I Love You | Chpt 119

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Hello there


(y/n)'s POV

"So you're attending a Hero Gala then?" Aki asked, handing me a sheet of paper for the meeting we would be sitting in on.

"Yeah, we're supposed to attend a couple each year to get a feel for what its like in real life," I said. "We're all going tomorrow night."

"That sounds like so much fun." I glanced over at Shoji across the room. He was listening to Wash speak about a few things and I glanced at Aki, who was peering over the conference table.

"You should come Aki."

"Hah? I'm not a hero."

"So? We're allowed to invite people."


"Yeah," I replied. "I mean...you should really go with Shoji."

"...you think?" she asked, looking his direction. Shoji diverted his attention for a moment towards us, or rather just Aki, and I watched the mouth on his hand curl slightly before he tucked it behind his back.

"Yeah, I think you two could have fun. I'll tell the office to let you in the school and you can come get ready with me and the girls. I might have a dress that you could wear," I stated. "I mean if you don't have one."

"I think I can find one, thank you though. I'd love to attend."

"Shoji!" I called, waving him over. He glanced over, hesitant and almost embarrassed, before he made his way over. "I was just telling Aki that she should come to the Gala tomorrow. You can show her around and stuff. Take her to the Gala."

"Yeah, would you? If you don't mind," Aki said, smiling at him. Shoji cleared his throat, nodding.

"Of course, if you want to."

"This'll be fun!" she stated. Shoji sat down next to her and they began talking. She mentioned something about cameras and him being comfortable with it. By the nature of their conversation, it was clear that they talked frequently and were good friends. So much so, that I believed Aki knew exactly what was behind Shoji's mask. I smiled, turning towards the door as the last person entered to begin the meeting. Later, after a little training, I headed for the Bakugo's. Whenever I was out, I had made it a point to stop and chat with my mother.

"Hey Ai!" I said, greeting her as I walked in.

"Hey (y/n), oh! I've got something to ask of you," she said.

"Jeez, what?" I asked.

"When you're on TV for this Gala thing, can you shout me out? I want hot men to know I'm available and come from a family of heroes," she said.

"You're really the worst, you know that right?"

"So sue me! I'm waiting on you to call that detective to set me up. What am I your aunt for?" she asked. I shook my head. "You love me."


"Well, if you loved me then you'd set me up with him."

"Alright, alright, I'll call detective Tsukauchi. He might have a wife though."




"No homewrecker behavior."

"You're one to talk," she shot back.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"I seem to recall kissing 2 boys you weren't supposed to," Ai pointed out and I clenched my jaw, letting out a sigh.

"Touché," I scoffed. "Where's mom?"

"Upstairs, tell her to stop watching that horrible reality show."


"Quirk swap or something, I don't know, but it's not good for her," she pointed out and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll see you later Ai."

"Don't forget my shoutout!" she called as I headed up the stairs.

"Don't count on it."

"Love you!"

"Love you too," I said, chuckling slightly. I was not about to advertise my aunt's singleness on television, no matter how much she asked. That was just weird. Plus, Aizawa sensei had been preaching about ignoring all cameras and interviewers. It was just better to get in past the red carpet and into the Gala. I knocked on the door to find my mother indeed watching some reality show. "Hi mom."

"Oh hi Raindrop."

"Why are you watching that?"

"It's so nice looking, they take these people on such nice vacations. We should take a vacation," my mother stated.


"Anyways..." she muttered, shutting off the TV. "Gala tomorrow? Exciting huh?"

"Yeah, any tips?"

"Just be yourself. If you get stopped by cameras or people just say hello and move on," she replied. "How are things with Dai? Has he sent you the email yet?"

"Nope, not yet," I shrugged. "I really wonder what a picture is going to do for me."

"I'm sure it might bring back a few memories of him, but who knows dear. You've been seeing your neurologist haven't you?"

"Yeah, she's been working really hard."

"I'm sure. Oh and I've been in contact with your counselor. I've been wanting to know a little more about the girl that attacked you a while ago."

"Really? You could've just asked."

"Oh I know, but you're so busy and I heard that Joue is still working with Chouka. Still nothing new to remember, but she's doing better."


"I mean that in the way of...she's regretful of attacking you Raindrop. That's what Joue told me," my mother stated. "Anywho, I just thought I'd let you know."

"Thanks mom."

"Well tell me about Bakugo now."

"What about him?"



"Oh, alright then."

"Why? Do you know something I don't?" I asked her. She closed her sweater around herself and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"No, I was just wondering," she replied.

"Well...I mean he's sweet as always. He's more affectionate around other people. On his level of course," I explained. "I love him, so. Guess I'm kind of biased as to how he is."

"I'm glad you two have found companionship in each other. I was always worried whenever you visited me upset with him," she said.

"So weird to think that wasn't all that long ago."

