Hey guys!! This is the very last chapter of Raindrop, thank you to everyone who made it to end with me. It had clearly been a LONG time. It might sound odd, but I am really glad this is ending, I think it has come to a really great place. Honestly, this book has been my peak on Wattpad.
Thank you!
After this I'll be putting together a Jozawa book to be uploaded every once in a while! If you liked those character, I will have a more adult book with them in it to follow their story.
I will also have a Peter Parker x reader uploading sporadically. If you're interested in Marvel, please give it a read! I do not know when I'll start my Loki book.
Been a good run, let me know what you thought and if you have any BNHA requests DM me!! I've got a request book if you didn't know :)
(y/n)'s POV
I groaned dramatically, throwing my head back against the couch.
"What do you need?" Katsuki asked from the kitchen.
I just groaned again, waiting for him to actually come into sight. I could hear his footsteps near from the tile of the kitchen to the carpet of the small lounge. He was looking at me with furrowed eyebrows, scratching at the back of his neck. He had actually taken a day off of hero work today, per my request. I was feeling under the weather, so much so I didn't want to really do anything.
"I want spicy food."
"I know, I'm already making you some," he stated and I sighed.
"Ugh it's taking forever," I whined, letting my head fall back again.
"You know, you'd think that I would learn not to do that shit to you again," he stated, pointing towards my stomach. I was bound to pop soon, but it wasn't as bad of a pregnancy as the first one. Mitsuki had warned me about the spicy cravings and the major kicking I would experience. She had also made fun of Katsuki's huge head, to which I briefly regret my decision to have children. Learning there were 2 nearly rendered me unconscious.
On cue, the twins came running into the living room.
"Stop it! Don't cut my hair! Mommy!" Hitsuki called, leaping onto the couch beside me. He was usually mild mannered and quiet, much like me. He had soft tufts of blue hair, though he really reminded me of the ocean by the slight green undertones of it. Mina liked to joke that he was partially Deku's kid, but Katsuki didn't think that was very funny. I knew it was just a tad bit of his blonde changing the blue. He had Katsuki's eyes, but honestly looked the most like me. Hitsuki was an emotional kid, taking after me in that regard too. He was the complete opposite of his terror sister, Yui.
"Careful around mommy, remember?" Katsuki warned, grasping Yui by her arm. "Why do you have scissors?"
"Barber shop," she said, as if it were obvious.
"Where were you? How are you sticky?" he asked, taking the scissors from her hand and tugging her up to his hip.
"I dunno," she said, attempting to crawl over his shoulder to something behind him. Hitsuki pout beside me, not liking the rough games she liked to play. She had my grey eyes, but was very clearly her father's daughter. She was partial to tantrums, rough-housing, and quite the bit of sass. She was though, like Katsuki, very observant despite not seeming so. Her hair was always messy and sticking up all over the place. I knew we were in for a lot of trouble with her in the future, especially since she definitely played Katsuki to get what she wanted. Hitsuki placed hands on my shoulder, standing on the couch.
"No cutting your brother's hair," I warned and she scrunched up her nose.
"Can you play nice? Mommy is uncomfortable right now," Katsuki said and Hitsuki's lip quivered, holding onto me.
"Why?!" he called and I gave Kat a look, to which he sighed. He tugged Yui back down from where she had been crawling, sitting down beside me.
"I've got a tummy ache," I stated and Hitsuki peered at my stomach, glaring at it.
"Mom swallowed a watermelon," Yui stated, hopping down from the couch. I smiled slightly, knowing she was just messing around.
"Ew mommy that's gross, you're supposed to only eat pieces," Hitsuki said.
"It's your younger sibling, not a watermelon."
"You swallowed them?!" Yui asked, dissolving into laughter. Hitsuki looked at me, worried, and I shook my head to put him at ease.
"Alright, just let her rest guys," Kat stated and Hitsuki reluctantly lowered himself to the ground.
"We won't do haircuts today, we can play doggies," Yui stated, taking his hand and heading towards their shared room. He seemed to relax slightly and I smiled, watching them head up to play. Yui did torture him just a little, but they did love each other.
