Too Deep | Chpt 42

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Hello we're getting so close to the dance chapter and I've been planning it since the beginning so I'm excited :)


(y/n)'s POV

"A whole class sleepover?" I asked.

"Yeah! We were thinking about just girls," Mina reiterated, "but we figured this would be a little more fun."

"Oh boy," Jirou commented, leaning up against my shoulder. The dance would be tomorrow night, Saturday night, which meant that we had Friday evening to to start the fun weekend ahead of us. My heart was racing at the prospect that I would get to spend the night near Kacchan and I had to scold myself for getting a little too excited. It had been such a fun almost 2 weeks with Kacchan like this. It was almost like the fight with Kirishima had changed him a little, or maybe the talk afterwards did. Either way, I was fully taking advantage of it.

All of us girls were already in the common room, lounging on the couch with many blankets and pillows all around, courtesy of Yaoyorozu. Deku came first with Iida and Todoroki trailing behind. Izuku sat beside me, smiling warmly at me. One by one or group by group, everyone was seated comfortably in their pajamas.

"Nice pajama's bro," Denki commented as he neared, pushing Kirishima's head from behind the couch. He hopped over the back of it, nearly onto Sero who groaned and pushed him off. Kirishima was wearing the most adorable shark pajama pants, a close second to Tsu's frog shorts and tank.

"They're Great White's!" he said, spreading the fabric out with his fingers and I smiled slightly. Kacchan had chosen a spot near Kirishima, opposite to me. I figured it was because of Izuku sat on the other side of me so Uraraka and Tsu occupied the space beside me where he could've been.

"Let's start the evening out right! I say we play spin the bottle!" Denki called and he was greeted with a chorus of 'nos'. His face dissolved into a pout and he sat back down. There was no way in hell I was playing that. That was too drama filled and... I had to admit I didn't want anyone kissing Kacchan. Except maybe Kaminari because that was just too hilarious to pass up. Todoroki? I felt my face go red as I held a laugh in my throat at the idea. "7 minutes in heaven?"

Again no.

"Well what the heck are we supposed to play?!" he asked.

"We could play fuck, marry, kill?" Jirou suggested, tapping her ear jacks together.

"That's highly inappropriate! Profanities are--" Iida began to rant and I snickered, sitting back into the couch.

"Come on Iida, it's not that bad," Uraraka insisted, gripping onto his arms to get him to stop from gesturing like he did. "Why don't we do kiss, marry, kill?"

"Killing is unheroic!"


"Wow this is the most mundane version of this game," Denki said and I again giggled softly, gaining his attention. He beamed, knowing his comment had made someone laugh.

"Yeah, I'll ask first. Hey Aoyama, kiss, marry, punch: Iida, Deku, Mina," Jirou said. I watched Mina place her hands under her chin, awaiting a good response from Aoyama.

"Moi? Well, I'd have to marry my good friend Mina," he said and she grinned, fluffing her hair obnoxiously. "Probably kiss...Iida and sorry Deku monsieur I'd have to punch you."

"Hey, that's fine," Izuku replied and I glanced his way, tugging my knees into my chest. Aoyama picked someone to ask and it went around the circle pretty quickly.

"Why would you punch me Mina?! I feel betrayed!" Kaminari called and she just shrugged.

"I'm sorry you didn't make the cut," she replied, ruffling his hair. "(y/n)!"


"Kiss, marry, punch: Kirishima, Bakugo, and Deku," she said and I sat up, considering it.

"Well I have to punch you," I said, turning to Izuku.

"Oh thank All Might," he sighed in relief and I shoved him. He was too much of a brother to marry or kiss, it would be too weird. I looked over to the two boys seated on the couch in front of me. It was obvious that I should pick to marry Kirishima and kiss Kacchan, that was what everyone was expecting from me but I knew it was the other way around. I didn't know if I should say it in the case that I embarrass Kacchan or give away my big secret that I liked him. At least liked him more than Kirishima.

"Uhh," I murmured, looking between the two. How was I supposed to go about this without everyone getting suspicious? If I picked Kirishima to marry then Kacchan would take the wrong idea and I'd end up further from where I wanted to be with him. "I guess I'd have to kiss Kirishima and marry Kacchan."

"Wait really?!" Mina asked and I glanced her way. I shrugged, my face turning slightly red.

"Yeah, it's just some game," I scoffed. I glanced Kacchan's way to see him staring at his feet, a slight smirk on his face. At least I had slightly won his favor.

"Wow, I'm hurt," Kirishima said, gripping the front of his shirt in fake pain. I rolled my eyes and picked someone of my own.

"Izuku...kiss, marry, punch: Todoroki, Iida, Uraraka," I said and he glanced my way, his eyes widened.

"What? Oh, I don't know, I can't punch my friends!" he said, avoiding my proposition. "I guess I'd probably punch Iida because he could handle it."

"I most certainly could! If you did not use your quirk of course," Iida insisted.

"Then I'd uhhh, marry Todoroki and kiss Uraraka," he said, his face turning a bright shade of pink.

"Hah! Look how embarrassed he is!" Kacchan laughed and Izuku glared down at the floor.

"Oh come on dude, as if no one saw you blush when (y/n) said she'd marry you," Kaminari said, matter-of-factly.

"Shut the fuck up, no I didn't."

"Profanity!" Iida called and Kacchan growled. He looked my direction to see I wore a slight smile and he sat back, letting his anger dissolve.

"Whatever four eyes."

"We should get food, anyone else hungry?" I had no idea who had said it but a large group of people got up from their spots to get food.

