Aki | Chpt 103

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Yeah, remember we're supposed to be meeting that new intern. She's interning under Tani," I said, seated beside Shoji on the train. He nodded, his backpack between his legs. Today in training he had taken a hard hit, by my boyfriend's explosion. He had slammed hard into the wall, so I had insisted he sit while I stand.

"Right, I remember Wash mentioning something like that."

"Yeah, I heard she's supposed to help with tracking and stuff? So we know where we're going and what we're up against," I stated, leaning with the curve in the train tracks. I took a soft breath, glancing around the train.

"Do you have any idea what we're doing today?" he asked.

"No, probably working with the new intern. That's my best guess," I shrugged. His mask shifted slightly as he looked out the window behind him. We came up on our stop, heading towards the agency building. Cars were particularly busy today, forcing us to wait longer than expected to cross the street. We made our way inside, the receptionist beeping in that we had arrived. When we got to the right floor, Wash was already heading towards were we stood at the elevator door.

"Aha! There you are," he greeted, pointing towards Tani's office. "Tani's got her new intern! You'll be working with her on certain missions I bring you to."

We stepped into Nakatani's office where a girl our age was sat. She was dressed warmly, since it was still the January-type of cold outside. The thing about her that seemed to stand out the most was the small antennae at her right ear. Much like Kaminari's hero suit, it probably served as some kind of communication/tracking tool. Hers seemed natural though, unlike Kaminari's. She held a sharp stare, eyes precise in their movements and focus. They were dark and rather large too. Her skin was darker and hair long and curly, making her stand out in comparison to some of the more normal looking citizens. In comparison to someone like wash, who was a literal washing machine, she looked normal. She was rather small as well, making both Wash and Shoji look ginormous. Her stance was firm and the way her mouth curled up in a greeting smile was really rather pretty.

I looked to Shoji who I assumed was blushing, though it wasn't clear from the mask covering his mouth and nose. If he had a mouth or nose. His eyes were usually narrow and calm, but he was looking straight towards the new intern, an eyeful expression that I could only read as intrigue. He seemed almost nervous, he must like her. The way he was stepped back to ensure she had enough room or wasn't uncomfortable by his presence was speaking for itself. I glanced back to the girl who smiled cheekily at Shoji.

"This is Aki Maki," Tani said, gesturing to the girl.

"You can just call me Aki," she said, smiling. She held out a hand to me, shaking it.

"I'm (y/n)," I replied, smiling back at her. She then held a hand out to Shoji. He was hesitant, but held out the limb that carried his hand. She shook it, looking at his several limbs and stature with great intrigue. Rather than being intimidated, which would be expected of a girl that small compared to Shoji. Especially since Shoji was so muscular as well. She didn't particularly care or at least didn't care in a negative kind of way.

"Shoji," he said.

"Nice to meet you guys," she said, shaking her head slightly. The hair caught on her antennae, split so it wouldn't bother her anymore. It appeared to be sensitive to touch, so if broken off would hurt a great deal.

"So Aki, obviously you know Tani, but (y/n) here had a water creation and manipulation quirk," Wash said, pointing to me, "And Shoji has regenerative limbs as well as different senses being attached to those arms."

"Like a starfish," Aki breathed, beaming at him. He was taken aback slightly, tugging at the back of his neck. "Or an Octopus...duh."

"What does your quirk do?" I asked, Shoji looking to the floor for some kind of guidance. He was obviously struck by Aki. It was really rather sweet.

"Sort of like a high tech interactive GPS. Only I can see it, but as long as you wear one of these," she paused, holding a small earpiece in the center of her hand. I wondered where she had retrieved it from, seemingly from nowhere. "I can talk to you, see where you are, see other people around you, mark routes, etc."

"Woah...cool," I said. She nodded, closing her palm around the earpiece. Her hand lowered to her side and when it relaxed, the earpiece was gone.

