This is by Larka_HD
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Jenny's POV
"Yeah, you can sleep if you want," I said, shrugging towards Kirishima. He was sat beside Bakugo's bed and I stood idly by (y/n)'s. I was kind of tired too, mostly from the scary events a few hours earlier. He stood up, approaching my side.
"You alright?" he asked and I just nodded.
"Kind of expected it, working near the hero business. Thanks for making sure I was alright," I thanked, my stomach churning. He smiled down at me, glancing over at (y/n). He winced, looking back to me instead.
"You heading back to your dorm?"
"Yeah, I'm going to see what happened with Joue and take a nap or something," I explained. After things had been dealt with and people had been apprehended, specifically the person who had attacked Shinsou, Kirishima's teacher Aizawa sensei had taken her to the teacher's lounge. Recovery girl was over on that end with Present Mic, and Midnight was shifting around classrooms/dorms to ensure everyone was feeling alright. The room here had been filled by Bakugo and (y/n), so a little space had to be made.
"Okay, you take care of yourself," Kirishima insisted, lightly nudging my arm with his fist. I hopped up to my toes, kissing the bandage on his cheek.
"You too Kiri," I hummed, feeling the nervous feeling rumble in my stomach. I left as he grinned at me, all dopey. I headed for the teacher's lounge assuming the group I was looking for was still there.
"Yeah, if you could take her to her apartment, that would be great. She'll be just fine. I've got to check up on the trouble makers," Recovery Girl hummed and I stopped around the hall.
"Of course," Aizawa sensei responded. I peered around the corner, Joue back in his arms. He had a key ring around his finger, heading off easily in the other direction. It seemed as though Joue wasn't conscious anymore, her eyes shut. Or perhaps someone had shut them for her, I didn't know. They had no idea about the cracked heart Shinsou was talking about earlier did they? I had heard them talking about it.
"Recovery Girl?"
"Yes dear? What can I do for you?" she asked, not jumping when I appeared around the corner.
"Joue's alright, right?" I asked.
"Yes dear, she's fine," Recovery Girl replied.
"What happened?"
"I'm going to double check when she's conscious, but honestly dear I'm not quite sure."
"Oh well, I didn't know if you saw but when she was dropped off in the common room earlier her heart was cracked, like the one on her chest that works with her quirk," I explained and she nodded.
"Another student told me, thank you dear. I'll be doing some research, but I'll wait to see what happens when Joue's awake," she said. I let out a soft sigh, nodding along with her.
"Thanks," I replied, excusing myself back to my dorm.
Kirishima's POV
I placed a soft hand on my cheek, watching the door slow before it closed. I plopped back in my chair, glancing at Bakugo. His eyes were shut violently, like he was even angry while he was sleeping. Made sense either way. I looked to (y/n), who was still. I stood up for a moment, leaning over her with my ear. She was breathing. I let out a sigh and collapsed into the chair again, leaning against Bakugo's cot.
Though Bakugo had reassured that I had done what I should've, I couldn't help but feel like I had failed to be there yet again. Looking to (y/n), she probably felt the same way. Word had been that they were looking for her and Shinsou, hopeful that a second attempt at turning kids would work better than the first. That and it seemed rather quiet on their end, they weren't really doing much. All the drama nowadays seemed centered around the issue with (y/n), which had been long proven to be separate to the League. There was a shifting in the sheets and I looked to a white knuckled fist gripping the blanket. My eyes drifted to Bakugo's face which was scrunched up in pain. I placed a soft hand on his forearm and he relaxed his eyes opening lazily.
"Shitty hair?"
"Not who you were expecting, I get it," I said. He squinted at me, shifting up slightly but stopping when he probably felt how numb his leg was. "Woah, don't try to get up, you'll end up on the floor."
"I wasn't."
"You feeling okay bro?"
"Yeah, fine," he scoffed, glancing aside. His eyes fixated in on the back of (y/n)'s head, her face turned the other way. His eyebrows twitched as they shifted from scrunching angrily to surprise and worry.
