31: Much Needed News

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It was Micah. And now the entire camp would know, even though I had not decided whether them knowing would be a good or bad thing. The choice was out of my hands and I felt like crying.

"What do you mean, Mr Bell?" Miss Grimshaw asked as everyone looked over at us, a mix of curiosity and confusion on their faces.

"Miss Wright is engaged, I guess I was wrong, someone will take her despite her soiled reputation," he leered at me, "Or did you gloss over that fact with him? Trick him into this?"

"I did no such thing," I growled at him as Dutch came over, a deep frown on his face.

"Is this true, Ann? Are you engaged?" he asked, his voice careful.

I sighed before standing up, looking over them all.

"Yes, I'm engaged," I said, "I wasn't sure when to tell any of you, but it seems that's been taken out of my hands. So yes, I will be married and I guess... if you want to come, you're invited."

"Congratulations!" I couldn't pick out individual voices, it seemed everyone was sharing the same sentiments. But I still couldn't remove the doubt that was settling in my stomach.

The one good thing that came out of it was the fact it lifted the spirits of the camp significantly, if only for a short time. It had been some time since celebrations had been appropriate, our return from Guarma was ruined by Pinkertons and John hadn't exactly been welcomed back with open arms. So, for once, things were nice, if I was having second thoughts.

"Ann, come and talk to me," a hand was placed on my shoulder and I turned to see Dutch.

I followed him silently, worried about what this seemingly serious conversation was about. I guess finding out your daughter had been engaged twice without you even knowing the men was something you had to have words about.

"So," he said when we were out of earshot, his hard face worried me, "Are you leaving us again?"

I stared at him in shock for a few seconds, my mouth agape.

"N-no! No, never, Dutch, he knows what I am, what I've done, and he doesn't want to change me or make me leave this life. I'm not abandoning you," I tried to stifle a cough but it exploded out, causing a small fit of it and leaving me slightly breathless, "At least, not by choice."

"I see," he sighed and his face softened significantly, "That's quite a cough."

"You don't know the half of it," I forced a laugh and he pulled me into a hug.

"Congratulations," he whispered before letting me go, "Though, I'd like to meet him. See if he's suitable for you."

I laughed at him, shaking my head slightly. I was seeing the old Dutch return again, and I hoped it wasn't only for this moment.

"You've met him before," I told him, "At the mayor's party, he was the man I was talking to when you interrupted. But, if you really want, I guess I can take him here before the wedding."

"Certainly," he smiled at me, "But... you said he knows everything about you? Who you are, what you've done?"

"At first I lied," I sighed, "But, when things started getting serious... after what happened last time, I didn't want someone else in danger. He told me he didn't care, that it was his choice. Then, we came back from Guarma and... and I saw him again, told him what had happened, again he said he didn't care and proposed to me this afternoon but... Have I been a terrible fool? This whole thing just seems so selfish of me, it's not fair on him!"

"Ann," he grabbed my hands and sat me down, "I've been around for a long time, and though it might surprise you, I have learnt a thing or two in that time. If you really love this man, and he is willing to take all that comes along with you, you deserve this happiness. You are never selfish, Ann, you think too much of others sometimes. So take this opportunity, don't let it pass. If this will bring you happiness, it is what you deserve."

"But its not what he deserves," I argued.

"He can think for himself, and he has thought. He wants you," Dutch continued, "Someone once told me, the most beautiful things in life are not seen or heard, they are felt with the heart. So do what your heart tells you, don't start digging a hole with it or you won't ever get out."

"I guess... you might be right," I said quietly.

"She finally admits it," he gave a hearty laugh, "I will certainly accept your invitation to the wedding, as will everyone else here. But do take him to come see us before that. If he is as good to you as it sounds, we'll all love him."

"Thank you," I smiled up at him, "You've settled my mind somewhat."

"Go, celebrate with the others," he clapped my shoulder, "God knows we needed some good news."

I nodded and walked over to the campfire, the atmosphere was better than it had been in a long time, possibly since the return of Jack from Angelo Bronte. That seemed a lifetime ago.

"Ann, what is... who... were you ever going to tell me?" Arthur was by my side, an unreadable expression on his face.

