Requested by : anonymous
▫️This oneshot is a continuation of a previously requested oneshot so please do not complain to me about how I'm being 'unfair' even though this wasn't even completed. Thank you.
⚠️ Warning ⚠️:
▫️This is rocket raccoon we're talking about, there'll obvs be some swearing :')
If not some then loads. . .
▫️Reader has powers such as fire and water / ice, and is Rocket's little sister.
▫️A certain scenario / imagine contains abuse. If it makes you uncomfortable, you may skip.
▫️Imagines are more of points, scenarios are more story-like.
▫️Female reader, so sorry to the male readers out there.
Letz go.
1. When he finds you [Imagine]
· He found you after the fight with Thanos and took pity on you, since he grew up without his family.
· Felt the responsibility to be like a dad, uncle and older brother all at the same time as he and the guardians took turns to look after you (he mainly did it).
· He did some research based off of your DNA and found out that you were originally a normal human baby but was experimented on by people who were like H.Y.D.R.A and ended up with (fire & water powers / ice powers), and even though you were abnormal, he still loved you like how every little baby should be loved.
· Was super hyped when he brought the baby onto the ship.
· "Hey guys! I found this adorable little human kid! Can we keep it?"
· "Is Rocket actually carrying a baby?"
· Eventually, the guardians accepted you as their own and treated you like the little sister, but Rocket was the most protective and jealous.
· "Heya Rocket! Just came to say 'hi' to little baby (Y/N—"
*hisses at Quill while carrying a very happy and gummy smiling (Y/N)*
"Okay then..."
· Once, while the rest of the guardians were on a mission (Rocket reluctantly let you go), you hung out with Groot, and when they returned, Rocket immediately checked you for any injuries and immediately began to pamper you again.
2. Your First birthday [Scenario]
"Hey, kid. It's time to get up."
Yawning while slowly getting up and rubbing your eyes, you saw that your brother, well, adopted brother, was sitting on your bed trying his best to wake you up.
"Mornin' big bro," you yawned again while rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. He smiled softly at the sight, you were really adorable and cuddly.
"Morning Shootin' Star," he greeted back while hugging you as you hugged back his furry figure. "Did you sleep well?" He asked still smiling as the both of you pulled away.
"Yep!" You answered as you hopped out of bed. "And I had an awesome dream!" You jumped up and down constantly. "I dreamt that for my birthday, I got a new mechanic kit and I built a new robot!" You grinned brightly. Unlike the other girls in the galaxy, you weren't fascinated by dolls, martial arts, or any of that stuff. But what really intrigued you, was mechanics.
"Really?" Rocket asked you and you giggled as he picked you up with one arm and walked you towards your wardrobe. "That sounds cool sis, but for now, why don't you pick out what you want today?" You looked at him in confusion. He usually picked out all your clothes for you.
Either him or your sister Gamora and Nebula.
He only ever let you choose your own clothes when there was a special occasion on, and you thought long and hard about what special occasion you had on today. You paused for a second as Rocket was about to leave your bedroom. "Big bro?"
"Yea Shootin' Star?" He asked as he stood at the doorway, arms crossed. "Is there something going on today? Like a special event?" You asked with your eyes wide with curiosity. He chuckled a little, shaking his head a little as he walked towards you. He bent to your height as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Gummy, it's your birthday."
You jumped up and down on the stool in front of you as you saw the huge (favourite flavour) birthday cake in front of you. Right as you were about to jab you fork in to eat the creamy delight, you were stopped by Gamora. You pouted as you looked at her sadly.
"No eating cake before the birthday song and photos WITH the cake." She spoke, purposely accenting on the word WITH. You groaned as you crossed your arms, but your smile soon returned when the rest of the guardians walked in. With presents of course.
With your smile plastered on your face, you ran over to the guardians, hugging them all as they wished you happy birthday and they placed their presents on the nearby table.
After the singing, which in your opinion was killing your ears, you blew your candles out and puffed the smoke towards the guardians as they coughed and waved the smoke away. Peter only groaned and rolled his eyes as you giggled in delight.
"She's definitely your sister."
Running over to the gifts, ready as ever to open them when Gamora stopped you again, only to take more pictures. This was honestly your first ever birthday party, since the guardians were constantly out in missions and you were stuck in a room with Groot, who didn't understand on how to celebrate birthdays, since he was a plant man.
