"Wait, what?! This isn't your first time in the mansion?!" Of course, you knew that you can't remember Subaru's previous loops, but you still can't get used to the fact that he can die without you knowing any better.
"Yeah. If you'll listen, I'll let you know what I pretty much did those three times."
You sit down on the grass, ready to hear this.
Subaru sat down with you, and began his explanation. "Well, the first time, I explored the mansion and at lunch I asked Roswaal, who owns this place, if I could be a butler. He said yes, so I did butler stuff for a few days. One night, I heard some chains, and when I woke up, I saw that I was back when I first woke up in the mansion."
"The second time, I did everything pretty much the same but I also told you about what happened. When it came to the night that I originally died, you came into my room to see if they would kill you first, and have me see who the killer was. Unfortunately, I died before my killer even came."
He paused, catching his breath. "The third time, I didn't tell you to see what would happen. I chose to become a guest instead of a butler and spend my time learning the language and some magic." He cringed. "It turns out that I'm not very good at magic yet, so don't expect much from me." He sighed.
"Anyways, after a few days, I didn't die, but Ram did. Rem seemed to suspect me, so I ran away, and ended up killing myself so I could fix things." He put his hands up. "Any now here we are. My fourth attempt in this loop."
After he mentioned his own ability, he looked curious. "So, (Y/N), you've already told me your thoughts on your ability, but you still haven't named it. What do you want your ability to be called?"
"Give me a second." You put your chin in your hands and think.
Well, first off, how did Ram die? I guess that she went the village instead of Rem, but it looks like my actions have already started to change the plot of Re:Zero. I'll have to be careful so that I don't accidentally make things worse than they were going to be.
And back to Subaru's deaths. I guess that I'll guide him to figuring out that the dog bite had a curse in it. Other than that, I think that I'll become a butler and maybe learn some magic like Subaru said he did.
Speaking of butlers, how do I make sure that Ram and Rem don't kill me or Subaru? If I can't gain their trust, we will just have to restart again. Maybe I'll ask Subaru. He has gained some first hand experience with them, so he might have an idea...
Oh wait. He asked me to name my ability.
Well, I don't fully understand it yet, so I don't think that I should name it yet.
"You know, Subaru I don-"
"Let me guess. You can't name your power because you don't know enough about it." He sighed.
You scrunch your eyebrows. "How did you know what I was about to say?"
He deadpanned.
"Oh," you forgot the obvious. "I've said that before, haven't I?"
"Yep," Subaru replied. He stood up, and offered you a hand.
"Thanks." You take his hand and get up. "So, where are we headed now?"
"We have about an hour before we need to be at the dining hall, so I guess that we should find you some new clothes."
You get embarrassed. You had forgotten that your clothes now look like rags, covered in rips and dirt.
"Yeah." You freeze. "J-just don't let Ram know. I kinda don't need her knowing that I messed up my clothes right after I got them."
Subaru laughed. "You've got a point there. She won't stop harassing you for who knows how long if she found out." He thought for a moment before continuing. "Here, I'll take you to my room, and I'll find you some clothes. If I get questioned, I can just tell them that I was exploring."
After he said this, Subaru took you to his room. On the way there, you ask him about the maids. "So, what do you think about Ram and Rem? Are they nice?"
"Well," he replied, "Ram will tease you a lot, and will work you hard, but she can't really do anything. On the other hand, Rem is amazing at everything that she does, but she also works very hard. Once you see them in action, you'll be amazed."
"So, any tips on getting on their good side?" You know that Subaru hasn't realized that it was Rem that killed him in his first loop, so you try to be discreet, not spoiling anything for him.
He did a weird smile, and playfully asked, "Why?" He leaned closer, grinning devilishly. "You know, they may be maids, but forget all the doujin that you read. That ain't happening here."
You punch him in the shoulder. "You know that's not what I mean. I just thought that we probably seem suspicious to them, so we need to let them know that we aren't bad people." You tried not to show it, but all of the teasing today was getting to you.
Your statement made Subaru think for a minute. "Hmmm, I haven't thought of that. I guess that we really do seem suspicious. Two guys that have no money, can't read, and say that they come from some other country suddenly show up in this mansion and then ask to work here, where the candidate for the next ruler lives."
Yep. The two of you were very suspicious, but there's nothing you can do about it.
He looked at you. "Oh yeah! (Y/N), Emilia's actually a candidate for Luginica's next ruler! Isn't that awesome?"
You feigned surprise. "Are you serious? No way!"
"I know right? I was just as surprised when I first learned that." Subaru then began thinking Emilia thoughts.
"So, like I asked, do you have any tips for getting on their good side?" You broke Subaru from his thoughts.
"Well," Subaru paused, trying to remember some useful things. "I think that when I said that I was fanatical like a demon, Rem seemed happy. We also seemed to have a good time together when we were cooking. To be honest, I never felt like they seemed suspicious of me."
You shake your head. "These are professional maids we are talking about. They can probably hide their emotions. Never trust what you see on the outside, and that goes for everybody."
You arrived at Subaru's room without anybody noticing. "Hey (Y/N), thanks for that advice. I don't think that I'll need it, but I'll remember it just in case." With that, Subaru gestured for you to go in his room.
After you walked in, the door closed and Subaru went to find you clothes.
Time Skip
Subaru came bursting into the room after being gone for more than half an hour. "(Y/N), you're screwed. I couldn't find any clothes that would even come close to fitting you. How in the world did you even mess them up?"
