Ignore Him | Chpt 33

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(y/n)'s POV

That evening I was sat comfortably on one of the common room couches with Kaminari, my legs draped over his lap. He had my phone charger hanging from his lips and my phone was nearing 100%. I now noticed that it was sort of out of character for me to be in so much contact with Kaminari, seeing as he could possibly short circuit and electrocute me, but it was comfortable and worry-free. Kaminari was the type to be friends with everyone and I had a strong suspicion it was because he hadn't had many friends before. Not to mention his quirk was one people tended to avoid due to it's strength and danger. I felt sort of bad for being so hesitant around him before as it was pretty clear he was touch starved. He laughed suddenly and tilted his own phone towards me with a grin. There was an edited picture of him as the surprised Pikachu and I snorted, gesturing for him to send it to me.

"Hey guys," Izuku said, waving at us before glancing at the close proximity.

"Hey, look," I said, tugging Kaminari's phone towards Izuku and the plug fell from in between his teeth. Izuku glanced over the picture with a soft smile.

"What are you guys doing?" he asked and I glanced at Kami before back at Izuku with a shrug.

"Not much," I replied.

"Well (y/n), I've got a question for you," he said.

"Yeah?" I asked, placing the plug back in Kaminari's mouth. He glanced down at it, his eyes slightly crossed before shrugging and turning back to his phone.

"Did you tell Todoroki to tell me that I 'mean something to him' and that he 'wants to spend more time with me'?" Izuku asked. I hesitantly looked up at him with a sheepish grin. Kaminari let out a small 'ooo', taunting me, and I shoved him lightly with my foot.

"I did nothing of the sort," I refuted and I heard Kaminari snort. "Oh you shut it and charge." I wagged a finger in his direction.

"(y/n), he literally said you gave him that advice," Izuku said, crossing his arms.

"Hey, hey, hey, that dummy threw me under the bus! He came to me first, asking why you didn't want to be around him. I couldn't tell him you liked him so I just hinted," I said, watching as the chargers dropped from Kaminari's mouth in surprise.

"Hey! You shush!" Izuku said, his ears turning red.

"Whatever dude, I was just helping you. He's starting to notice," I said. "What was I supposed to say?"

"I don't need help." I raised an eyebrow at him and he angrily huffed, glancing between me and Kaminari. "Out of the two of us, you certainly need more help than I do."

"Hey! What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, tugging my legs away from Kami and standing up against Izuku.

"You know exactly what it means. Quit meddling why don't you?" he said and I felt my mouth gape angrily.

"Low blow, I was just helping you out because I thought that's what you wanted," I said. "It's pretty damn obvious you like each other and I thought I could nudge him in the right direction!"

"That's my choice, not yours! I mean I never meddled in your crush on Todoroki and I don't pass judgement now with Kacchan," he said and I felt heat rise up in my cheeks. He was lucky Kaminari already knew.

"You never meddled because you liked him too! And it's not meddling, if you didn't want my help then you should've just said so."

"I don't want it."

"Then fine!"

"Fine." He stormed off and I scoffed, crossing my arms angrily.

"Baby!" I called angrily after him before collapsing onto the couch besides Kaminari again. It wasn't often that Izuku and I fought, but it seemed that he had quite the problem with me at the moment.

"Should I go?"

"No, sorry. We don't usually do that," I said.

"Wow, you finally realize Deku is a loser?" I glanced up at Kacchan who seemed thoroughly amused that Izuku and I were fighting. How much had he heard? I just rolled my eyes before placing my legs back over Denki's. "What, you ignoring me now?" I didn't respond and I could feel Denki fidget uncomfortably. I felt bad for how awkward he must feel, maybe I should've just let him leave. "Whatever, fine by me."

I still didn't respond as he passed, his hands curling into fists before he shoved them in his pockets. Kaminari let out a breath from beside me.



"So what are you going to do?"


"Deku?" Kaminari asked.

"I don't know. We really don't fight that much, I'll talk to him later it's probably my fault somehow," I sighed.

"And Bakugo?"

"Continue ignoring him?"

"Is this what it's like to live your life?"

"What do you mean?" I asked with a slight smirk.

"I don't know, does stuff like this happen everyday?" he asked.

"When you're at odds with Kacchan, stuff like this tends to happen all the time. And sometimes, having a lot of friends can really be a lot."

"I guess you're right. You are friends with us in the Bakusquad, but you're also friends with people in Deku's group," he agreed and I sighed, tugging off my legs and leaning up against him. He glanced at me for a moment, wriggling his eyebrows at me and I just chuckled, lightly bopping him on the nose with the palm of my hand.


