The Ego

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As soon as Los spoke those words many eyes returned to Emilia "So the witch has more allies than ever..." mumbled an old man Subaru heard this and said "Hey you old-browed Freak how dare you say that about Emilia how dare you judge her by her looks? If people judged you by your looks they wouldn't take you seriously" everybody gasped and the old man stood up enraged "and who are you, Boy? Unless you are some kind of God you have no right to say what you just said so who are you?" Subaru flipped into his usual pose and said "I am this candi- NO Emilia-Tans greatest knight." There was a moment of silence and then a light purple-haired knight stepped forward and said "I would be willing to forgive the interruption but, what do you mean by, Knight?" Julius Juukulius waited for a response from Subaru which was "I think it speaks for itself." Julius rubbed his hand through his hair irritated Aree you aware you make this claim in front of hundreds of knights? How dare you make this claim in front of the knights of Lugunica?!" Saying this he stuck out his arm and all the knights drew swords in unison Woww did you practice that?" Asked Subaru Los had not been focused on this as the moment they had drawn swords he had been prepared to come to Subaru's aid but he didn't see a need for that yet, Julius still looking irritated said "Of course,e we practiced us knights are prepared for anything," in response to Subarus earlier question "now why do you claim that you are a knight? Do you have the strength to help others? The resolve to match ours?" Subaru looked taken aback "W-well I want to make Emilia the next ruler No I will make her the next ruler. I'll do anything for her."  "do you have the resolve to do it? Do you have the strength to do it?" Julius jeered Subaru tightened a fist and replied "I don't have anything as grand as resolve and I'm well aware I lack strength, But I WILL make Emilia the ruler of this land! I will make her dream come true!" Julius turned to Los and asked do you see yourself as a knight? do you see Subaru as a knight?" Subaru looked at him pleading Los thought for a moment before replying "I know Subaru lacks strength but his mind is not to be questioned I do believe he will make Emilia the ruler of this country and any obstacles in front of him will be taken care of on this he speaks the truth, has he been knighted? Of course not but his drive is without question, as for myself I could care less what I am called I serve Emilia and have my strength this is all I need." Reinhard stepped in and said That is enough Julius he is correct I have witnessed their capabilities myself and while Subaru is no knight you underestimate him at your peril. As for Los, he is among the strongest in the world I have tested him myselfThehe ladder's statement brought out a gasp from the crowd and they looked at Los appalled, unfortunately, this was not enough to save Subaru from shame as he decided to reply cockily "That's right you knights shouldn't underestimate me knights like you who use your daddy's name to chastise me should be the one looked down on your all just-" "Natsuki Subaru that Is not a good look on you." Julius interrupted this only served to make Subaru go from cocky to angry "WHY YO-" "Subaru that Is enough"At the sound of Emilia's voice he froze "I am sorry for this interruption I will see him out" she addressed the council and began dragging Subaru away as she was taking him away one of the elders commented, "this has shown us that you are not one to be feared, Lady Emilia. You have a fine attendant." Emilia stopped in her tracks before respondingThanknk you. However" she paused "Subaru is not my attendant"Withh this the doors were opened and Subaru was escorted out of the throne room "Now that order has returned let us continue where we left off" Los looked around seeing as he had no business being there he left the front of the room and ended up where Subaru had vacated and the eyes of the people there followed him beside him was an attendant named Al. Al nodded his head in greeting and Los nodded back turning his attention to Felt who had taken a position in front of everybody "Like I was saying I HATE this kingdom I will tear it down and create a better place where stupid rich people don't exist! Los liked felt and with Reinhard in her camp maybe he would switch to it one day. Once it was over Los went to Roswell and asked Soo is this what you wanted to happen?" Roswall smirked and said Noooooo... this is"Ass he said this a knight burst into the room and said, "The knight Julius Juukulius and mister Natsuki Subaru are dueling!" Emilia gasped and said, "How can something like this happen?" Los grimaced and said,d Mostt likely the fact he doesn't know how to quit didn't help him this time." Emilia looked down and said "Why does he keep doing all these things for me? Why is it every time he gets hurt it's because of me?" Roswall who was still smiling suggesteWhywhy don't you ask him" Emilia nodded and turned to the other candidates. "We need to stop that fight" Anastasia Hoshin Julius' Candidate replied Noo I don't think I will." Emilia looked confused and asked Aren't you worried about what might happen?" Hoshin smiled and replied Like what? Having to pay for your boy's medical bills after Julius beats him badly?" "I am also against stopping the fight as it has nothing to do with me" added Priscilla  "I agree let them resolve their differences through conflict" added Crusch with this a sudden animosity was felt by all in the room the knights Crusch and Priscilla attempted to draw weapons but were unable to due to the sheer suffocating pressure "if your knight