Choosing Camps

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?: Hmm... I don't recognise that ceiling... Ah, that's right, I am in the Karsten manor.

Laying on the bed with half-closed eyes was William James Moriarty. Even though he was awake, he was still laying on his bed. It was not that he was a lazy or hard-to-wake person, but because he was in deep thought.

'So all of it was not a dream eh? What should I do now?...why was I brought here? I even deserve a new life?...what should I do?'

William still lay on his bed with a neutral expression, but his eyes showed a lot more. Sadness and a bit of guilt.

'Maybe...maybe I should use this life help, someone... Help them reach their dreams... Protect them even if it costs my life... Make them happy even if it costs my soul...make sure that they don't become like me. That is what I can do to atone for my sins'

He got out of his bed to get ready. He found his clothes neatly folded near his bed along with his cane. He looked at the mirror.

' I look terrible.'

He looked out the window. A light morning breeze was flowing. You could see the royal palace and the guard station, behind which the Sun was rising. It was a mesmerising sight and William would have commented on it if he had paid attention.

' How long was I out? Is Reinhard in the manor too? That's unlikely, he may have found out about the candidate and took her somewhere else. Since he is a knight, I don't think she would follow him that easily. I hope he didn't do anything too far like kidnapping her or something.'

'I don't know what to do. For now, I should go and meet with Crusch and try to meet with Reinhard... Hmm, weird... Someone pinched my cheeks...'

He broke out from his trans when he heard footsteps approaching his room. As he turned around the door flew open and he saw the cheerful face of a girl with feline features and an old butler behind her.

Ferris: nya Good Morning William!! Nyou look so refreshed. As Ferris thought, nyou just needed a good night's rest, Ferris' wisdom is always right nya!

William: Good morning to you too Miss Felix, and yes, thank you for your care. I appreciate it.

He noticed that Ferris had a toothy grin and the old man was giving him a weird look before changing into one that showed he had lost all hope in him.

' What is happening? Did I do something wrong? Why do get this feeling as if I am digging my own grave'

Ferris: This is the old man Will nya. He just looks scary but he is really kind and sweet. Except when he is mad...

Ferris' face contorted into a neutral expression with distant eyes.
Both men promptly ignored Ferris' flashbacks,
?: I am Wilhelm Trias, a humble butler in this manor. Sorry for barging in just now.

William: Oh no, it's okay, there is no need to apologise. I was just about to leave too. I am William James Moriarty. Call me William.

Wilhelm: It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr William.

Ferris: Yes. Now that introductions are over, we came here because Miss Crusch wants a word with nyou. Are nyou all ready to go?

He took his cane and straightened out his coat once more.
William: Yes, Let's go.

Wilhelm went ahead while the other two walked behind. They didn't talk much as William was marvelling at the paintings and the sculptures decorating the hallway.

Crusch's study

Ferris: Miss Crusch, Ferris has brought him nya. Told you that he just needs some rest nya.

Crusch: I see. It seems that you are well-rested. It's good to see that you are fine.

Bowing low,
William: Yes, allow me to thank you for your hospitality Lady Crusch. For allowing me to rest in this manor and also help with the case of the last candidate, Thank you. It seems I have caused you a lot of trouble, didn't I? It isn't good to drink too much coffee.

Crusch: ahh, no. I was merely doing my duty. If anything, it was a good break. I would have worke-

Stopping midway she realised something.
Crusch: How would you know that I drank a lot of coffee?

William: hmm, it was obvious.

Ferris: nya! Stop teasing us. Ferris wants to knyow how nyou found that.

Crusch: That's right. I would like to know your reasoning too. Also, it would be a good test to show your skills to Wilhelm.

' Even though she says that she looks like a kid eager to get a piece of candy.'

Chuckling to himself
William: It wasn't much of a problem. You just need to observe your surroundings. Papers stacked in the corner of the table are a bit ruffled, a slight impression of your elbows on the table showing that you have been working for quite a long time and didn't really care about organising them. Something usual when you are working overnight. Also, the room has a slight fragrance of rather strongly brewed coffee, and your lips are a bit stained, showing that you were drinking a bit too much coffee. Though you don't need to worry the stain is barely visible and will be gone in a day or two. But you really should take care of your health.

Needless to say, the rest were surprised. To observe so much in just a small amount of time was unbelievable. Crusch just placed a finger on her lips and thought for a bit.

Crusch: I will... keep what you said in mind...thank you.

Wilhelm: Your observation skills are truly impressive.

Without her characteristic Accent
Ferris: Though... That was a bit creepy you know.


William: Ah, I didn't mean any disrespect.

Composing herself

Crusch: It's okay. Now as for the last candidate, Sir Reinhard was able to find her in the slums and surprisingly... she fit exactly the profile you gave. Reinhard took her to his mansion, though he was rather upset that he couldn't take you with him.