That morning in class we were sent away to do busy work by Midnight and I was sat down next to Todoroki who was tracing over the words in the textbook as he read them. Izuku was across the room with Uraraka and Tsu, not talking to me. I had at first been seated by myself and Todoroki had broken off from the group before the Bakusquad could reach me themselves. I placed a soft hand on the page, not really wanting to learn about Modern Art History at the moment. I finished up the last question sloppily before propping my chin up with my hand.

"It appears as though Midoryia is angry with you," Todoroki said suddenly and I didn't move much before shrugging.


"Might I ask why?"

"I did something I shouldn't have. It was probably my fault."


"Well...I was only trying to help. I clearly don't know what I'm doing anyways," I said.

"You told me yesterday that you and Izuku do not fight often," he said. "I find it ironic that you are fighting so suddenly after the statement."

"Ironic, sure."

"Perhaps you should speak to him."


"Are you mad at me?" he asked and I glanced over at him. "Perhaps I should have mentioned that I told Midoryia about our conversation yesterday morning."

"No, he told me. It's alright I'm not mad. I'm just feeling kind of worn out lately. I don't need Izuku mad at me."

"Then you should definitely speak with him," he reassured and I nodded, thanking him. I hurried after Izuku after class so that I could talk to him.

"Izuku!" I called and he turned hesitantly. "Hey."

"Yeah?" he asked, pursing his lips. I chewed at the inside of my cheek for a moment.

"I just wanted to say sorry. I shouldn't have touched anything without being asked and for exposing you to Kaminari. I wasn't going about everything right and you're right. I don't really know what I'm doing when it comes to this sort of thing. I mean, I like Kacchan for pete's sake. I've just been really off lately, I don't know what to do and I don't mean for it to affect you," I said, wringing my hands.

"I'm sorry for telling Kaminari about Kacchan," he said back and I chuckled.

"Eh, he already knew." Izuku raised a suspicious eyebrow at me. "It just came up."

"Well, you should just tell me about Kacchan when you need to if you feel overwhelmed about it, not try and go off 'fixing' other peoples' relationships," he said and I nodded, frowning with shame. He placed a hand on my shoulder, the contact letting me know we were okay for now. "I admit, I was a little harsh."

"It's fine, I just don't want you mad at me on top of everything," I replied. "I mean I never want you to be mad at me, I can just be stupid sometimes."

"Oh I know," he joked and I shoved him, huffing.

"Hey not nice."

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. So you have a lot going on?"

"You could say that."

"I heard you were ignoring Kacchan again even after you seemed to warm up to him a little. People have been noticing how nice you two were getting. You guys fighting?"

"When are we not fighting? And no I'm just ignoring him so this whole...you know what...blows over. That's the plan, I'd rather bring it back to how it used to be you know?"


"Yeah, I mean did I tell you about Saturday?"

"No what?"

"Oh man, it's a doosy."


I rinsed out my bowl in the sink, placing it in the dishwasher. It seemed pretty full so I let it run, padding out of the common room kitchen. I waved silently to Sero and Kaminari hanging out around the kitchen as I passed. I started back towards my dorm feeling my dinner settle in my stomach. The windows were dark as was the hall as I headed back around an hour before curfew. I again felt that feeling as though I were being watched. My arms tugged against the sides of my shirt, crossing over my chest. I sped up down the hall slightly, figuring I was just a little off put by the darkness. I ran straight into Kacchan in that moment, sucking air into my lungs in surprise. Like always I was the one to stumble backwards while he only found balance with a simple step backwards. He was about to say something rude when he paused, grinning devilishly at the opportunity to taunt me. This time I didn't let a sorry slip past my lips, changing my fearfully crossed arms to indignant as I awaited an apology.

"What are you looking at slip n' slide?" he asked, making himself snicker. I didn't answer, only deeming this a waste of time as I stepped aside to walk around him. He placed a foot out in front of me to stop me, suddenly stood again in front of me domineeringly. "How come you're pouting?"

I again didn't answer, but I received the mocking comment with narrowed and angry eyes. I wanted nothing more than to have him invite me to watch a movie or for him to take one of my hands, but the urge made me sick to the stomach. I had somehow made Kacchan more poisonous than he already was. Just ignore him. I'm good at that.

"You mad at me?" he asked, tilting his head slightly back and to the right to glance at me over his nose haughtily. At this angle, his jaw looked the sharpest and exposed his neck. I was beginning to want to punch him in his stupid neck. "I don't know why you think this will work, you know fully well I don't like listening to you talk."

That was a load of bullshit and I knew it, no matter how much I wanted it to be true. I knew for a solid fact he liked the way I laughed and most likely preferred hearing that than nothing at all, especially when I was 'mad' at him like now. Sure, I babbled a lot, but that was something I was certain didn't bother him.

"Why are you trying to get at me hmm?" he asked. He always had to make it about him didn't he? "Like getting a reaction out of me?"

