*Stevens is not in this episode (chapter), Rihanna will be paired with Julian. Also, I put quotation marks around Jerry's name for when Mrs. Driscoll makes him talk.*
3rd person POV
Mrs. Driscoll's was going on a field trip to a place called Mount Chuck in Norrisville State Park. Everyone is riding in the school bus. The bus eventually gets there and parks and opens the door. Everyone exits and lines up by the bus.
"Ah, the annual freshman field trip to Mount Chuck" Mrs. Driscoll
"The world's only man made volcano" 'Jerry' said
While Mrs. Driscoll was recalling a memory of how she first came to the mountain, Randy and Howard were talking about sneaking up to the volcano.
"Glory awaits, Howard. When we spit in that volcano, we'll be joining Norrisville High's all time greats" Randy discussed
Rihanna happens to me overhear them, sighs, and shakes her head in annoyance.
"Of course, we won't be actually going up the volcano. That's for hooligans, daredevils, and top foolers. No, we're headed to the informative and school board approved: Museum of Silt" Mrs. Driscoll infirmary everyone
Everyone groaned at that
"Silt! Silt! Silt!" Bucky cheered
"Now, before we go in, I wanna say one thing" Before Mrs. Driscoll could continue, Jerry patted her from behind.
"Oh, Jerry. Every year, some numbskull tries to sneak up the volcano to spit in it" Mrs. Driscoll informed everyone.
"That's us, Howard. We're that numbskull" Randy said to Howard
"Which is why we're using the buddy system. If you stray more than 5 feet from your buddy, you both get a months detention. For added security, I'm pairing a responsible student with a numbskull" Mrs. Driscoll announced to everyone as they looked at each other
Mrs. Driscoll started to pair everyone with a buddy.
"Bucky, you're with Randy"
Bucky awed disappointingly at that.
"Flute girl, you're with Howard"
Flute groaned at that and put a hand on her face.
"Julian, you're with Rihanna"
Julian looked at Rihanna and smiled at her and she smiled back at him. They are both happy that they paired together.
"Oh great, what do we do now? Huh? I mean, I was all excited to sneak off and loog into that volcano and scarf down some victory nachos" Howard complained as he held a basket of nachos.
"If it was easy, it wouldn't be awesome. We just have to find a way to get up there. Rendezvous at checkpoint bravo-" Randy gets cut off by Jerry popping up behind them
"No funny business, you two. I got my sockets on you" 'Jerry' warned them as Mrs. Driscoll made his arm do an "I got my eye on you" gesture
The two boys then looked at each other in shock.
Rihanna's POV
Mrs. Driscoll told us to follow her into the museum of silt, which does not peak my interest. I huff in annoyance.
"What wrong, Rihanna? You seem annoyed. Is there something bothering you" Julian asked her
Rihanna looked at him. He must have noted I was annoyed.
"It's just, ... I overheard Randy and Howard talking about sneaking off to the volcano to spit in it" I explained to him
"Oh, dear. That's not good" Julian said
"Yeah and it's disgusting. They don't even care if they or their buddies get detention, they just want to accomplish their foolish goal and scarf down some 'victory nachos', as they call them" I ranted
"We'll, I agree with you. What are you going to do? Are you going to try and talk them out of it?" Julian asked me
"I already tried earlier, but they wouldn't listen and said they were determined to do it. *Sigh* I'll figure something out before they leave" I told him
Julian nodded and put his arm around my shoulder and we continued to go into the museum with everyone else.
To Mcfist Industries
3rd person POV
Viceroy made a bunch of clear, jellyfish like blobs, they are swimming in tanks. Mcfist sees them and speaks to Viceroy about them.
"Viceroy, when I told to design an evil and new creation to catch the Ninja and Miko, DID I SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT BEING A DISGUSTING USELESS BLOB?!" Mcfist yelled at the end
"Hmmm, let me check my notice" Viceroy replied
He snapped his fingers, a tiny floating purple robot came and Viceroy pressed a button on it. A hologram of Mcfist appeared and it spoke.
"I don't care if it's disgusting or useless, I just want a blob!"
The hologram turned off and then Mcfist slapped the robot away and it crashed somewhere in Viceroy's lab.
"Get rid of them! All of them!" Mcfist ordered Viceroy as he walked away
Viceroy took out his phone, dialed a number and waited for the other line to pick up. A voice in then heard from the other line.
"Gene Levine. The disposal machine, for what has absolutely posi-tutley gots to be disappeared"
"Gene-o, Viceroy. I need something disappeared" Viceroy explained
"Posi-tutely?" Gene asked
"Posi-tutely" Viceroy replied
Back to the Museum of Silt
Everyone is in a mini movie theater room. They watching a movie about the history of Mount Chuck.
Howard fell asleep on Flute girl and she tries to push him off.