The first gift that you received was cassette tapes from Quill as he said that those were his childhood, Gamora gave you a knife, which Rocket immediately confiscated, Nebula gave a gun, which was also immediately confiscated, and Drax gave a tiny doll.
For target practice.
Groot gave you a potted plant and finally, it was Rocket's turn.
Gently handing you the gift, he sat next to you as you barbarically tore the wrapping open, grinning widely and full of giggles. Rocket sat down next to you, anxiously waiting to see your reaction. You gasped as you saw what he had gotten you for your birthday.
It was the engineering kit!
Grinning and jumping around with the present, you proudly showed your gift off to the other guardians and ran over to hug Rocket so tight that he couldn't breathe. He only smiled and hugged you back and wished you 'happy birthday' before you ran off to your room to start inventing.
3. Father's Day [Imagine]
· Rocket practically cried when you gave him his gift, you were just too adorable! He brought you and Groot to a mall on earth and you all had ice cream together.
· Groot wasn't one for much emotion, well he wasn't as emotional as Rocket, but he still was grateful and appreciated your gift nonetheless. Even though it was just soil. You were a kid, what were you supposed to know?
· After the ice cream, the whole lot of you went back on the ship and the two guardians opened their presents. As mentioned before, Groot's was a lot of soil, and Rocket's was a new set of tools, which Gamora helped you pick out.
· Groot mainly complained about why Rocket got the 'better' present the entire day, but was still satisfied that you got him a gift.
· "Awww, thank you so much (Y/N) for stealing me a robotic eye from a disabled man. I want to cuddle you so hard right now!"
"I am Groot."
"Hey at least she even gave you a present."
4. The Kidnap & Rescue [Imagine]
(@anonymous reader: I'm so sorry if most of them are imagines. I'm having some hard times with the scenarios.)
· Basically, the guardians had left you on Earth since they refused to bring you along on a mission, claiming that you were still too 'young and unprepared' for the battles that they were gong through.
· Like excuse me?! They allowed baby Groot to come along but not you?! Immatures.
· As revenge, you decided that you would mess Earth up a little. At least that part of Earth where you were on, which happened to be Missouri, Quills home.
· You wickedly snickered to yourself as you formed the most diabolical plan that required a whole lotta mechanics.
· Not that you were evil or anything. You were just extremely bored as hell.
· Unfortunately, when you were half way through you're plans to being complete, some of the aliens from the battle with the guardians somehow managed to get you hostage and used you as a guinea pig for their new serum formula.
· You were immediately placed in a glass prison and you wondered to yourself at why the guardians were taking so long to save you.
· Noticing that you were distracted, the aliens injected the serum into you, the sharp pain releasing something in you, making you feel more animalistic. The pain soon subsided, but the ache to be free remained, making you more animalistic by the minute.
· Just as you were thinking of smashing the glass, the guardians crashed through, and Rocket and baby Groot obviously worried about you the most.
· You pound you're fists against the glass, angered by these creatures and the urge to be free became even stronger. Without realising, fur began to spread throughout your body and your clothes began to disappear. You ears turned into those of a wolf and your canines grew into sharp fangs.
· You're transformation had finally completed and you had the form of a wolf, that strength plus the power from the serum roughly made you ten times stronger than you originally were. Which was enough for you to break free from the glass box.
· You were ruthless, to say, towards the aliens who kidnapped you. You shredded most of them to pieces and had wrecked most of the ship while the guardians stood there looking stunned.
· Finally calming down, you returned to your human form and your clothes had magically reappeared and you wondered to where they went when you were a wolf. But your main concern right then, were your friends and brothers, so to say.
· After making the guardians make up something to you, you had realised that the serum could make you transform into a wolf at any time you wanted, kind of like a werewolf, but with lass restrictions. So now, you had three powers. Cool.
· Clearly Rocket was concerned about you at first, but later on, he got more used to it and he grew more comfortable with you in your wolf form. You were happier this way anyways. Then you could relate more with Rocket to the animal life. Same with Groot.
K hi I'm so sorry I haven't been updating. I'm having a big exam coming up so I've been really busy doing revision and my tuition has NOT been helping. Anyways, there will be a part 3 to this because the anonymous requester liked a whole bunch of scenarios, so ye. That will be fun to write. But for now, bye until the next chapter! :)
- Im_a_human06
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