"She's okay," I reassured. "See!" I stood up and turned her head towards him. He glanced from her face up to me with a heavy glare. I glanced down at (y/n), her cheeks squished in my hand and her lips puckered towards him. I let go and her head sunk back down into the pillow.
"Thanks," Bakugo said, looking at her. He met eyes with me, not sarcastic but actually genuine now. I smiled at him and sank back down in my chair.
"You're welcome," I replied. He set his head back again, exhaling a drawn out breath. He shut his eyes carefully, as if he were scared of something printed on the inside of his eyelids. "Were you having a nightmare?"
He just hummed uncomfortably, not opening his eyes. He had passed the hurdle of leaving himself in the dark, he wasn't about to open his eyes again.
"What about?"
"Just...imagining her in my shoes. Makes my chest feel tight," he muttered. I nodded, though he couldn't see me.
"I'm sorry, that sounds scary. I don't think you have to worry about that, though."
"I know. Can't control it sometimes," he said. I looked over at (y/n). She was still where I had left her, her eyes shut soundly.
"Yeah." I placed a forearm across his, leaning up against the side of the bed. He didn't move, placing his free arm behind his head and turning his head the other way.
I might not have been in the heat of battle, but I hadn't failed to be here.
(Y/n)'s POV
My eyes opened, eyelids sticky and heavy. I felt my ears pop slightly from the pressure in my head, an ache traveling from my forehead through my neck. My head was propped gently facing Kacchan's bed. Kirishima was sleeping soundly, a small spit bubble on his lips. He had stayed, now cuddling up to Kacchan's forearm. A gentle smile crept across my face looking at it. There was a small chance Kacchan would have a small hissy fit when he woke up.
I turned my head the other direction, seeing Aizawa propped up against the wall. His head was turned up to the ceiling, the top of his head against the wall. He was breathing soundly and craned my neck to see his eyes were resting peacefully. I picked my head up, realizing how gross the sticky sweat had dried through my hair. My bangs were plastered aside, a bandage over my forehead. I placed a gentle hand on it. At the shifting, Aizawa picked up his head over his shoulders.
"How are you feeling?" he asked instantly. He stood up and I realized he had his sleeping bag on when it fell of his legs, letting him step out of it. He approached the bed side.
"Okay," I replied. I used my one hand to prop myself up, seeing the skin on my other side red and a little raw. It wasn't completely burnt like I had experienced before, but it stung slightly while Recovery Girl's quirk was still hard at work running through my body. It was reminiscent to the other times Kacchan had burnt me. Oddly enough, this time felt more malicious than Kacchan could've ever been towards me. I wondered if he would show remorse for my condition in relation to our past."What's been happening?"
"We've got some random League recruit in custody. We were unable to catch up with Dabi or Toga. There were some parts of the school and a few students that got caught up but no major injuries. No Shigaraki on campus. Security is quadroupled and Nezu is dealing with some things."
"That's good," I sighed, leaning back into my pillow.
"You and Bakugo were the main injured ones, Kirishima and Shinsou had small little cuts or bruises," he continued. His eyesbrows furrowed before he continued. "We're trying to figure out the recruit's quirk, if he's even got one. We suspect he's the reason why Joue's unconscious."
"Wait, what?" I asked, sitting up a little too fast. Aizawa sensei placed a hand on my shoulder and I sank back down.
"She's fine, it's got to be some weird quirk thing," he replied simply. I eyed him for a moment, his stature different. I looked back over to where Kacchan and Kirishima were stirring.
"Are you drooling on me you fuck?!" Kacchan asked, tugging his arm from under Kirishima's head. I hear a grumble of confusion from Kirishima's end, his head picking up. Recovery Girl re-entered, though my mind was still stuck on what had happened with Joue. Shinsou must've been with her when things went South. I focused back in on the room, eyes meeting with Kacchan. His mouth gently curled up on one side and I smiled ever so slightly back.
"Ahh that's going to leave a nasty little quarter mark for a while, but you'll be alright," Recover Girl said, redressing Kacchan's leg.
"Need some help walking bro?" Kirishima asked, standing up with great vigor.
