^ A mini story about Deku and (y/n).
(Y/n)'s POV
I collapsed onto my bed, letting out a huge sigh. I still had homework to complete which I had intended to do when I got back from my internship with Wash.
"Now take all that towards your center and just shoot. I've seen your classmate Aoyama, he's quite skilled in this area, though so am I," Wash said, patting his front where the window of his washing machine door was. Wash was trying to get my concentration up so that I could focus power behind my water. Control wasn't so much of an issue. "Keep it up Shoji!"
He was busy smashing holes in brick. It was sort of how martial arts could train someone to break wood, but Shoji in his tall and muscular frame was cracking through bricks.
"Ah ah, no getting distracted," Wash said, pushing my face back towards my own target. I was supposed to push a weighted dummy as far as possible with one solid stream of water. I placed my dominant foot in front of me, turning towards the side like Wash had instructed. I held my arm out in front of me.
Wash had told me I was too tense in my movements which was why I was failing to see any improvement. I relaxed, but kept my core tight and grounded. I shot water out my palm, feeling it flood from my feet. I grounded myself, the bottoms of my shoes sliding to stick in the ground. It hit the dummy, pushing it along like I could normally do. I reset my posture as I relaxed, focusing in on the blast. This would not go like it had with Todoroki that one time. I let out a breath, and with it the dummy suddenly went flying to smash into the wall. My hand dropped immediately as I leapt back slightly, glancing at Wash sheepishly. Shoji stopped, dropping his hand to his side instead of to the wall.
"Oh my All Might! Now that's what I call progress!" Wash exclaimed, offering up a large fist to bump. My legs felt quite like jello at this moment, but I didn't care. That would lessen with practice. I bumped his fist and he took me by the hand with a solid tug. I plopped on one of the sides of the washing machine. He tugged up Shoji, mentioning something about food.
"Usually I am not the one to be carried," Shoji said and I chuckled slightly.
Now that it was time to do homework, I just felt exhausted. I forced myself up and sat down heavy on my desk chair. I glanced at the small calendar on my wall. I had to meet with Joue today. Damn it. Not to mention I wanted to see my mother. I glanced at my backpack, tugging out the reading we were to complete for English. When was this due? I started scanning over it and highlighting things so that it might look like I was analyzing. I was pretty good at English so it didn't matter anyways. I kept a close eye on time, dashing out the door when I finished. I still had some math and an article about hero history to look over. I ran into Kacchan, who stopped me by my arms.
"Where are you going?"
"Really?! I have to meet with Endeavor tonight. I won't get to see you," he said. It appeared that he had been heading to come see me.
"Come with me then."
"I've got to do homework."
"Damn it."
"Well I can—"
"No, it's fine. We'll just walk to class tomorrow morning. I'm going to be late, sorry," I said, patting his arm. He watched me take off. It seemed as though our schedules conflicted. When it was my brief free time he was with Joue or Endeavor or at his license class. When he was free, I was with Joue or Wash or with my mother. We both had homework and training to do. I rubbed at my eyes, feeling tired. I was let back immediately, late by a few minutes. I collapsed in a bean bag and Joue peered at me, analyzing my current state.
"Are you alright hon?"
"Just tired."
"Oh, why don't you take a nap."
"I haven't got time."
"I mean now," she said. "I've got a blanket and I can wake you up when the session is over."
"Isn't that kind of a waste?"
"No," Joue shrugged, standing up to get a blanket. "You're listening to your body and your mind, choosing something good. That's what I'm trying to help you do, make good decisions for you."
"I guess that makes sense."
"I'd offer to do a dream emotion reading, but you need some basic sleep."
"Wait you can do that?"
"Yeah, that's for another time," she said, waving it off. She dimmed the lights handing me the blanket. "Pillow? Stuffed bear? Music?"
"Uh a pillow would be nice," I said. She took one off her chair, handing it to me. It seemed as though I was almost ditching Kacchan this way. I could be doing my homework with him now or at least napping in his presence. Then again, this nap was for me. Plus it was oddly comfortable, curled up with a blanket on one of Joue's bean bags. Plus she and her office had a nice calming atmosphere. She sad down in her chair, silently writing. All I could hear were the gentle scratchings of pen on paper.
When Joue gently woke me, she promised more work could be done when I came with Kacchan later in the week. I practically stumbled down the hall with how disoriented I felt from my nap. I had gotten so crazily comfortable. When I finally returned to my dorm, a little more awake, I could see Shinsou sat in front of my door reading a book.
"Oh, you're back. Jeez, you look more tired than I am."
"I just took a nap in the counselor's office," I yawned, unlocking my door.
"I wish I could do that."
