Hah chapter 69. Nice.
(Y/n)'s POV
"So where are you going?"
"To talk to my mom with Izuku and then I've got an appointment with the counselor," I reiterated. Kacchan's hands were wrapped firmly around my waist, my arms resting on his shoulders.
"Deku?" Kacchan asked, his face scrunching up in disappointment.
"Yeah. If I'm going to be talking to her about my dad, I might as well have Izuku there. He knows just about as much about my dad as I do," I said. He frowned, nodding. "I'll be back soon."
"Sure." I smiled slightly, his hands sliding from my waist to my hips. He buried his face in my neck, his breath tickling me slightly. My hands slid up into his hair, grasping it lightly as I placed the side of my head against his. There was something on his mind, but his hands snuck down to my bottom to being the focus off his upset expression. He wore a smirk against my skin and as he bit down lightly in my neck, I yelped and tugged his head back with my hand.
"Watch your hands!" I called, shivering slightly. He pressed his chest up against me and peered over my shoulder at his hands.
"I see them," he said, squeezing. I slapped his arm and he let go, letting me pick up my bag.
"Smart ass." He just smirked, his eyes darting downwards. It was honestly baffling he had the confidence and audacity to do that, but was too afraid he'd kiss me wrong. I suppose it was different and more meaningful than copping a feel or biting me, but still. They were very starkly different sides of him. He glanced at my bag and his face sunk again.
"If you need me text me or whatever."
"Of course," I said, turning. He quickly grasped my wrist, causing me to look back at him. "What?"
"I seriously mean it. Text me if you need me."
"I know...are you alright?" I was worried it was still weird from yesterday afternoon. We had slept against each other for the second night in a row, so I doubt it could still be too awkward.
"I'm fine, I just don't want you to feel like you're doing this alone," he said and I raised an eyebrow.
"I'm not. I can't get rid of your annoying ass," I quipped and he shoved my arm away with a scowl. "Do you want me to come by later? Where will you be?"
"Kirishima probably wants me to do some dumb shit," he said, pouting slightly. His arms folded across his chest. I placed a hand on his forearm there and he leaned forward and down so I wouldn't have to go so far on my toes to kiss his cheek. He grasped me up in one last hug, hands running up my body to hold me close. I felt tempted to just stay here and continue whatever was happening here. Not that he hadn't been touchy, but Kacchan was certainly taking advantage of the fact he could touch me. From looking at him and knowing him all my life, I would've never expected his...love language...to be touch. It was weirdly wonderful. I let out a breathy sigh, taking in the sight of him. My heels dropped and I pinched his cheek with my thumb and the knuckle of my index finger. He tugged his face away, his nose scrunching up. "Oi, knock it off loser."
"I'll see you later Bakuhoe," I replied. I took a quick peek with my head out his door, in case someone was coming. "Bye."
"Later nerd," he said. I felt a firm smack on my behind and I whipped around to look at him. He wore an expression that had no means of backing down from his advance at me and I just shook my head. I turned and walked off, hyperaware of his stare at me as I did. I could feel the warmth in my face, wondering where he was looking. It was still crazy to consider Kacchan and I doing any sort of normal couple thing. Whether it be because of this attacker stuff or just because we were...us. Besides all that I couldn't get rid of the tightness in my stomach. And he was worried about kissing? Once he did feel comfortable, I was certainly in trouble. My little heart couldn't take it, so maybe it was good he couldn't right now. But then again it was also building up.
The things he does to me.
I skipped a few doors to get to Izuku, waiting a few moments before his door swung open. I entered as he picked up his stuff, like his key and his phone, shoving them in the pockets of his pants. After I text Mina a quick good luck for her meal with Sero and his family, I glanced around Izuku's room seeing each wall plastered with All Might. It was rather intimidating and it made me wonder how Izuku slept in here.
"Ready?" He asked, offering up an open carton of hello panda cookies. I took one as I nodded, admiring the print panda before eating it.
"Where'd you get these?" I asked, waiting for Izuku to shut his door.