"No, I'm not dying," Kacchan scoffed. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, Kirishima watching carefully. I leaned forward for Recovery Girl to replaced the bandage on my forehead with a gentle kiss. It helped there but the healing aspect spread down my arm. I curled my fingers around the tingling feeling. I felt Aizawa sensei pat down my hair and I let out a sigh.
"So some time next week you can come back and see about that head of yours. We want to make sure you didn't gain a concussion or anything," Recovery Girl said. "What exactly happened?"
"I...smacked my head on the concrete when someone crashed into my back," I explained. She pressed a soft finger to my temple with which I winced.
"You seem alright, might be a minor concussion so you'll have a few restrictions. Try not to spend too much time in front of a screen and take half hour to hour naps," Recovery Girl suggested. I was offered a hand from Aizawa to stand with and I took it, looking towards Kacchan. Perhaps I could finally know if there was something going on in my brain, why I was forgetting. Kacchan probably wasn't too happy about how much I may dwell on the subject until the day, but that was just something he had to deal with for a while. It wasn't like the subject really left my mind completely.
I was helped out of bed and sent on my way. I held loosely to Kacchan's hand, not wanting to drag him down. He was walking a little funny, but he always did. Aizawa had head off in the other direction, speaking of Joue. In a way, I wanted to feel happy that he was clearly attaching to her in some way, but the situation Aizawa sensei had relayed to me was alarming and distracting.
I looked to Kacchan who was still refusing Kirishima's arm. My eyes were still tired and I felt exhausted despite the fact we had been sleeping for however long. We passed by a window, seeing it was dark out and that down below there was a different looking system closing up the gate. It had gone up quickly to accommodate our vulnerable place right now. Kacchan's hand was holding onto mine with his fingers now, taking a few steps in the lead as we walked back to the dorm.
"Yeah, (y/n) let you get help first," Kirishima explained and I looked to the pair.
"You shouldn't have," Kacchan said, looking to me.
"Yeah, well I did. We both got fixed up anyways. It doesn't matter."
"You feeling alright (y/n)?" Kirishima asked and Kacchan watched intently. I just nodded, continuing to walk with them.
I didn't know if Kacchan was really okay. I didn't want him to not be, but the idea of it being obvious was appealing. I could begin to easily help with what he was dealing with. Right now, he was not diagnosable. My thumb brushed up his arm to press against his skin and measure his heartbeat. Mine was beating fast than his. He closed his hand over mine tighter, looking to me. He had smiled at me earlier, hadn't he? He was probably better than I expected. His hand squeezed mine before he let go as we neared the common room.
Everything seemed alright for now.
It was when we returned to the dorm.
"(y/n)! Blasty!"
"Ugh god," Kacchan scoffed. Mina took me up in a hug underneath my arms and I winced. Sero pulled her back by her shoulder.
"Mi amor, you're going to hurt her," he said, rubbing at his tired eyes. It really seemed like the room could use a collective cry.
"Sorry, sorry," she said, looking at me all guilty.
"That's okay," I hummed gently.
"Can't believe they got into school, how is that even possible?" Uraraka mused, approaching. It seemed like nobody was really talking about the situation for the time being. I shared a soft smile with Izuku, feeling Kaminari's hand on my shoulder.
"Ahh, you fought Dabi and Toga right?" he asked and I nodded back at him. I looked around at the students gathering around. They mentioned something about dinner, which even though it was really late sounded great. I spotted Todoroki, pausing.
There was something different.
My lips parted slightly and he peered back at me, confused. I felt Kirishima nudge me, taking me aside for a moment. Kacchan watched oddly, wondering why he wasn't in on the conversation.
"Hey, do you remember what you were trying to tell me about Todoroki earlier?" he asked.
"You said something about Todoroki, but you fell asleep or Recovery Girl came over, I can't remember," he said. I paused, my eyebrows furrowing again. It hurt my forehead and I placed a soft hand on my bandage.
"No...I can't remember," I said sickly, glancing up at Kirishima.
"You hit your head pretty hard, you were probably really out of it," he shrugged. I looked back at Todoroki, trying to remember what I could've possibly been thinking. At this very moment, I had nothing. "Come on, you hungry?"
