Sorry it's late I forgot bc I was volunteering today and I got caught up in Minecraft
(Y/n)'s POV
"Wow that's...interesting," Izuku said.
"It was really weird. I feel like he peered into my soul on the way to his house."
"Can I ask a question?" Izuku asked and I nodded. "Why do you like Todoroki?"
"Well," I paused as a large group of people passed in front of us. We started up walking again after. "He's very nice and I enjoy being with him. We actually have quite a bit in common."
"I understand that, but you do realize every girl in class likes him, right?" he said.
"Yeah, you haven't noticed? I guess they'd say he's attractive and he's the mysterious type. They're bound to like him," he shrugged.
"I guess yeah, but I can't help liking him," I said.
"Just don't want you to get hurt is all," he replied.
"I won't. Don't you worry about me," I said. He nodded and glanced off. When first hanging out with Izuku, or at least in our middle school years, I had the slight inclination that he had a crush on me. After a while I deemed that he didn't, especially now that he seemed to show interest in Ururaka. At least I think he does.
"Oh, and what was the deal with earlier? Did Kacchan say something to you?" Izuku darted across the street with me close behind.
"No, he was just staring at me weird. He seemed extra pissed today for no reason," I said.
"Yeah he pushed me more than usual," Deku replies.
"Me too."
"He pushed you? When?"
"After school I was walking with Todo and he shoved me. Told Todoroki he was basically stooping down to bottom level by hanging out with me," I replied. Izuku pouted and glared ahead.
"What is his problem?" He asked. "Why does he feel the need to beat us down, it's not like we're threatening him."
"I don't know," I sighed. We turned a street corner, narrowly missing a kid bombarding past. His dad called after him, watching his kid blow leaves out of his way with bursts of wind. The pair sprinted past and I just watched. "You ready for the test?"
"Yeah! For once I'm really ready," Izuku replied.
"Hah, me too."
"Oh come on you're super smart. You always rank 5 or higher on tests," he said.
"I guess that's why Kacchan feels threatened by me," I said. "If he even feels threatened."
"Don't let him get to you. Although he has been acting strange lately."
"I guess..." I paused to look at him. "Izuku you know you're my best friend right?" He glanced at me.
"Well yeah! Of course."
"Good. Just thought I'd say it," I replied and he grabbed at the back of his neck, laughing nervously. "Now that we discussed me...how's Ururaka?"
"Gah!! (Y/n)!!"
Number 4 in class for this exam. I smiled and set my paper down.
"Alright students, I'll now partner you up for the week. Your project has written and physical aspects and I'm pairing you up by quirks. They'll be opposing quirks and your goal is to find a good way to use them together."
Todoroki always bested me when it came to using quirks. Changing the temperature of my water affected me greatly and he could use that to his advantage. However, we had come up with good ways to use them together against villains and helping citizens before, so we most likely wouldn't be paired up together. We already worked well side by side. One thing about my quirk that worked really well with just about everyone was I was a good boost and everyone found that out during the entrance exam when I shot Ururaka up into the air. So I was confused as to who I would be working with.
The teacher began pairing up students and one by one he began picking kids off. I thought at first I'd be paired with Denki seeing as if he were to accidentally electrocute me I would be severely injured. Water and electricity didn't go together, which was why I often avoided physical contact with him. Not to mention I would have to put up with him hitting on me. Aizawa however partnered him up with Momo, seeing as their quirks had no relation.
"(Y/n) and Bakugo."
Of course it was him. He was just about the only person I couldn't work with both personality wise and quirk wise. How did I not notice that? His explosions could heat up my body and hurt me and my water washed away his nitroglycerin sweat. Not to mention we could basically both fly so no boosts there. We physically couldn't be near each other let alone work together.
I glanced up and he was seething, not bothering to look at me. I pouted at my desk, realizing I was going to have to deal with him closely for a week.
"Okay That should be everyone. First task: we're going to head out and I want to see how many ways you can get your quirks to work together."
God damn it.