"Todoroki took me out yesterday," he said and I choked on the biscuit.
"WHAT?" He quickly shushed me, placing his hand over my mouth.
"Could you not?" He asked, letting out a sigh. "It wasn't like a date or anything."
"Then what the hell was it?"
"It was...going to a store with your friend?" He asked. I deadpanned and he just sighed. "Trust me, I wish it was a date."
"You can have them," he said, handing the box to me. I glanced at it, noticing it was strawberry.
"Why did you even buy these? You don't like the strawberry flavor," I said.
"Because I said the pandas on the box were cute and Todoroki insisted buying it for me with his dad's credit card. I didn't have the heart to tell him I don't even like them," he said, placing a gentle hand over his eyes.
"He pays for everything. It makes me so guilty."
"Yeah but it's his dad's money so...," I pointed out and he just shrugged. "But he bought you these??"
"Well maybe you should tell him you don't like them, can't be 20 years in the future and he's bringing home these for you since you 'love them so much'."
"Ehh?? Bringing them home?"
"I can't tell him that! He already bought them, that's awful," he said. I just shrugged.
"Then just smuggle them to me," I said, eating another. "What else did you do?"
"We just walked around. Ate. Talked. He keeps doing this thing where he reaches stuff on higher shelves to look at, but you know Todoroki. Either no personal space or way too much. He keeps trapping me to reach and it makes me want to explode," he said, placing his face in his hands.
"Oh my God that's so cute," I said. "I don't know if he even knows it, but he so likes you."
"What?? No! I mean...no!!" He spluttered and I just ate another panda cookie, looking at him knowingly.
"So you haven't been back here since Makoto died?" Izuku asked and I shook my head.
"I wonder who the main nurse looking after my mom is now," I said. We walked in, a somber kind of feeling blanketing the waiting room and from what I anticipated, probably the rest of the care facility too. I took a lanyard from the basket, Izuku following, and let myself up.
"Do you want me to wait outside?"
"You can if you want to, I don't want to make you uncomfortable," I said. "But you're welcome to come in with me." He just nodded, not notifying me on what he decided he was to do. I knocked before opening the door, my mother sat on her windowsill bench. She smiled when she saw me, offering her arms up for a hug.
"Hi Raindrop," she said, squeezing me tight before giving her second hug to Izuku.
"You alright mom?"
"Yeah, I'm okay sweetheart. Are you?" I just nodded and she fixed my hair for me. She always liked to do that. She sat me down, Izuku taking a chair. "Makoto's mother is having his funeral next weekend."
"Right," I said. I almost forgot, or rather blocked out, the fact I would have to attend his funeral. I didn't know what I would say to his family with the obvious guilt. It was pretty obvious I was the reason he died. Perhaps if he never had this job and never met me, then he would still be alive.
It certainly wasn't fair.
"How are you going to go?" I asked.
"I unfortunately can't. You'll be alright going alone?" She said and I paused. I hadn't considered that either, that I would have to go by myself. I desperately wanted to take Kacchan, have him hold my hand so I wouldn't have to face the situation alone. So that's what he meant.
He must be feeling guilty for leaving me to fend for myself in a way. I knew it wasn't his fault and he couldn't, so he shouldn't feel so guilty. I was one to talk about unwarranted guilt. In a weird way he was there for me the most out of everyone. Not physically there, but still there.
"I can go," Izuku said. "I knew him alright too."
"Okay," I replied, smiling slightly.
"Good," My mother said, rubbing down the side of my arm as if I were cold. It was oddly comforting. I felt Izuku nudge me slightly from where he was sitting, the tip of his red sneaker tapping the heel of mine.
"Hey mom could I ask you about something?" I asked, placing a hand on her hand to stop her soft gesture.
"Yeah, of course you can (y/n)," she said, smiling at me. I paused, staring at her as she awaited my question. For some weird reason, I couldn't get it out of my mouth. I felt Izuku nudge my foot again.
