Color | Chpt 126

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(y/n)'s POV

"You'll be using these to help you walk," the doctor stated. "You only have to wear the splints for 3 days."


"Normally, we'd put you in crutches, but I don't want you tearing the skin on your hands. So these will give more stability in your legs for a while. Your legs are actually looking very well, so I'm not too concerned. Just watch your hands alright?"

I just nodded, letting her assist me out of the bed. It felt wobbly, but nothing I couldn't handle. I had already practiced walking this morning. I stood for a moment, looking over at Ai who was sat. She had woken up yesterday and she was watching me with a sad smile. I had to stop every once in a while to realize her sister was dead. We really only had each other and I was happy the Bakugos were here too.

"Great job, looking great."

"I think I'm alright," I stated.

"Alright, I'll set you up with a few things and we'll get you out of here. I'm sure you're feeling a little homesick," the doctor replied.


That hurt.

Kacchan was back at school already, Aizawa sensei having collected him from his parents. He had stayed with them for the last couple of days and while I had heard they were wary of letting him return, he was back. Hero school was hard and Ai had not discussed with me about my return. My whole goal was to become a hero my mom would be proud of. I knew she was proud of me. She wouldn't see me now, but I knew she was proud. I didn't know if I should just let it go for now or continue.

The doctor had disappeared from the room and I looked to Ai, whose eyes were watering again. She was thinking exactly what I was thinking.

"I talked to Tsukauchi this morning while you were in therapy," she said.

"Yeah?" I asked, seating myself down again. She replaced me as she stood to pack some things up.

"He talked about entering a small safety program," Ai stated, setting a bag down. She glanced at me, a somber look on her face. "It would require us to move for a while. Make sure they can investigate Yoru completely so there's no other people working with him."


"It would be nice to be under protection, but I know this is really about you," she said. "We don't have to unless you want to. I just thought I'd mention it, alright? I'm fine with any decision you make."

"I know," I said, looking down to my hands. I felt my stomach drop, actually considering it for a moment. It seemed cowardly, to run away like that, but Ai was quirkless. Maybe it would be better for her.

I didn't want to do it.

"You want to continue school?"

"I don't know..." I murmured. Ai approached my side, placing a hand on my back.

"Yoru wanted to take you away from the things you wanted," she said bluntly and I felt my eyes water again. I couldn't seem to stop myself from welling up now. It was like a dam had been broken...finally. "He's gone now, so don't let him. Whatever you want, go for it. I have your back. I always have."

"Thanks--" I said, cutting off as I took in a breath. She rubbed my back, helping me up, and we headed out of the hospital. Despite it being just a few days, things were already unfolding.

My agenda consisted of my mother's funeral, visiting the crime scene again, attending the already finalized trial of my father, possibly seeing Chouka now that I knew what my father had done to her, and seeing Amaya again--with Reo this time. The Bakugo's and some of the heroes that knew my mother had set the funeral arrangements. A lawyer was going through her will as I existed now. The house was being cleared out and put into the Bakugo's per Ai's request, to be sold soon.

Everyone was moving quickly and it felt like I was just too slow to catch up.

The odd thing was that no one was expecting me to do anything besides maybe meet with a few people and speak at my mother's funeral. I didn't know what I was going to say. It made me nervous. Either way, it was okay that I was moving slower. Ai was too.

It was really hard.

I sat in the back of the cab, both my legs propped up over Ai's lap. I let my head rest against the door, feeling it quickly knock against the rocky window. When we pulled up at the school, I was half surprised.

"I'm going to leave you here for a day before bringing you home. I'll take you to the funeral, alright?"


"Yeah, I'll be with the Bakugos."

"Okay," I replied. Looking at the tall building, I was less concerned with looking weak in front of my classmates. It was weird to think that was my worst concern before now. Things had really changed, that was obvious. Ai hugged and kissed me before helping me out and to the lobby. It wasn't really like I needed that that much help, it was just nice for her to drop me off. I watched the car drive away from where I was stood on the top step. I was admitted in and I headed for the dorm. I paused, nimbly trying to pull my phone out of my pocket. I realized that my red finger tips were just slightly exposed so I could touch the screen.

