Chapter 20: The Festival Begins!

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The morning of the festival had arrived as Subaru stirred from under the blankets. Staring at the ceiling, he noticed that the sun was creeping in from behind the curtains as it cascaded across the stone canvas of the bedroom. The quaint view was part of his daily awakening, but an unusual sound caught his attention. Tuning his head to determine the source, Subaru was shocked to see Beatrice still very much asleep next to him. As of late, the spirit had been waking up before him as if to keep watch. With the turn of events yesterday, Subaru surmised that Beatrice must have truly been exhausted to allow him the treat of viewing her sleeping visage. With her hair flattened across her pillow, she gently drew breaths that slightly jostled the blankets at regular intervals. Her lips were slightly jar with a modest luster that further accentuated her youthful and delicate appearance. Subaru found himself once again entranced with the girl, a feeling that he televised with a quiet smile. Not wanting to overindulge in an otherwise intimate moment, he carefully placed his hand over Beatrice's and offered a tender squeeze.

Subaru: "Beako..."

Beatrice: "..."

Subaru: "Beako, it's morning."

Beatrice: "Uhh..."

A peculiar groan escaped from her as Beatrice slowly nodded her head. Realizing the situation, a mischievous grin spread across Subaru's face. He playfully added in a choice word to see if he could get a reaction out of his dazed partner.

Subaru: "Erhem... Darling... Time to wake up..."

Beatrice: "Huuh? Good morning, darling... I suppose..."

Subaru: "Uh... don't you want to get ready for the festival, darling?"

Beatrice: "...zzz... Can Betty have... five more minutes please, in fact?"

Subaru: "Erk! Umm... I mean, of course you can."

Beatrice: "Thanks... darling... zzz..."

Stopped in his tracks by the sweetness displayed by an unknowing Beatrice, Subaru quickly decided to abort his prank and allowed the innocent girl to rest for a while longer. After what he thought was five minutes, he once again tried to squeeze her hand. Groggily, Beatrice sat up and stretched her arms before looking at her hand that was intertwined with Subaru's. Not yet convinced that he would escape unscathed, Subaru avoided eye contact. However, he was greeted with a tepid smile as Beatrice cheerfully acknowledged him.

Beatrice: "Good morning, I suppose."

Subaru: "Err... good morning, Beako... uhh... we should get ready! Niki will be here with the cart soon... so I'm going to grab my clothes and get dressed in the bathroom. I'll see you downstairs!"

And so, the nervously blushing boy quickly released her hand before grabbing his tunic and dashing from the room. Beatrice kept a calm stare until she heard his footsteps retreat down the hallway. With Subaru out of earshot, she let out a small chuckle before placing her hands on her cheeks and quietly whispering to herself.

Beatrice: "Hehe... Darling..."

Feeling particularly rejuvenated from the exchange, Beatrice emerged from the bed and headed towards her wardrobe. After deliberating, she donned a short sleeve aquamarine dress complete with frilly white lace and matching striped stockings. With a snap of her fingers, mana gathered to tie cerulean bows in her twin tails before giving them a swirl to complete the drill effect. Hopping down from her changing area, Beatrice knelt to close the clasps on her glossy azure shoes before looking over her appearance in the mirror. Convinced she was beyond reproach, the prim girl made her way downstairs and joined the others for breakfast. After an unusually hasty meal, the group convened in the foyer before preparing the cart for the trip. Subaru assisted Adella in loading a chest with the girls' costumes while Niki and Beatrice gave snacks to the land dragon. Upon finishing their tasks, Subaru took a seat across from Adella in the cart while they waited for Niki and Beatrice.

Adella: "My, my, Master Subaru, you seem quite happy lately."

Subaru: "Huh, do I seem different?"

Adella: "In general, yes. I dare say you're becoming quite the dependable gentleman."

Being unprepared for the head maid's honesty, Subaru felt heat in his cheeks as he offered his response.

Subaru: "Is that so? I guess you have a point..."

Adella: "Lady Beatrice is also not short of smiles these days... Sorry to bore you with my observations, I just found myself feeling somewhat proud of you both."

Subaru: "Adie..."

Adella: "That aside, I do hope you enjoy our performance tonight! We all have put in an enormous amount of effort, so don't focus too much on Lady Beatrice, fufufu."

Adella flashed a cheery smile to which Subaru responded with one of his own. Their moment was cut short as the cart jostled from the entrance of the remaining passengers. Beatrice wasted no time walking over to Subaru and plopping down on his lap. Adella's eyes went wide and Niki, who had yet to be seated, shared in her bewilderment. Feeling their stares, Beatrice glared at her audience and retorted.

