Chapter 21: The Kid

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"Wake up!" You feel a boot kick your side, knocking some wind out of your lungs. Hands grab you and toss you off the cart before two pairs drag you across the ground. The ropes become loose and then the sound of clanging metal fills your ears. You rip the sack off your head and see a group of bandits staring at you.

"Raven is gonna be happy to see you." The shady looking man says with a grin. You stand up and walk to the front of the cage where he is standing, still giving you a shit eating grin. Before he is able to say anything else, you reach out and punch him in the chin and send him staggering back into his buddies.

"Ooh I'm gonna fucking kill ya." He says as he marched towards the cage.

"Open this cage up and let's see what happens." You spit back at him. The door to the cage flies open and you spring out and jump on top of the man. You start to deliver blow after blow onto his gut until he throws dirt into your face, causing you to fall back.

"Got to fight like a little bitch?" You ask as your vision come back. You see him charging at you, knife in hand as he runs forward. You wait for the moment right before he strikes and then duck your shoulder low into his knee and then push up, sending him flying over your shoulder and landing with a hard thud on the ground behind you. You turn and walk over to him, kicking the knife away as he groans in pain.

"Fuck you." He says as he spits out some blood.

"Awe, did someone bite off more than they could chew?" You ask sarcastically. "You want to have another round? Ooh how about I tie a hand behind my back."

"You are not in the place to talk kid." You look around and see barrels and blades pointed at your head. You reach for the knife and take it into your hand before standing up.

"Well, let's get started then." Before anymore action can begin, you hear a voice call out.

"Shay enough!" You hear a feminine voice say. The man pushes himself up as the bandits around you sheath their weapons.

"But this asshole knocked out my tooth." He says as he points to the left side of his mouth, revealing a place where a tooth should be.

"She doesn't care. Bring him to her tent." The body-less female voice says. The man walks past you and you follow him forward as two guards trail, breaking a hole in the circle of bandits that were surrounding you. Bandits stare at you from their tents as you are led to the massive tent that is standing at the head of the camp. Shay gestures to the tent and the two guards shove you forward up the steps. You push past the flaps of the tent and step forward.

"You got lucky." You spits out as you past. You stop and take a step back, standing face to face with him.

"Oh so now you want round two?" You say as you feel your head get hot. "Because trust me buddy you have not seen what I can do." He takes a step back before retreating down the steps. You turn and go into the tent, pushing past the flaps.

"Take a seat." You look up and see the black haired woman sitting at a table with another girl sitting next to her.

"It's you. What the hell do you want with me?" You ask her.

"Aww you get all angry and your eyes get all red, just like Yang." She says with a smirk. Your head gets even hotter and you clench your fists.

"Don't you talk about her!" You yell, breathing heavily as you glare at the woman.

"It is fine boys, just leave us be." You turn and see a collection of men retreat from the doorway. "You don't want to get too riled up or they will get the wrong idea."

"I will have no problem taking them all on." You growl.

"Please take a seat. I want to talk to the boy that is dating my daughter." You head cools off instantly and you tilt you head to the side. Same long hair, same build, and eyes red...the exact same shade as Yang's when she is angry.

"I knew that mask looked familiar. You saved her on the train and then she saw you in her dream." You say as you stand with your arms crossed. "Then the next time I see you you are raiding an innocent village. Wow you sure do make a good first impression don't you?"

"You have a lot of nerve talking to me like that in my camp...I like that." She gestures to the pad across from her. You take a seat and she pushes a cup of tea towards you before she takes a sip of her own. You take the cup and take a drink, feeling the hot tea warm your insides.

"What do you want with me?" You ask her.

"Just wanted to meet the boy that is dating my daughter, that is all. Just want to make sure that you are able to keep her safe. I must say, you two make quite the couple."

"How do you know anything about us? You don't even live near Vale." She smirks before responding.

"Let's just say that I have a quick and stealthy way of getting around, so don't think that I haven't been watching you two."

"That is all you want? It has nothing to do with the fact that I killed a lot of your men a while ago."

"They were weak and only made us stronger by dying, so that is not a concern. This is merely a...formality you might say. What? You didn't think it would be a good thing to meet the mother."

"Yang told me about you. She told me that you left and she searched for years to find you and has not stopped searching. Yet, you hid even though you could have easily came back to her just like you did on the train. Your can create a portal to those that you have a bond with. Yet you chose to keep her in the dark for years!" You say, your voice slowly growing in volume. "I never had a want to meet the person that damaged her the way you did." She shakes her head at you with a smirk.

"So naive. You don't understand that I had to leave for a more important reason. There are bigger things at play in this world and you, like the rest of your friends, are blind. You all follow Ozpin and Qrow blindingly and believe their lies, thinking that you are going to do something better for the world." You crush the tea cup in your hand, before slamming your fist onto the table.

