Hey, Merry early Christmas! Ik Hanukkah just ended yesterday so happy late Hanukkah. I'll be posting again when Kwanza starts so I'll mention it again!
Just...happy holidays!
(y/n)'s POV
"I think I did pretty good on that last final, even if it was Math," Kaminari said, handing Mina a piece of tinsel. She draped it over the tree, stood up a couple of rungs. I set candy canes on the table, hearing Sero reply from where he was holding the ladder for Mina.
"You sure it's not one of those things where you think you did good but it was actually terrible?" Sero asked and Kaminari paused, Mina taking tinsel from his hand again.
"Oh shit..." I giggled slightly at Kaminari's response, glancing to Kirishima and Bakugo returning with Christmas boxes. There were some decorations from last year that we had gotten to put in the common room for the holiday party tonight.
"This is so dumb," Kacchan grumbled, letting the box crash down on the floor. He ripped the Santa hat from his head and towards me so that I caught it. I frowned at him, his hair half smushed now. I placed the hat on my own head, approaching the pair to open up a box.
"It's just a hat," I commented, glancing at them. Kirishima opened up one of the totes, handing me a little plastic reindeer. I held it in one hand, using my free one to fix up Kacchan's hair. He stood, his head slightly ducked to let me do so. Within the past week, Kacchan had bluntly told everyone else in the class about us, so I was free to act how I pleased around everyone. I was expecting the subject to be brought up at the party later, when someone managed to separate me from him.
"Thanks," he said, gruffly and quiet enough so no one would hear him say anything. While he was clearly willing to let people know I was 'his', he was quite averse to doing anything remotely romantic around people. He had warmed up to holding me or perhaps my hand around Mina and Kirishima, but since it was still new to everyone else he was stingy. It was almost like there was no difference between them knowing and not. The closest that the initial people in on our relationship had seen us was on the rooftop. I didn't expect anything else. Kacchan was definitely nicer and almost sweet to me still, much more than he was towards anyone else.
"You're welcome," I said, setting the reindeer in a nice spot. Everyone could hear Kaminari make a whip sound as Kacchan opened up the box he had been carrying.
"You jealous?" I asked, looking towards Kaminari. Uraraka and Izuku came from the kitchen, having finished the small decorations in there. Sato was baking some stuff in there and the fridge was full of everyone's different foods. Todoroki had put actual frost on the windows, returning from the dorms.
"No," Kaminari scoffed, grinning at Uraraka who just smiled politely back.
"Okay, wait," I said, pulling a full Santa suit from the box. "Who's is this?" I held it up for the group before Mina let out a startling gasped, all of us jumping.
"Do you think Aizawa or Mic wore that?!" she called, hurrying down the ladder so quickly it made Sero flash a face of concern, gripping the ladder tightly.
"I don't know," I said, letting her take it from my hands.
"The way that NEEDS to happen," she said, running the fabric through her fingers.
"Mic would make a good elf," Uraraka said, and Mina pulled her away. They left, probably to find Aizawa and pester him to wear it. I approached the ladder, taking a few steps up to resume Mina's job. Izuku and Todoroki joined decorating down below. I took tinsel from Kaminari's hand, draping it over the tree. I felt hand grip my hips from behind me, causing me to jump slightly and crane my neck. Kacchan was holding me up with straight arms so I wouldn't fall, his face turned away from Kaminari and I.
"You don't have to," I pointed out. He just shook his head and I took some more tinsel. After a while, I stepped down with Kacchan's hands guiding me down. I set my foot down, his hand's letting go even though one of them remained on my back. I glanced over at Kaminari who was smirking at us and I punched his arm as we passed to which his responded with an 'ow' and something about me spending too much time with Kacchan. "I think this party is going to be nice."
"I'm sure it will," Kacchan replied, a hint of sarcasm in his voice as always. I just smiled at him, taking a wreath from the box and handing it to him.
"Just find somewhere to hang this up."
"Yes ma'am," he huffed and I gave him a look. I reached into the box, setting the last few things out on the table for anyone to grab. I shut the empty box, placing it on top of the other empty one.
"See that's where you're wrong, there's absolutely no way that Santa can make it to everyone's house. He'd have to be going like 8,000 miles per hour. Those reindeer can't go that fast without being ripped to shreds and neither can Santa," Kaminari argued.
"It's just magic you puzzle baby," Mina said.
"I couldn't do a puzzle one time and you still won't let it go?!" Kaminari whined and I stifled a laugh. Kacchan returned to the seat next to me with a plate of treats. He sat down beside me, placing the plate in his lap. I leaned up against him, letting him hand me a cookie. He tilted his head towards mine, murmuring in my ear.
"Ponytail hasn't stopped staring over here for the past 10 minutes," he pointed out. He put his head back upright and I sat up a little, replying.
"I haven't talked to them about us yet, they're probably still shocked," I said. He frowned, rolling his eyes.