"Arthur," I sighed, "I'll be honest, I don't know what I was going to do. I have just barely been convinced that this whole marriage thing isn't entirely selfish, but I'm still not..."

"The boy... he's the one that your father mentioned, the one that saved your life after the trolley station," he stated with a small nod, "As much as I hate to admit you're not the small kid I loved to torment anymore, I think you've found someone good."

"You're not angry?" he laughed at my surprised face.

"I'm a bit upset you didn't think you could tell me, but no, why would I be mad?" he asked, "I'm beyond happy for you. You can finally maybe have a life away from this!"

"Arthur, I think you've forgotten one important point," I forced a small laugh.

"But he doesn't care?" he asked, "He knows, and he still wants to marry you?"

"For some reason," I shrugged, "Believe me, I tried to convince him it was stupid."

"Well, if he's stupid too, you're made for one another," Arthur laughed, "Are you planning on taking him to camp before the wedding?"

"Well, Dutch has asked me to, so I guess so," I cringed slightly, "Oh god, that's gonna be awful."

"I'll come with you to get him," Arthur told me, "Then, if I think Dutch won't approve, I can warn you in advance. And also I want to size him up first of all, see if I approve myself."

"Oh, Arthur, shut up," I shoved him playfully before pausing, "I do love him, you know. I thought, after Edward... I thought I couldn't do it again. But somehow he made me open myself up to it all, and I think its the only thing keeping me sane through all this mess now."

"He's good for you, that I'm sure of," Arthur nodded, "Don't party too hard now, I'm getting you up first thing so I can meet this guy."

"Oh lord," I laughed, "He's in for a rough day tomorrow."

Arthur wasn't lying when he set he would get me up at the crack of dawn. I was essentially dragged from my bed and onto Roach, my protests falling on deaf ears.

Arthur had collected the dynamite with Bill as he was told the day before, Dutch was still considering what he planned to do with it. But I wagered it wouldn't be anything I approved of.

"So, this guy, you ain't even told me his name," Arthur said as we rode.

"Harry Taylor," I said, "He's English and posh, don't mock him too much."

"Oh, would I ever?" he laughed.

"Yes, you would!" I said, giving him a look, "I swear, if he puts up with everything that is me, only for you to scare him away, I will kill you."

"Oh, I don't doubt it," he grinned.

We rode into Saint Denis, and I led the way to his house.

"Stay here, I don't want you to be the first thing he sees this morning, dashing as you are," I said, dismounting.

"Sarcasm is unbecoming, young lady," Arthur grumbled, but he stayed on his horse.

I knocked on the door and it was thrown open immediately, Harry was stood there with a large grin on his face.

"So, did you tell them?" he asked, one eyebrow raised.

"They want to meet you," I cleared my throat awkwardly, "Arthur Morgan is here with me right now, but Dutch wants you to come to camp."

His eyes widened and I pulled him into a tight hug, pecking him on the cheek lightly.

"Listen, they'll love you," I whispered, "As much as I have said about Dutch, he does still care about my happiness. And there's no way they can deny that you are good for me, so don't worry. I'll be by your side the whole time."

"I trust you," he nodded, "What are we waiting for? I'd better get ready to walk into my doom."

"Oh hush," I laughed, "Arthur's waiting outside the gate, do you have your horse?"

"I do indeed," he smiled, gripping my hand tightly as I took him to where Arthur was waiting.

"Mr Morgan, its a pleasure," Harry shook Arthur's hand without hesitation, "I've heard a lot about you."

"I'm afraid I can't say the same, Ann has been rather secretive regarding your relationship," Arthur raised his eyebrows at me as he looked over my fiance, "So, you proposed to her."

"Indeed, sir," he didn't let Arthur's stern look phase him, "We've been together for a while, well before Guarma happened, and I've been waiting for my moment."

"And you know about us? What we do? Especially to folk that hurt us," Arthur's voice was a warning. 

"Ann has told me everything," I was impressed that Arthur's dangerous look wasn't affecting him, "She tried to scare me away long before you, and it didn't work the first time."

Arthur's face relaxed and he smiled slightly.

"Just checking, I can't let my little sister end up with the wrong man," he said, "We'll be good, as long as you don't hurt her."