Giggling a bit
Ferris: He gave nyou enough sorrys to last a year.

William too smiled at this
William: Well hopefully the new princess can change him a bit.

Crusch: Hopefully... Well, Sir Reinhard did say that you can choose whether to remain here or go to his mansion.

Raising his eyebrows slightly
William: In other words you want me to join your camp isn't that right? Can I assume you want me for something?

Crusch: sigh, you are quick to grasp the situations aren't you? It isn't a bad thing. As for your question, yes I do need your help with something. But more important than that, unlike Reinhard, I can't just blindly trust you.

William slight frowned.
'Where is this leading to?'

Crusch: Please don't get me wrong, you have done this country a great favour and I have faith in your abilities. But even though Sir Reinhard has confirmed your intentions, there is still a possibility that you are a spy and were using some sort of method to bypass his divine protections.

'I can't say anything against that. She has really thought this through '

Crusch: And even that wasn't the case, your skills are something deadly. If some terrorist organisation or any of the neighbouring countries were to use you, they could very well take down this country. As such I believe you remaining here or with Sir Reinhard is the best choice, but as I said before I would appreciate if you could help me.

William, eyes closed, was thinking deeply. This was something very sensitive. He has to make the right choice. Obviously, he would never make a decision that would hurt innocents, even if it killed him.

William: Allow me to ask you one question.

Crusch: Go ahead.

William: Let's say that I am a spy trying to destroy this country, then wouldn't I  be a risk to your life. After all, you are a royal candidate. Shouldn't you prioritise your safety? Wouldn't you lose a lot by having me here.

Crusch: That's where your wrong William. What kind of a leader would be if I were to let the people be in danger while I mole up here being safe. I do want to be the next ruler of Lugunica, but I would rather die than let a potential threat endanger my people. I would never forgive myself. I want to be a ruler that ensures the safety and well-being of my people rather than be a coward and let someone else suffer for my mistakes. But that doesn't mean I would go down that easily. I will fight to my last breath and do everything I can, so that I could lead them another day.

William widened his eyes as the depth of her words sunk into him.
' She isn't like the rest... She is different... She truly is a noble. Maybe... this is the reason why I was brought here... What I want to do in this life, to atone for my sins, I have decided... '

William closed his eyes and smiled a bit. A smile filled with happiness.

William: I see. I am glad that I am wrong. Very well, It will be an honour working for you.

He bowed low. Crusch smiled sweetly while Ferris looked like he was about to burst from excitement.

Ferris: Nya!! That was such a passionate speech. As expected of Miss Crusch. Nyou would make a great ruler. And also William is going to be staying with us nya! Ferris will show you around the mansion.

Ferris held onto William's arm and was jumping all over the place. Even though they knew each other for a short period, Ferris was a bit attached to William.

William: I understand your excitement, but I do have a few conditions.

Crusch: Only if it's something plausible.

William: Firstly, I would like to have access to a library. As You might have heard from Reinhard, I don't know how to read and write and  I do lack in my knowledge about Lugunica and also about magic. So I would appreciate some help.

Crusch: For a noble, that does seem unusual. Hmm

William: Let's say... My circumstances are a bit special. Let's leave it that. okay?

Crusch: I won't force you to speak. But do keep in mind that this makes you even more suspicious.

William: That just means I have to try a bit harder to prove myself

Crusch: I look forward to that. Anyway, you can have access to the Karsten library and Ferris can teach you when he is free. Would that be okay with you Ferris?

Ferris: Of course nyan. Be careful William. Ferris is a really strict teacher.

William: Thank you. Secondly, I consider Reinhard my friend, so if he ever needs my help I want to help him. Though I can assure you that I won't betray you or sell-out information.

Crusch: That is fine too. Anything else?

William: That's it. Thank you for your kindness.

Crusch: Well then. My request for you, that I will tell on a later occasion. Ferris, you can show him around the mansion.

Ferris: Okay!

William gave a courtesy bow and left with Ferris, a sense of peace on his face.

Wilhelm: Miss crusch, what do you think of that man?

Crusch: He is definitely hiding something. But more than that, he is from a supposed noble 'Moriarty' family, though he possesses intelligence, he lacks even the most basic knowledge. Though I am glad he chose to stay here, why would he? Isn't it better for him to go with the sword saint who trusts him like a friend than stay here under suspicious eyes?

Wilhelm narrowed his eyes
Wilhelm: He has some other motive as you said before?

Crusch: No, the chances of him being a threat are really low. But one can never be too careful. But more importantly, I believe he is in the same boat as you Wilhelm.

Wilhelm widened his eyes at those words
Wilhelm: Is that so?

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