Chan set the small cupcake in front of Minho, hoping that the, now one-year-old, child would not make a mess with it. For a while, Minho just stared at the candle until Chan blew it out for him and that was when chaos erupted and Minho grabbed the entire top of the cupcake, shoving it in his mouth. Only about a quarter of it actually went inside his mouth, the rest went into his lap or highchair tray. Chan tried not to be upset. Minho was one, he was bound to make messes and he didn't even know that he had.
"Okay then, was that good Min?" Chan cleaned up the cupcake, mourning a little bit. It had taken him four hours to make and decorate it, and it took Minho only two seconds to destroy it. Minho just nodded, having not mastered the art of speech yet. Chan wasn't worried; he had read that most babies didn't start talking until around 12-18 months and weren't able to form full sentences until they were at least 3.
"You ready to go outside?" Chan picked up his only child, walking to the bedroom to get him changed. Minho cuddled up against him, yawning a little even though he had just woken up less than an hour ago. Chan ignored that and got Minho changed into a cute outfit consisting of a black shirt, white pants and a little brown jacket. Chan was not shy at admitting that he may have gone overboard in shopping for baby clothes, at least as much as he could afford to. Minho was definitely going to one of the most well-dressed babies in the whole country. Once that was done, Chan grabbed the diaper bag and stepped outside, holding his son in his arm as they walked to the park. Minho was not one to get down in the grass and play, more than content to stay in the arms of whoever was watching him.
"Appa!" Minho tugged on Chan's jacket and pointed at the ice cream stand. Chan tried not to make a big deal of that sudden word but inside he was melting.
"Baby, you just said your first word!" Chan squealed, getting the attention of other people around the park. Some of them smiled and clapped for the accomplishment while others just kept going about their business. Minho didn't even react and just pointed back at the ice cream stand.
"No, baby. We can't get ice cream, you just had a cupcake" Chan shook his head, moving Minho's hand down. One couple got up, the woman rolling her eyes and passing Chan.
"Great parenting, giving your child a cupcake in the afternoon" She muttered. Chan was going to let it go but he didn't.
"Is there a problem?" He turned to her, daring her to repeat what she said.
"I just don't think it's very responsible for you to let your clearly under three-year-old son have sugar in the middle of the day" She retorted. Chan sighed and switched Minho to his other arm, glad the baby didn't seem bothered at all by the change of events. Though, Chan was sure that Minho was just sulking about not getting ice cream.
"For your information, it's his birthday today. Which is why he got sugar in the middle of the day, not that it's any of your business" Chan turned and walked away. So much for staying in the park. Minho was quiet as they walked around the streets, looking in windows and bakery shops.
"You tired, Min?" Chan guessed. Minho shook his head but the giant yawn that followed a second later betrayed him. Chan laughed a little, turning and going back home. It was getting close to Minho's second nap anyway. Later that night, as Chan was getting Minho dressed for bed, he sat down with the baby.
"Did you have a good day, Min-min?" Chan gently rubbed Minho's arm with his finger, humming his lullaby that he had sung to get Minho to sleep for the past year. Minho nodded, still not knowing the word for yes quite yet. He would get there, in due time.
"Are you thinking about that lady in the park?" Chan wondered. Minho nodded again. Chan picked him up, holding him.
"Don't worry about her. She was just being insecure about her own parenting by insulting other people's" Chan knew that was rude and he shouldn't say things like that in front of his one-year-old son but it was probably true so he didn't correct himself. Minho looked back at his hands, not comprehending Chan's words but knowing they were bad. Chan kissed him on the head.
"Don't think about it. Did you enjoy your birthday?" Chan changed the subject quickly. Minho smiled and started babbling again. Chan listened to him, pretending that everything he said were real words. Occasionally, Chan would notice a certain babble that resembled an actual word and he would smile. Minho was learning and growing up so quickly.
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