"Chapter 6"

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The three of them continued to talk about hiraya and how her memories yet every single question dean asked, he didnt get any answer since he always forgot that hiraya's memories about her childhood was wiped out

"fine..ill let you guys stay here but in one condition."

dean added to them looking at them with a serious look before leaning closer to the both of them and whispering

"dont even try to steal anything got it?"

dean mentioned but hiraya and sahaya didnt really came here to steal some of the things belonging to hiraya since the things are already hers to be started with, and the two bestfriend just looked at the both of them and nods looking back at him with a smile

"alright we promise, and by the way you say you are the care taker of my house?, is that true?- so that's why the things and the other tables didnt have dust on any of them"

Hiraya asked him confused yet curious at the same time, dean just looked at the two of them before leaning back on to his seat

"well yes i did mentioned that i am the caretaker of this house, since it has been the family tradition for us to serve the KA-MI for a year or decade ago, and i am here to continue that tradition since no one in my family is willing to continue because of the reason of the family sudden disappearance, my other family members were to scared to be bale to continue this kind of tradition so i have to just come in and clean the house every 11pm, and i come in here every morning in 1am to be check on the house to see if anything have changed and anything had left untouched while i was gone"

dean replied back  to them with a straight face and letting out a sigh

"besides i not only enjoy this but i am also here to uncover the mystery of how the whole family died, cause there is no way that the whole family of the KA-MI just disappeared one by on, cause ever since the KA-MI's mother of the household di-."

but before dean could finish his sentence, hiraya suddenly felt a hint of dizziness in her vision, feeling like she suddenly had a headache after hearing of Deans telling the KA-MI's backstory on how everything started. and hiraya just held her forehead trying to,  gain consciousness to not be able to be unconscious again and sahaya just held hiraya by her back so she wouldn't fell down drop on the floor again, but not only did hiraya reaction to dean was so confusing to us, dean was also confused yet curious on why would hiraya kept losing or kept feeling headaches every time someone mentioned a part of hiraya's childhood family or memories which is basically the Re-Drema 

"why does she kept having or feeling headaches every time i talk about the KA-MI's backstory??"

Dean asked the two of them, and none of them answered and sahya just helped hiraya up and lay her down the couch to rest so she wouldn't be unconscious again like i just said earlier, and dean just stood up from his seat walking close to check on her

"is she going to be alright?- i mean she fainted a lot of times now this is her 2nd time"

sahaya just looked at him and lets out a sigh before replying back to him 

"ok number one(1), hiraya did not faint this time, thankfully, and number two(2) every time someone mentioned a part of her childhood it always gave her headaches or fatigue, we already asked for help in the other doctors around the country but no one could really explain on why and how it happens"

dean was confused and didnt know what to reply back and just stared over at hiraya's body trying to gain her conscious while laying back down on the couch

"huh, wait so does that mean.. wait hold up- i just talked about the KA-MI'S backstory how could have she felt fatigue if it wasn't about he-"

dean just lets out a gasp for a second, he finally noticed it hiraya was telling the truth that she is part in the families of  KA-MI,  the puzzle was slowly getting together, so dean finally knew about hiraya real identity and the part that she wasn't lying about any of it, and because of deans trust issues it could only made it worse too

....To be continued

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