"Just ask her, you see her regularly?" I asked, yawning slightly.
"I'm starting to, Aizawa wants me to since he has." I smirked slightly.
"How come you were waiting outside my door?" I asked, tossing my key onto my desk as he followed me in.
"I wanted to ask you on a date," he said and I glanced at him, my eyes widened now.
"Sorry, I mean like, a practice one," he said and I let out a slight sigh of relief. "You're like the only one who knows Kaminari likes me or whatever right?"
"Uh, yes."
"So I need you to go on a practice date or at least help me figure out how I'm supposed to ask him out--"
"What?! Oh my god you want to ask Kaminari out?!" I called. He seemed taken aback by my sudden energy, but to be perfectly fair I hadn't been expecting this.
"Yes...he doesn't live too close to here right?" he asked.
"Oh, sorry, I guess that was loud," I said, hovering a hand over my mouth. "But of course I'll help you!"
"Thank you."
"Not to be rude or anything, but I thought you rejected him because you don't like guys," I said.
"Yeah, that wasn't exactly true. I just thought he wouldn't be all that well off with me. I've been working on that," Shinsou said, tugging at the back of his neck. I smiled at him, feeling overjoyed that I hadn't ruined their relationship with my meddling. It was actually helping in a way.
"Okay, well I can help you ask him out some way. I'm not so sure about a practice date, Kacchan might flip," I said, rolling my eyes.
"Why? I helped him get with you," Shinsou pointed out.
"Yeah well you're taller than him or something. I don't know," I said. "I just don't want to make him uncomfortable."
"Of course, I'll take any help I can get," he said.
"Yeah, just text me! I'll help you out with planning," I said. He nodded, leaving me to my homework with another thank you. I settled at my desk, a couple of potential ideas in my head already. I started to read through hero history and then moved to my math. After finishing I rounded my back to stretch, letting out a breath. I placed my head against my desk with a yawn. I was still tired despite my nap earlier.
I didn't realize it, but I was already close to blacking out on my desk.
Bakugo's POV
"This is so fucking ridiculous," I scoffed.
"Kacchan, it's an honor to be chosen by Endeavor," Deku said and I just crossed my hands over my chest. I was still feeling off from my lack of contact with (y/n) today. It was growing more frequent now after Halloween.
"Not really, my father is truly awful," Todoroki said and I scoffed, agreeing with him for once. It was general knowledge, or at least I thought it was that his father was trying to make amends. Despite what a loser I thought he was, I couldn't blame him for not wanting to forgive Endeavor so easily.
"Shoto, your friends."
"We are not—" Deku stepped on the back of my shoe and I shoved him back.
"Bakugo and Midoriya," Todoroki said, gesturing to each of us in turn. "But you know that."
"Where's that blue haired girl?"
"(Y/n) is interning with Wash." Endeavor narrowed his eyes.
"Why? He is number 8."
"Ahh, with all due respect sir," Deku piped up, "(y/n) is less concerned with being number 1."
"This is the one that won her affection?" Endeavor asked, raising a eyebrow. I felt my anger begin to bubble up into my throat.
"Endeavor," IcyHot said in a scolding tone. "We've discussed this before."
I knew that during (y/n)'s dinner with the bastards that the idea of her and Todoroki had come up. Neither she nor I knew what IcyHot had said to his father after she left in a crazy outburst.
"(Y/n) is one of my best friends sir," Deku said and I rolled my eyes.
"Bakugo is with (y/n) at the moment," Todoroki said.
At the moment?
At the moment?!
Endeavor looked upon me with great disdain, and I nearly snarled back. I was going to beat the shit out of somebody later; oddly enough, the likeliness of it being Deku was low.
"Follow me," Endeavor said, gesturing towards the hall. The hallways were tall to accomodate his insane height. (y/n) was right, he was initimdating this close up. Nothing that would deter me of course, but it was definitely something obviously seen now. I had only really been a good distance away from him.
"Aha! Interns!"
"Hawks, our meeting ended long ago. Why are you still here?
"Embarrassed of me?" Hawks asked. I peered at him around Todoroki's stance. My eyes narrowed, thinking of what (y/n) had said. What was so appealing about this guy. His scarlet wings fluttered and I watched as Deku's eyes widened. It was clear he had yet to meet the number 2 hero, like I. "Shoto, looking good."
"Hawks," IcyHot replied, nodding. His gaze was brought towards Deku and he mentioned something about his similarity to All Might. Todoroki's eyes widened as well, the dumb bastard probably thinking about his idiotic theories again.
"Ahh and you're the kid who went nuts at the Sports Festival," he said, looking towards me. I clenched my fist, wanting to blow his face clean off his head. Why did that have to be my defining trait? "I thought there were supposed to be 4?" He counted 3 on his fingers to mark who was here.