harms Natsuki Subaru I will not hesitate to kill all 3 of you." Los said with that said he disappeared faster then anyone in the room could see everyone gasped as they hadn't realized they had been holding their breath Emilia started running down to see what was going on she arrived to see Los standing across from Julius, Subaru lay beaten his face swollen and blood running down his chin Los who had lost some composure walked across to Julius Instinctually Julius drew his sword and spirits began swirling around him Los looked him in the eye and all thoughts of a fight exited his mind "spirit user you may try to fight or run but death is all you will find" Los stated simply the spirits around Julius began dimming and their energy seem to be getting sucked out Julius felt something warm drip onto his lip he wiped it and looked at his glove a streak of blood was running down from his nose he looked up at Los who began drawing his new blade it distorted reality as it was drawn and Julius felt as if a massive weight was crushing him from above but before he could decorate the earth below a shout was heard behind Los "STOP" the blade was sheathed and the gravity decrease and the sensation disappeared from Julius' body and mind he jumped backwards away from the monster, Los turned and looked at Subaru who had gotten back to his feat "Do you think I need a babysitter Los?!!" Los looked back confused "ANSWER ME GODDAMN IT!!" *You gave me direction when I didn't remember anything Subaru, why do you expect me to sit back and watch* Los thought to himself "YOU FOOL LOS!! LET ME TAKE THIS!! I DON'T NEED SOME WHITE KNIGHT!!" Los nodded and wordlessly walked back  "SUBARU!" Shouted Emilia who had arrived at the bottom of the arena seeing this Subaru decided to do something even dumber "SHAMAC!" The area got cloaked in darkness and Julius snapped back to reality "Is this the ace up your sleeve Natsuki Subaru? You should learn when to stay down" With a swipe of his sword the darkness was cleared after this he went for the final blow he whispered something to Subaru who then fell to the ground unconscious.
After the fight, Julius was going to approach Emilia until Los gave him a look once all had left Los took Subaru back to the room where they were staying Welcomee ba-" Rem's eyes widened when she saw Subarus's limp body What happened to him?!" "He got in a fight with a knight because he wanted to be a knight" Los replied Why didn't you help him?!" Demanded Rem Los looked down "I tried, but he did not allow me to" It's probably for the best" Emilia added "Los nearly started a war with the other candidates because of it" Ohh" Rem said "I'm sorry doubted you Los" "it's fine" Los replied "I'll leave you with him" Los stood and left he was hungry so decided to find a place to eat after a short "walk" Los arrived at a place called *the Krusty krab* the name seemed vaguely familiar and walking in it was even more familiar they were wrapping burgers and serving food fast and efficiently he sat ordered and sat down in a few minutes it was ready he almost finished before a Man sat down across from him surprised he looked up it was Al the guy he had stood beside in the throne room "Hey, Brother got time to chat?" Said Al Los shrugged and nodded" Al's voice became serious WWhatwas a threat to brother? Are you seriously gonna do that?" Los shook his head Noo Subaru told me not to so that won't be necessary" Al nodded and asked, "Where are you from brother?" "I don't know" replied Los as he finished his burger he shot off without time to pay or answer any more questions.
Arriving back at the place Los was wondering if Subaru was awake yet then he heard an argument Emilia burst outside and looked at Los she asked Iff Subaru loves me, why won't he listen to me?" Los thought for a moment then asked her "if puck told you to break your contract with him right now, would you do it?" Caught off guard Emilia stammered "o-of course not I love hi-" she stopped as she realized something "exactly how Subaru feels about you," Los told her before going inside  Los was crying he looked up and said "Los are you going to insult me too? If you are just leave please" "Subaru this Is what you wanted when you refused my help" Youu say nobody understands your pain but do you understand anyone else's? You've been focused on chasing after Emilia and your pain that you've been blind to everything else" "W-what do you mean?" Asked Subaru, confused, "Have you noticed how Rem has changed in treating you? The answer is probably no" Shutt up Los, of course, you don't understand, you're the op protagonist I'm just the useless bum" "I have no memories all I have is this camp and I will die for it and you gave me direction without you I dont know whaI I would be doing right now Subaru" Los replied Subaru shifted gears hearing this "I guess your right I'm sorry I spoke to you like that Los" Los smiled and replied "it's fine but we can't let others get between this group please let's just keep working together" Subaru smiled back and said "your right Los thank you" he stuck out a hand and Los took it "well, for now, let's just get some rest it's almost morning now" Los said "yeah your right" Subaru replied breaking the handshake Los left for his room outside Rem was waiting "Geez you almost told him I love him what was that about Los?" Los smiled and replied "he's dense don't worry you'll have to tell him yourself" Rem hit his shoulder and mumbled something inaudible "what?" Los asked "I said you should get to bed," Rem said blushing Los looked confused but waved goodbye once in his room he reflected on the day past before drifting to sleep.

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