"Well, you see, Beatrice used some magic on me, and I went through a window. When I landed, there was only concrete, so yeah...." You cradle the side of your body where you landed. You don't feel pain right now, but you still remember the raging sensation that had temporarily been there.
"That's good!" said Subaru. "You can just tell them that, and you should be fine. Now let's go, or we'll be late!"
You reluctantly get up, and you follow Subaru to the dining hall. Once you got there, you saw most everybody seated.
"You took long, I suppose." commented Beatrice.
"Well-" Subaru was about to go on a rant, but he was interrupted by the arrival of the final person.
This clown man is actually one of the strongest people in Luginica, if not the world. He might seem like the typical weird magician on the outside, but you know that he is actually a scheming lunatic. You saw enough of season 2 to know that he has the true version of the Gospel, or whatever it was called, and he follows it very closely.
"Wellll, what do we haaave heeere? He looked down at you with a smile, which looked so misplaced.
Emilia spoke up before anybody else. "This is Subaru and (Y/N), the two people that saved my life and helped me get my insignia back yesterday."
Roswaal looked amused. "Is that sooo? Welll, I am Roswaal L. Mathers, the lord of this manor." He glared at you, then gestured toward the table. "Please, have a seat."
Subaru calmly went to the table, and you sat next to him.
"(Y/N) sama, why do your clothes look like this? Can you not restrain yourself for more than morning?" Ram stared straight into your soul, her wrath apparent even though her voice didn't show it.
You gulped. "Y-you s-see, I-I uh..."
"Betty let him outside, I suppose." Everybody then let their gaze travel to Beatrice, who surprisingly took the blame (sort of).
"Pfft. That's an understatement. I went through a window, you know." You say this as calmly as you can, even though you would like to give Beatrice a piece of your mind.
"I am soooo sooory for this. Please exuuuse her behavior." Roswaal then waved his hand. "Noooow, let us eat!"
Ram and Rem serve the food, and you've never seen anything that looks like it. You nervously take your fork and stab some sort of meat. You then put it into your mouth.
This has just given me a new reason to live.
You can't even to begin to describe how good the food is, so you don't try. You just know that it is way better than anything you ever ate before.
With a full mouth, you say, "Fifs id sooo ghood!" (This is sooo good!)
"Mmm hmm. Despite her appearances, Rem's cooking is quite impressive." Roswaal said.
While you try to swallow your food so that you could compliment Rem, Subaru did just that. "No way! Rem, this is fantastic!"
The maid in question bowed. "Thank you. I appreciate the compliment."
"Nooow, let's get down to businesss." started Rooswal. "Subaru, (Y/N), you saved Emilia-sama and helped her recover her insignia. I am truly grateful, so please feel free to ask anything of me! I shall grant any reward you desire."
Subaru stood up dramatically, and stated, "If that's the case, hire me! I would like to work in this mansion!"
Ram hiccupped, which you found to be very cut-
No, stay away. Begone, thoughts.
"If he's going to work here, I guess that I'll do that too."
There was no reaction this time.
Time skip
You were trying on different butler uniforms, but none of them fit you.
The same went for Subaru.
"My deepest apologies for our wardrobe sir- I mean, Subaru." said Rem.
"I must say, you look utterly ridiculous si- I mean, Barusu." said Ram.
Subaru sighed. You wanted to laugh at him, but you weren't in an a much better situation yourself.
Ram looked at both you and Subaru, and shook her head. "If you are going to work here, I cannot have you wearing such attire." She directed this toward Subaru.
"And you..." she didn't even have to finish her sentence about your clothes.
"Sister, I will take their measurements for the fitting, so you can leave." said Rem.
Ram left, and you were now alone with Subaru and Rem.
Rem started measuring Subaru first. Not surprisingly, Subaru couldn't handle it and, as Rem said, "made weird noises."
You scoff at him.
Rem finished measuring Subaru quickly, then she began with you.
As it turns out, it's not that hard to not make wierd noises.
Time skip
"This is the VIP Room."
"This is the kitchen."
"This is the bathing room."
"This is the lavatory."
Ram gave you and Subaru a quick - a really quick - tour of the mansion. Of course, Subaru already knew where most everything was, but this was overwhelming for you.
This was very apparent, but Ram showed you no mercy. "Do you have any questions?"
"Since you have no questions, I will get to the ins and outs of your job. You two will be helping me with my work. Today I have to-" She continued to give a huge list of things that she was doing, and it made you fall into despair.
Forget working fast food, this job is going to wear me out before I can even begin!
Time skip
The sun is setting as you lay your head in your pillow, exhausted from doing your butler work.
Why did I have to ask to be a butler?! I could probably make things work out even if I'm a guest, so there's no need for me to have to give this much physical effort!
As you pitied yourself, there was a knock on you door.
"(Y/N), it is me, Ram."
You sit up straight before replying. "Come in."
Ram opened up the door, holding your new butler outfit along with a casual outfit.
"Wait, you also made me a set of regular clothes? Thank you!"
"Do not thank me. It was Rem who did this. Why? I don't know, but you better thank her for her kindness." Ram handed you the clothes.
"Put those away, then sit down." Ram sat herself on your bed, but she pointed at your table.
"What?" You have no idea why Ram would want you to sit at the table.
Ram smirked. "Is it not obvious?"
Hey guys, I hoped that you enjoyed this chapter!
For all of you who are wondering what exactly (Y/N)'s ability is, we won't get an official explanation for a while, but you will see it in action quite a bit.
On another note, thank you for the reads! I can't believe that this story already has 1,000 views!
Thank you, and I'll see you next time!
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