Mrs. Driscoll is supposedly feeding Jerry popcorn and it falls back into its bucket. A student sitting next to them moved away from them.
"Mount Chuck, Norrisville's most recognizable landmark. Our city fathers designed her as a tourist beacon: a Krakatoa of the west. However, after a spirited and nocular deduction, they decided to cap the lava" the movie explained
Rihanna and Julian are watching the movie. Rihanna suddenly looks to her and see Randy and Bucky leaving the room. She sighs and secretly stands up without Julian or anyone else noticing and stands by the entrance to listen to them.
Cue to Randy and Bucky
*There in the mini gift shop*
"Picture it, Bucky. Oceans of versions silt just waiting to be discovered" Randy said
"I'm not breaking the rules, Randy" Bucky rejected
"But, there's silt up there Ms. Driscoll has never seen before. It's sir conferences she couldn't imagine" Randy objected
Bucky awed at that. Just then, the nomicon glowed in Randy's book bag. Randy looked at it and knew he had to check it out.
"Would you excuse me, Bucky. I gotta know you, something" Randy said
He then ran to the photo booth, closed the curtain, and opened the nomicon and he then entered his mind through the nomicon (fainted) to see what it has to say.
"The Ninja and Miko must never endanger the innocent, but they must always defend the defenseless" the nomicon told him
"I don't have time for first day Ninja and Miko stuff. I'm trying to sweet talk Bucky off a volcano here" Randy emphasized his excuse
The nomicon sent him back to his world and then the photo booth printed some photos of Randy.
Randy ran back to Bucky to talk to him again.
"What do you say, partner? You volca-know you wanna come with me" Randy tried convincing Bucky again
"You do make a convincing zing" Bucky replied, sounding convinced
Back to the theater room
Rihanna's POV
'Oh, no. I better get Julian and follow them up the volcano' I thought
I see Randy and Bucky leave the museum for the volcano and I stand near the front door, look around to make sure no one is looking and then use my magic to conjure a mini pink glowing hand and then make it go towards Julian and have it tap his right shoulder.
Julian looked to his right to see I'm no longer next to him and that my magical pink hand is there. I use my power to make it point in my direction and he looks over to see me by the door.
I put my finger to my lips, gesturing for him not to make any noise, and then looked around again to make sure no one looking, and then gestured for him to come over to me quietly.
He then quietly got up and then came over to me.
"What is it, Rihanna?" Julian asked me
"I just saw Randy and Bucky leave, their going up the mountain now" I explained
"Oh, sweet cheese. This is most dreadful" he said
"I know, that's why we're gonna follow them" I said
"What?!" Julian yelled quietly
Rihanna quickly put her hand to over his mouth and then looked to make sure no one overheard them. Everyone is still watching the movie. Rihanna sighed in relief and uncovered Julian's mouth.
"Don't worry, we're just gonna follow them, so I can try to talk to them one more time to try and stop them. If they don't listen this time, we'll stay with them and make sure they don't get hurt" I explained the plan to him
"I don't know, Rihanna. It sounds dangerous and I don't feel comfortable going up there" Julian said to me
"It's okay, Julian. We'll stick together and as long as we don't break the five foot rule, then we'll be okay. Also, if anything goes wrong, we'll leave the mountain immediately. Does that sound okay to you?" I asked him in the end
"Well, ... okay, we'll go" Julian skeptically agreed with my decision
"Great, now let's go hide somewhere in the gift shop and wait for Howard and Flute girl to leave next. Once they leave, we'll follow them and keep our distance until we get up there, so we won't be spotted by them" I explained the plan
"Ok, let's go" he said and then giggled
We leave the theater room, making sure Ms. Driscoll and nobody else was looking, and then entered the gift shop and hid behind and cardboard cut out and looked to see if Howard and Flute girl were coming out. Eventually, we see them come out and Howard starts running and Flute girl is chasing him, obviously wanting to uphold the five foot rule. They eventually exit the museum.
"Alright, they left. Come on, Julian" I told him
"Ok" Julian replied
We then to left the museum to follow the others up to Mount Chuck and get them all back here before Ms. Driscoll realizes we're all gone.
Cue to Viceroy's lab in Mcfist Industries
3rd person POV
Viceroy was working on something on his desk and heard a purr below him and looked down and shrieked. It was a cute little slime, it was alive and it was rubbing its face against Viceroy's leg (like a cat).
"My slime. Looks like Gene posi-tutely missed one" he said pointing at it
Just then, Anna walked in with some food in a couple of bags.
"Hey honey, I bought us some takeout for lunch. I thought we could eat together and-" she stops talking to see the slime on her husbands leg and it was looking at her.
"Uh Viceroy, why is there a slime like creature in here?" She asked him while walking over to them and put the food on his desk.
