthink her early morning greeting. I don't want to misinterpret it or misunderstand. But Noon's reaction, her expression... Is she jealous right now?

My heart throbbed at the unbelievable conclusion. It's ridiculous. But if not that, then how can I explain this sudden outburst?

I scoffed, "I don't know what you're talking about." Then I looked away. I wasn't sure how to answer her anyway. She's suddenly asking me silly questions out of the blue; how does she expect me to give her a proper answer?

"What-!" I jumped when she suddenly struck the steering wheel. "What is wrong with you, Noon? Why did you do that?!" I semi-yelled at her. I was really surprised. It's my first time seeing her did that.

She didn't answer right away, her eyes only darted forward. She was gritting her teeth as if trying to suppress her anger. But that's the point. Why is she so mad? And at whom? At me?

"Will you please answer me? What is going on with you? Why are you behaving so strange today?" I decided inquire again.

I want this thing settled right now. We have an incoming project together. I don't want any fight with her that will surely affect our work. Like her, I also cherish my career, so I don't want to make mistakes. Especially with this huge opportunity given to both of us.


Is that why she's trying to be nicer to me today? That morning greeting, the ride to work, the concern about me getting close to someone else when we're days away from the shoot. Are those just her efforts to build chemistry between us for the upcoming project?

Right! It was! So that thing I concluded earlier?

I wanted to slap myself in shame. 'Damn you and your wild imagination, Praewa! Of course, it has to be because of the drama project!'

Noon doesn't and won't like me ever. How dare I think she was being jealous of P'Mai?! I just want to be swallowed by the car and vanish. This is so embarrassing. Glad I didn't voice my thoughts out earlier, or else Noon might think I'm still not over her!

"Y-you know what, it's okay, P'Noon. Just forget that I asked." I quickly retracted my questions. "A-and to ease your worry. I promise you that P'Mai and I are not something special. I assure you our meetups are strictly work-related and nothing else. So... you know, it's all good. We're all good for the upcoming shoot." I quickly assured her.

Now that I fully understand her intentions, I'm quite relieved, and the awkwardness I felt around her vanished. Though the embarrassment of my earlier conclusion still lingers in my head.

Noon finally turned to me, looking confused. But when her expression softened, I knew I concluded correctly this time. "R-really?" she asked.

"Yeah." I answered immediately with a smile, not giving her an ounce of doubt that we share the same vision.

"Then you don't like M-"

Noon's follow-up question was stopped by an incoming call. She connected the call to her car when she saw it was Ms. Pram calling.

Ms. Pram was worried since they had already arrived at the company and we were still not there. Noon was scolded by Ms. Pram for stopping because I tattled on her. After hearing quite the sermon for stopping in the street, Noon finally got back on the road.

As for the halted conversation, Noon seemed to be over it and must have been relieved already, as she didn't decide to continue. I, too, did not press on it.



I got so happy when Praewa clarified that there is nothing special between her and Mai. So, when she asked if I could drive her to the restaurant where she was meeting Mai, I happily agreed. She had already told me that the reason for meeting was to learn more about the character she's playing.

A full character immersion.

I knew she was a hard-working actress, but hearing her reason, I felt bad for acting out because I was so jealous. She was just being professional, and I let my emotions get ahead of me. I was not cool earlier, and I hate myself for it.

I know I scared her when I struck my steering wheel, too. I wanted to apologize, but I don't want to talk about that moment either. It's just too embarrassing for me.

'I should really work on my bad temper.'

I stopped in front of the restaurant after arriving. I wanted to open the door for her, but she quickly hopped out. She thanked me and bid goodbye before walking toward the building.

The restaurant's outside wall was clear glass, so I quickly saw where Mai was sitting inside. I was about to leave when I noticed a bouquet of sunflowers on the empty seat beside her.

My left brow rose. And it furrowed further when Mai handed those ugly flowers to Praewa!

Praewa may not have feelings for Mai but clearly, the latter did. "That damn writer!" 


A/n: I am so busy these days, sorry >//<

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