"Sometimes certain quirks block out my signal, but it's not really a lot of them. Normal stuff like bad weather doesn't really block it out. Can't use it under water," she said, gesturing to me. I frowned slightly. "Hopefully working with you will help me work around that!"


"Alright kids, I'll be taking you down to the training area. I've got a few things we need to go over," Wash said, gesturing to the door.

"Can I go?" Aki asked, turning to Tani. Tani nodded simply and Wash shrugged, taking her along with us. Shoji, despite how calm he might come off to a stranger, was ready to burst from my calculation and observation. Being in the small elevator space with Aki proved to be difficult for him. Aki just watched the buttons of the elevator before turning her attention to the bottom corners of the elevator, eyes tracing back and forth along the edge connecting the front wall and floor. We were sent to warm up and do our training exercises. I practiced as I did, looking towards Wash and Shoji. Wash was showing Shoji the power that one's core holds. It made sense coming from a washing machine. While opening the torso during a battle could be detrimental, using the brute strength of the core could be useful. It wasn't just using your core to drive through a punch, it was actually packing a punch using the stomach itself.

Aki watched simply, sitting as far back on the side bench as possible so her legs could swing back and forth. Her arms were locked at the elbows, holding onto the bench near her knees. She watched Shoji rather than me, which I found to be amusing. Shoji was clearly trying as hard as he could to impress her, which was not his usual style. Shoji was a constant force, always there to help. He wasn't competing to be number one or show off. He really was a good guy, meaning he wanted to showcase that as best as he could to someone he liked.

That was Aki.

She seemed impressed and excited enough for Shoji to relax a little when we were dismissed. I grabbed my backpack, listening in on what Aki had to say to Shoji.

"Very cool! You really know how to use your quirk. Maybe you should be the one teaching interns," she gushed, leaning quickly from foot to foot. Her heels left the ground when she did, almost like she was tip toeing to get something off a high shelf. Her hands were dug in her pockets, hair falling over her shoulders as she scrunched them towards her ears.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome! Wait till you see my quirk! It'll be cool to finally work with you," she said. She had to head upstairs to check in with Tani, and we packed up to catch the train back to school. Shoji sat again per my request, his foot tapping restlessly and a dreamy sort of look on his face.

"She's nice, huh?"

"Yes," he replied. I wondered if teasing him was the right kind of move, not the closest of friends with him technically speaking.

"You like her?" I asked.

"Yes, she's very...nice," he replied again.

"Hmm," I hummed. He looked to me, having been way to obvious with his newfound crush. He knew I picked up on it and I smiled at him, traces of smugness in there somewhere. He just glanced down, thankful I wasn't pestering him about it. He did find some relief that I had at least picked up on it and knew. I leaned again as the train whipped the curve, the train going quiet.


When I returned, I went for Kacchan's room. He was bound to be back from his mother's. He had left a few things there when we visited for Winter break. I knocked, letting myself in when I didn't hear an answer. I stopped in the doorway when I saw Kacchan, Kirishima, and Kaminari huddle in the center of Kacchan's room. They all looked at me, like they had been caught, but from the looks of it they weren't doing anything. They just looked suspicious.

"Uh...should I leave you to your weird cult thing or..."

"No! Come on it we weren't doing anything!" Kaminari said. Kacchan hit his arm and Kaminari mouthed an 'ow', holding his arm.

"What...are you guys doing?" I asked, setting my backpack against Kacchan's bed.

"Nothing. Like I said," Kaminari insisted yet again and I gave him side eye.

"Are you guys like gossiping? Painting each other's nails? What?" I asked, clearly not believing Kaminari by the way he was so garbage at keeping secrets. They exchanged glances and I cross my arms, expectant of an answer.

"We were just talking about Bakugo's next date idea for you guys, way to spoil it for yourself," Kaminari scoffed, holding up a wide palmed hand. While I didn't quite believe that, it did sort of seem like something they would do.

"Well I don't know what it is," I pointed out. "I can leave if that's what you're doing."

