Mark Calaway- Go To Bed

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I sighed as Mark turned the light off once entering the room. "Babe, I was using that to read my book. Can you please turn it back on?" I asked politely but frustrated since I was just getting to the good part.

"No, you should be asleep Y/N. This is why you never wanna get up in the mornings." He said as I felt the bed shift downward letting me know he is now next to me. I rolled my eyes even though it's dark and he can't see me.

I started to get up and head for the living room so I could continue reading. However, before I was able to, I felt a strong arm pull me backwards onto the bed. Mark took the book from my hand and I heard him toss it on my desk with a loud snapping noise. I was surprised as to how he got it perfectly on my desk that was half way across the room, before remembering how he told me he could see very well in the dark.

"I turned off the light so that you could sleep, not go into the living room to read." He growled in my ear. He pulled me close to him to make me sit still which made me pout in the dark. "Quit pouting sweetheart, I just want you to be well rested, okay." He said kissing my forehead.

"Okay." I said still sad I couldn't read.

"You can read tomorrow love, but for now you've got to get some sleep... I love you." He said. Those three words took the pout right off my face.

"I love you too." I whispered.

"Good, now go to sleep." He responded.

Thanks for readingđź’› I hope you enjoyed.

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