Okay so I'm a freshman in college right now and it's been easy for the first month and a half. But midterms are next week, and I'm just slightly freaking out. I am not good at dealing with stress and with 2 midterms, 3 quizzes, and 2 papers due next week that I'm confused on what exactly they are about, well let's just say I am super stressed out.
Anthropology is definitely going to suck the most because I have a quiz, midterm, and 3 page paper due within the next 3 classes and it is an awful workload. The quiz is thankfully only 10 questions but the midterm is 50 and my paper is about speech communities, which are weird to explain. Intro to crime and justice is mostly easy, as long as I remember what each term is, but it is going to be a bit harder than normal because it is the history of policing and it is technically a midterm, which is kind of complicated to say the least.
English has just a paper due on Thursday over rhetorical analysis, which thankfully is not hard for me to do. But the following week, is a group project which I know is not going to be fun for me. I do not do well in group settings. Sociology has a quiz that is just 10 questions. Usually, I never have to worry about that because I can take it up to 3 times and it tells me which answer I got wrong, thankfully. So if I do terribly on the first try, then I figure out what I missed and retake it. And the way my teacher has the quizzes set up is that I automatically get the highest score, no matter which try it was, which is a miracle upon itself. And I have one other class, but it is an easy A class. I just look at maps, create maps, or analyze maps. That is literally all I do and half of the time, I do not even need to go to class to do it.
Basically, half of my classes do not need me to put much effort into them and the other half need my complete and utter devotion to studying for them or writing an essay for them. Thanks for listening to my rant about midterms. I needed a place to vent and this seemed like the best place to do so. Au revoir!
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