There were no messages. People probably wanted to talk to me in person or thought I wouldn't answer.

I considered texting Kacchan that I was here, but I discarded the idea as I headed for the dorm. As I neared, I could hear people chatting in the common area.

"It's your turn Kami," Mina said, the soft clatter of dice and board game pieces following. I peeked in to see the Bakusquad seated around the table playing a board game. Kacchan was sat with his knees up, glaring out the window. Deku and Todoroki were seated and watching, Jirou and momo chatting. The rest must be in their dorms.

"You cheater," Sero stated, "Shake out your damn sleeves, I know you have monopoly houses in there."

"I do not!" Kaminari argued.

"Dude, when you move, you sound like a box of legos," Kirishima stated.

"Prove it! Come search me bro, you won't," Kaminari egged.

"That's Shinsou's job, just stop cheating," Kirishima said. I guess Kaminari and Shinsou were finally...together. Man, had I really missed all that much stuff or was that just it. I ventured into the room, Izuku looking up first.

"(y/n)," he muttered, standing up from his chair. At the sound of my name, everyone glanced around until they spotted me. I stood there, swallowing toughly before I spoke.


"Holy shit, you're like a mummy," Kaminari blurted, Sero elbowing him. Everyone got up quickly and at the sudden commotion that was growing, everyone came out of their dorms.

Mina approached me first.

I watched her lip quiver as she stared at me. Everyone probably knew. No. Everyone definitely knew. It was weird to just be standing here with Mina, on the edge of a dramatic moment with everyone else around.

"Hey Mina." She just wrapped herself around my torso and I placed my bandaged hands on her back. "I heard you kind of solved the case, glad you know me so well."

"God, we missed you so much," she said.

"I missed you too."

"Quit hogging!" Kaminari called and Mina let go, sending him a dirty look. "So sorry about the thrusting."


"Before you--never mind," he said, hugging me. Izuku was next, careful with me as always. I let out a comfortable sigh, my hand in his soft curls.

"How are you? Feeling okay?" Izuku asked. That was a loaded question, so I just nodded yes. I had hugged everyone in class as they exchanged well wishes with me.

"So what's up with the bandages?" Sero asked.

"Burns," I replied.

"Right, because--yeah," Sero stated. I glanced to Kacchan finally who was leaning up against the couch. He hadn't greeted me since he had been the first one to see me at the hospital. I had a feeling that Kacchan had explained the whole thing to everyone so I wouldn't have to. It made my stomach drop, Kacchan taking it upon himself, but I was grateful that he thought about me that way. He seemed embarrassed and I prayed in that moment that he hadn't made it seem like my injuries were anything of his fault.

"Are you back for a while?" Momo asked.

"I have to leave tomorrow for, uh, my mom's funeral. I'm sure I'll be out a lot right now with stuff, but...yeah I'm back on my feet," I replied. I still didn't know if I would leave. They asked me a couple more questions that I couldn't really remember. Eventually, they just let me listen as they filled me in.

Everyone had days off from school, not just class 1-A. They had to recuperate with Jenny and Aki's families. I couldn't imagine the reconciliations that had to be made on Aizawa's part. It had been bad enough with Kacchan's kidnappings. It seemed like with news of my father and his sociopathic behavior had led to people questioning the ethicality of quirk schools, the technical legality of quirk marriages, quirk evolution...everything. I had sent shockwaves through the public without even trying and it hurt my stomach to think that my father might've had the influence he wanted.

"Wash sends his regards," Shoji said and I smiled slightly.

Eventually, in an effort not to tire me out, most people retired to their rooms. Kaminari and Mina still talked avidly to me, probably having missed out on someone to talk to.

"You should see it, Aizawa sensei is being so nice to us," Kaminari said.

"And sweet to Joue," Mina murmured to me, trying her best to gossip with me. She couldn't hold my hand, so she instead had her arm around my shoulders.