"I don't blindly follow anyone. My life has been full of points where I could have done something else, where I could have veered off the course that I am on, where I could have joined a group of bandits and looted and killed innocent people, but I didn't. I stayed on the path that I am because I believe that it is right. No one told me or forced me to be this way. I am who I am because this is who I wanted to be damnit and I will not sit here and let you tell me that I am just some sheep in a herd!" You breath heavily at her.

"So hot headed, just like her." She says with a sigh.

"Give me my gear. I am leaving."

"This is still my camp, my tribe, I could have them come in here and cage you up. You are still unarmed, what would you do against them all?"

"Either you give me my gear now or I will walk out there and beat the shit out of everyone until I find it." She looks up and down at you then turns to the girl at her side.

"Vernal, go fetch his gear for him." The girl next to her stands up and leaves the tent as Raven approaches you. "You know," She says with a smirk as she crosses her arms. "you would have made a great bandit. Quick thinking, can survive on your own, combat skills that are better than pretty much everyone here, and a tough guy attitude. Could always use another right hand man around here."

"I would rather use my abilities for the betterment of humanity." The flap opens behind you and Vernal hands you your gear. "Besides," you start as you start putting your gear on "there is one quality of a bandit that I don't have that you need to have to be a good one."

"And what is that?" She asks. You tighten your backpack straps before responding.

"I, unlike everyone here, am not a heartless murderer." You turn and push the your way out of the tent and into the courtyard of the camp. Glares are given as you walk with past the tents, a few bandits start to throw empty bottles and cans at you.

"Hey!" You turn and see Raven standing outside of her tent. "Just...keep her safe." You let out a snort before responding.

"Have been doing that since you won't." You turn back around and walk towards the gate.

"Later princess." Shay spits at you as you walk past him.

"See you later toothless wonder." You say back. You walk out of the camp and scan your map. "Well, I think that it is that way." You say to yourself as you head off into the woods.

Four weeks later

"And then follow the lane and here it is." You say to yourself. A barn and a farm house appears in front of a setting sun. You walk down the lane, slowly approaching the farm. "Well I guess he is suppose to be here. Hello?! Oscar?!" A lady comes out of the house and looks at you.

"Who are you and why are you looking for Oscar?" She calls out to you.

"I...uh...mail for him... yeah I have a package for him." She looks at you quizzically.

"He is in the barn." She replies before retreating into the house. You walk over to the barn and peek inside.

"Hello? Oscar?" A short, tan boy looks down at you from the rafters.

"What do you want? Are you the person the voice in my head is talking about?"

"Voice in you head? Ozpin?" You ask. He nods his head at you.

"You know him?"

"Oh do I know him." You reply with a chuckle. "So...what has he told you?"

"That you are going to show up and make sure that I get to Mistral safely."

"Yep. That's the plan." You look back outside at the sun, which is slowly setting behind a hill. "We will get a start on the trip in the morning. You mind if I crash in the barn tonight?"

"Yeah that's fine. My room is up here so just wake me up in the morning if you are up before me."

"Will do."

"Hey (Y/N)?"

"What's up Oscar?" You call up as you toss your pack against some hay and start to spread hay around on the ground.

"Do you trust Ozpin." You look up at him with a smile.

"I do." He smiles back at you before retreating into his room. You slump down against a bale of hay and crack open a can of fruit. "Can't wait to get a hot meal in Mistral. Hopefully Ren is able to make us ramen." You say to yourself as you take a bite. You pull out your map and start to chart the route that you and Oscar are going to take.



"There is a train to Mistral that we can take?"

"There was! It is under construction so we are going to have to walk."

"Son of a bitch." You mumble under your breath. "Alright sounds good!" You call up. You finish up your food and continue to look at the map. "Should be about a three week walk." You tuck away the map and shift to the ground, laying of your back and staring at the ceiling. You look to the left, stand up, and walk outside. The sky is clear from any light pollution and the stars shine brightly back down at you as you walk into a grassy field. You take a seat on a hill, looking up at the endless beyond that is space.

"I wish she was here." You let out with a sigh as you lay onto you back. You take out your scroll and pull up a photo of the two of you. "I miss you everyday sunshine." You whisper as you look at the first photo the two of you took, the one of her leaning on your shoulder after she took your arm and wrapped it around her. "I had no idea that that would lead to all of this." You say as you remember that day in the Emerald Forest. You tuck the scroll away and continue to look back up at the sky until you drift off into a peaceful sleep.

Two weeks later

"Oscar stay behind me!" You say as the bushes around you start to rustle.

"They are all around us."

"Can you climb trees?"


"Can you climb trees Oscar?" You ask as the noises get louder.

"Yeah I kind of can."

"Get to the highest one that you can right now."


"Go damnit!" Oscar scurries to the edge of the path and starts to climb to the top of a tree as the attackers jump out of the bushes around you.