"The girl with the water quirk decided to go with Wash," Endeavor answered, slightly bitter.
"Aha nice choice. At least she's not stuck with you," Hawks joked. He punched Endeavor' arm, receiving a death glare even though his punch didn't affect Endeavor at all. "Enjoy yourselves." He gave a cocky salute, quickly disappearing down the hallway. Endeavor let out a hard sigh, nodding his head in the other direction.
It was a quick and lazy tour from him before we left to prepare for individual assessment the next time we were here. As quickly as we had come, we were shooed out. The place was definitely high class for Endeavor, though everyone working here looked focused but depressing. No wonder halfie was so dull. By the time we made it into the last hallway before the exit, I grabbed Todoroki by the collar, tugging him roughly towards the wall. He slammed back into it, slightly surprised but mostly calm still. He glanced up at me through his hair.
"Half and half bastard you tell me right what you told your dad about (y/n)." I hadn't stopped thinking about the fact, wanting an explanation as to why his father was so interested in my girlfriend.
"Kacchan! You're going to get us kicked out," Deku whined, tugging at my arm. I shoved him, mumbling something about him shutting up.
"Start explaining!"
"It's interesting you call her by her first name."
"Explain or I swear to god I'll kick your ass!" I threatened. If (y/n) knew what I was doing I'd probably be dead right now.
"After he wished to set us up, I told him she was not interested. He knows this and he knows I am not interested in her how you are thinking," he said. "My father still holds his own opinions without many mistakes or slander. It is why he talks so negatively of his failed attempt to quirk marry me." I let go of his shirt with a shove. He brushed himself off, giving me a dirty look. "What a wonderful partner you must be."
"What was that you son of a bit--"
"Kacchan." I looked at Deku with a hard scowl.
"Fuck both of you." I crossed my arms, storming out of the building with them not far behind. I had gotten what I needed. At least Half and Half wasn't letting his father believe (y/n) was still a viable option for his son. After the shit he pulled with (y/n), if he had been lying to his dad about the entire thing I would've killed him.
By the time I returned, I headed for (y/n)'s room instead of mine. I unlocked the door myself, glancing around to ensure no one was there. I looked towards her bed, seeing it empty. I looked left to her desk where she was sat, but her head was down on the desk, her arms as a pillow. She was breathing softly but steadily, her homework pinned underneath her sleeping upper half. I placed a gentle hand on her back, crouching down slightly to get a view of her face. She was most certainly sleeping. I ran my hand down her hair and he eyes opened slightly, looking at me.
"Kacchan," she sighed happily, followed by a soft sigh of content.
"Are you done with your homework love?"
"Yeah, I must have fallen asleep," she said tiredly, still resting comfortably against her arm. She pulled one out from beneath her head, her arm littered with red pressure marks from how she had been laying. She placed the warm hand on my cheek, rubbing against my skin with her thumb. I felt my throat grow tight just looking at her. "You're so pretty Kacchan and I love when you look at me."
"Really?" I asked, clearing my throat quietly.
"Yeah, that's how I know you love me," she murmured, picking up her head to move over and lean her head against my shoulder. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders comfortably. "I hope you know how much I love you. We've been busy lately, I don't want you to forget that."
"I don't want you to forget it either," I replied, my face growing hot. It wasn't in an embarrassed kind of way, but in a relieved, I can't believe she's mine kind of way. My eyes grew watery in response to her gentle nature and words, taking the time to run her tired hand down the back of my head. I stood up slightly, bringing her upright in her chair. I slipped my hands underneath her legs to pick her up. She held onto me firmly enough so that she wouldn't fall, but let me carry her weight for her.
"Can you say it? I like to hear you say it?"
"What? I love you?"
"Yeah, but how we do." I let out a breath, seating myself down on the bed, her comfortably curled up in my lap.
"I love you, I love you, I love you so much," I said. It was getting less embarrassing to say. It was never something that I had to convince myself to say of course, because I wanted to say it, but me being me felt heat rise up in my face at the vulnerability.
"I love you, I love you, I love you too. Times 3," She said, her breath warm against my shoulder. I shifted her slightly to the side before laying down on my back. She curled up naturally to my side, placing her warmth against me. He head and face resided snuggled up into my neck and she held onto my arm on that side. Her eyes were already shut, so I figured I would tell her tomorrow about what had happened at Endeavors. I was tired to anyways. Her breathing slowed as she began to drift off, her mind probably painting nice little scenes and scenarios before she could finally fall asleep again.
"Night Raindrop."
"Night Katsuki," she said, slightly slurred.
I felt a smile come across my face.
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