"Welcome to chapter four everyone" the hostess greeted. Then Alya coughed to get the hostess attention back to them. "Excuse me, aren't you going to tell us who Marinette's real dad is?" the students asked. The hostess went back to focus on the students. "Right. Well, you see Marinette's real dad is Alistar Krei" she answered.
All of them were shocked by who Marinette's real dad was. Marinette's real biological father is Alistar Krei aka the CEO of Krei tech. "What?!" Lila shouted. The liar realized she bullied a daughter of a rich person with real connections. All of them were about to ask questions to the hostess but was stop by her. "Now least watch the last clip" the hostess stated.
Scene: Place des Vosges, present day. Lila is reading when Gabriel's car arrives.
Gabriel: I thought you were supposed to protect Adrien from Marinette. The one you said was a bad influence.
"Lila, what does my father mean that I need protecting?" Adrien asked. Lila began to sweat at Adrien question. She was about to tell lie, but the hostess beat it to hear. "Lila was hired to be a spy by your dad. She claims all of you be bad influence, but it is true" she told Adrien. When Adrien heard this, he became angry at Lila. "What the hell Lila!" he shouted at her.
Scene: Flashback from "Chameleon"
Lila: From now on, you and I are at war. You will lose your friends and wind up all alone and Adrien will soon be mine.
Marinette: We'll see about that, Lila, we'll see.
The students glared at Lila at her second threat to Marinette. Adrien shook his head at Lila. Nino saw and glared at him and the model stopped shaking his head. "She right you now" Chloe whispered. She might hate Marinette, but she did give her a second chance.
Flashback from Chameleon ends.
Lila: My plan is taking a little longer than expected sir. But you won't be disappointed.
Scene: Miss Bustier's classroom. Lila takes away a paper from Miss Buster's desk.
Scene: Locker room. Lila uses her phone and puts the paper into Marinette's backpack.
Lila: Will you keep your promise if I succeed?
Gabriel: I always honor my commitments. (Car drives away)
Nathalie: You work too hard, sir.
Gabriel: Now's not the time to ease up, Nathalie.
"What promise is he talking about Lila?" Adrien asked. Lila sweated even more at that question. "He promises Lila that you will marry her and no one else" the hostess replied. Adrien glared at the liar and then he got up. He walked over to the Lila and slapped in her face. Everyone was taken aback at this. After Adrien slapped Lila, he went back to his seat.
Scene: Collège Françoise DuPont. Everyone goes inside the classroom.
Lila: (to Nathaniel) I'm good friends with the best manga publisher in Japan, you know. I can talk to them about your comic book project if you like.
Marinette: She's such a liar!
Alya: You gotta stop obsessing over her, Marinette.
Alya felt her heart twisted at what she said to Marinette. She wishes she can take back at her words. Alya hoped it wasn't too late to apology. "We can apology to Marinette, and we can back to the way it was" Nino told her. Their classmates ageeed with Nino except Adrien it was too late. Marinette was never going to forgive them.
Miss Bustier: I've graded your mock exam papers. Most of you did quite well, some better than others, but before I hand them back, Marientte, could you bring your schoolbag to me, please? I need to check something. (Marinette does so) Today, someone placed an anonymous note I my mailbox, claiming that you'd stolen the exam answers, and it look like the anonymous person was right! (Everyone gasps)
Marinette: But that's not true! Someone must've planted that piece of paper in my bag!
Miss Bustier: But you've answered all of the questions correctly.
Marinette: I did? Yes, I've studied.
Alya: Miss Bustier, Marinette always scores high in your test.
Lila: This is so terrible unlike you, Marinette. You're usually so well-behaved.
Marinette: Of course! You put the answers in my bag! You're the "anonymous informer"
Lila: (gasps) I'm coming to your defense and you're accusing me?!
Miss Bustier: You can't accuse someone without proof, Marinette.
Marinette: But I'm sure it's her! She stole the test answers!
Miss Bustier: That's impossible, Marinette. Lila got the worst grade in the class.
"Did you study for the test or did fail on purpose?" Max asked. "I didn't study at all" Lila replied. "Of course, you wouldn't" deadpanned the students. Lila rolled her eyes at the her classmates comment. She didn't care about school because all she cared about is being wealthy and famous.
Marinette: Then... she flunked the exam on purpose!
Adrien: Excuse me, Miss Bustier, but everyone here knows it isn't like Marinette to cheat.
Alya: He's right!
Rose: It doesn't make sense! (Everyone agrees)
Miss Bustier: (clasp hands) Marinette, Lila, please go to the principal's office until we get to the bottom of this.
(Lila opens the door for Marinette and she still in angry)
Scene: Hallway.
Lila: I swore I'd make your life unbearable, Marinette. Let's see how you get out of this one.
Marinette: I'm not falling in you trap, Lila
Lila: Too late. You already have.
(Lila does down the stairs)
Marinette: Where are you going?
Lila: You're about to find out! Ready?
(Lila fakes an injury and Mr. Damocles goes outside)
Everyone got angrier at Lila. She faked being pushed down the stairs. Lila felt an angry aura around her. 'Why do O feel like they're going to kill me' She thought. Lila tried to ignore the aura, but it was powerful. The hostess laughed at Lila's downfall she found it funny.
Mr. Damocles: What happened over here?
Lila: Marinette pushed me down the stairs!
Mr. Damocles: In my office!
Scene: Mr. Damocles' office
Marinette:: But, sir, it wasn't me! I didn't do anything!
Lila: I don't know why Marinette doesn't like me! I've really tried to be her friend, but she keeps calling me a lair, getting the other gang up against me, and now, she's pushing me down the stairs? (Fakes sadness)
Marinette: Those are total lies!
"They are lies but all of you were dumb to fall for them" Lila stated. The students know this is true. All of them fell for Lila lies except for Adrien and Marinette. At Leader a Waring would have been nice from Adrien. In Adrien's mind taking the high road was better than calling out someone's lies.
Mr. Damocles: Go on, Lila.
Lila: She even took a necklace I got from my grandmother — a fox pendant!
Mr. Damocles: Took, as in stole?
Marinette: Huh? That's not true! I never stole anything!
Tom: My daughter is not a thief!
Sabine: Why should we believe any of this? You're accusing her out without any proof!
Lila: Oh, I have proof.
Scene: Locker room.
Mr. Damocles: Open your locker, please.
(Marinette does so and the pendant falls out of her locker)
Lila: (gasps) My Grandma's pendant!
(Sabine and Marinette gasp)
Marinette: She's making up this whole thing! It wasn't me! I didn't do anything, I swear! (Sabine is crying) You know Lila's lying, don't you, Adrien?
Adrien: Mr. Damocles, I don't think-
Mr. Damocles: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, you are expelled from this school! (Everyone gasps)
After seeing everything they went back to yelling at Lila. For lying and making Marinette look like the bad guy. The hostess clapped her hands and sent everyone back. "No more fake friend around" she says. "Time for Marinette's other friends" the hostess stated.
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