Mando | Fish Market

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hi hello yes, stuff happens and yours truly is in need of comfort fics again :')

no beta

It had been one hell of a week without Mando, full of battles to be fought without him. The plan had been to stay with Peli so you would be safe, while he went on a particularely dangerous hunt. But as life sometimes goes, especially in the Outer Rim, you had been in far more danger without him.
When he finally returned you were resting in Peli's hideout, unable to sleep properly until you were reunited. You were looking forward to getting at least a good nap in once you were back with him on the Razor Crest, maybe even be lucky enough that he would join you.

Now you were on a close ocean planet, walking through a small fish market, the fish and other creatures still alive in big tanks. The Crest needed fresh fuel and some repairs, so you couldn't even wait for Mando in the Crest but had to kill time on the planet before you were able to leave here.

Interested you stopped at almost every tank, looking curiously at the creatures inside. Many didn't even look closely like the ones at home and your tired legs were thankful for every break you took in front of the tanks.
Mando did his best to rush you through the market, not that interested in its offerings, except for what you needed to feed you the next couple of days. Although neither of you really liked the fishy stuff, it was all you were gonna get on this planet. And he knew he would have a hard time feeding you any of it, if you spent minutes kneeling in front of every tank, befriending the little creatures.
While you were interested in watching species that were unknown to you, you spent the most time in front of a tank that held fish- and frog-like animals. They reminded you of the ones you were familiar with. You must've looked so fond of them, the vendor gave Mando some of the fish waste, so you could feed the creatures together.
Mando just sighed, but slowly fed the fish so you could watch them start moving around intently, still kneeling on the ground. Curiously you watched them float through the relatively small tank, sometimes failing to catch their treats. You don't know how long you sat there, absorbed into their little world. Until Mando ruffled your hair and just picked you up in one effortless swoop.

"Hey!", you protested, trying to make yourself as heavy as possible; without much effect.

Mando just chuckled, tightened his grip and secured you against his chest.
"You're tired and the Crest is ready. You're not throwing a fit later, because you spent over an hour staying up late, watching fish."

"They're cute", you mumbled, starting to pout.

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