Hello there
Bakugo's POV
I couldn't quite remember waking up, but when I picked my head up to an unfamiliar space I recognized that I must have been unconscious. If my memory served me correctly, I had just been to the lobby of the gala with (y/n) and she was talking about the information she had gotten about her father. I blinked a few times, adjusting to the mellow darkness around me. I felt woozy, almost like someone had tossed a marble around in my head to stir things up and the points at which it had hit my head particularly hurt. It was a strain to see and as I gained some bearing as to what was going on, a recognized the familiar feeling of being trapped. I was seated in a chair, strapped down by my arms and legs. My suit was slightly wrinkled and from the look and feeling of it...wet.
Almost immediately, my adrenaline began and in my panic of struggling against the chair, I soon discovered my lack of quirk. The chair looked ordinary, but my mind was telling me they were quirk deafening bindings. That or someone nearby, but I was rendered completely incapable. My heart racing and the familiar panic rising up in my chest brought my mind and eyes to the most important subject:
She was right beside me in a chair of her own, strapped as I was. Her hair was not as neat at she had made it for the party, and her dress was slightly wet as well. (y/n)'s head was slumped forwards and she was completely out still, unlike myself. I opened my mouth to try and wake her with her name, but decided that might not be the best idea. Had the League gotten to us again? How had they been so smooth about it? All of their plans were rushed and crude, whereas I hadn't even known what was happening at the time I was knocked out. I couldn't remember a struggle. I shut my mouth to stop the heavy breaths, feeling my face get hot with the breath stuck in my throat. Where the hell were we?
Looking around the place with my eyes fully in focus, I began to recognize the place we were in. It was just a few weeks ago that we had been here, Kara something labs where he father used to work. (y/n)'s father. My stomach dropped when I began to pick up on exactly what was going on here. It was the basement lab where he used to work, all shut and locked up. Quiet. From what I could see, there was another entrance that I didn't recall leading lower...even beneath the basement.
Was he in there?
The door opened and I dropped my head, shutting my eyes as to not raise suspicion. That is, if they didn't have cameras watching us and had caught me when I woke up. The door shut, but rather than the 1 set of footsteps I anticipated to hear, there were 2.
"Lock that, don't be careless now," one voice spoke. It was older and I figured that might be her father. Who was the other person? Dai? The old boss?
"Yes sir."
The other voice was not recognizable as Dai from what I could remember. It sounded younger, but was still male. I had thought that maybe Chouka could be here, considering all that happened. My mind was jumbled and I was frankly afraid. I was trying to put together all the puzzle pieces together. Had her father been purposeful with (y/n)'s memory problems? What did he want ultimately. Was this even him?
"You did a well job in subduing them Reo." The older voice was speaking and I could hear them pick up (y/n)'s head, letting it drop. Reo was that boy...that had attacked our school and taken her voice. He must've been the one to attack us...or rather just knock us out. If this was her dad, what did Reo have to do with anything? Maybe he was just some poor sap like Chouka.
"Thank you sir," Reo replied. I heard a few things and the heavier footsteps came to stop beside me. He picked up my head and I tried to be as limp as possible in the event he could recognize I was awake. He let out a solid and single laugh as an exhale, dropping my head again. I felt the tug on my hair release and his foot steps walk away. I could hear them head down a flight of metal stairs to the area I had not previously seen until now. I looked to (y/n), seeing she was still out. I craned as far as I could with my upper body, nudging her with my head. She was still out cold. I tugged at the metal shackling my hands to the chair, feeling them dig into my wrists. My hands were completely dry, despite my nerves and adrenaline.
It was silent again.
Aizawa's POV
Things had cleared out a little at the party and the students had 15 minute before they should head to the lobby. I glanced around, seeing mostly everyone just hanging around until they would be ready to leave.
"You alright?" Joue asked, squeezing my shoulder with her hand. We were dancing for a while and I turned back to look at her.
"Yeah, just double checking the kids," I stated. She nodded, pursing her lips for a moment before letting go of me.
"We should probably just hang out until we're supposed to leave," she suggested and I agreed. She sat herself down on a chair and I sat beside her, listening to the music die down a little. "Should we go to the lobby early?"
"No, it's alright here," I replied.
"Okay," she replied, looking out at the party again. The way it was beginning to empty was strange, just sitting and watching it all thin away. I placed a hand on her arm, both of them resting on the table. "I think...this uh was a success."
"Yeah, they enjoyed themselves," I agreed. I looked over at her and she was glaring hard at the wall, her hand in a tight fist. "Hey."
"Yeah?" Joue asked, looking my direction.
"You seem nervous."
"Me? No, I'm good," she said and I watched her heart shift to a pale almost greyish yellow.
