The Mansion

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After riding back to Emilias "house" both Subaru and Los were shocked that it was infact a massive mansion they would have been more enthusiastic about this if they were not so tired both of them said goodnight to eachother and Emilia before heading off to their respective rooms Los passed out and began to dream, in the dream he was ripping through hoards of soldier a large reptilian creature loomed before him he jumped towards it and he tore through it and looked down below he pointed his hand down an explosion ripped through everything below leveling the terrain to one flat plane as far as the eye could see he heard a voice behind him and turned to face it he saw Subaru and Emilia and Reinhard together facing him with hatred in their eyes and blades in their hands he awoke with a gasp cold sweat running down his body groggy eyed he stepped out of bed looking down he realized he was completely naked and seemed to have grown a foot taller overnight he then looked to his right and saw two maids one with red hair the other with blue they stared for a moment before reddening turning and shouting "YOUR CLOTHES ARE AT THE FOOT OF THE BED" and running out of the room slamming the door behind them. Los put on his clothes the wraps put themselves on they had runes carved on them and they floated and wrapped themselves over his entire body he then turned picked up the baggy pants and slid them on Overtop. Looking in the mirror he rotated his shoulder to get some stiffness out before heading out to see what the day had in store for him. Los opened his door and walked down the hallway he turned a corner and bumped into Emilia who said "Oh Los I was just looking for you Roswall the owner of the mansion wants to see you" The two of them walked to Roswalls office Emilia opened the door and let Los in first Roswall smiled and said "ooooh myyyy you have quite the presence Los-kunnn" Los felt immediate distrust from the clown and became on guard Roswall gestured at a chair telling Los to take a seat however Los didn't move Roswall shrugged his shoulders and said "well that's fine just a few questions and you're free to go" Los nodded and relaxed slightly "Firstly" Roswall said while raising a gloved finger "we know you lack memories but you have strange abilities that you know how to use, how is this possible with no memory" Los nodded and replied, "if you lost knowledge of who you were, would you still need to learn to walk or breath?" Roswall seemed confused and said "No but magic requires spells and complex casting" Los shook his head and replied "These spells are a part of me I am the spells and they are me" Roswall produced an orb and rolled it across the table to where Los sat "please hold this it will check your attunement for magic Subaru already did this and he had an attument for Yin magic." Los grasped the orb and raised it to chest level his dark red black and white aura crackled for a brief moment the orb groaned and darkened in colour then it cracked across the middle Roswalls eyes widened and then the orb shattered and fell as dust to the ground. Los scratched his head and looked at Roswall before saying "Sorry" Roswall waved his hand in dismissal "It would not do that in any other case you seemed to have killed all mana inside of that orb" Los shrugged as he didn't know anything about this Roswall then said "although this doesn't tell me much about what abilities you possess we will need a more hands-on example" Emilia spoke up and asked him "is this a good idea I mean he doesn't know how he got here and your going to make him do that?" Roswall paid the objection no mind and gestured to the door, Los who had no idea what they were talking about shrugged and opened the door Roswall led them all to the front lawn of the mansion where there was a dirt area Los looked to Roswall for an explanation, Roswall smiled and said "wee will be having a small exhibition Losss-kun if that's okay with you that is" he said this as if it was a light hearted offer but it was clearly a challenge Los shrugged and replied "I don't see why not" "peeerrfect" Roswall replied "the rules are simple the bout will last 10 seconds Emilia will supervise and will call it off use anything at your disposal" they faced off 20 feet away from each other Roswall smiling Los focused and already in fighting stance Emilia raised a hand to the sky and counted down "3...2...1... START" with that she slashed her hand down and Los shot towards Roswall deciding on a physical attack based on Roswalls physique and stance not seeming like he was used to hand to hand combat Roswall grimaced surprised but not overtaken by Los' speed he blasted a combination of ice and wind that pushed Los back and then several pillars of rock shot towards Los, Los weaved in between as soon as he felt the earth shift he would move to avoid the pillar Roswall bit his lip and closed his hands several pillars shot out at once however Los jumped to avoid it this made Roswall smile however surprising Los, Roswall outstretched his hand and 4 Mana orbs appeared he shot them at Los and Emilia gasped but before they reaches him Los crackled with black and white energy he swiped his hand and a slash of the energy instantly traveled through both the orbs and the ground below with a jarring noise roswall had shot backwards out of instinct before Los had swept his hand but he did not see the attack travel, nevertheless his orbs had no effect Roswall showed anger then he outstretched both hands Cleary straining and hundredsof massive earthen pillars shot out from the ground  Los once again crackled with energy this time it was Black and Red he cocked a fist back and swung it at the earthen mass headed towards him on contact it was turned to dust alongside all the pillars around it the air pressure from the punch blew Roswalls hair back but he was not done yet he pointed a hand forward and yell with anger a massive fireball formed in his hand it then Condensed the dust cleared and he pointed his hand at the approaching figure of Los the dust cleared and just as Roswall was about to fire and Los was about to throw a punch Emilia screamed "STOP" time was up it seemed Roswalls angry expression softened back to his usual joker mask and he raised his arm to the sky he let the fireball go it flashed up at an insane speed parting a passing cloud it then exploded harmlessly although everyone down below could Still hear it nice and loud Los simply stood straight up and rotated his shoulder a couple times "that was good Loooos-Kun I didn't expect that level of resistance" Los shrugged and walked away from the door of the mansion appeared Subaru he ran up to Los and said "dude there is something I need to tell you about" Los nodded in response slightly tired of all these people wanting him to do things "I died again, twice actually " Subaru said, if Los had been in a self Pity mode before this he was now snapped out of it "first loop was longer I came back from the village I felt tired and weak and went to bed i guess I had some kind of curse and I died second loop I heard a scraping noise outside my room I peaked outside and found myself in my bed where I had been that morning this loop you need to come with me and we can find out what was outside my room, also I can only tell you about this I tried to tell Emilia but I just got an icey chill and she didn't hear me say anything" Los nodded they made their way inside to whatever threat would rear its head.

