Chapter Ten: Counter-Attack (Part Two)

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Chapter Ten: Counter-Attack (Part Two)

Subaru still remembered the day of the invasion...

The sight of Rem, bloodied and bruised, yet standing with her weapon in hand.

The horn on her head, burning bright pink with violent energy.

—In the distance, the growls of Mabeasts became more apparent, as Subaru and his entourage progressed deeper into the forest.

As the guttural noises grew louder and louder, Subaru felt a hand on his shoulder. He stopped, turning to the person in question.

Rem, with a gentle smile and rosy cheeks —

Rem did not restrain herself, baring teeth and glaring with intense fervor as she mowed down each beast, one by one.

It wouldn't be long, until Rem bared her fangs towards Subaru, and a barely-conscious Ramthe duo that was desperate enough to bring Rem back to her senses.

"Please, excuse me." Rem brushed past Subaru, her Morningstar trailing just behind her. Subaru gave the girl a curt nod, as he watched her get into position.

Following suit was Emilia, as she stood right next to Subaru... before outstretching her hands,

"I've got your back, Rem!" She gave a bold declaration, as Rem picked her weapon up.

Seeing Rem as a threat, the Mabeasts lash out—

It was a mess, trying to avoid both beast and maid. It took everything Subaru had, to salvage a happy ending from that moment.

Subaru's fists tightened, as he watched Rem move—


—An cleave through two of the three beasts in their way, with the last one narrowly escaping certain death.

However, before said beast could touch the ground—

"Huma!" Emilia exclaimed!

*Thnk—Thnk, thnk!*

Three icicles intruded itself into the beast's ribcage, effectively killing it.

"Good job..." Puck spoke, with a certain distaste as he watched his daughter kill the Mabeast.

It truly was a miracle he came out of that moment alive, yet... A part of him wished he could've done more. Wished he could've done better.

A rustle, as more dogs ran towards the group—this time towards Subaru, Emilia, and Puck.

"How rude, I suppose!"

—Only to be cut by blades of wind, and shards of encased mana; Minya.

The dogs fall flat on the ground, as Subaru turns to Beatrice and Ram, the air around both of them charged with mana.

Ram makes a small huff, "I guess even mutts like these can resort to cheap tactics."

She turns to Subaru, brushing her hair aside, "...Maybe I should've saved one. Let 'em nick Barusu to build character."

"Ram!" Emilia exclaimed, clearly not enjoying the joke. Subaru held down a chuckle.

Men are about guts. Women are about beauty.

One last, quiet rustle was heard, and Subaru whirled around to Rem. The maid was already prepared, smelling the last beast that would make an attack towards her, before quickly lashing out.

Emilia, catching wind of all this, makes a motion to cast Huma—

But stops when Subaru holds out a hand, as he gives her a smile.

"I got it." –He quickly whispers, reassuring the Queen-to-be.

After her attack, Rem lands on her feet, and the beast continues to growls at her, keeping its distance. The lone wolf knew it was at a disadvantage: he would not afford breaking sight of her.

She makes a motion with her Morningstar—

Only to stumble a bit as the earth shakes, just for a moment.

Her gaze falls back to the beast—to see it confined midair, unable to move.

"Gotcha!" Subaru yells out, his arm making a curved motion, like he was carrying a dumbbell.

Unbeknownst to the group, Subaru just made his Unseen Hand phase through the ground—only to appear underneath the beast as a surprise attack.

While it was a risky experiment considering Rem's life was at stake, Subaru had a feeling it would work... If those damned hands can reach for his heart, why wouldn't they be able to take on solid ground?

Rem's gaze lands back at Subaru, being very much aware of his unique power, and watches with careful curiosity.

Subaru's grin falls a bit, as he curls up his hand—

*...Cccrunch.* —And the beast crumples under the unseen pressure onto its body, drawing its last breath.

Rem's eyebrows furrow, hearing the noise that spelled death for the beast.

Emilia gets tense from the action, watching Subaru slowly stand back up and release the dead Mabeast.

Puck couldn't help but glare at him, as his matter of defeating the beast was grotesque, at best.

