•Leo's POV•
I was in the dojo meditating, I wanted to practice what Sensi had taught us about focus and concentration. But I was quickly shaken out of my meditation by Raph.
"Raph I told you I was-" I started to talk but I saw how shocked and scared Raph looked. I got up and asked him what happened. And I cannot believe what he told me.
When he told me what he had done to Mikey, our little brother, I was fuming.
"Raph. What. The. SHELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" "Wait. Where's Mikey?!" I asked worriedly. "This way." Raph said.
And there was Raph, just STANDING THERE?? I have never felt so betrayed by my own blood before. I mean how could he do such a thing over something so small?
And if your wondering, Raph found Spike quickly after Don hooked Mikey onto all these machines.
I went over to Mikey's bedside, and held his hand. His hand was cold, and his face was pale. I tried to keep my eyes away from his wound in his abdomen, it just reminded me of Raphs mistake.
After I checked up on Mikey, I went over to Donnie. He looked stressed out and his eyes were red. He had awfully large eye bags, and I felt a lot of sympathy.
"Don, maybe you should take a break?" I asked him gently.
"Oh that sounds great Leo, I would love to just LEAVE my little brother dying in my lab while I take a nap. That sounds just peachy." Donnie replied sarcastically.
"Donnie I'm serious. You cannot help Mikey if you don't help yourself. If you would like I can watch over him.?" I said calmly.
Donnie was silent for a second, but he gave me a slight nod and a small smile. He exited the lab, but before he did he stopped in front of Raph.
"I hope your happy Raph. Thanks to you and your anger Mikey is in pain and so is Leo and me." Donnie said dryly.
Raph was clenching his fist, and then he finally responded, "You have no right to blame me for this! If it weren't for MIKEY taking Spike I wouldn't have lost my temper."
Donnie and I just stood there, my mouth just hung open. How could he say that? How could he blame Mikey for him stabbing Mikey?! That's just cruel. Before I could say anything, Donnie just lost it.
"How DARE you?! How can you blame your own brother for you STABBING HIM AND NEARLY KILLING HIM? That is just immature even for you Raphael." "I do not want you near Mikey until he is healed, do you understand me." Donnie said.
Raph didn't answer , he instead stomped out of the room and knocked over one of Donnie's filing cabinets in the process. Me and Donnie didn't move, we just stood there.
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