"Can't mind their own business," he scoffed and rubbed his forearm gently, turning to my cookie. The common room was well decorated and as it got darker, the lights were more obvious in the way they glowed. Despite the fact it was rather early in the evening, I felt sleepy. Maybe Kacchan truly was rubbing off on me.
"So you're really telling me that Christmas isn't the perfect time to try out Christmas themed pick up lines."
"Well sure they're specific to the holiday, but I already know before hearing them that they should never see the light of day," Mina pointed out. Kaminari and Mina were being particularly funny today and everyone was a little more chipper as well. Kacchan was not. It was obvious that he was a little grumpy over the lack of progress Doctor Tomoko was able to provide with my brain abnormality. He was more upset about it than I was. I let out a soft sigh, glancing around the room.
Izuku was with Todoroki, the both of them very themed for the holiday already. Uraraka and Tsu were wearing matching outfits of their own, with Iida talking rather calmly for a group gathering. Tokoyami had placed himself near the Christmas tree and though Dark Shadow was not fond of light, the gentle color of the low-watt bulbs didn't seem all that bad. It was actually intriguing for her. Shoji surveyed the party much like I was doing right now, his mask the same icy blue but this time with snowflakes on them. Like Kacchan had said, Hagakure, Jirou, and Yaomomo were stood, each with punch in their hand. They looked to be discussing among themselves and eventually Uraraka and Tsu joined them. Mina and I were the only girls apart from them as of now. Hagakure seemed to have left Ojiro for a short moment, as he stood idly by a side wall. Koda was sat by the fire, listening to the quaint Christmas music going. Sato set out the last batch of cookies, having finished them an hour ago. The Bakusquad remained at the seating area, draped over the couches and each other. I was no different. Aizawa had come in some time I was distracted, wearing the suit I had pulled out of the box earlier. Mic was cracking jokes about it, Joue stood by his side with her hand over her mouth.
"Am I supposed to sit on Santa's lap? Tell you what I want for Christmas?"
"Mic, you're disgusting," Aizawa sensei replied and my eyes were drawn to Joue who looked like she was about to burst with laughter. This was probably way to much fun for her.
"Hey, I'm going to talk to Izuku. Try not to get too grinchy will you?" I asked, sitting up. Kacchan frowned, but nodded and I gave him a gentle smile. I could feel his head follow me with soft eyes as I headed over towards Todoroki and Izuku. "Hey guys."
"Hey!" Izuku greeted. "You look pretty, as always."
"Thanks," I replied, placing a hand on his shoulder. "How's the holidays for you, Mr. Mint?" Izuku and I looked to Todoroki and he stared back for a moment, not realizing that I was addressing him.
"Oh...that's me. Fine, thank you for asking," he replied, nodding calmly.
"Will someone please tell the girls I shall not be dressing up at Santa Claus, they do not believe me," Iida interrupted. He seemed to be so stressed about the idea, his hand was waving double time.
"I'll do it, don't worry," I said. I was bound to talk to them anyways.
"Thank you, that is very kind," he said and I laughed slightly.
"No problem," I replied, shaking my head. I excused myself, slipping between Todoroki and Izuku.
"I'm still surprised at the difference between them," Todoroki said. "(y/n) is so nice and Bakugo is rather aggressive, it seems almost ironic."
I heard Todoroki's comments as I walked away, him not gauging my hearing very well. I made my way towards the girls, my expression slightly downturned. That was the main downside to everyone knowing. Despite the fact we were destined to be heroes, everyone was clearly into high school drama or at least were nosy in other people's stories. Sure, mine and Kacchan's story was probably more dramatic than other's, but it was still rather rude to be hearing such things from people who had no business in our lives.
"Who's trying to make Iida into Santa, he's so stressed?" I asked. Mina made her way over upon seeing she was the only girl left out.
"It would be so funny," Uraraka said, pouting. It was obvious the girls were holding back on saying something now that I was here. Mina slung her arm over my shoulder.
"What are we talking about?"
There was an awkward silence between each member of the small circle that was formed. My mind was brought back to ice skating a while ago. I believe it had been Momo, Jirou, and Hagakure talking about me and Kacchan. Uraraka had stuck up in Kacchan's favor, which made me less wary of what she had to say.
"Iida being Santa."
"Like the real one?" Mina asked me and I smiled slightly, shaking my head at her goofy question.
"So (y/n), we're just...like dying to know. What's up with you and Bakugo," Hagakure asked, breaking the silence.
"I mean...he's my boyfriend now." Our attention was brought to a loud commotion at the center of the room.
"I'm sorry Bakugo!"
"Say my mom is hot one more time you piece of shit!" Kacchan shouted, Kirishima holding him back slightly.
"All I asked was what she was doing for Christmas!"
"No you didn't! Don't lie bastard!" Kacchan pushed past Kirishima and took off after Kaminari. I watched him leave, pressing my lips into a thin line. His timing was rather perfect wasn't it? I turned back awkwardly to the circle of girls.
"As I was saying...he's my boyfriend. Aren't I lucky?"
