Pretty《 Dipper Pines x reader ➼ Fluff》

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i honestly wasnt sure what to name this... any advice? also i took inspiration from a vid i saw, honestly forgot to add it in as i didnt know the name.

warning: unedited


You fidgeted slightly with the hem of the skirt of your dress, nerves getting to you. You usually weren't one to be self-concious, but this was one of your moments. Yes, you and Dipper just started dating, but you both haven't been on a date before. Well, not directly. Mabel was just third-wheeling. Only recently the both of you decided to go on a date.

Suddenly, a bike pulled up, revealing your boyfriend well dressed. He smiled softly at you. 

"Heya, (Y/N). Ready to go?"

"I'm pretty sure I'm more ready than you." You teased, all anxiety fading away. Nudging his arm, you hopped on the back of the bike, arms wrapping around Dipper's torso.

"Whatever floats your boat, princess." He said revving the bike's engine. "Sit tight because we're leaving now." He exclaimed, actually speeding off.


Not long after the both of you reached the restaurant. It wasn't overly fancy, so thank god the both of you didn't overdress.

As you both sat at your table, you ordered your food and decided to talk to Dipper while at it. The both of you joked and messed around for a little, but stopped after a while when other customers started to look in your direction.

"Well, that was a little fun." Dipper chuckled looking over at you.

"Yea, and this time, we didn't have Mabel bombarding us with her picture taking for 'Scrapbookortunity', whatever that is..." You laughed. Everything seemed fine when Dipper started to stare behind you. 

"Dipper? Are you okay?" You asked, trying to turn your head to see what caught his attention.

"Hmm? Yea, I'm fine. I just saw the prettiest girl in the world though."

"Oh really now?" You deadpanned, slightly upset that Dipper took you out on a date, only to stare at this so-called 'prettiest girl'. 

"Yea, honestly. There, she's on your left. But don't look to fast, she sometimes gets tired of people staring at her." He spoke as you started to look left.

"A little bit more... Tiny bit... There! There she is!" 

When your head finally turned 90 degrees to your left, you only saw a mirror, with the reflection of yourself. Your cheeks turned red and you rolled your eyes, scoffing.

"Dipper Pines, when the heck did you become such a smooth talker?" You joked while giggling slightly.

"It must be in the Pines' charm." He grinned.

"Alright, and I'm depending on the Pines' charm to make my night the best right now." 

"Will make sure of that, Princess."



The both of you kept laughing as you continuously teased Dipper about how smooth he was being back there. He only laughed at what you said. 

"Careful there, Mr Pines' Charm, can't have you injured on the way back, you're my only ride home."

"Ah don't worry, princess." Dipper said, messing around, finally deciding to walk backwards. 

"Seriously though, Dipper, you should be careful and not walk backwards. It's a bad idea." You said concerned. 

He chuckled as he said, "I only do this to see more of you." 

Heat rose to your cheeks as you saw Dipper trip on something, nearly causing him to fall. Thank god he caught himself, but you reached out your arms in case.

"It's either that the Pines' gene also includes clumsiness, or that it skipped a generation." 



so yea thats it. i hope this wasnt disappointing lol.

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