Beatrice: "W-what? Is there something on Betty's face, in fact?"

Niki: "Bea... Erhem... yer sittin' on mister's lap."

Beatrice: "Huh? This is how we traveled before, in fact."

Niki: "But... we don't have that much stuff this time. We can squeeze in next to each other..."

Beatrice: "Huh?"

Bringing her attention to the space in the cart, Beatrice observed that with only one trunk, there was indeed room for everyone to sit together. In her haste to enter the cart, she had ignored this fact and her heart sank as she realized that she may have to move. Gathering her wits, Adella chimed in to assess the situation.

Adella: "Well... This just proves that you two have grown closer. Sometimes a maiden has to mark her territory."

Niki: "Aw, that makes sense! Mark away, Bea!"

Beatrice: "W-what! Betty is not 'marking' anything, in fact!"

Seeing an opportunity to intervene, Subaru rested his hand on the flustered spirit's shoulder.

Subaru: "Beako, it's fine. I'm happy that you're comfortable with me. Just ignore their teasing, you can sit on my lap if you want."

Beatrice turned towards Subaru and furrowed her brow but offered no resistance as she sighed.

Beatrice: "Whatever, can we please leave, I suppose?"

Adella: "Masterfully handled! Who knew you could be such a debonair, Master Subaru?"

Niki: "Whoa, I never saw her calm down so fast! Ya been trainin' her?"

It was then that Beatrice turned her gaze at Niki with deathly glare that was not unfamiliar to the cat girl. Tucking her ears down with her hands, Niki yelped as she took her seat next to Adella. With the passengers secure, the cart groaned as it trudged forward towards their destination. Before long, they were steadily climbing the hill that led to the village and an echoing sound caught the attention of the group. The rhythmic beating of drums filled the air as the rooftops came into view. The normal main thoroughfare that bisected the village and led to the lodge which was filled with small carts and stands. Most notable were the ribbons and banners tied to posts and trees that seemed placed to draw bystander's attention to the brightly colored wares and delicious foods. As their cart entered the village, the smells of savory dishes and sweet desserts threatened to tantalize their senses. At this point, Beatrice and Niki were standing with their hands firmly gripping the side rail of the cart. Their eyes sparkled with unbounded wonder as they slowly passed through the festival before coming to a halt in the town square next to the stage. Adorned with decorative ribbons and signs, the stage felt more official than it had during the weeks prior, Subaru thought. Beatrice tugged his hand and looked to Subaru with a childish anticipation that made his heart fill with warmth as he spoke.

Subaru: "Beako, I can unload the cart if you want to go look around right now."

Beako: "R-really! I mean, if you don't require my supervision, I suppose..."

Subaru: "Yup, go on."

The small spirit grabbed Niki by the hand and began to dash from the cart only to be pulled back by the cat girl who refused to move but had a knowing smile on her face.

Beatrice: "Niki?"

Niki: "We can't go yet. Della and Bea, y'all hafta follow me to the lodge fer a surprise. Girls only, mister! Ya stay here, no peekin'."

Looking down at the cat girl, Subaru made a puzzled look but affirmed her nonetheless.

Subaru: "Alright... I'll hang the costumes up and wait in front of the stage..."

Niki: "Good boy! We'll be back soon."

Pulling a clearly confused Beatrice and Adella, Niki made her exit. Left alone, Subaru began to lift the trunk and carry it to the makeshift dressing room inside the stage. A small clothes rack had been fashioned for him to hang the costumes. They had been sealed in fabric bags for which the penalty for opening had already been described to Subaru. He held his breath as he gingerly placed the hangers on the rack. After seeing his task completed, he exited the room and took a seat on the stairs to the stage. As time passed, he found himself growing restless while he waited for the girls to return. Rising to stretch his legs and berate their long absence, he was called out to by a familiar cat girl.

Niki: "Mister! Whaddya think?"

Haphazardly running in wooden sandals, Niki approached him wearing a light yellow kimono with a golden bow. As he looked closer, he saw that small fish were patterned across the fabric. The youthful motif suited her quite nicely and he couldn't help but chuckle as he realized the reason for her secrecy earlier. A certain spirit's image lingered in his head and he felt himself becoming excited at the thought of her in a kimono. Lost in thought, Adella called out to him to offer her criticisms.