"Everyone up," he said, his eyes scanning over the class. I approached Izuku's side and he watched me carefully. Both Kacchan and I were angry.
"Uhh, You okay? You look like you have steam coming from your ears," he said.
"I'm fine," I said, gritting my teeth. "I can't believe you get to work with Mina." I was good friends with the Bakusquad and the Dekusquad seeing as I had best friends on both sides. Practically the only ones in class I disliked were Bakugo and Mineta. I most often hung around Mina and Izuku anyways, minus all the girls outings we had.
"Maybe you can talk to Aizawa."
"What and tell him I can't work with someone? Heroes shouldn't back down from a challenge," I said, glanced at Kacchan. "No matter how daunting."
(FUCK AMBER HEARD - I'm just using as a costume reference
Her hero costume is rly similar to this just without the scales and it's blue, that's how I'd describe it. It has like the lining down the torso in the pic)
We all changed into our hero costumes, mine being a sleek body suit for effectiveness in and with water, sort of like Tsu's. Mine was blue, taking inspiration from my mom, with white accents on my sides to my hips, forearms, calves, and collar. I designed the suit for agility and water proof ability. It kept me dry while also allowing me to pass water through it. My gloves could hold large blobs of water to toss. The suit also helped regulate my body temperature so that I lasted longer against extreme temperatures. The legs and my white boots were well structured to make up for over exhaustion. Whenever that happened, my body would become more liquified and it became hard to move with out wobbling or collapsing. In extreme cases I began hiccuping painful bubbles which I couldn't really stop. That usually only happened when I adapted to water when I was in it. That was good for hiding, but it drained me greatly and quickly.
We walked down to the field and people began partnering up, testing different ways to use their quirk. I watched Todoroki and Jiro struggle to come up with something. God I wished that was me.
"Oi shitty bangs," Kacchan called. I glanced around, a frown already on my face. "Let's just get this over with." He stood a good distance away from me, looking down at me.
We were quiet and I began thinking. If I could figure out a way to heat up the water then I wouldn't affect his sweat, but bolster it. He could try and heat it up, but that would take far too long if we were under attack. I began chewing on my lip again before stopping myself, thinking about what Todo said yesterday. It was just a habit when I thought.
I could bubble my water up and when he sent an explosion it would cause the water to explode. Hot water explosion. Dangerous, but effective.
"What's with the stupid face?"
"I'm thinking idiot," I countered and he growled. "I think I have an idea."
I created a large drop of water in my palms and held it out in the air far above us.
"Okay now try and explode the water," I said.
"Who said you could tell me what to do?!"
Stubborn as always.
"Got a better idea?! Just do it!" I said and I felt heat explode next to me. I whipped my arms hard down at the ground and watched sizzling hot water splash over a spot. I leapt back so it didn't hit me. "See? That's one."
"Well come up with more. I'm not losing."
"This isn't a competition dumbass," I scoffed. I rolled my eyes. I suddenly had yet another idea. "Wait can you skateboard or surf?"
"What the fuck does that have to do with anything?" He asked, flexing his palms.
"Nitroglycerin is soluble in water. So if we combine them, any water that you set on fire will explode in theory," I said. I sprayed out a huge, slick puddle of water. We had gained the attention of a few other students. "Can you empty some nitroglycerin from your barrels?"
"I hate you."
"Say whatever you want if it will get you to participate," I scoffed. He emptied some and I sprayed it along the puddle. "Okay now slide along the water and set it on fire behind you."
"Quit telling me what to do, loser." He rolled his eyes and made a running start to skim along the stretch of water. I sprayed at his boots, pushing him along and I watched as his hand curled into a claw, his trail igniting behind him, sending water and dirt everywhere. I couldn't help the grin forming on my face as students distractedly watched the obnoxious show.
Leave it to me to be able to work with the most unworkable person.
He planted his feet in the dry dirt and glanced up at me. I gave a thumbs up and he scoffed, seeing that I had gotten caught up. He meandered back to me.
"I mean we can both boost each other, that's something," I said. "That's 3."