"I'll get you some," Izuku murmured at me. I nodded, knowing he knew what I liked and I laid back against the couch. I tugged my phone out, scrolling absentmindedly before I felt the weight of the couch dip beside me. I glanced over at Kacchan just as he had put his arm on the couch behind my head.

"Whatcha looking at Slip n Slide?" he asked and I scrunched my nose. He knew I hated that nickname the most out of them all. I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing much Bakuhoe," I replied.

"So you'd marry me huh?" he asked, ruffling up my bangs. I again rolled my eyes at him, this time more obviously.

"Oh whatever."

"No I get it, marrying the future number one hero obviously has its perks. No wonder you want to marry me," he said and I scoffed. I suppose I might as well play along.

"So what if I do?" He glanced my direction at my smug look, I raised an eyebrow awaiting a response.


"So what if I wanted to marry you? If I recall you were blushing," I teased, poking my index finger to his chest and his eyes narrowed. I was playing a dangerous game here, dipping into flirty territory.

"That's where you're mistaken," he disputed and I nodded.

"Alright," I said, snuggling up into the couch. "It's obvious you're lying."

"I am not!"

"Mmhmm," I hummed, glancing up at him with a sly smile. "Just let me know when you want to admit it."

"I'm not fucking lying."

"So you don't want to marry me? I'm offended Kacchan," I said and he frowned at me. "Lighten up why don't you?" I pressed the tip of his nose with my pinkie, turning back to my phone. When I snuck a glance back at Kacchan I could see the tips of his ears were tinged red. I smirked to myself, leaning slightly into him. I was really pushing it.

"Here! I figured you'd like this," Izuku called, taking my opposite side. He was hesitant, perched at the end of the couch cushion now that Kacchan had migrated over here. I took the plate of food, letting out a quiet thank you. I could sense the silent tension between the two boys, obviously. I just ate between them for a long 30 seconds before Uraraka returned to talk to Izuku.

"Are you at least a little more excited for the dance?" I asked Kacchan, tucking my legs up off the floor with my feet under my bottom and my knees facing him.

"I...I guess," he replied.

"Look, I know you're obviously not a dance or social function kind of person, but I promise it'll be fun. I would know," I said and he sighed.

"I just don't get why we have to dress up."

"It's fun."


"Yes. It's fun to look really nice, get all dressed up and have a really fun out of the ordinary night," I said. "Dancing, food, friends, music."

"Concerts have those and you don't have to look like a dipshit in a stupid tie," he scoffed.

"Oh you and ties," I commented, shaking my head. "You don't even have to wear one."

"Ugh yes I do," he argued.


"Because my dad is making me wear this dumb suit," he said, crossing his arms. He sounded like a child, refusing to wear a simple tie.

"Do you...not know how to tie one?" I asked.

"I know how to fucking tie a tie! It's not that hard," he scoffed and I again shook my head at him.

"Alright, I believe you."

Once everyone had mostly returned there was an influx of suggestions as to what we should do next.

"I say we watch a movie," Momo said.

"That's so boring! We always do that!"

"We should go to bed! It's always important to get a full night's rest, especially before a function the next day," Iida said and everyone booed that idea, though I knew that Kacchan would be asleep by now.

"We could play board games?"

"We don't have any."

"All I'm saying is that you guys shot down the spin the bottle idea way too fast!"

"No Kaminari!"

"What about--"

I let out a sigh, sneaking from the room to return my plate and hang around on my own for a little. We were a pretty indecisive group so it was always hard to decide what to do and sometimes I just couldn't stand it. I stared out the window above the sink, crossing my arms over my chest with a soft sigh. It was already dark and the moon was about three quarters full. I could spot a couple of cherry blossom trees from this view and it was still quite pretty despite the fact they weren't in bloom. I could hear the muffled arguments from the next room and I knew they were all in good fun, just trying to decide what to do, but I couldn't stop the sick feeling in my stomach. I could just barely remember what it was like to listen to my dad and mom argue from outside my bedroom door. I shook the thought from my brain, focusing in on the quiet of the kitchen. Listening now, I could hear the gentle winds against the building that I hadn't noticed before.

"They're still going at it in there," Kacchan called, having snuck off as well.

"Mmm, they'll never decide and they'll just end up talking the whole time," I said. He strode over to where I stood, leaning up against the counter. "Do you think they're suspicious of the fact we're gone or have they even noticed."

"They're too busy shutting Dunce Face down to see," he replied. I hopped up to sit on the counter, knowing if Iida found me this way he would have something to say about it. My head dropped to my right shoulder as I leaned back, still staring out the window.

"You know, I thought you told me not expect any sappy friend stuff," I commented and he glanced my direction.

"And?" He looked in my direction incredulously.

"I never told you not to expect some," I replied, smirking slightly.

"And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Whatever you want," I said. "I just didn't expect you to accept all my friendliness so easily."

"Yeah right, as if I do that." I looked his way with an amused but furrowed brow.

"Okay," I responded, drips of sarcasms escaping my tone. I hopped down from the counter with a sigh. "We should probably head back now, or they'll actually suspect something."

"But they're so annoying."

"And I'm not? Kacchan my heart," I said, gripping my chest and he spluttered, telling me I was crazy. I smiled warmly at him, rising to my toes and taking one side of his jaw in a gentle hand. I placed a kiss to his temple and started to the door, my stomach alight with dancing flames. I looked back to him, seeing his shocked face. It was a little too cute and I had really tested my luck. "Thank you, good to know I'm not annoying."

He said nothing, only staring with a still baffled expression that I had to hold back a laugh for.

"You coming?"

He could only nod and I titled my head towards the common room with a half smile, feeling him follow behind me.


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