So.... School has started, I'm more memeful than ever and I hate everything...
Life is good.
Also anyone else up late deliberately triggering themselves with g note, what a catch Donnie and northern downpour?... Just because they are good songs...?
Just me?
Ok I figured that.
Also I finally convinced my parents to let me cut all mah hair off and dye it so that's cool, might be meeting my internet friend and going to interactive introverts with her, screaming for help from my friends that moved schools, dan and Phil merch, rainbow Room Decor because I'm accepting myself(what is life), embraced my curly hair(ew), confessed feelings for someone that doesn't like me, spent two hours on a oil pastel portrait of Shrek(gotta stay loyal to meme daddy miles), ate an entire cake in 9 minutes, killed a rat by accident, triggered myself multiple times, learned to rap the entirety of kitchen sink(including Zach's part, be proud), bought a pencil case that says "RAWR XD" on it just because it's so ironic and dead and prank called pizza hut will mAh boi dan....
I'll just take out the trash.
*Jumps into a trash can*
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