"I've got an idea now, turn around slip on slide," he said.
"Wait wha—" he spun me around and gripped his smoking hands at my waist. I felt them begin to heat my body up and I squirmed, a searing sweat rolling down my body. "Kacchan stop!" I called. "What are you do—" he quickly tossed me far up into the air and I screamed, hot water spraying from my hands and feet. I quickly began to fall back down, unable to catch myself with my own water. I crashed into a pair of tough arms.
He just fucking basket tossed me.
I scrambled out of Kacchan's arms, finding it difficult to hold up my body where his hands had rest in my waist. It was practically like jello now.
"What's wrong with you! You could've given me warning! You know you can't heat up my body now I can't do anything!" I said, pressing a finger to my stomach and watching it ripple. I was shaking hard and all the commotion had caught the attention of everyone, Aizawa as well. "You could've burnt me!"
"But I didn't you damn idiot!"
"You can't just throw people around you jerk! I at least explained my plans to you!" I spat. I shakily sprayed Kacchan in the face. The whole field was dead silent and I widened my eyes, realizing that I had been in this situation before. Kacchan wiped the water from his eyes, whipping the droplets to the ground and looked up at me, his face and hair dripping. I saw his eye twitching, his hands curling up to attack.
"DIE!" He screamed, holding out a clawed hand to launch an explosion at me. I couldn't move fast enough and winced, expecting heat to ripple through me. "What the hell?!" I glanced at Bakugo to see that he was quirkless and Aizawa approached, hair up and eyes glowing.
"I don't think so. Classroom. Both of you. Now."
"I just do not understand how you two do not get along."
"So you knew and still paired me up with her?! She sprayed me!" He said. Kacchan really wasn't one to full on argue with a teacher like this, but I guess I brought it out of him. He sounded like a child anyways.
"Calm down. This is exactly why I paired you up. You're opposites in every way and I think it will benefit you to struggle. However, I expect that you will not use your quirks against each other." He paused and glanced at me and I looked down at my lap.
"Sorry. I was just shaken up."
"And I expect that you will work together and consult each other, effectively no harming each other." He glanced at Kacchan who only let out an annoying 'tch' noise. "From this point on I don't expect you to get along perfectly, but if there isn't any sort of change whatsoever you'll both receive an 'F' on the project."
We glanced at each other, my soft gray ones locking with hard crimson ones.
"Number 3."
The ash blonde grunted at me. Everyone in class was required to complete a worksheet on how they did during the exercise.
"How many ways were you able to combine your quirks? Explain." I scribbled down a 4 and began writing down the ways on the lines provided. Kacchan was slumped back in his chair in front me, his legs taking up the aisle between two rows of desks. He was faced sideways and I properly in the desk behind him. I was trying my hardest not to bicker, just keep my mouth shut. "How well would you do against a generic villain?"
"Because you fucking suck that's why," he insulted and I bit my lip again, exhaling sharply. He had mostly been ignoring me after Aizawa's warning. "What's with the lip bite thing? You do it all the goddamn time."
"It's usually a thinking thing, but right now I'm trying not to tell you to shut the hell up," I snapped. Normally I wasn't this snappy, but I was in a totally sour mood today and probably would be for a while. Not to mention Kacchan asking me questions was out of the ordinary.
"You're the one who won't shut up about the stupid worksheet."
"We have to do it together Mr. Perfect. Do you want an F?"
"Might as well just take it now that I have to work with you, shitty bangs," he said, slamming a hand to my desk and I flinched slightly. My body was still quite warm from the heat in his hands and I ached. The idea of him doing it again scared me. I was beginning to believe I had a slight fear of him burning me specifically since he had when we were kids. I covered my arms subconsciously, though there was no trace of his attack anymore.
"Do you even know my name? Why do you insist on calling me those terrible nicknames? You just sound stupid," I countered when he noticed my apprehension towards him, attempting to make myself look tougher.
"I know what your stupid name is and they piss you off so it's worth it."
"Screw you."