"No, we'll go," Kirishima finally spoke up. He nudged Kaminari and they both stood up. Kaminari stopped in front of me, giving me an odd smile. He just strangled me in a hug and I groaned, looking at Kacchan. He looked guilty and I knew they definitely were hiding something. "See you (y/n)." Kirishima put a hand on my shoulder, looking at me as if I were about to get shot. I pushed a sloppy Kaminari off me, giving them both a suspecting glare. They left and when the door shut I looked to Kacchan. He looked at me and I sat myself down.

"I was going to tell you about Shoji's obvious crush on the new intern, Aki, but clearly you've got a secret to spill," I pointed out, seating myself near him on the floor. "What is it?"

"It was just the date thing," he shrugged.

"Kacchan, I can tell when you're lying," I pointed out. He let out a sigh, just shrugging.

"I know you're going to be mad," he scoffed, pouting slightly.

"Maybe I won't."

"No...you will."

"Well what did you do? Did something happen at your house?" I asked. He glared at the carpet, confirming my guess was correct. "What?"

"I..." My phone buzzed in my pocket, someone actually calling me for once. I pulled it out, Kacchan watching nervously too.

"It's my mom," I said.

"Don't answer," he blurted.

"Why? What if it's an emergency?" I asked, going to answer. Kacchan knew the best out of anybody, besides maybe Izuku, that I was always quick to be there for my mother. Especially now that she was home.

"Don't answer," he said, grabbing at my phone.

"Kacchan." I deflected, pressing answer. I put it to my ear as he grabbed again at it. "What has gotten into you?!" I put up a wall of water between us and Kacchan even went as far as to banging on it to get to me. "Mom?"

"What's going on over there?"

"Nothing, what's up? How come you're calling me?"

"I want to speak with you next weekend, when you come back," she stated.

"Why? Is there something wrong? There something wrong with medical stuff?" I asked.

"No." I looked to Kacchan, who smashed his fist into the wall and I looked to him as if he were crazy. She started talking again, Kacchan trying to talk over her. Clearly he knew something I didn't.

"Hang up!" he said.

"(y/n), Bakugo told me that you're seeing a neurologist," my mother stated plainly. I froze, holding the phone rigid to my ear. My lips parted slightly and Kacchan stopped, placing hands at the wall of water. He knew she had said it. "I know that you know."


"I just want to talk to you about it. Please come this weekend," she requested. I nodded, quickly realizing she couldn't see me.


"Good. I love you (y/n), I'll see you then," my mother said.

"Love you too," I choked and she hung up. My arm drifted down to my side, the other still facing Kacchan or rather the wall I had placed between us. I let out a breath, my mouth shutting as I placed my phone away. I looked at Kacchan, seeing his hands pressed up against the wall. I pulled it down, the water slipping into the palm of my hand and disappearing. I was shaking slightly and it wasn't because of the imbalance of my quirk. "You told her?"

"(y/n), I was going to tell you myself," he said.

"You know I didn't want to deal with this right now," I insisted.

"I know! She just...asked me why you weren't with me today and I told her because you were at your internship. She said something about you being busy and how she doesn't really know much about your schedule. I told her about it and I...accidentally mentioned how you had to see a neurologist now," he admitted. "I'm sorry, I promise it was an accident. I just...I asked those idiots on what to do. Dumb decision."

"I get it," I shrugged. He had yet to touch me, afraid I'd refuse. He was taken aback however when I seemed more forgiving, now that it was an accident. "It was an accident. I blurt out my fair share of things."

"Oh thank god," he breathed, pulling me into a hug.

"It's just an accident, why would I be mad?" I asked. He simply shrugged and I placed a hand on the back of his head, fingers scratching through his hair. I didn't know why I was asking, knowing it was probably because of how insecure he had been feeling lately. He hadn't seen Joue in a while, which probably wasn't a good idea. "At least she doesn't know about the whole 3 versus 6 year old thing. I can bring that up myself." I pressed him away from me, running my fingers through the front of his hair. His eyes shifted downwards quickly and I paused. "You told her that too?"