"Are we sure he's not going to kill Kaminari," Tsu asked.
"Eh, he'll be fine. He needs to get roughed up some time," Mina shrugged. I tugged at my neck, peeking back at where they had disappeared. Kirishima looked to me with a sorry shrug.
"How did that happen?" Momo asked, the attention brought back to me.
"Oh it's so cute--" I looked to Mina who appeared eager to tell it herself. "Sorry." I just shrugged.
"Well we technically started...I don't know if you could call it dating really...a little while after the school dance. Then we spent some time apart because of..." The reason had been his lack of confidence that he was good for me. I didn't want to mention it in front of everyone, especially since they had been doubtful too. "Reasons and then Kacchan realized he really likes me and told me. We've been dating since then and we just didn't tell anybody because of all the police stuff. Their orders."
"You're skipping over the best part!" Mina whined. "He set up a little picnic and music and lights and stuff up on the roof. It started raining, right and (y/n) stopped the both of them from getting wet with her quirk. She was all like 'let's go inside' since the food was all wet, but they danced and he like smooched her. It was like a kiss kiss, you know what I'm saying? And all the rain (y/n) had been stopping came down on them, like that's how good that shit was. (y/n) was like 'let's go inside babe' and Bakugo just kind of stopped and said the most romantic shit I've ever heard, like confessed his love for her. Ugh all in the rain and the music was playing. I'm on the floor."
I stood by idly as Mina told the story, my face getting warmer and warmer.
"He liked screamed it, it was like watching the Notebook or something," Mina hummed.
"Wow..." I glanced at Jirou who had let her reaction slip past her lips. She placed a gentle hand over her mouth.
"Yeah, he's really something," I replied. I heard a loud yelp from down the hall, recognizing it as Kaminari.
"He seems to make you very happy," Momo said and I glanced at her, my mouth shutting into an awkward smile.
"Yeah, he does. Even if he is abrasive and loud sometimes," I shrugged. "I kinda like it."
"Is he...like romantic?" Uraraka asked.
"Don't tell him I said anything, but yeah," I replied, smiling for real.
"She still won't tell me if he's a good kisser, like I can see it's pretty good but like I need a ranking," Mina said, shaking her head.
"Out of what?" I asked, giving her a confused look.
"Mmmm, 11," I joked and she gave me an overplayed smirk.
"I have a hard time picturing Bakugo doing romantic or friendly things," Jirou said.
"He's definitely got his own way of doing things, but sometimes he does cheesy stuff. It's weird to me too," I said.
"Help me please!" I felt Kaminari crash into me, his hands gripping my shoulders. He placed himself behind me, using me as a human shield. Kacchan came to a halt, the whole group looking at him.
"Boy, don't use me as a shield," I scoffed, trying to tug myself away from Kaminari.
"Please! He's going to kill me!"
"Damn right I am, talking about my mom," Kacchan scoffed. I looked to Kaminari who just gave me puppy dog eyes.
"I'm saving you one last time. Stop doing dumb shit," I warned. "I'll see you guys around, Merry Christmas if I don't see any of you before then."
I stepped away from Kaminari, letting him latch onto Mina and I offered up a hand to Kacchan. He glared hard at Kaminari, who had managed to escape this time. He just took my hand roughly and I separated the two.
"You know, I almost feel like a mother, having to separate you two," I pointed out.
"You better not, seeing as that ass is attracted to fucking moms," Kacchan scoffed and I laughed. I glanced up at him, seeing he was already a lot more calm than he was mere seconds ago.
"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. He looked to me roughly, taking back his hand.
"I'm fine."
"You've been a little upset today," I pointed out and he just shrugged. "What is it? Is it the whole head thing?"
"Well yeah maybe, but it's the dumb Christmas part or whatever, I don't want to be a bummer," he scoffed, crossing his arms.
"It's okay if you're upset about it. I love that you care about me, but I can promise you it's not the end of the world," I said. "You can worry about me as much as I worry about myself, which right now isn't a lot."
"I guess."
"It's just a Christmas party, you don't have to be all jolly. I know you," I said, placing a hand on his arm. "You're not too upset are you?"
"It's just...sucky."
"I know."
"As long as you're enjoying yourself," he said, looking away from me half embarrassed.
"Come on, you still have that plate of cookies right?"
"Yeah," I gestured so he would sit back down. He sat and I sat squeezed between the arm of the chair and his leg, draping my own legs over his. He picked up the plate, setting it on my legs. He held it steady with one hand, the other resting on my ankle. I glanced up at the girls who were all looking my way. I smiled ever so slightly. "(y/n)."
"What?" He straightened out the hat for me, brushing the tips of his fingers through my bangs so they weren't so messy. I just smiled at him, watching his cheeks flush. "Thanks. I love you Kacchan."
"Tch. I love you too," he said, turning back to the plate. As he handed me another cookie, my eyes were brought to the girls again who were whispering to each other, this time, looking overly excited for me.
For once it wasn't so bad.
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