"Bet you'd like to, whore," he scoffed and I growled, biting my lip again. I just scribbled a yes for number 4. I finished up the rest of the sheet and got up to turn it in. I stood up realizing something was missing. I looked to see that my anklet was gone from it's normal spot underneath my sock. I didn't notice it had been gone when changing out of my hero costume so I must've lost it during the exercise. I turned in the sheet in a panic, sitting back down and tearing through my bag. Kacchan looked at me with a confused and disgusted look. "What are you even doing weirdo?"
"None of your business," I said. I came up empty handed.
"What the fuck are you looking for?"
"Shut up!"
"No! Just tell me you stubborn bitch."
"My anklet. Good? Now leave me alone."
"Anklet? How tacky are you?" He scoffed. I looked at him incredulously. I hadn't bothered or provoked him at all and yet he was being a bitch. What changed? Was he really all that embarrassed from me spraying him in the face?
"You're the worst." I got up to ask Aizawa if I could look for it.
"Yes, you may go, but please take a buddy with you." I glanced around seeing that no one was done yet. I sighed and nodded. I reluctantly walked back.
"Can you come help me look for my anklet?"
"What? No."
"I have to take a buddy and guess what buddy? You're the only one available," I said. He sneered and glanced at the class.
He got up and followed me out of the classroom. He walked with his hands in his pockets, a good ways to the side and behind me. I just crossed my arms and we made our way back to the field. I glanced back and Kacchan was wearing his normal resting face. He looked slightly mad, but slightly bored. It was the only time I really saw him 'calm'.
"Do you ever smile?" I blurted and one side of his nose shifted into a condescending sneer.
"Fuck you."
"I bet you would Bakuhoe Thotsuki."
"I'll kill you!"
"I'd like to see you try," I smirked and he just tched and looked away, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. We reached the field and I glanced around at the mess we made. I began looking through the dirt, nudging it with my toes. Kacchan just leaned up against the wall, looking bored. "You could help you know."
"I'd rather die."
"Bastard," I scoffed and continued looking. I was yet again coming up empty handed. I didn't see Kacchan stoop down to pick up my anklet. He looked at me searching through the freshly created mud and tucked the anklet in his pocket.
"Why is it so important anyways?" he called and I shook my head. "Hello. I'm talking to you deaf idiot."
"I'm not deaf, I'm ignoring you," I said.
"Well you're doing a great job—oh wait." I just shook my head. "It's not a normal anklet. You're digging through mud."
This was the most I had ever heard Kacchan really say to me and it was all in one day. Why he was so curious was beyond me. Honestly it was just pissing me off. Kacchan was a pretty quiet guy until provoked or he felt like talking. Hearing this much coming from him was just as annoying as it was intriguing.
"I just need it."
"Shut up!"
"Why do you need the stupid thing?"
"None of your business!"
"Because my mom gave it to me you asshole! Her mom fucking gave it to her and she trusted me with it! I can't be a hero like her without it okay! She expecting me to be better than she was and I can't do it without the anklet! Now just leave me alone you jerk!" I ranted. I sank to my knees and continued looking, swallowing the tight lump in my throat. I heard him shift behind me and he cast a shadow over me. "I don't care if I'm out here alone and I get in trouble, just leave."
"Get up."
"No I'm not leaving without it."
"Get up fuckhead."
"No! Just go!" I shouted, turning to shoo him away. He held out my anklet, hanging on his index finger.
"Get up." I snatched it from his hand with an upset glare.
"You could've just told me you found it asshole," I said, brushing past him. I sprayed my hands to rid myself of the mud, Kacchan just watching. I stormed back inside with him close on my heels.
"You don't need some stupid bracelet to become a hero. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard," he said.
"It's an anklet and it's not just that! It's just important and not any of your business." I had already told him enough about my mom and I certainly wasn't going to admit she was in the hospital. People knew she forcefully retired, but she kept her hospital life out of the public for my sake. "Can't you give it a rest?"
I could hardly hold the anklet anymore, my quirk was acting up from the exhaustion earlier. I
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