"Well, I can guarantee that won't be my intention," Harry said strongly, "And I hope you don't plan on doing anything to hurt her either."

Arthur paused, looking him up and down.

"I like him," he finally laughed, leading the way back to camp.

Harry let out a deep breath before spurring his own horse on, and I laughed, following him.

"You played that well," I commented.

"I was terrified! Are they all like that?" he asked, panic in his eyes.

"I promise, you didn't come across scared," I said, "Most are nicer. It's just... Dutch might be the same, or worse. I don't know. This is the first time I've done this!"

"Oh, great," he said, the look on his face making me burst into laughter again.

"It'll be fine, you'll be fine," I said, "Just be yourself. That's why I like you, and that'll be why they like you too."

The silence was deafening as Dutch stared at Harry, sizing him up. I gave Arthur a worried look, but he just shrugged and went to stand next to John and Javier, small smiles playing on each of their faces.

It seemed like the whole camp was stood just to see how Dutch would react to my fiancé. My heart was in my mouth and I couldn't think of anything to say, Dutch's lack of emotion was scaring me and I fought the urge to grab Harry's hand and drag him back out of camp.

"So," Dutch broke the silence, "You're Mr Taylor."

"Mr Van der Linde, its an honour," Harry's voice was mostly steady, but the slight shakiness that crept in as he stared at Dutch seemed obvious to everyone in the area.

Dutch was silent for a long moment more, his face still expressionless.

"I didn't take him here for you to terrify him," I eventually spoke, my voice filled with warning.

Dutch turned to look at me before a small smile spread over his face.

"I am glad to meet you, my boy," Dutch grabbed Harry's hand and shook it, "Forgive me. Ann hasn't taken someone home before, I ain't quite sure how this works."

"Just talk, be normal for once," I muttered with annoyance.

"I guess I'm intrigued as to how she managed to trick you into thinking she was a nice young woman," Dutch gave me a look, but I could tell he wasn't mad.

"Oh, I've never been under any illusion that Ann is nice, sir," he laughed, "She's unlike anyone I've ever met before, she's unique in everything she does. The moment I set eyes on her, I knew she was someone I had to get to know, but I never thought I'd be lucky enough to call her mine."

"Ann, I'd like to talk to the boy, if you don't mind," Dutch smiled at me and my eyes widened in worry, "Oh come on, I'm not going to hurt him."

"Be nice," I warned him, before giving Harry and a peck on the cheek and going over to where Arthur was stifling laughter.

"She's unique in everything she does," he guffawed once Harry and Dutch were far enough away, "That boy has a way with words, him and Dutch will get along great."

"Oh shut it, stop teasing," I growled as John and Javier joined in with his laughter, "I told you, he's posh, and you're not to torment him."

"He seems a good kid," Arthur ruffled my hair.

"We are happy for you, but that don't mean we won't make fun of you constantly," John told me and I glared at him.

"Javier, you'll be nice, right?" I asked pleadingly.

"Well, that depends on the next words I hear him say," he said and I threw my hands up in exasperation.

"You three are unbelievable, I can't believe I agreed to this," I grumbled.

Harry and Dutch spoke for what seemed like hours, but in reality was probably only twenty or so minutes. Harry was beaming by the time he came out, and I had the feeling our charismatic leader had put his silver tongue to use once again.

"I never thought I'd have such respect for an outlaw, but Dutch is..." he grinned, "He's something else."

"Don't let him suck you in too much," I warned under my breath, "Remember the mess I'm in, the messes I've been in. Don't let him put you under some illusion this life is perfect."

"Don't worry," he kissed me softly, "I know. But I'm glad my fear of meeting him was unfounded, beneath his exterior he does seem to be a good man."

"I hope you're right, as he certainly used to be," I plastered a smile on my face, "The others want to meet you too, but Dutch stole you. So, prepare yourself for a bombardment of questions."

The next few hours had everyone essentially harassing Harry, interrogating him on his life and our time together. Arthur promised me he'd keep an eye on Micah to make sure he didn't say or do anything, but otherwise, I was feeling pretty happy. It had gone better than I had ever hoped.

"He's a good kid," Dutch spoke from over my shoulder, "I like him, we all do. He's genuine, his loyalty to you is greater than the loyalty I ask of any of you."