"Put the weapon down." You raise you hands as you look at the ground.

"Just a lone wanderer out here...what a pity." A female voice says.

"Hopefully he has something good on him." A male says behind you. You see a shadow on the ground and look up at its owner.

" have no idea what you are about to get yourself into." Before he can respond, you deliver an upper cut to his jaw and send him flying backwards. You take your weapon off your back and propel yourself into the air and scan the battlefield below. "Five more. Time to get to work." Before you land, you launch yourself forward and connect the hammer end of your weapon into a waiting attacker and send him flying into a tree. You turn and block an overhead strike from another, deflecting his sword to the side and taking your pistol out and giving him a few quick shots to the stomach. The three remaining members start to close in on you, coming at your from the front in a triangle formation with weapons at the ready.

"Let's just get this over with nice and quickly." The only female of the group says.

"No need for anyone else to get hurt." The one in the middle says as he twirls his sword.

"The only ones that will be getting hurt will be you three." You sprint forward and drop your shoulder into the gut of the middle bandit and send him flying backwards into a tree. You feel a hammer hit the back of your knee and you stagger to the ground. You take your knife out and quickly turn and connect with your attackers thigh before he can take another swing and push yourself up, pull the knife out, and drive it into his stomach. You feel yourself heat up even more as you turn to the last standing bandit. He starts to run at you, but you pull out your pistol and fire a single shot and connect right between his eyes.

"Oscar! Get down here!" You hear the tree rustle from above you and the boy jumps down and lands at your feet.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I am fine."

"Your eyes, why are they so red?"

"It is my semblance." You blink a few times and take a few deep breaths as you think of happier times. "Are they gone?" He nods his head at you. "Sorry...I can't stand bandits and whenever they try to fuck over people it just sets me off. It is not as bad as before, but I still kind of struggle to control myself. Come on, we need to make camp."

"That was impressive! Your weapon is so cool." He says as the two of you walk down the path and look for a clearing.

"Thanks and yeah it has gotten me through a lot."

"Does it have a name?" You look at him with a confused look. "Oh come on, it has to have a name. All cool weapons of legend have a name and I bet your friends have names for their weapons."

"Yeah you are right they do." You say as you think of Ruby obsessing over Crescent Rose. "I don't know, it just never seemed important to me."

"Could I help you name it?" He asks as the two of find a clearing in the woods.

"Yeah sure, you have a name in mind?"

"Hmmm...give me a little and I will think of one."

"Fair enough. Let's get camp set up." You reply. The two of you start to set up your camp for the night. You cut down a tree and start to chop the wood into fire size pieces as Oscar spreads out both of you bed rolls.

"You got a name thought of yet?" You ask as you throw down the last of the wood.

"I think so. How about 'Lux Resistis'?" You look up at him as you go to start the fire.

"What in the ever living fuck does that mean Oscar?"

"It means 'Light Bringer'. It is Latin."

"You know Latin? What?"

"I know a few words. I would try to read as many books as I could while I had free time." You smile to yourself as the fire starts to roar in front of you.

"Smart kid. I like it." You grab your weapon from next to you and look at it in the fire light. "Lux Resistis. Has a nice ring to it." You set it down and grab your pack. "Your turn to cook dinner tonight." You say as you toss your pack to him.

"Cooking dinner is just heating up canned food." He says to you as you lean up against a tree.

"Yeah well it is your night to do it."

Three hours later

You sit against a tree as the cool wind whips around you. The embers of the fire burn softly as it starts to die, yet you stare into it and think. Think about her and her golden flowing hair and bright lilac eyes that would look at you with love and happiness. Her shining smile that she would always wear when she was around you and that cute giggle she would do whenever either one of you made a terrible pun.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)?" You snap back and see Oscar standing across from you. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah...yeah I'm fine." You lie, wiping away the few tears that had been forming.

"Are you sure?" You hang your head and close your eyes.

"No..." You reply with a shaky voice. "I'm not fine. She...she doesn't love me anymore and it is my fault isn't it? I tried too hard to care for her when she didn't want it and then one day she lost it and told me to leave, that she doesn't want to see me anymore. She hates me." You stand up and start to pace around. "And it is my fault."

"Look I'm sure"

"Stop." You turn to him. "You don't have to. I...I need to take a walk. Just go back to sleep." You turn and head off into the woods, slowly walking away from the dying glow of the campfire. "What did I do wrong?" You mumble as you make you way along. "All I ever did was just try to make her help her." You stop in front of a tree, one that reaches high into the sky. You ball you fists as you stare up at it. "What. Did. I. Do. Wrong?" You say as you lay haymaker after haymaker into the trunk, causing it to crack and eventually fall. You sit on the stump where the tree cracked and bury your face into your hands. "I just wanted her to be happy." You whisper to yourself as you feel the tears start to form.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Much love and thank you for reading, as always.

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