Part II

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Third POV:

Poseidon looked exactly like Leader except Leader was more muscular and his eyes were different. While Poseidon's eyes were sea-green, Leader's were sea-green with swirls of Black and Orange-Red. They looked like Black and Orange-Red lanterns in the middle of the ocean.

After Poseidon went back to his throne, Leader continued.

"That's right. Percy Jackson son of Poseidon" then hesitantly, he added "Champion of Hades and Hestia." The gods along with both the groups of Hunters of Artemis, were shocked.

The future Hunters were pretty updated with the happenings on Olympus but they had never known about this. The past Hunters had the same problem.

The Gods were shocked because Hades' Champion was a son of Poseidon and then there was the fact that Hestia had never had a Champion before.

Zeus became angry." You lie boy." he growled. But Apollo denied the claim saying that he wasn't lying. Athena questioned "How do you know?" Apollo decided to tease her a bit. "You know, for a Goddess of Wisdom, you aren't very wise. I'm the God of Truth. I would know if anyone lied."

Hades was studying Percy for a moment." I don't know what my future self thought making you my Champion but I trust myself to make the right decision."

"Don't worry Uncle H, I help you out in the Underworld sometimes."

Hades nodded. Hestia was looking at Percy so hard that everyone thought that she could see his soul. Percy looked Hestia in the eyes and let his facade crack for a bit. His shoulders slumped a bit but only Hestia could see it. There were bags under his eyes making it obvious that he hadn't slept because of nightmares. And his eyes were similar to fragile glass. All this happened in one moment and everyone was watching him and Hestia. But no one but Hestia saw his expressions. Then, he re-built his facade. Hestia watched him for a minute or two.

"I approve." Those words brought a smile to Percy's face. Not a fake smile but a genuine smile. A smile he hadn't smiled in a long time.

After everyone was settled, a book formed in Athena's lap. Though Athena was mad that Poseidon's son was dating her daughter -a fact Poseidon seemed unfazed of- she didn't say anything because she trusted Hestia and Hestia had only favoured pure-hearted people so her Champion was must be the purest of all hearts. 

She opened the book.

Piper she started.

PIPER WAS REALLY FED UP OF GETTING KIDNAPPED. It just so happened that the only time they did not have someone on guard of the Argo II was the exact moment a minor goddess decided it was her time to strike.

"What is the Argo II?" Poseidon questioned.

"Its a ship" Leo said. "I made its blueprint when I was 9. Didn't know that it would actually be useful. Here, I have a prototype." Everyone marvelled at the prototype. It was awesome. It was designed so that it could fly as well as sail. Hephaestus was proud.

Thus, the Seven found themselves trapped in a dimly-lit cave held by her 'minions'.

"Who are The Seven?" Athena asked. "Its The Seven of the Roman Great Prophecy. It was delivered on the greek side right after the First Great Prophecy was completed. Its Jason, me, Annabeth, Leo, Hazel, Frank and Percy." Piper answered. The gods were afraid that both the prophecies will come to pass about 25 years in the future and what destruction it would cause.

On your average day it wouldn't have seemed like much, just a couple dozen wind spirits, though everyone was greatly weakened from their trip to the House of Hades the previous week - especially Percy and Annabeth.

"I remember this. It was after we were out of there." Percy commented. 

"What were you doing at the House of Me?" Hades asked. "Well the Doors of Thanatos were closed like the prophecy said, so we went there to close them." Nico responded. Hades, after considering this, nodded.

"Why especially you two?" Apollo asked pointing towards Percy and Annabeth. "You'll see" was the only answer he got.

When they had first seen them exit that lift, they looked horrendous, and that was putting it kindly. Deep cuts decorated their stomachs and broken bones stuck out in random places. Their skin was littered with red scratches and blue bruises, their clothes were stained and their eyes had a haunted look in them. However, this was all to be expected after spending time in the darkest pits of Hell.

The past gods and Hunters and even some of the future Hunters were spluttering. It was the place even gods feared. To say that two demigods fell in there and got out alive was astounding. "You mean, you fell in there?" Hades finally asked.

"Yeah, we barely got out of there alive." Annabeth asnwered. The rest of The Seven winced at the memory of seeing them like that.

Throughout the week, they had gotten better, though the mental scars were obviously still intact. They had lost the majority of wounds they had received in Tartarus (gods, even the name of that place made Piper shiver) and had even managed to gain the weight they lost with the help of ambrosia and nectar. For the first day or two, they locked themselves in Percy's room and hardly acknowledged anyone else, though they had seemed to realise that the rest of the people on Argo II were merely trying to help them. Thankfully, Percy seemed to be back to normal, though once in a while Piper would walk onto the deck and notice him staring out at sea, a broken look in his ocean eyes.

If anyone didn't deserve that, it was Percy.

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