"You sure?" I asked, patting her arm. She looked at me again, nodding simply. I peered back at her for a moment and she stared back, her lips curling together and her eyebrows dipping slightly. It was quiet, just staring at each other, before my phone buzzed in my pocket. "Let's head down."
"Right," she said, tugging her arm away and standing. She headed for the elevator and I followed, Iida bringing his entire group early with us. We came out at the lobby, it completely silent. We waited for the entire class to come down and I scanned over, everyone heading out to the limos. I looked to Joue who was counting the students with a concentrated face as everyone gathered up in the limos.
"There's only 21," she said. "We're supposed to have 23. We're missing (y/n) and Bakugo."
"They're probably still upstairs," I sighed,
"I'll go, you wait here," she said, quickly hurrying back upstairs. I leaned against one of the limos, slightly startled when the back window near me rolled down.
"Where's (y/n) and Bakugo?" Mina asked, sticking her head out from the limo."
"They probably lost track of time, Joue is going to find them," I stated and she nodded. A few minutes began to pass and I grew concerned, confused as to why Joue had yet to return with them. My moment of relief upon seeing Joue come out was brief, seeing her come alone. She looked slightly panicked as she ran up to me.
"They're not up there, it's completely empty. I went into all the bathrooms, talked to service people, they're not there," she said, breathing heavily. I didn't know if it was because she had been running around or she was in a panic. One of the limo doors opened and Izuku peeked out.
"I saw them head down to the lobby early," Izuku said.
"Thank you," I replied, letting him shut himself back in. I ordered the limos to lock up while Joue and I were gone.
"Down the streets maybe?" she asked.
"We'll go to the roof and see," I stated. She nodded and we headed inside, Joue gripping her dress and running beside me. We checked on the top floor again and then the roof, looking out at the streets. There was nothing at all angles, it was pretty clear to see. I pulled out my phone, going to make a few calls. The pair did not answer their phones and I moved next to call parents. Nothing from (y/n)'s mother or aunt. Nothing from Mitsuki or Masaru. I placed a hand over my mouth as the last call rejected, dropping it to my side. Joue looked back at me from the railing, a petrified look on her face.
"Nothing?" she asked. I shook my head and she placed a hand over her mouth, shaking slightly. "God, they're missing."
"It's alright, we'll find them," I stated.
"What are we supposed to do now?" she asked.
"We have to get the students back to the school and figure out where to begin looking. Let's go talk to the security," I replied, turning to head back down the stairs. I stopped at the top, seeing that Joue was still stood where she had been previously. "Joue?"
"Maybe if we just look again!" she suggested. I stopped, heading back over to her. I placed my arm around her, blocking the cold air.
"We'll talk to security and see what they saw," I said. "It's going to be fine."
"We were supposed to chaperone them," Joue said, forcing herself to walk beside me. I ushered her to the stairs and we went for the security at the doors.
"Excuse me, did you happen to see a boy with blonde spiky hair, a little angry and a girl with blue hair down here as of recent?" I asked, stopping with the security guard. He glanced down to me, shaking his head no. "They would've been together and possibly left the building? Sitting around here? Anything?"
He again shook his head. I looked to him, furrowing my eyebrows. Why wasn't he talking to me?
"Do you have cameras?" He shook his head 'no' again. It didn't seem like he was all too responsive. He looked kind of...ill almost unlife-like. I shook my head in disappointment and frustration. He left to patrol, but he was most certainly under some kind of manipulation. I let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. I looked to Joue, her head down. "Alright, let's just get the students we have back to UA and get to work."
"We were supposed to chaperone them," Joue muttered. I looked at her, approaching her side.
"We'll find them."
"I can't believe I managed to lose them," she sighed, shaking her head.
"Hey, if anything...I should've gone down early like you suggested," I stated. She just shook her head, crossing her arms over her stomach. "Joue, they're going to be fine. Don't worry."
"This is the 3rd time Bakugo has been kidnapped. I can't imagine how hard this is for him. Again," she said, looking up at me. "I promised (y/n)'s mom that I would look after her. They're just poor kids."
I felt my stomach sink as she pointed out the obvious. It wasn't something that I wanted to recognize, knowing exactly the consequences of what had happened. I placed a hand on her upper arm to keep her head from dropping again.
"I know you care a lot about the kids, but I promise you that I won't sleep until we find them," I stated.
"They're not just my responsibility," she said. "They're my kids, you know?"
"I understand. You must recognize that I feel the same way," I replied. She looked to me and we shared a knowing look. I placed hair behind her ear in a solid brush with my free hand, gesturing for her to follow along with me.
"We'll find them," she agreed and we headed back to the limos. We let ourselves inside and had them begin to drive away. Bakugo and (y/n)'s small group looked at us as we sat, recognizing that this limo was missing two of it's initial passengers. None of the kids said a word as we headed back and I look everyone in, double checking the numbers. Joue followed up, shutting the school doors as students glanced among each other. Joue made her way to stand beside me.