Adella: "Master Subaru! When a lady asks you how she looks, you certainly do not chuckle."

Wrapped in a white kimono embroidered with royal purple vines with an emerald bow, Adella now stood alongside Niki. The choice of bow complemented her dark green hair and the ensemble made her eyes seem especially piercing. Seeing the head maid without her signature attire snapped Subaru back to his senses as he apologized to the two.

Subaru: "Sorry, Niki. You look nice, very adorable. Adella, you look nice as well, more... refined. It's nice to see you both in different outfits once in a while."

Adella: "That's more like it! How thoughtful. Perhaps I should add this to my repertoire? Is this the type of maid you prefer?"

Subaru: "Erk!? Umm, where is Beako?"

Niki: "Bea was waitin' fer us to go out first. This is yer fault, Della! I had her rarin' to go, but ya made us wait while they added that fabric to yer chest! I bet she's still standin' in there afraid to walk out... I'll go get her!"

As Niki ran back to the lodge, Subaru directed his attention to Adella's kimono. As the cat girl had stated, there was a violet piece of cloth sewn into the front of her kimono. Realizing the precarious placement of the fabric and why it was necessary, Subaru broke his gaze and looked into the sky as his face became a deep crimson. Capitalizing on the moment, Adella called out to him. The head maid had a playful grin and she narrowed her eyes and leaned forward to speak to Subaru.

Adella: "M-master Subaru? Where were you looking just now?"

Subaru: "What!? Nowhere! Why are you stuttering?"

Adella: "W-well what is a head maid supposed to do when her Master makes such a request? I am afraid that I am not that kind of servant. Please spare me from your fantasies."

Subaru: "WHAT!"

???: "I leave you alone for a short time and come back to find you behaving like a dog, I suppose!"

With an ill-timed entrance, Beatrice meekly walked up with her fists planted on her waistline while sporting a glare of boiling anger. She was clad in a light pink kimono with white trim and floral patterns sewn evenly across the fabric. An ivory bow was neatly tied behind her and adorned with a large pink wild flower. To hold back her locks, smaller wild flowers had been carefully woven together in place of her bows. Despite her anger, Subaru was awestruck by her bewitching appearance. The boy's eyes grew captivated while he thought that Beatrice favored old tales of a "forest spirit" from back home. Perhaps it was the novelty of the outfit, or maybe his fondness of Beatrice. Regardless, Subaru stared nonplussed at Beatrice for an awkward amount of time before Adella finally interjected.

Adella: "How quickly I am forgotten... Sorry, Lady Beatrice, he appears to only have eyes for you. Let's go, Niki, I think these two need a moment."

Niki, who had rejoined the group with Beatrice, galloped over to Adella and the two hurriedly strode off to Beatrice's chagrin. However, she couldn't help but soften at the beguiled look that Subaru was offering that said more than his words ever could. Beatrice struggled to hide her embarrassment as she called out to him.

Beatrice: "A-are you quite finished, in fact? A maiden should not be ogled as such, I suppose."

Subaru: "Beako, you look stunning in that kimono."

Beatrice: "Err... Is that so, I suppose? Even if I don't require... extra fabric, in fact?"

Subaru: "You're perfect just the way you are, Beako."

Beatrice: "Hmph... A dog's brain with a snake's tongue, you are quite the cunning animal today, in fact. Betty can forgive you if you escort her around the festival, I suppose."

Subaru: "Consider it done!"

Donning a coy smile, Beatrice offered her hand, eagerly awaiting Subaru. A misunderstanding averted, the couple set off after the rest of their group. It wasn't long before Niki's bombastic laughter caught their attention. Niki, Adella, and the village children were huddled in front of a large wooden stall and seemed to be focused on a large ornate box with various treats and prizes hanging from strings. Upon closer inspection, the stall had a banner that indicated that it was a chance prize game. The ends of the strings hung within reach of the players, but the design of the box made it so it was impossible to determine to which prize it was connected. The player would pull a string at random and receive the corresponding prize in return. However, it seemed that the children had made their own game based on who received the best prize. After everyone had finished pulling, Niki once again bellowed with laughter.

Niki: "Aha! I won again!"

Adella: "I must admit you are very good at this..."

Mina: "Niki is so cool!"

Nana: "You hafta teach us!"

Mina: "Hey! It's mister! Hi!"

Subaru: "Hey! It's good to see you guys! Woah, we had games like this back home!"