I wanted to smack the shit out of his stupidly pretty face. I attempted again to walk past, but the pads of his fingers placed themselves in a spread out pattern on my stomach to stop me. I shrunk back, away from his touch.

"Sometimes I think you like picking a fight with me."

On some level that was true, especially now. It was obvious he loved picking on me and getting my reaction in return, so it was sort of pointless to try and use that against me. However, right now I would pay a large sum of money just to get him to say something mean so I could fight him about it rather than constantly be thinking about all the nice things we could be doing together. I let out an annoyed sigh, jerking my head to the side to signal he should in fact, get the fuck out of my way.

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you to not have a crush on me water freak," he tched. I knew it was a jab at me that usually worked to get a reaction, but seeing my current circumstances and the bitchy look on his face I still kept my tongue poised between my teeth. I said that to myself far too much, try harder. "Really? Nothing?"

I felt a sense of slight pride rush over me, evident in my face so he took a step closer to gain back his advantage. His hands slid loosely in his pockets and he still glared heavy over the bridge of his nose.

"Oh come on. You come visit me in my room and then freak out and leave, which by the way you haven't given an explanation for," he said. I frowned. "Come on and just speak, what are you a dog?"

"Why are you trying so hard to get me to talk? I thought you liked it when I don't talk," I said, crossing my arms harder over my stomach.

"Ah, the beast speaks," he said and I rolled my eyes, beginning to shove past him. He again tried to stop me with his fingers in my stomach seeing as it worked well last time, but was met with my arms so they resided slightly lower, at the top of my pants' waistband. I shied away again and he took that as another win.


"Not until you tell me why you ran off."

"I'll tell you as soon as you tell me why you made photocopies of those pictures from Saturday and lied about not getting them to me sooner." His eyes shifted to a near unholy rage.

"You touched my shit."

"Mm, funny how I don't care about listening to you," I said. "But really, are we really talking about me having the crush?"

"I don't and you know fully fucking well I don't, my mom likes you and she wanted some. You think I'd keep pictures of you?" he asked.

"And...if this is true, you wouldn't mind showing me your phone?" I asked and he sputtered slightly, having lost the complete upper hand.

"I don't have shit in my phone."

"Then I can see it?"

"No piss off. You're clearly out your goddamn mind."

"That's what I thought." I clicked my tongue slightly, skimming past him. His arm caught mine before shoving me roughly. I felt my stomach churn and my face go red at the motion, but I kept my stone face for the time being.

"Don't fucking say that shit to me. I'm giving the pictures to my mom, she has a whole collection of people. You're not special and I've got nothing in my phone about you. I've got a right to privacy." I glanced down at out shoes, noticing that the tips of his boots were against the tips of my sneakers. I glanced back up, seeing him close to me, but I still had my arms crossed which kept the distance.

"Alright. So you don't."

"This just proves me right as always. You're just out for a reaction."

"I could say the same of you," I said, my eyelids still and heavy as I looked hard at him. My face hid the nervous beating of my heart and the suppressed shake of my hands.

"Well then, I told you. Why did you run out?" he asked.

"I saw the photos. The prospect of you possibly liking me made me sick," I said, harshly. It was partly true, but not in the way I just venomously said.

"I'd have to agree." I felt my heart beat painfully once or twice, but I pressed the feeling down and shoved him away. He stumbled back for once and I looked at him viciously.

"Leave me alone. I don't need you to be nice or whatever you want to call it. Just go away. I thought you would've gotten it from the fact I was ignoring you," I said, calmly sweeping myself away from the interaction. I didn't wait for any sort of response, only heading back to my room where I sank gingerly into the bed, almost like I was in physical pain and in a way I was.

Maybe I was too harsh. He had been that cruel with me before, but lately he's taken it back unlike when we were kids. I didn't want to take it back now, but I felt suddenly obligated to. It was as if I thought, if he was beginning to tolerate me than it was only fair to do that same. Then again, I had always tried my best to keep away from Kacchan and try my best to avoid saying really hurtful stuff.

He wasn't me after all, he probably didn't give a damn about what I said.

I laid back in my bed, falling asleep still wearing my jeans and waking up with slightly wet eyes.

Bakugo's POV

I watched her leave.

I had never heard her talk so sharply before and say such potentially hurtful things, it was almost out of character for her. But...having watched her gray eyes turn icy as she addressed me, I knew it was her talking.

My hand found its way to my stomach, bunching the material of my shirt in a tight fist. I felt a sudden aching pain ripple from my ribs to the base of my torso, causing the muscles of my abdomen to shrink. It made me shudder and I suddenly had goosebumps. I had no way to describe the feeling, never having encountered it before. I glanced at the empty space where she had been and the feeling struck like a stone against still water, my stomach curling inward at the unpleasant feeling.



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