"You alright (y/n)?" Izuku asked and I again nodded, the question had not unloaded itself.

"I'm really alright guys. Things suck, but I'll be fine," I replied. I glanced at Kacchan who peered at me for a moment before standing.

"You're tired?" he asked, though it sounded a lot like he was just telling me. I nodded.

"I'll see you guys in the morning, we can have breakfast," I stated. I helped myself up, hands outstretched to me in case I needed help. I headed back with Kacchan, feeling slightly odd that I was back. It had only been 4 or 5 days. He opened the door to my room. He helped me with my hair and my clothes, working in silence. It wasn't until he had settled me in my bed that I realized I had never asked for any help.

"Splints? How long?" he asked.

"3 days, unless it gets better," I replied. He sat down beside me with a solid sigh.

"Did the doctor say how you're doing?"

"Careful with my hands, legs are looking good," I replied. He looked at me and I could see his tongue run over his teeth through his skin.

"Was today overwhelming?"

"Kind of."

"You need anything from me?"


He reached around, unclasping the promise ring necklace I had fastened to my neck. He leaned over, setting it on the nightstand and I ran my bandaged hand up the very side of his back for a moment, just to feel something on my touch. He sat back up, holding out his hand to cup my own.

"(y/n), you can cry," he stated. I paused, not knowing what he was talking about. I didn't have to cry again, at least I didn't need to. I could but I didn't have to. He placed a hand on my cheek, sharp red eyes studying me. It wasn't concern or anger, he was completely calm. I realized once his hand trapped it there, that there was a tear slipping down my face.

I hadn't even known.

"You can cry," he repeated.

I hadn't expected to, but I broke down crying. Before Kacchan had stated he didn't know how to deal with emotional people. That he couldn't stand crying all the time like Deku did, or that he didn't know how to handle it. Now, Kacchan just pressed me towards him with a solid hand on my back. I fell against his shoulder, feeling my emotions wash over. It had just been happening all day that I couldn't read it myself.

But Kacchan could.

I cried into his shoulder for what seemed like forever and he just held me gingerly. I eventually stopped, the cried devolving into occasional hiccups and shallow breathing.


"Yeah?" I sat up, his hands skimming down my bandaged arms as I pulled back.

"Ai said that we could join a program that would move us and protect us," I stated. "And she said I could choose if I wanted to or not."

Kacchan stared at me, not freaking out like he might've before all of this. I hated that I kind of wanted him to.

"I don't want to."

"Are you sure?" he asked. "You wouldn't have mentioned it."

"It might be safe for Ai," I stated. "But coming back to everyone was familiar and I'd rather die--" that was distasteful "--than leave you."

"So don't," he replied.

"Is that what you think I should do?" He sighed.

"I don't want you to leave. I think you'd be safer here with me and Ai would be safe with my family. I think you'd be happier here too. But its what you think," he stated.

"I agree."

"It's bothering you," he replied. "Not because you want to go for some reason. It because you want to focus on something problematic enough. So you can distract yourself."

He was right.

"When...did you become the calm and rational one?"

"You sound like Kirishima," he replied and I smiled slightly. I felt his thumb run across my cheek, his mouth opening slightly. "Relax for once. Please. It's killing you."

"Easier said than done."

"You're not one to back down from a challenge," he replied. "Things are weird right now and it's hard, but don't stress about it when I'm right here."

"I know," I said.

It was really difficult.

"You should sleep," he stated, "So should I."

"Tomorrow you'll be less philosophical right?" I asked.

"Yes idiot," he sighed and I flopped back onto the pillow. He looked down at me, leaning over to kiss me. I watched him get up afterwards, not concerned he would leave, as he shut off the light and laid beside me. He placed an arm around my stomach, his face in my neck. I was temporarily reminded of the fading hand prints on my sides. Once again, he wasn't really one for words, but had managed to put me at ease at least for now.

If I didn't have him, I wouldn't have slept.

The next morning, before I returned to Ai, I stood talking to Izuku.