They had inherited both quirks of ours, in different ways. The doctors had stated that Yui would be able to secrete the nitroglycerin like I could with water, and then blow it up. Hitsuki was expected to heat up water to a point of boiling, possibly explode it from his hands. I figured Endeavor was kicking himself right now, having missed out on setting me up with his son. Kat and I had so easily passed our quirks on. We had found it funny that we had done that project so long ago about this, figuring what our quirks would combine to be. Back then we thought it was weird to think about such a preposterous situation, and yet we had 2 examples of it, the 3rd on the way. We had only talked about 1 kid, 2 once it was twins, but the third was just something to happen now.
I felt a hand on my stomach and I looked over at Katsuki.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing, just love you," he stated. I placed a hand over his, the pale pink scars still stretching down my arms.
"I still think it's so weird you call me mommy now."
"In front of our children (y/n)."
"Still," I shrugged, smirking at him.
"Wipe that look off your face," he stated, kissing my temple before he got up. "Do you need anything else?"
"No, just the food," I stated. I peered at him, just looking at him for a while. He was in just a simple Red Riot t-shirt that Kirishima had given to the whole family, newborn onesie included. Kat also was wearing sweatpants and his reading glasses. He had gotten an undercut like I had consistently suggested to him. I thought it looked nice on him.
"I'm not the food, don't look so hungry."
"Bitch," I scoffed, breaking my gaze.
"Wait, the food. Fuck!" he called, running back to the kitchen where he left it.
Yui's voice echoed out his frustration.
"Yui no!" he yelled back and I snort slightly, finding it funny.
"Awe, he's so cute," Mina cooed, peering down at our newborn and now youngest child. I had him in one arm while I held Hitsuki's hand. Katsuki was holding Yui by the front of her shirt, as if she were a suitcase. She hung there, slight giggles coming out of her.
"Very small," Todoroki stated.
"You don't have to touch him," I replied.
"Thank you," he replied. Todoroki was actually not the biggest fan of small babies, to which I did not blame him. The fear of accidentally hurting something so small was clear.
"Lemme hold him!" Kirishima stated and he went soft, holding Takeo in his gentle arms. Kaminari made faces at him and I smiled, picking up Hitsuki.
"Really sweet (y/n)," Izuku said, nodding at me. Hitsuki reached for him and I handed Hitsuki off to Deku. Mina smirked at me, knowing how much Kat hated that.
"So, tired?" Mina asked and I let out a breath.
"Yeah, what else is new?" I asked, chuckling slightly.
"Okay, well let me just fill you in on everything," she said, chatting with me. "So I'm going on a date with Hatsume later this week and let me just say that she is way too hot."
"I'm sure," I nodded. She and Sero had ended up 'splitting' in 2nd year, learning that they wanted more of an experience with others before such a serious relationship.
"Uraraka and Iida are totally getting engaged soon, I can feel it," Mina said. "Oh and Sero actually went out with Todoroki a little while ago."
"Wait, hah?" I asked.
"Yeah, he like hung out with Deku a few times in high school and him and Todoroki just went out and I guess there's some weird triangle between them," Mina said shrugging.
"Wh--okay, I wasn't exactly expecting that."
"It's a whole mess, the heroes just hook up around here. You'd probably catch a whiff of that if you hadn't started popping out children," she stated and I rolled my eyes. I was struggling to keep up with everything besides Mina's personal life and Kirishima's. I knew he was still with Jenny because she came by for dinner and to the agency. I had begun working with Katsuki and Kirishima right out of high school and 2 years after that Kat had proposed to me.
"They're good children."
"MINA! CAN YOU BRAID? DAD CAN'T," Yui called, plopping on the ground beside her. She smirked at me before engaging with my child. I watched as Takeo was passed to Kaminari, a soft worry washing over me. I recalled that I did know he and Shinsou were still together. I stood up, letting out a soft noise of struggle. Katsuki walked to stand beside me, placing an arm around my shoulders.
"This is definitely not what I expected," I sighed, "But it's pretty great."
"We can drop the kids at Ai's and my mom's, go eat some dinner by ourselves for once," he stated and I nodded, leaning against him.
"Hell yeah," I sighed.
"I'll go gather up our stuff, okay Raindrop?" he said and I nodded, looking to him. He eyed me for a moment, leaning down to kiss me. He started to leave and I stood staring at my children dispersed between my friends.
"I love you," I stated.
"Love you too Raindrop."
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