Ram and Beatrice simply opt to stay silent, watching Subaru all the same.

"'Build character,' huh?" Subaru speaks, cutting through the silence like butter, "Man, I wish I could pull a witty retort right now..."

Subaru rolls his arm around, "But... I think I'd rather pour all that energy and focus on this mission. Even more so now, considering you're all here with me "

Emilia watches Subaru turn to all of them, sans Rem who was walking her way back to the group.

"Until we all make it back home, safe and sound," Emilia could see a certain glimmer in Subaru's eyes. Cautious, yet hopeful.

Still, his grin was tight and confident.

"I'm going to be fanatical, like a real demon!"

While it was a look meant to inspire, Puck only saw it as a red flag.

Meili could feel the puppy in her lap perk up, his ears in the air as he turns towards the forest canopy.

The girl lets out a quiet whisper.

"They're coming."

The puppy turns back to his Master, hearing her voice weary and uncertain. Said Master looks up to the sky.

"Onee-chan..." Her voice was wistful, thinking of her surrogate sister, "What should I do?"

Her thoughts dampen, as she recalls the man she met earlier... killing all the Mabeasts she sent their way.

Surely, he was seeking revenge towards her.

The puppy paws towards his Master, making a small yip. Meili nods, her lips thinning.

"I know..." She stands up from her spot under the tree, before reaching out to grab her partner, "I have to get moving."

The pup lets himself get picked up, as she turns towards the direction of the group.

"If I don't confront them," Her eyes grow jaded, as she steels herself for what's to come, "Mother will be very upset..."

Meili's grip tightens on the puppy. The Mabeast keeps its displeasure shut under its maw.

"I have to continue my mission, for Onee-chan's sake." –With conviction, Meili walks into the forest, with an entourage of Mabeasts close behind.

Nearly a half-hour later, Subaru and friends were deeper in the forest. The sheer amount of monsters that welcomed them, told the group they were on the right track.

"They just don't quit, do they!?" Subaru yells out loud, using his power to keep the Mabeasts away from the group. The looming presence of Unseen Hand gave the Mabeasts a troublesome time to find openings.

"What's wrong, I wonder?" Beatrice gives the boy something akin of a stink eye, "Having second thoughts about this mission of yours?"

"Of course not!" Subaru looks towards the spirit, to find a beast making a move behind her, "Hey—Behind you!"

Wordlessly, Beatrice jumps up, and makes a motion with her arms, summoning Minya to attack the beast that was going for a counter!

The shards of darkness hit their mark, turning the Beast into shattering crystals.

"Wow! You have some crazy reaction time, Beako!" Subaru promptly gives two thumbs up, "That's my favorite spirit! Way to go!"

Beatrice, knowing that this was Subaru's way of raising morale, was quick to brush it off.

"Save your stupid nonsense for after the fight, I suppose!" Beatrice, sounding a little flustered, gives the boy her thoughts, "We still got mutts to fight off!"

"Loud and clear!" Subaru turns his attention to the beasts, bringing his Unseen Hands close, "Come get some!"

Close to the duo, the entourage of Emilia, Puck, Rem, and Ram cover each other from another group of Mabeasts.

"Huma!" Rem and Emilia cry out, almost in sync as ice magic shoots out in separate directions!

Said magic hit their mark for some targets, but many Mabeasts simply dodge by jumping in the air—

"Too easy!" Puck confidently arms even more shards of ice, easily being capable of doing so with his massive reserve of mana. The surplus amount of ice mows down the rest of the Mabeasts, helpless in the air.

Puck felt his earlier worries fade a little, finally having an excuse to use this surplus of mana that he was building up for years now.

However, on Ram's side—

"Fura!" Ram exclaims, sending blades of wind towards her share of Mabeasts!

The magic cuts through one beast... but three more still remain.

"...Shit." Ram curses, feeling the drawbacks of using mana so brazenly, in her attempt to match the pace with the other three.

Rem notices this, and begins to say something, "Nee-sama—"

Only to be cut off by a large glacier of ice, summoned by Puck to finish off the last of the demon beasts!

"Alright..." Puck crosses his arms, floating between the two Oni sisters, "That should be the last of 'em."