"...yeah," he sighed. "She just kept asking and I told her. I mean...you have to deal with it some time."

"Wait, what?"

"What?" he asked, his face flashing with hurt when I pushed him arm length away from me. "(y/n), you know you can't keep this from your mom forever."

"I know that," I scoffed. "But I don't really think you continuing to tell her all this right now when you know I can't deal with it is all your business. She kept this from me for my whole ass life, she can wait a few more months."


"I know you could've stopped, but you just told her everything didn't you?"

"I knew you were going to get mad," he said.

"When it's a mistake then I won't, but you just said you practically told her more than you had to. Just because you think you know when it's right for me to deal with my life," I said. He stopped, grimacing. "And don't gaslight me into feeling guilty for being angry with you right now. I don't really think you realize what's wrong with what you did."

"I do!" he argued and I just stared at him. I placed a hand over my eyes, trying to rub the ache out of them.

"You're doing exactly what the class does to us. Meddling in something that should just be left alone until it's ready to be dealt with. Now I've got to go discuss heavy stuff with my frail and apparently lying mother. Either way, I don't really want to be with you today," I said, picking up my backpack.

"Wait--what?" he asked.

"I don't want to be around you today. You can respect that, can't you?" I asked. "I'm upset with what happened and I just want to be alone." He paused, clearly struggling with the idea of leaving me alone.

"But..." I just stared at him, feeling partly betrayed by his actions. I knew I was readily forgiving when it came to him, at least I was now. Right now, I was overwhelmed by the fact I had to be so lenient with him. He had to realize what he did was not good to me. He had to let me be when I asked for it. "Okay. I'm sorry."

"I know, I'll just see you later," I said, heading out.

"Wait." I glanced back at him. "Just promise you're not going to break up with me."

"You should know the difference between me wanting a moment to myself and wanting to break up with you," I said. I cringed, placing a stiff hand on his face. I turned and left, Kacchan finally letting me leave.

Bakugo's POV

"Sorry sweetie, she's out with Detective Tsukauchi," the secretary stated. "Joue won't be back for an hour or two. I can leave a message or even call her if it's an emergency."

"No, it's fine," I shrugged. "Thanks anyways."

"No problem. I'll let her know you came by anyways," she said. I exited the office, letting out a sigh. I didn't particularly want to deal with Kirishima or Kaminari. Maybe Mina would know what to do in this situation. Then again there was a very good chance she was with (y/n) right now. I knew (y/n) often said she wanted to be alone, but then found herself with me, Mina, or Izuku. Sometimes the girls and then sometimes she was really alone. I felt myself struck with an idea and I headed for the teacher's lounge. I knocked on the door, Present Mic opening up the door.

"Heyo, what can I do for you?"

"Is Aizawa sensei in there?"

"Nah, he's in 1-A," Mic stated.

"Thanks," I shrugged, heading towards my homeroom and main course. I knocked on the door, watching it slide open after a fair few seconds. Aizawa looked down to me, blinking a few times.

"Bakugo. What can I do for you?"

"Can I come sit in here?" I asked. Aizawa paused, a questioning look on his face. He stepped aside without a word, letting me into the class room. I chose a desk at the front that wasn't mine, seating myself with a sad pout. Aizawa eyed me as he sat himself at his own desk. He didn't say anything for a while and I just sat there much like I was in detention.

"Why are you here and not training?" he asked. I just shrugged my shoulders, having run this morning. I brought (y/n) with me, who seemed adverse to be awake early, but she warmed up from the adrenaline of a morning jog. "Done with homework?" I nodded. "Your free time is being spent here and not with friends."


"Where is (y/n)?"

"In her room I think," I said.

"And you are not with her."

"Mmhmm." Aizawa let out a sigh, using the desk as leverage to stand up. He let out a sigh as he made his way towards my desk of choice. He sat at the edge of the desk to my left, his feet still on the floor and his arms crossed.

"Bakugo, we both know you're here for a

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