"Oh...yeah," I replied. We ate and I sat beside Izuku, quiet except when spoken to. I was escorted back to my room and the door was shut on me, the idea that rest was of utmost importance placed upon me. I sat at the edge of my bed, awaiting the moment when Kacchan would return to my dorm to speak. We hadn't gotten the chance and I had a strong feeling that when I was finally alone with him I would finally relax. I shed my shirt, looking over the pink skin on my arm. It was mostly faded and it didn't hurt so bad to the touch, but it was ugly to look at. I shut my light off, not wanting to look at it anymore.
I needed a shower.
My door creaked open, the light filtering in and I glanced over. Kacchan didn't say anything, shutting the door and approaching where I stood. He took his arms under mine, pulling me up into him. He effectively buried his face in my neck, taking in a breath. I couldn't have smelled all that good. His hands weren't as steady as they usually were, holding me so close I couldn't have any idea when he would let go.
"I love you," he murmured. I felt the skin at my neck, hot now, become damp as he shed the gloss from his eyes. I gripped at the hair on the back of his head, placing my head against his. I was dry eyed, the fact that I found it impossible to cry in front of Kacchan still overpowering. It still grabbed and tugged at my chest, the feeling.
"I love you too."
"Can you not feel your arm?"
"No...I can feel it."
"Well, I can't feel my leg," he muttered and I pulled his head back gently by his hair.
"How did you get over here?"
"I don't know," he replied and I felt my nose flare as I stifled a breathy laugh. I held his jaw in my hands, placing a soft kiss on his lips. We were alright, this wasn't the worst thing to happen. He placed a gentle set of hands on my waist, pressing closer so I couldn't break away from our kiss. He stopped, his fingers gripping at my skin, pulling his lips away. "Wait. Where the fuck is your shirt?"
"On the floor maybe, I just need a shower."
"What were you going to shower in here? There's no shower."
"Shut up." He flicked on the light and I winced slightly, looking to him. He peered at me and I felt embarrassment crawl over my skin. He took the pinkish arm in his hands, carefully of course.
"Why does this always happen to you?" he asked.
"Maybe I just look better this way," I said and he gave me a scrutinizing look instead of sharing a laugh. "It's alright."
"But what about--"
"Let it go Kacchan," I said. I pulled my arm away so my hand linked with his, sliding down his arm. "You don't have to worry about the past, you know that."
"Yeah..." I kissed him again, feeling him tug me in again when I stepped back. He took my hand, pressing his lips to it, peppering kisses all up my arm to my shoulder. I felt electric nerves running to my heart as he did so, grounded when he placed his chin on my shoulder. I looked to the side of his head, a face full of blonde fluff. I kissed the side of his head just above his ear. I wrapped my arms around his neck, taking my injured one from his grasp. He started to sway me, hugging around my waist. That was always something so baffling about him, wanting to move with me. It was close and tender, something I swear was impossible to get used to with Kacchan.
Never in my life would I have expected one of Kacchan's favorite things to be dancing with me, music or not.
Bakugo's POV
I felt my eyes grow hot, my skin crawling.
"So? What's it going to be?" I glanced to my left where Shigaraki was stood. I looked back to the chair I had been kept in. (y/n) was locked up by her hands and this time muzzled, unlike I had been in this case but like I had at the Sports Festival. Her head was hung heavy and when I glanced back, Shigaraki was gone. I was unable to move.
She looked up at me, her heavy head wrenching upwards like someone had pulled her by her hair. She looked at me, letting out a blood curdling cry. I had never seen such a terrified expression, the muzzle digging into her mouth. I felt myself begin to sob, a shaking feeling wracking over me. It was just a muffled 'Katsuki' that sent me crumbling. I stumbled forward finally, collapsing worthless in front of her. She sank to her knees with me. I took the muzzle from her mouth.
I couldn't imagine her crying, I had never seen her break in that way.
Full force crying in front of me.
It was nothing.
She still wasn't breathing, but kept inside the muzzle came dark sludge from her lips. There was no way that was still happening. I felt panic rise up in me as she choked and I couldn't do anything. I went to grip at her clothes to bring her to me, but she placed a hand on my forearm.
I glanced up,
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