"Did you interrogate him completely about his reasonings for being with me?" I turned to him with an eyebrow raised.

"Not outright, but I got the answers I wanted," he gave a small grin, "The kid loves you. Despite everything, despite your outlaw status, what happened on Guarma... His love for you reminds me so much of Annabelle and I. I'm happy for you, Ann, I truly am."

"I just hope he doesn't get hurt after all this," I sighed, "He's convinced its what he wants, but has he really thought about it?"

"Ann, you're still breathing, you're still walking, still doing jobs," Dutch said seriously, "Leave that thinking for when... if the time comes."

"I guess you're right," I nodded slightly, "It's getting late, I'm gonna take him home. As much as you like him, I'm not letting him stay the night here."

"I think that might be wise, Arthur might gut him in case he touches you," Dutch laughed.

"I might stay with my parents for the night, if you don't mind?" I asked, "I don't fancy being jumped by Murfree Brood on my way back..."

"I would prefer if you stayed with them, I think," Dutch nodded, "Do you know when the wedding will be?"

"Soon," I said quietly, "I'll let you know when I know, but I'd imagine sooner than we think. We don't want to waste time, it'd be awful him marrying me while I lay dying."

I laughed slightly but Dutch didn't share my amusement.

"Don't think that way, I can't bear the thought," he sighed, "Go, get him home before it gets too dark."

"They're good people," Harry said as we rode to his house, "All of them, they all seem so... genuine. I'm glad you let me meet them."

"I'm glad I did too, another secret from them all might kill me," I laughed slightly, "They like you too, I can tell. Not that I'd pay any heed if they didn't, but it is nice to know they'll support me."

We hitched our horses outside and he smiled, taking my hand gently.

"I'm going to go tomorrow and get something organised," he told me, "I'll let you know. Goodnight."

"Pa, I've been thinking about the whole wedding thing," I said after some silence the next morning, I had something big on my mind, "About the giving away..."

He held up his hand to stop me and smiled.

"As have I," he said, "And I know what you're thinking, I can imagine how difficult it is for you to make a decision. But I want you to know I'm making it for you."

I frowned at him slightly.

"You know that Harry's parents won't make it, so I've been thinking about it all myself," he continued, "As much as I would love to give you away, you're my daughter and this is the one thing every father strives to do, but I also know that it's perhaps not my place. I'm your father by blood, but I didn't raise you. I didn't make you the wonderful woman you are today. So is it really fair to walk you down the aisle and take credit for all of that?"

"Pa..." I breathed.

"I'll stand beside Harry instead, I spoke to him when he asked me for your hand and he agrees, he wants someone there if his own father can't be," he smiled at me, "Know I'm still there as your father, but this is an honour that I can't bring myself to take from the man who truly deserves it, no matter how selfish I want to be."

I threw myself at him, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you so much," I breathed, "I had no idea what to do, I wanted both of you equally to do it but I saw no way of deciding without hurting someone."

"He did the hard bit," my dad laughed, "I shouldn't get the glory. Go, give him the news. Maybe deep down I'm hoping he'll say no..."

He winked at me as I stood, heading for the door, and I gave a small laugh.

"Dutch, can I talk to you?" I asked as I approached and he turned to me with a raised eyebrow.

"Is something wrong, darling?" he asked me.

"No, it's about the wedding," I continued.

"Has Harry done something? Is it still going ahead? You're not having second thoughts, are you?" he stood, a frown on his face.

"No, not at all! It's..." I smiled up at him, "I wanted to know if... you'd walk me down the aisle."

He stared at me silently for a few seconds, his mouth forming a small 'o' shape.

"That's... isn't that a job for your father?" he asked slowly.

"Yes, which is exactly why I'm asking you," I told him, "You raised me, Dutch, it's only right that you're the one who gives me away. And I'll feel much more comfortable about my decision if it's you by my side."

"It would be an honour," he said quietly, a small smile playing on his lips, "Thank you."

"No, thank you," I said to him, the sincerity in my voice clear, "I know I ain't always been a good daughter. Hell, I've been a pretty shit one most of the time, but I am truly grateful for everything you've done. Without you, I wouldn't be standing here right now. Having you give me away? I honestly don't believe I could go through with this wedding without you by my

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