"Puck!" Emilia cries out, looking at her surrogate father with a tense look, "That was going way too far! What would've happened if you hit Ram or Rem!?"

"'Lia, you know that I'd never do something like that." Puck waves an arm in a passing manner, but "Lia's" glare makes him tense up, as he looks elsewhere, namely at Subaru who was off in the distance—

Or, he would, if it weren't for the slab of ice in his way.

"I guess... I'm sorry. I think I got too carried away." Puck's tone gets a little sheepish, looking at the feat of magic and ice. He even started to feel guilty for the three Mabeasts trapped in there... but quickly shook it off.

It was outlandish to see the massive structure of ice, existing in the warm, spring forest.

Maybe his emotions were getting the better of him?

"Whew~ " –A whistle of one tone came from Subaru, as he and Beatrice regrouped with the others, only to see Puck's latest creation.

"Lemme guess..." Subaru passes a glance at Puck, as the spirit puffs up his chest...

Before turning to the Throne's Heir, "Emilia-tan, right?" –The spirit that was cocky before jumps up— "Amazing! I knew an angel like you could pull this off!"

"Hey!" Puck cries out, offended.

"Don't be ridiculous, Subaru-kun." Emilia shakes her head, smiling, "Of course it was Puck, not me."

"Ah, seriously?" Subaru draws out his surprise, turning to Puck with a fake-shocked look, before shrugging, "Oh well, Puck was my second-best guess."

"You know, I ought'a teach you to respect your elders, Subaru..." Puck starts rolling his arms in an intimidating manner, only for Subaru to find it cute thanks to his small size.

Disregarding the dry threat, Subaru quickly perks up and turns to the deeper part of the forest canopy;

"Alright, team!" Subaru waves the group to follow him, "Let's keep moving!—"

"Please wait a moment!" An earnest request stopped Subaru; Especially since it was one from Rem.

"Hmm? Rem?" Subaru turns back to the maid in question, as she was looking to her sister—

"...Rem... I'm... fine." Ram makes a weak glare to her sister, as Rem looked at her in worry.

"Oh dear..." Emilia held a hand into her chest. Puck gives a look at the maid, then at Subaru.

Puck watches him with interest, knowing that if he proved to be any lesser then the leader he was supposed to be, he would pull both himself and his daughter out of this mess.

Subaru chalked the girl's behavior to one, easy reason: Of course Ram wouldn't keep up with everyone. Ram was hornless, compared to her sister.

Nodding to himself, Subaru reaches for the medical bag strapped on his waist, walking up to the two maids.

Ram passes an annoyed eye towards Subaru, "...Got something to say, Barusu...?" –Her tone was sharp, not happy to be seen in such a state.

"Yeah." Subaru's tone was gentle, as his hand leaves the bag and unfolds in front of the maid, "Eat."

Ram's eyebrows furrow in confusion, before looking at the item in question that Subaru held—

"A bokko fruit...?" Ram's eyes widened, and she glares at Subaru, "Did you take this from Roswaal-sama without his permission!?"

"...Please tell me you are not giving me a hard time over fruit." Subaru's face deadpans, as the maid continues to glare at him.

"It's not about that! It's the principal!" Ram's initial exhaustion was replaced by adrenaline, as she grits her teeth, "I refuse to take anything you stole from Roswaal-sama!"

With that outcry, a small moment of silence ran through the group. Subaru's lips thinned a little... before growing to a smile.

"Seriously, Ram..." Subaru shakes his head a little, "You think Roswaal finds some puny fruit more important over his two beautiful maids? I'd think a clown like him would be smarter than that."

"Barusu—" Ram was about to yell at him to defend Roswaal's integrity, but—

"Roswaal told me to take care of you." Subaru cuts her off, his tone dead serious as he looks to the others, "All of you... And I'm not taking any chances, here."

Puck, feeling a iota of pride from the young man's declaration, decided to finally squash his uneasiness with Subaru.

"Subaru-kun is right, Nee-sama." Ram's sister quickly followed suit, and she looks to her in shock.

"Rem, you can't be serious!" Rem gives a gentle smile to her sister.