"My mom has been talking with everyone, once she found out about everything. She's always there for you, you know that. If you need me or her to do anything, we're ready to help," Izuku stated and stared at him. He paused in his rant, looking at me. Something painful was behind his eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm really sorry about your mom. You don't deserve this," he said. "And I'm sorry your father did this. I can't imagine what it's like in your shoes. I want you to be okay and I want you to be yourself. But I get that's difficult sometimes. Just...don't feel like you're alone because you're not."

I peered at him, feeling the bitterness settle in my lungs.

"Thanks, I'm trying."

"Maybe we can do something fun to get some life back into you," he said. It was a poor choice of words, but I guess everyone always talked like that. It was just different now and I noticed it more.

Mina was the same.

Everyone was the same.

"I'm so sorry about your mom, that's not fair."

No shit it wasn't.

I appreciated the condolences and the sentiment, but it was apparent that I just wasn't acting like myself. Everything was sad and dull, rather than I getting angry at the injustice served to me. Or rather my liveliness in times of adversity. I just didn't have time for that right now. I was just glad that Kacchan understood and knew exactly what and how much to ask of me.

I found myself back with Ai, getting ready for the funeral. Kacchan was waiting idly too, ready to attend beside me. Funerals were weird, a big crying party unless you were Irish. In a way, they were a way for people to finally get themselves up and really ready. A moment of closure buried in an abnormal event before everything was normal afterwards. That was the way we compensated. Oh the pity I would receive. Make up settled just beneath my eyes, just barely to hint at the fact I was covering up the bags beneath my eyes.

Kacchan held my hand in the car, to the building, until we were standing inside. People passed by, some heroes and some just people my mother had known. They expressed their sadness to me, offering up a condolence. It was fine.

But a man came to me with a small bag.

He was heading up the case of things and wanted to pay respects, which was nice of him. He handed me the bag, expressing that the things were of my rightful ownership. I sat while people chattered before the service. I pulled silky material out of the bag, seeing that it was the remnants of the dress I had worn to the gala. I guess I hadn't thought to much about that in my time with the hospital. Pieces of jewelry. But at the bottom of the bag was a soiled, torn up cardigan.

I felt my eyes begin to water profusely, recognizing it as my mother's. She must have lost it before my father had dragged her up in front of me. Ai took the bag from me, and just as I had been experiencing all this time, was whisked away too fast for me to handle. I just let Kacchan clean me up the best he could as I cried. It didn't matter, there were other people crying to.

I couldn't even wear the damn thing, it was practically in scraps.

Kacchan was sat with me during the service. Things were hastily put together, despite the fact that my mother had probably expected this to happen to her soon. We were all unprepared and purposefully so.

"And gratefully, we are left in the presence of her daughter."

Why bring me up now?

When I was placed at the podium in front of everyone, it was the first moment since the hospital that I was in the correct moment. I starred at everyone, my fear of public speaking was not such a big problem now.

"I'm unprepared," I said. "I have been just tugged along for a while now, unable to keep up. I think...that my mother never really had that problem. One of my favorite videos is an interview of her where she has to fight in the middle of answering questions. When she comes back, she fits right back in and just...nothing had changed besides maybe a little dirt and sweat. So while this is probably something I could have never anticipated, it was something that she had already accounted for. No matter how much of a surprise. I love her. I've always wanted to be her."

I stood there for a moment, trying to think about what to say next.

"But I think that she's probably the best because of how unique she is. I can't be her. I'm not like her. All I can do is just learn from her and she's taught me a lot. She preached the idea of saying what you wanted when you wanted because you never know when you won't be able to. I thought she was being preemptive, like she was expecting this. She was. So I can only learn from her now and keep my best interests in mind because she was always looking after me like that. So...she'll be missed, but if I have already taken away something from her its that she'd just be happy I'm alive."

I sat down, a small and quiet round of applause following my speech.

Things had finally slowed down.

I let out a breath, taking my words to everyone as my accountability. I would be alright, she had already done what she needed to do.

On the car ride back to school, Kacchan turned to me to speak while also letting Ai listen in.

"I think your mom was really awesome," he said,

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