Approaching the small crowd, Subaru acknowledged the cat girls with a warm smile. Intrigued by hearing Subaru talk about his home, Beatrice curiously looked at the stall and began to inspect the prizes. Noticing her inquisitiveness, the cat boys called out to her.

Riko: "Hey doll lady, you wanna play?"

Beatrice: "Huh? Play?"

Soba: "Yeah! It's easy, you just gotta pull a string and hope you get the prize you want."

Overhearing their conversation, Niki devilishly smiled as she interrupted with an arrogant tone.

Niki: "That's right, Bea! We take turns pullin' and whoever gets the best prize is the winner! Whaddya think? I won't go easy on ya!"

Not one to be talked down to, Beatrice's eyes grew fiery as she leaned forward towards Niki to deliver her retort.

Beatrice: "Games like this are childish, I suppose. Betty has no need to win at such things, in fact."

Matching her intensity, Niki also leaned forward so that the two girls were almost touching their foreheads together.

Niki: "Sounds like yer scared! Or... maybe yer just unlucky?"

Beatrice: "Why you! Betty is very lucky, in fact! Indeed, she is quite skilled in most things, I suppose!"

Niki: "Well then, let's play!"

Beatrice: "Fine!"

Niki: "Fine!"

Subaru couldn't help but smile as he watched the girls get worked up over a chance prize game. After speaking with the stall owner, Beatrice and Niki both took spots alongside the box and perused the available strings. With a smirk, Niki grabbed a string and stuck her tongue out at Beatrice. The irritated spirit scoffed as she watched the strings sway and a small bag rise from the box. The stall owner smiled as he removed the bag and handed it to Niki. The cat girl giggled as she opened the bag to reveal frosted cookies. Not ready to admit defeat, Beatrice grabbed a string of her own and watched as a slip of paper ascended. She anxiously received the paper from the stall owner and carefully unfolded it to reveal a message.

Beatrice: "This slip entitles the holder to one whole leaf fish at tonight's feast"

Beatrice grumbled as she resigned herself to admit defeat, but was instead met with dazzling looks from Niki and the other children. Completely forgetting their contest, Niki cheerfully praised Beatrice.

Niki: "Bea! You won one of the best prizes!"

Beatrice: "Huh?"

Niki: "That leaf fish is gonna be huge!"

Squirming at the thought of a large fish staring at her, Beatrice's victory rang hollow. However, seeing an opportunity to still receive a suitable prize, the spirit called out to Niki.

Beatrice: "Niki... Would you perhaps... like to trade, in fact?"

The wide eyed cat girl bristled with excitement as she salivated while blurting her response.

Niki: "Ya mean it! No take backs!"

Beatrice: "Indeed, Betty would prefer cookies to fish, I suppose."

Niki: "Then does that mean I won the game?"

Beatrice: "Perhaps a draw is more appropriate, in fact?"

Niki: "Hmm... Deal!"

So with the exchanging of prizes and a small hug from Niki, the grand contest between best friends was completed. As the girls turned to leave the stall, Adella stepped forward with a mischievous grin on her face.

Adella: "Fufufu, before we go... Perhaps the Masters would like to play together?"

Beatrice: "I see no harm in it, I suppose..."

Subaru: "Huh? Beako, you know that-"

Adella: "You heard the Lady, Master Subaru. Why don't you play with her?"

Before Subaru could raise his protest, Adella swiftly intervened and gave him a gentle push towards the stall. Beatrice took her previous spot and began the trial of selecting a string. Subaru narrowed his eyes at Adella before nonchalantly pulling the closest string. A small box jostled and the stall owner retrieved it and presented it to Subaru. Seeing the speed of his selection, Beatrice decided to quickly pull her string as well. Once again the strings began to move as yet another slip of paper rose to the top. Beatrice smugly smiled as she was certain that this would be another top prize. After being presented with the prize, she proudly read it aloud.

Beatrice: "Penalty Game: You must perform one request for the person standing closest to you."

Glancing over at the person closest to her, Beatrice met Subaru's eyes.

Subaru: "..."

Beatrice: "WHAT! I don't understand, in fact!"

Adella: "Oh my, did you not know that there were penalty games mixed into the prizes?"

Beatrice: "N-no!"

Adella: "Is that so? Well it would appear that you have to answer a request from Master Subaru..."

Subaru: "Adie, that's not fair! You tricked her-"

Beatrice: "I-I'll do it, I suppose!"

The sudden announcement of Beatrice's acceptance startled Subaru and rendered him speechless. The boy glanced over at Beatrice with a

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