"UH What do you do when you like a boy?!" I blurted. That was probably the stupidest question I could ask in place of the real question I wanted to ask.
"Oh my," she said. I could feel Izuku's judging stare at the side of my face. He knew fully well I was stalling and that my mom wouldn't have the answer on what to do with Kacchan if I was asking seriously. Izuku still didn't even know about Kacchan and I...this wasn't going to turn out well. "Well that depends on who it is."
"It's Kacchan," I blurted again. There was something seriously wrong. First with KitKat, then this mess? I felt Izuku kick my shoe this time.
"Ahh, well I do believe that boy quite likes you. I would just tell hi—"
"I'm sorry, that wasn't what I wanted to ask."
"So...you don't like him?"
"Well no I do—but that's—that's besides the point," I sighed.
"Well what is it honey?" She asked, tapping my chin lightly so I would look at her. I glanced at Izuku who was awaiting my response.
"I wanted to...know if you could tell me more about dad?" I asked, wincing slightly. I received no response and I glanced up, afraid. I didn't know why I was so afraid, I knew she didn't like him of course because he left but she had never explicitly told me I couldn't ask.
"I just feel like I need to know," I said.
"Before we had you?" She asked, glancing at me. She looked uncomfortable to say the least, but was willing to tell me now that I asked.
"Well. I met him 2 years out of high school. He was working for a lab, I'm not sure what he did. He obviously worked with molecules, but I certainly didn't know what he did for sure. He's got dark hair, but as we dated and got married a lot of it turned gray. It was rather silver, not gray actually," she said, thinking. "I met him when my agency was working with his lab. He was very nice and I liked him very much."
It sounded typical, I didn't know what I was expecting. I felt as though something should pop out at me, considering how hellish my life has been going lately. Something this simple was out of the ordinary. Oddly refreshing.
"He wasn't very...expressive. He could be charming and I thought I knew him very well, so the fact he wasn't the most emotive person in the world didn't bother me. In fact, I think the happiest I've seen him was when I told him I was pregnant with you." I glanced up at her, shocked.
"Yes, he was ecstatic. He was very caring and extremely wonderful to me while I was pregnant. He was more than excited to hold you at the hospital as well. You obviously know that you have his eyes. Intense eyes, though you're far more expressive than he was. I think his eyes made up for a lot of that. You didn't take to him very well and I think he realized having a kid wasn't all that he expected or wanted. So he left."
"When I was only 3? He couldn't have given it more time?" I asked.
"Yes. 3."
"I'm sorry mom."
"Why are you sorry?"
"I don't know, it's not all that great for him to leave. I was so young, I obviously didn't help," I said. She laughed under her breath, shaking her head.
"That's alright. I wouldn't expect a 3 year old to come up with anything profound after his disappearance," she said, amused.
"So he just...disappeared?"
"That he did. We had a small disagreement and he left. Never came back," she said, her face solemn. I glanced over to see that Izuku was engrossed in the conversation. I had forgotten he was there.
"That's all?" I asked.
"There's nothing to really know," she said, pressing her lips together. "I'd rather you not be hung up on that man."
"I'm not I promise," I said. "I just figured it wasn't normal for a girl to only know the name and eye color of their dad, that and the fact he left."
"I suppose you should know more, but I can't think of anything else. Nothing special."
"Well, anything is enough," I said. "I should go."
"Where to?"
"I have to get back to school for a meeting with...a teacher," I said and she nodded. She stood with me, pecking me on the temple.
It seemed everyone was in an off mood. My mother with Makoto and now this. Kacchan with our restrictions...and wanting what was best for me. Even Izuku was struggling with Todoroki. I suppose that was another reason why going to therapy would help. Maybe if I could better myself, then I could help those around me.
This was probably one of the shorter visits to my mother. Her mood had soured, but I figured that was typical when recalling a person your quite disliked. I felt my stomach drop. I was always worried about being any kind of a burden when it came to this kind of stuff. "Thank you for telling me."
"You're welcome Raindrop."
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