- He/they (Demiboy)
- Self-conscious about the way he looks, which is why he hates swimming, and wears a hoodie almost 24/7.
- Panromantic/Demisexual
- It's canon that this dude has a dump truck, and no one can convince me otherwise.
- Has heterochromia. (Left eye is green, right eye is purple.)
- He dyed his hair (He used to be a ginger like his mom, until he dyed it black (purple? Idk...)
- He doesn't like being around people (obviously), but if someone (the farmer, for example) actually took him/his job seriously, or just treats him with respect, because he never (or at least not often) really got that kind of respect from his family/friends... He will occasionally ask them if they wanna hang out, or if they could use some help on the farm, so he could have a reason to visit them, and see what kinds of things they like doing, since they took time out of their day to learn what he liked doing, he figured it was only fair to do the same for them. His friends/family may think it's weird because usually, he wouldn't really go out of his way to help someone, but he sees nothing wrong with what he's doing, no matter how many jokes Sam makes about Seb falling hard for the farmer.
- Heard this one a lot, and decided to stick with it... Two words... "Touch-starved".
- "Knife" (Little spoon)
- He used to have a crush on Abigail, but... The whole rock eating thing was kinda a turnoff.
- He occasionally gets his mom and Leah mixed up if they happen to be in the same area. He ends up quickly telling the difference when he hears his mom laughing loudly from afar. He then puts his hood over his head and tries to act like that didn't just happen.
- He's pretty good friends with Linus. (I've had this funny thought in my head for a while, that Linus is Seb's "sashimi dealer", since he's one of the few people in town who knows how to make it.) So, in return for the free sashimi, Seb just tells his family not to complain about the wild man behind their house. His family is confused about why he cares so much about Linus, but they don't really question it... At least not in front of him.
- He doesn't like alcohol for 2 reasons. 1. He just doesn't like the taste. And 2. He's a "Happy drunk". He gets all happy and giggly, telling his friends that he loves them, and other rather embarrassing things whenever he has a little too much to drink... He doesn't like anyone (especially his friends or family) seeing him like that, even though Sam and Abi think it's funny... Once he's married, however, he's fine with having a drink or 2 during the new year, because he's fine with his partner seeing him like that, as long as they promise not to tell anyone beforehand.
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