"As of now," I began, "we are uncertain of Bakugo and (y/n)'s whereabouts. We'll require that you please stay in your dorms and the school until they are found. You'll return to your rooms, Iida and Momo you'll be taking a role call of everyone that is here. I'll provide more information when applicable. Goodnight."
There was a murmur, but the students made their way back to their rooms or to spend the evening with each other. So long as they were all in the correct halls and accounted for, it would be alright. I heard quiet conversations as they disappeared into their places and I looked to Joue.
"Come on, we should get to the office," I gestured and she nodded. She walked beside me in silence and I could tell her brain what going wild with what could've happened. It began to lightly drizzle outside and I locked us in the office, waking up the possibly sleeping staff to the issue at hand. They were all making their way down as Joue sat herself at the waiting table in the office. I sat down beside her, offering up my hand to her. She took it, letting out a breath.
"We should call Tsukauchi and check in on Chouka. In case it's got something to do with her," Joue said. I hadn't considered that option yet, her mind already thinking ahead as to what we could do.
"You want to go home and change?"
"Later," she said. I eyed her for a moment before letting go of her hand. She looked at me as I took her up into a hug. She seemed startled for a moment before she let out a breath.
"I'm sure with you here, we'll find them," I stated. She didn't respond, just hugging back until there was a knock at the office door. She got up to let some staff in and I sat back, feeling the need to wring my hands go away.
Mina's POV
I sat down in the common room amongst the rest of our class. Aki had been escorted home and Shinsou had led Jenny back to her dorm before returning to his own. I glared at my feet, leaning over to take off my heels. They at least hurt less than my stomach. Sero sat beside me, placing a comforting arm around me. I didn't quite know what we were going to do. There was nothing to be done.
"They're just gone?" Kaminari asked.
"I guess," I replied.
"The last thing I did to them was make obscene thrusting gestures," Kaminari stated. If it wasn't so bad, that would've been funny. Now, it just seemed disappointing.
"I think we should all go to our respect dorms and rest. We might be needed tomorrow," Iida ordered. There was a silence of expectance that Bakugo might say something about him being too bossy or annoying, but he wasn't here. Everyone just headed back to their rooms with nothing to say. Why (y/n) and Bakugo? It hadn't been Chouka again was it? I let out a breath, my throat tight. Sero led me to my room, helping me inside before wishing me a goodnight.
When I was all alone, I didn't know what to do with myself. This wasn't like the league, where we had seen them take Bakugo. We didn't have any semblance of what had happened or where they were. It just grew later and later and I scribbled out little drawings to help distract myself. It became unbearable to stay in my room, so I wandered out taking my keys with me. I was going to let myself in (y/n)'s room. Maybe they were just here and everything was fine.
That was probably unlikely.
I let myself into the empty room before hearing a startling whisper of my name behind me. Midoriya had headed this way too, having a key of his own but ran into me. I let out a soft but scared breath.
"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you," he said.
"Nah, just come in," I replied. He came into the room, seating himself on (y/n)'s empty bed. I shut the door behind us. "You couldn't stay in your room either huh?"
"I can't believe they're just missing."
"Without any trace? It didn't seem like Aizawa sensei or Joue sama knew anything about it either. Not even having looked and talked to people," Deku said.
"I don't get either. You think it's Chouka?"
"Maybe, but we didn't hear anything about her escaping. Tomorrow morning maybe you can mention it to Aizawa sense, to check there," he replied and I nodded. "It must have something to do with them specifically, don't you think?"
"Of course," I replied. "It's always them." Deku laughed ever so slightly and I sat back in (y/n) desk chair. Something about being in (y/n)'s room at least made me feel a little better. Even if she wasn't here, it was very much like her. "I'm worried."
"Me too..." Deku replied. "But I'm sure the teachers can handle it. Besides, they're tough, (y/n) and Kacchan."
"Sure they are. I'm just worried this might be too much for (y/n) with everything and it might be detrimental to Bakugo, you know with this being the 3rd time he's been taken."
"I know."
"It's just not good," I stated and Deku nodded. We stayed in there for a while, talking about things here and there before Deku suggested we should probably get back. I locked up the room, making my way back to my own. "Sleep okay Deku."
"You too."
It seemed as though we had some pretty big connections with both of them. Bakugo and (y/n) were just such important people. (y/n) was friends with mainly everyone and though she struggled a lot, there was just something about here that was innately good and comforting. Bakugo might be mean sometimes, but it was clear to pretty much everyone that he did care and he had a lot of interesting character. They were a dynamic match together and their absence was certainly a deafening one. I sighed, letting myself into bed.
I laid for a while, awake and staring at the ceiling. I fell asleep for a while, but it wouldn't do me much good, the worry eating away at my stomach.
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