Best Day Ever

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(A/n: Sorry for the many POV switches.)

Reader x Andy Beirsack

Chapter Three

Andy's POV:

It was nearing three o' clock and everyone just sat around talking. (Y/n) got out of her shy stage and she was actually a pretty cool girl. I noticed she frequently glanced over at me but I only caught her a few times and that led to her blushing. Honestly, I didn't talk much. Kellin and Vic were more than enough entertainment for everyone.

As the clock dinged at 3:30 I stood up.

"A-Andy? Where are you going?" She asked, a hint or worry in her voice. I didn't hesitate to grab her hand and pull her threw the tour bus.

"It's okay go on and take her! We didn't want her anyways!" I heard Vic yell faintly at me, I chuckled lightly.

"A-Andy! Where are we going!"

"To my bus, I have to prepare for our set in an hour."

"Why am I-I coming along?"

"Cause I'm bored and I want you to."

No more was said after that, and I causally pulled her along to the black tour bus. Carefully I opened the door and I had to pull her inside, due to her not wanting to go. I looked and there sat Ashley on the couch, applying his war paint.

"Where are the others?" I ask.

"Everyone is getting re- who's the girl?"

I glanced at her and she hid behind me a bit, man she is really shy. I stepped away and lightly pushed her forward.

"A-ah hello, I-I'm (Y-Y/n)" she spoke, stuttering at almost every word. I laughed at her.

"No need to be shy!" Ashley said to her, "anyway, why is she here?"

"Tell him the story." I elbowed her in the ribs, causing her to glare at me, I just smiled at her.

"W-well you see. This is my first time here..and I...kinda... Got lost an-"

"How do you get lost?" Ashley blurted in.

"I'm... Not sure. But luckily Kellin, found me and now I'm here."

He laughed at her and motioned for her to sit next to him.

Reader's POV:

'Damn you Andy...' I thought to myself the whole time I was in the bus. Here they were though, all my heroes. Well two of them, I wonder where Jinxx and them are. As I told Ashley the story, he laughed at how I got lost. I puffed my cheeks out a little. 'Jeez I know it's probably hard to get lost here but dammit I did!' was the only thing I thought really. As I snapped back into reality I saw him and Andy staring at me weirdly.

"W-what??" I asked them, flinching a bit.

"Aren't you gonna sit down?" Andy asked. I nodded and Ashley patted the seat next to him, so I took him up on his offer. I'll be honest I didn't talk much, I felt... Constricted. If that's even the word for it, but as the time ticked by one by one the rest of the band came out. As usual, the last was CC and I had to introduce myself to... Almost everyone. When Jinxx came out Ashley put his arm around my shoulder and announced that I was here, I instantly felt the heat in my face. "Woah now! Who's she?" CC asked basically everyone.

"Hi there, I'm (Y/n). Long story short it's my first time here and I kinda sorta got lost."

He chuckled at me, as the rest of the band. I pulled out my phone and frowned a bit, it was 4:15pm, I had to leave around 5:00pm. Before anyone could notice I tried to socialize, and it worked! So far everyone was nice to me and actually making me laugh. I heard an alarm and Jinxx stood up from the couch, "Well, come on guys. It's time for our set."

Andy looked at me and smiled.

"Come on! You're coming with us!"

"A-are you sure I me-"

"Yes!" The whole band shouted at me simultaneously. I shrunk down and followed hand-in-hand with Andy, I couldn't help but blush slightly. I heard the faint wolf whistles by the guys, most Ashley and CC. I quickly turned and glared at them with everything I had. I felt accomplished as they shushed their mouths. Then I felt Andy let go of my hand and I looked down. 'It was fun while it lasted...' I thought to myself.

Andy's POV:

I walked ahead with (Y/n) to our turn at the set, I really didn't realize I was still holding her hand. When I head them wolf whistle at me I let go of her hand and glanced back, she looked... Disappointed. Her eyes casted downwards but she was still following me.

As we approached the stage I saw Vic, Jamie, Mike, Tony and Kellin exit the stage. They must've played King for A Day for the crowd. Jumping down the stairs Kellin and Vic almost ran for her, but they stopped when they got within inches of her.

"(Y/n)! Have fun with Andy and the gang?" Kellin asked her, a slight smirk on his face. She nodded slowly and he pulled her towards him. "Can we steal her?" Vic asked, after Kellin ran off with her, leading her towards the Band Merch tents. I nodded and walked up the steel steps leading to the stage and grabbed a microphone. Strutting out there I yelled, "Are you motherfuckers ready!!!"

Reader's POV:

I was out of breath by the time we reached the tents on the outside, I felt as if I was going to pass out. We stopped at the Sleeping With Sirens tent and the people around it almost swooned at even the glimpse of Kellin. I felt a sharp jab in my side and snapped my head up.

"It's your first time here right?" He asked me, a smile on his face.

I nodded.

"Well... Pick out any merch you want! I'm going to make this a memorable day for you! But first..."

My eyes were wide when he grabbed my phone out of pocket and started t record a video.

"Hey! I'm Kellin Quinn and I'm here with (Y/n) welcome to Warped Tour morherfucker!"

I couldn't help but laugh as he was trying to vlog here of all places.

"Go on, pick a shirt. Or anything!"

I felt a bit bad so I only ended up getting a few bracelets and four shirts. "The last stop on Warped Tour is backstage were we are heading now." He said into the phone.

"Kellin! What time is it?" I asked, a bit scared. I was having so much fun, I really didn't want to go home.

"Almost 4:50 why?"

"Cause I have to leave at 5:00..."

He grasped dramatically and quickly took my hand and again we darted backstage. As we neared the stage I saw Jake and Jinxx heading off the stage, 'Are they done?' I ask myself. Just my luck he stopped, breathing heavily and waved to them. They smile and waved back and pointed towards the stage, where Andy was.

"He says he wants to see you." Jake said, leaning against a speaker. I nodded and before I knew it Kellin dragged me over to them and yelled, "SELFIE!".

I blushed and chased after him, "Dammit Quinn give me back my phone!"

As I turned around I was met with ocean blue eyes and I just stared into them.

"A-ah hello there A-Andy!" I waved shyly and in the corner of my eye I saw Kellin hiding and recording us.

"How long are you staying here?" He asked me.

"Not long... If I get my phone back from that thing over there I'll probably have to leave."

He laughed at me and I smiled.

"Better hurry I gotta surprise for you."

"O-oh okay...KELLIN!"

I turned and my phone was in my face and I took it. But he took it back, "One more selfie?" He asked and I just sighed and nodded. This time as he was putting up the phone both Ashley and CC joined in, along with Andy. I was squished up against Andy so as usual, the blush crept upon my face. After the snap was heard he leaned into my ear, "I put my number in there. Text me later Kay?" He said to me as he handing me back my phone. I felt it vibrate and it was my sister telling me to hurry my ass up, I frowned.

"Time to go?" Andy asks me, and I nod. Then he does the unexpected, he also takes my phone and hands it back to me. I smiled at him and I starred to walk off but he stopped me.

"No hug! How rude!"

I rolled my eyes and hugged him tightly, this was the best day ever right now. Then it got even better, he took of his shirt and handed it to me.

"Think of it as a souvenir." He smirked. I nodded as I waved everyone off and then ran to the car.

My heart was beating so fast, and this really was the best day ever.

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