Nothing happened that night but the next day Ram instructed them to help her sister Rem get the supplies from the village upon arrival Subaru and Los split off from Rem as she went shopping and Subaru went to play with the children Los was staying with Subaru at all times trying to spot anything strange and Rem was fine to shop alone as nothing had happened to her in previous loops arriving at the spot all the children were excited to see Subaru who greeted them all and began doing stretches and calisthenics Los looked around a young boy looked up at him in awe "Your muscles are big mister" the boy said Los nodded awkwardly in response as he looked away he felt a pinch on his arm he looked and saw a girl and small dog the girl looked down and apologized for her dog biting him and she sulked away, however Los detected something off about the bite it was if his breath was being leached he focused on the sensation intensely energy crackled around him as he narrowed in he saw it clearly then, a curse that drains mana over time he then thought one clear thought "NEGATE" the sensation faded as if it had never existed just to be sure he focused on the dog the origin of the curse and negated its ability to spread the curse to anybody else Subaru continued playing unaware for a while before Rem came back with bags of whatever she had bought "Rem-rin Rem-Rin play with us" said the children "are you behind that nickname?" Rem asked Subaru "Guilty!" Subaru replied smiling Rem sighed and said "If that's all we had better head out" Subaru looked to the kids and said "Well sorry kids we gotta go now i promise I'll be back for more radio calisthenics" Los also nodded goodbye and quickly caught up with Rem and Subaru Subaru took a bag and Los thought he should as well Rem then asked Subaru very unsensitively "why do try so hard unlike Los you are useless at almost everything you do why push yourself for something you'll most likely fail at?" Subaru paused for a moment Los wouldn't have asked this question but he also wanted the answer "Because I am useless I try so hard one does not contradict the other it is the reason I do it I have to push myself to be able to help others I guess you can say I'm fanatical like a demon." Rem froze "A.....Demon....?" "Yeah." Subaru laughed "Gods just sit around demons get to work and put matters into their own hands that's why I'd rather be a demon" Los still looked confused, but Rem was smiling. Sometime later they all arrived at the mansion they were met by Roswall in formal attire he nodded at Los and addressing Rem said "I'm going to have to leave on some business please take care of the mansion while I'm gone" without acknowledging Subaru he flew away "this hasn't happened before" Subaru murmured Los then told Subaru about the curse and the dog and he looked shocked but then nodded "of course it bit me on my first loop as well" he then looked horrified "even if you stopped the curse that girl is still around the other children who knows what they are planning!" "No problem meet me there" replied Los who disappeared instantly leaving dust in his wake he arrived at the village in seconds there were wolf beasts just outside the village ready to attack Los shot into the forest and began picking them off somehow a congregated mass appeared hundreds of mabeasts swirling together Los couldn't fathom it but he could destroy it "absolute negation slash form" held his hand outstretched with two fingers unfurled, a barrage of black and white slashes instantly ripped the mass apart the blood rushed to towards it but before the remaining mabeasts could attack he said "second impact absolute negation Rupture" this time black and red lightning crackled around him a triangular blast swept outwards from him clearing the forest for 400 meters and incinerating the mabeasts Los patted his hand together and went back to the village. The purple-haired girl and her dog were gone but all the villagers were safe Subaru had arrived and that was nice to see at least all of them went back to the mansion after making sure everyone was OK at the village. The next day Roswall arrived back from whatever business he had been on and once told of the events he asked to see Los at once "I heaaar you stopped the mabeasts alllll by yooourrself" Los nodded in reply "ooooh that's just as I expected from yooou Loooosss-kuuun" Los shrugged and asked "well I'd better go find out what's next is that all or is there something else?" Roswall shook his head "You are free to go" Los left and closing the door behind him saw that he was not back in the hallway "What's this I suppose?" He heard a small voice say this was his first encounter with Beatrice since he got here but Subaru had told him about her "Puck told me you are a blight on spirits I suppose" Los nodded but it wasn't a question "I will not have you dirtying my library I suppose" with that he was blasted out by a gust of wind he flipped and stuck the landing but was bewildered by that whole interaction. A couple of days later a carriage arrived an old man with a sword was outside they brought someone to meet with Emilia Subaru went outside and bribed him with expensive tea and he drank and enjoyed and told Subaru his name but other than that he could not say why he was there nevertheless soon they would find out Later Everybody except for Beatrice gathered in the dining hall Roswall stood and cleared his throat "as you all know a very important visitor just came to us for those who don't know his purpose, he was here to inform us that lady Emilia was summoned directly to the capital for the royal selection before you ask no you canoooot go with her Subaru"

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