"Well, I created a bunch of slime creatures because Mcfist told me to and then he wanted me to get rid of them. So, I called Gene to disappear them all, but it looks he missed one" Viceroy explained to Anna
The creature then kisses Viceroys cheek and then jumps onto his lap.
"Aw, you are kinda cute" Viceroy adored the creature
The creature then looked at Anna and then jumped into her arms and she petted it.
"Oh my god, he is cute! I can't wait to dress you up and take care of you, little guy" Anna cooed the cute slime
It purred at her happily
Cue to Mount Chuck
Randy and Bucky are already up the mountain and are waiting for Howard and Flute girl to come up here too. They eventually see them climbing up the mountain and Howard teasing her with the 5 foot rule. What they all didn't know is that Rihanna and Julian are following them too.
Howard keeps running from Flute girl and she keeps trying to stay close to him (5 foot rule, everyone).
"Stop it, Howard! I mean it! This isn't funny" Flute said angrily
Howard just laughed and ran away from her again.
"I'm telling Ms. Driscoll!" She exclaimed while still chasing him
They make it to the top of the mountain and see Randy and Bucky waiting for them by a sign.
"Five foot rule, huh?" Randy asked Howard
"Yeah, she's gotta go wherever I go" Howard replied while still laughing
"That is not funny!" Flute girl told Howard
"Another thing that's not funny is all of us going to be in a months worth of detention!" a voice chimed in
Everyone stopped and looked around to see who said that.
"Huh? Who the juice was that?" Randy asked everyone
"That would be me, older brother. And, I bought a friend along too" the voice said again
Just then, Rihanna appeared walking up the mountain and Julian was right behind her and stood next to her. Rihanna's arms were crossed and she was not happy.
"Oh man, we are so busted" Howard said with a scared look on his face
"You got that right, you two idiotic shoobs!" Rihanna yelled at Randy and Howard pointing at them
"What?! Why are you yelling at me and Howard? Why not yell at Bucky and Flute girl?" Randy asked her
"Because you two dragged them up here with you for your foolish plan, therefore it's not their fault too. Now, let's go back to the museum before Ms. Driscoll finds out we're gone or we're all gonna get in trouble" Rihanna told them
"Rihanna, we can't back out now. We're up here for the opportunity of a lifetime" Randy declared
"But, it's not worth getting a month's detention, even if you are with your buddies" Rihanna responded
"Sorry, sis. But Howard and I must do this. It's the only way to achieve our goal" Randy replied
Steam was now coming out both of Rihanna's ears and her face was now red and she was angry.
"You know what?! Fine, do what you want! I don't even care anymore at this point! But just know that when we get in trouble, I'm blaming both of you for this!" Rihanna yelled
Everyone looked at her in shock. Even Julian was surprised to see her yell at her older brother.
She then went towards are bunch of huddled up rocks and laid down on then, still upset with her arms crossed. Julian then glared at Randy and Howard and then went over to Rihanna and sat next to her on the rocks.
Randy then reached his hand out to her but then lowered it and then looked down in guilt. He made his sister angry and now she's mad at him. He then sighed and turned to walk towards Howard.
"Don't worry, Cunningham. She's mad now, but she'll eventually get over it. Just give her some time to cool off" Howard said to him
"You're right, I'll give her some time. Now, let's do this" Randy replied
Back to Viceroy's lab
3rd person POV
Viceroy and Anna decided to name the cute slime, Nicholas, and Anna took the liberty of dressing him up in bows and got him a bed with some pillows. Nicholas got up and one of his bows slipped off him. Then Gene's voice is heard and Nicholas gets in a defensive stance.
"Viceroy, I disappeared all them amoeba's and such, we going to go cash or charge on this one here??" Gene called to Viceroy
He then spots Nicholas.
"Oh, how'd I miss you, little fella" Gene asked Nicholas
He got out his tool that he used to take away all the blobs and Nicholas started whining and gets taken away and Viceroy and Anna walk in the lab to check on Nicholas. Anna had two bowls in her hands for Nicholas: one had food and the other had water.
"Nicholas?" Viceroy called the slimes name
They look to see his bed and Nicholas not on it. Anna gasped and dropped the bowls and covered her mouth in shock with her hands.
"Nicholas!" Viceroy yelled
They ran outside to the front to see Nicholas being taken away in a crate and Gene driving off with him.
"Nicholas! Viceroy, go get our Nicholas back, please!" Anna cried
Viceroy nodded to his wife in determination and hopped on his hover scooter and strapped on his helmet and started his vehicle.
"Nicholas! I'm coming, sweet pea!" Viceroy declared
He then drives off after Gene, hoping to save Nicholas before it's too late.
Back to Mount Chuck
3rd person POV
Everyone is still on the mountain, it is now windy and Bucky kneeled down to the ground, scooped up some silt with his finger and tasted it and then realized something off and got upset.
"Hey, this is the same as the silt at the
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