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He arrived at the Ruins and stepped inside, a tingling sensation radiated through his body from where the book was stashed in his clothes. He pulled the book out and looked at it, it radiated with a strange light and it compelled him to open the book, as he did so he felt a dizziness fall through his body and he dropped the book, he bent to pick it up but as he did so he slipped and fell towards the book. instead of catching himself the ground seemed to get farther and farther away from him until he could no longer see it and he continued falling into the infinite, black void he looked around to see he had once again, become a floating consciousness with no physical form. the blackness around him receded and he found himself floating in some kind of green liquid with bubbles surrounding him a man in a white button-up coat approached from the other side of the glass but it was hard to make him out through the liquid, the man seemed to look at him write something down and press a button, Metallic sheets closed around the pod he was in and his vision faded to a new scene. he heard a loud clank as if something large had been detached and he felt himself falling downwards as he regained consciousness, he fell encased in the surrounding metal he realized he was no longer a consciousness but inside of the body of his past self forced to watch through his own eyes. the falling sensation intensified and he began to breathe heavily clawing at the case surrounding his body, the case had begun to heat up rapidly and the liquid was excruciating to be inside of his skin burned off and his eyes were blind he crackled with red energy in distress as he continued falling he screamed out into the liquid surrounding him, drowning him but he could not die his skin regenerated and he was constantly choking but he remained conscious for what felt like an eternity. The pod hit the ground the brief moment it did relief washed over him but it was short-lived, the red energy crackled out from him and reacted to the liquid which superheated to a temperature so hot his entire body was incinerated, Great pain all he was was pain his body regenerated instantly and was burnt up again in the great explosion he was eviscerated and reappeared clawing through landscapes incinerating all he touched, his very existence was a weapon of mass destruction he burned and screamed for death, but it would not come. Finally, after an indeterminable amount of time,e he cooled enough to think but found himself in a massive pool of liquid magma stretching farther than his vision he burned and screamed and cried wading through the ocean of lava his thoughts hurt him all he wanted was to escape the pain. he collapsed many times but could not lose consciousness no matter how hard he tried the pain kept him awake. Exhausted, in agony, and constantly on the verge of death he waded and waded, the magma cooled after a while and he began walking on solid stone, the air still burned his throat but he could move a little faster now. After all this had passed he walked he arrived at a stage sight, a mass of pillars and small buildings sticking from the ground, overgrown with vegetation and destroyed with the towers collapsed and leaning over and most of the small houses being completely molded and collapsed with nothing else to do he finally collapsed from Exhaustion.

after an incredibly long and well-deserved sleep, he awoke to a new sensation, hunger an incredible, inconceivable hunger that he couldn't even identify when he woke up he saw some kind of fruit growing from a vine draping down from one of the buildings, he instinctually bit into it, the fruit burnt his throat and made his eyes water but compared to the last thing he had gone through he didn't even notice it. there were only birds and bugs around the destroyed city but he ate them greedily only being satisfied when the incessant rumbling of his stomach stopped. he continued through the ruined city finally exiting into a forested area he ventured through the forest eventually tripping on a vine and falling flat on his face "WHO'S THERE!" a man's voice ran through the wood and Los looked curiously in the direction it had come from. He saw an old man wearing overalls holding some kind of stick with metal on the top and he was pointing it at Los. He lowered it and said "By God, a kid. Where'd you come from?" Los somehow understood the language but didn't know how to talk so he shook his head. the farmer scratched his head and said "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" he thought for a moment and then said, "You can come with me, these woods are dangerous and my wife stays home, we have food there." Los nodded vigorously and they headed to the man's home. "I'm Kenneth by the way. What do I call you?" Los looked confused and shrugged Kenneth chuckled and replied "Well, you are a lost child so maybe I'll look for your parent's before naming you." Los looked down and tried to speak but faintly croaked "l-Los...." The man looked at him again "Wassat?! Your name's Los? Strange name but never mind, I'm sure you've been through some things out here." he looked up and pointed forward at a clearing with a small cabin inside. "We're here please behave for my wife's sake." Los nodded at this and the man smiled 

Inside the cabin, it was nice and warm and the air quality in the forest was a huge improvement to the city. "This is my wife, Amy you can see why she wasn't out there with me." he gestured towards a blond-haired woman in a dress who was noticeably Pregnant she blushed and slapped him playfully with a cloth. Los looked on in confusion and the couple laughed at him and looked at each other and kissed. 

Time Skip

It was a good couple of weeks with the family Los ate meals and hunted for them with Kenneth over one dinner the family mentioned that it had been 100 years since "The Reset" Los's future self had already determined he was the Reset, but his past self had no idea he simply enjoyed every day eating hunting going to sleep and waking back up and doing it all again, he opened up more to the family, conversing with them at meal's as they taught him to speak. however, it couldn't last. one day when hunting a freak accident caused a bullet from Kenneth's gun to misfire and hit Los in the back, Kenneth rushed over and tried to cover the wound but was jolted back by a surge of Red energy the wound closed Kenneth gasped and his expression of worry faded and was replaced by a mix of disgust and terror "Y-you y-you are, no it can't be... Abomination!" Los gasped and recoiled "W-what." a large shadow fell over the pair and they looked up to see a massive spacecraft hovering in orbit, blocking the sky from view Kenneth got up and ran back to the cabin and Los watched after him before looking back up at the ship, it sparkled and fired something down at the forest and his eyes widened. It was not the same projectile thankfully, however, the explosion wiped the forest out entirely, Los regenerated and crawled out from a pile of debris he stood up and looked around "KENNETH! AMY!" no answers were heard and he didn't see anything indicating life, he tensed so hard he popped a blood vessel, the red energy crackled around him almost as hot as it had been when he first landed on the planet, he shot up towards the ship becoming a formless mass of energy once again he watched from the side as the wave of destruction hit the ship, and tore straight through it the ship fell to earth breaking apart and Los landed far away from it he heard a soft *tck* behind him and turned to see a man in a white suit standing across from him "A rebellious one? ah my children do need discipline from time to time I suppose" Los gasped still basically an unthinking mass of destruction and rage he rocketed towards the man but was hit with a slash that cut him in half he was knocked back but regenerated swiftly he shot forward healing through the slashes but was met with a swift strike from the man, he went through sheer agony, the man's blow caused more pain then he had felt during the 100 years as he was cut to nothingness, somehow he regenerated from this however, the man was surprised and prepared to do it again however Los regenerated simply too fast an arm reached out and grabbed the man "Let go of me, boy." the man said calmly, his calmness was unjustified as Los let out a scream and the entire area erupted into pure heat and destruction. the man's skin began charring and he pulled away, his arm was torn off and he fell back "You worm! you will die for th-" Los grabbed his head this time releasing a pure heat concentrated to a small point he became pure heat and his own existence was melded to the man's in a confused jobble, the heat continued burning however, burning away his and the man's Memories eventually all that was left of Los's was a shell and the man's existence had been entirely erased saved his power's which Los now possessed. the heat faded and Los found himself standing before an incomprehensible creature it reached out what might be described as a hand and touched Los on the head he blacked out and felt a pulling sensation, he shot back into his real body and gasped, the book slammed shut in front of him but he didn't notice, he held his head in his hand's and rocked back and forth. "AGGGGHH!!!!!" 

Well there it is, Los's backstory may be a little out of place in a Re: Zero fanfic but I thought I did a good job and I saw the opportunity. Next, we head back to Canon Re: Zero Fights and moment and we'll see how the story develops with knowledge of Los's true Nature.

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