"I'm sure Roswaal-sama would agree to our use of his much-treasured supply, Nee-sama." Rem insists, her tone firm and confident.

Ram wanted to lash out once more, but... couldn't find another reason to. She found it harder to resist her waning strength, let alone the confidence her sister had in Roswaal... and in Subaru.

And, frankly speaking, if she was to continue fighting like this, she could use all the help she can get.

With a huff, she quietly snatches the small pepper-like fruit from Subaru's hand, and stuffs it into her mouth. Subaru nods his head with relief, watching the result come forward.

An electric current runs through Ram, as she stiffens up for the fruit to run its course, her gate forcing forward more mana,

"...Haaah."—before letting out a soft exhale, as she stands up straight.

"Looking good, Ram." Subaru gives a bright smile, before turning to the rest of the group, "Alright... let's get moving!"

Ram watches Subaru march forward, and the rest of the group following suit, only for Beatrice to remain behind.

"I'd give you a warning about what that fruit's side effects are..." Beatrice shakes her head, "But, I know better than to tell you of all people, I suppose."

A displeased look came from Ram. She knew what Beatrice was talking about.

After all, the reason Roswaal had a stock of the fruit was mainly for her. It was reserved for periods of time where Roswaal wouldn't be in the mansion.

However... in comparison to the warm, soft embrace of her Master, giving her just the right amount of mana to live...

The disgusting fruit made her want to vomit.

After a few more battles, Subaru and his group walk out of the forest to find themselves in a clearing, with wide fields and dipping hills that stretched far before the forest made itself known again.

To Subaru and Emilia, they were familiar with this spot.

"Hey, Subaru..." Subaru turns to Emilia, who has a cautious look on her face, "Isn't this... where we first found Meili?"

Subaru quickly nods, his lips pursed, "Yeah. Can't believe we made it back here again."

"There's no guarantee the person you seek would simply stay in the same spot." Beatrice shakes her head, cutting the conversation between the two.

"I know, I know." Subaru makes a small chuckle, looking away ever so slightly, "But I'm sure we're getting close to her location. She couldn't have gotten far from here."

"How can you be so certain?" Ram eyeballs the boy, clearly not buying his statement.

"Heh," Subaru slowly rises his hand in the air...

Before making a bold pose, pointing a thumb towards himself, "This guy's got a knack for putting himself in trouble! You want to ruin a absolutely perfect day? Leave it to me!"

The cocky, showboating tone Subaru uses comes off as a surprise to the group; Beatrice and Ram look stunned, and Rem stifles down a giggle.

"Hey, now," Emilia holds out her hands in a comforting manner, "That's not something you should be proud of, Subaru..."

"Au contraire, my dear angel," Subaru points finger guns at the Queen-in-the-Making...

Before drooping them sightly, "I'm actually doubling-down on this quirk of mine to bring Meili around! Let me have this moment, alright?"

Emilia's shoulders hike up a slight bit, "O-Oh, well... I'm not quite sure how that works, but..." Her hands ball up into fists, and she loosely pumps them into her chest, "I-I'm rooting for you!"

"Ah..." Subaru looks at how cute Emilia is, and starts shaking a bit, until—

"Alri~iight!" Subaru exclaims, shooting both his arms into the air, "With EMT counting on me, there's no way I can mess this up!"

He points a confident finger towards some direction in the clearing, with a bright and stubborn grin,

"You hear that, Meili!? Come out and show yourself, already!" He yells out, surprising the group.

...However, only silence was there to greet them, cutting the surprise down in size.

"...Really, Barusu!?" Ram was the first to speak her displeasure, "What happened to all that talk about being 'Fanatical like a Demon?' Take this seriously—!"

"Nee-sama." Rem's request cuts the pink maid short, as she stares at her sister with a bit of frustration—

But, she quickly notices that Rem was dead-serious, her nose making quick movements as she sniffed the air, constantly.

"...Mabeasts." Beatrice, who also possessed the ability to 'smell' miasma, makes the report, "A lot of them, up ahead."

"A lot...?" Emilia's lips thin, as she turns over to Subaru.

Subaru's grin falls down to a neutral frown, but his hand was still

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