"It is," she said. I glanced down with a soft smile and my mother placed a hand on my head, brushing down my hair. "What's on your agenda tonight?"

"Head back to school, find Bakugo, probably hang around with some people. It seems like we all just chill together before big events."

"Oh that's fun."


"And how's everyone at school?"

"Oh they're good."

"How are you dear?"

"I'm...actually great," I replied. "Things have been really nice. Kacchan has been great. The League has been kind of quiet. I'm excited for the Gala."

"That's really good to hear."

"How are you mom?"

"Old but still kicking. I feel like that care facility air was just so stale," she replied. "I feel so much better outside."


"Really." I smiled, glancing at the clock.

"I should probably go mom," I pointed out.

"Of course, I hope you have fun at the Gala and call me after. I want to know how it went," she stated, holding her arms out for a hug. I squeezed her tightly.

"I love you mom."

"I love you too Raindrop."

I excused myself, heading back to school. The streets were beginning to empty in this area to head home themselves or head to a more night life friendly part of the city. I entered the school, the office empty and the halls quiet. I made my way back to the dorms, skimming past the common room. There were quite a few people seated around, but Bakugo was not one of them. I headed for his dorm, lugging my stuff with me. I knocked on his door before letting myself in after a few seconds. He glanced up from his desk and I got to watch his mouth curl up into a slight smile.

"Hi Kitkat," I greeted and he turned in his chair.

"Hey Raindrop."


"Just homework," he said as I dropped my stuff. I walked over, pushing his hair back with my fingers. His head tilted back slightly, eyes closing a tad more. "Hey, I've got something for you."

"Yeah? What?"

He reached over to grab a small flower off his desk. I hadn't noticed it yet and my smile grew as he turned to hand it to me.

"I figured I could ask you to be my date to the Gala. I mean, unofficial in front of cameras since the media sucks," he said. "But for you."

"Thanks Kacchan, and yes I'll be your date," I replied, taking it. "Where did you get this?"

"I stole it from Endeavor's lobby."

"Really?" I asked, snorting slightly.

"Yeah, I figured you'd get a kick out of that. Plus, I knew you'd like that I made IcyHot happy about it or whatever," he shrugged. I smirked slightly.

"Thanks Kat, I'm going to drop off my stuff and put this in some water. You want to hang in the common room with everyone?" I asked.

"I guess," he stated. Eventually, I managed to fill a small cup on my desk for the flower, dropping off my bag as well. When I made it to the common room, Kacchan was already there with his eyes half closed. I offered him a hand to which he took. I used it to seat myself near him as the conversation continued.

"I think Mount Lady is going to be there, you think she's dating Kamui Woods. I mean, it's totally obvious," Hagakure stated. Everyone chatted for a while about what they expected out of the venue. Eventually, Kacchan started to drift off on my shoulder despite the fact I was talking to Izuku.

"So we should say hi to cameras?" Izuku asked.

"I mean, if you want to. That's what my mom said," I pointed out, scratching at Kacchan's head through his hair. Izuku glanced to Kacchan, who never looked this calm, and I smirked slightly. I lowered my voice. "You going to hang out with Todoroki there?"

"Maybe," Izuku replied, just as quiet as I asked, if not quieter. His face grew pink and I didn't push it, knowing that wasn't my business. I had to tease him a little though.

"You think Joue is coming? Aizawa sensei better have invited her," I said, huffing slightly.

"You have too much riding on them," Izuku said.

"As I should," I scoffed. Kirishima scooted over, wanting to join the conversation so I turned it to him. "Hey, you bringing Jenny?"

"Yeah, I asked a while ago," he replied.

"I haven't talked to her in a hot second," I sighed. Kirishima nodded along with me before looking at Kacchan.

"You going to bed soon?" he asked, Kacchan close to being knocked out completely cold upon my shoulder.

"I probably should. I'm dating a grandpa."

"I'm not," Kacchan scoffed, close to a mutter. I rolled my eyes at the 2 boys before forcing Kacchan up. I bid everyone adieu, making my promise to hang with the girls tomorrow while we got ready. I headed back with Kacchan, holding his hand as we walked.

"Mine or yours?" I asked.

"Mine," he replied. I guess he wanted to sleep in his own bed and more often than not, he was insistent that I be there. I didn't mind, I slept better with something at my back anyways. We headed to his and he collapsed into his bed. I slipped off my sweatshirt, knowing I grew a little warm when I slept. I shut off the light for him, sliding into bed with him. He immediately tugged my back against his chest, placing his face in my hair. I let out a sigh to relax fully into the mattress. "Night."

"Goodnight," I replied. "I love you."

"I love you too," he replied gruffly. I knew he was basically half asleep anyways, but I appreciated that he said it back. Even in his tiredness. I tugged up his hand, pressing a kiss to it before settling it back against my stomach. He was already asleep and I just let out a breath, tucking my head comfortably so that I might sleep.


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