(y/n)'s POV
That next morning, I hadn't expected Kacchan to take an even larger step. He was progressing rather quickly, to my surprise, but he was always good at picking up things. I just never expected him to be able to do so with this.
"Soooo you want to hang out with me after school?" Kaminari asked.
"And do what?" he wriggled his eyebrows at me and I let out a breath.
"Alright, whose room then?" I asked and I watched as his face flushed red.
"Mmhmm, that's what I thought," I said and he pouted, shoving me lightly.
"You're really mean, you know that?" he sighed, fake sniffling. "I'll just hang out with Sero then.
"Oh don't be a baby," I said. "We can do something this weekend so you can have a whole day or whatever." I glanced his way but he wasn't looking at me anymore. "What?" I followed his gaze to see Kacchan heading our direction with an angry look on his face.
"Oh God, what did I do? What did you do?!" Kaminari hissed and I scoffed.
"Who knows," I replied.
"Hey Slip n Slide!"
"Good morning to you too Kacchan," I said, crossing my arms over my chest. I was still supposed to be mad. He had gained just about the whole class' attention at his entrance and I could see Kirishima by the door with his hand clamped tightly over his mouth to hold in a laugh.
"I saw this in the store a while ago and I went to buy it because it reminds me of you."
He roughly set a plush blue thing on my desk, heavily sneering at me as a way to combat the eyes of our classmates on us. So that was his next step? Let everyone know? What was this supposed to tell them? I felt heat flood my face and ears as I gingerly took the thing in my hands.
(I'm sorry this is the cutest fucking thing on this planet I need it so bad but I have zero money. Water bear. I'm losing my mind)
The thing stared up at me with glossy plastic eyes and a round mouth in a little smile. It had 6 little legs and feet and I felt my lips part slightly. I looked up at Kacchan with wide eyes and then around at everyone staring. It must've seemed like Kacchan had completely lost his mind. I looked over to Kaminari who looked terrified out of his mind and I stifled a soft laugh. My face was still on fire from all the attention and I cleared my throat.
"This...is the cutest thing I've ever seen."
"It's a fucking water bear I guess," he said, "I don't know what kind of bear looks like that but whatever."
"Water bear?" I question. "Is that why it reminds you of me? Water?" He glanced around angrily at the other students and they averted their gazes. He sat down in the desk in front of me, mumbling.
"Well yeah and it's cute or whatever you said." I looked up at him scowling and grumbling under his breath before I smiled.
"Thank you."
"Yeah whatever. You're welcome," he replied, getting up and plopping down in his desk. I could see his ears were tinged red and I was so hot I think I might've exploded. I wonder if this was how he felt with his quirk. I stared down at the thing, feeling happiness circle around in my chest. He was trying so goddamn hard and it was really beginning to feel real. I was so utterly embarrassed and I knew I had to pardon him soon. I didn't quite know if I could take anything else he threw at me.
"What the actual fuck?" I glanced at Kaminari, feeling my face go even redder. It seemed that attention was directed mainly at me now with the gift in my hands and my face the color of a tomato.
"What the hell was that?" Kaminari asked and I glanced down at the plushie.
"I don't know."
"In Bakugo's crazy intense world, that basically means you're married now," Kaminari said, patting me on the shoulder before standing up and approaching Kacchan's desk with Kirishima. I glanced down at it again, holding it against my chest with a shy smile. Married huh?
"Care to explain what that was all about?" Izuku asked, seating himself in his desk beside me.
"It's...a long story," I said. "I can tell you after school." He looked from the stuffed thing to me with a skeptical look on his face.
Later that day in Aizawa's class we were instructed to complete sparring sequences 3 and 4 with a partner. I felt a hand on my shoulder, thinking it was Kacchan claiming me as his partner before anyone else could. To my surprise, however, it was Kirishima.
"Spar with me?" he asked and I nodded, setting up with him. From across the way I could see Uraraka partnered with Kacchan, as I had stolen his usual sparring partner. He was looking at me and I smiled gently, blocking a slow kick from Kirishima with my forearm. His face was gentle, not quite angry, as he glanced away to Uraraka. I let out a sigh, kicking back at Kirishima so that he could block it. I knew Kacchan must've wanted to partner with me and I felt slightly bad. "So how are things?"
"Alright," I replied across the short distance between us. We just had to go through the motions at this point to practice hand to hand combat. It was all position to position so that we could get them correct and keep from hurting ourselves.
"With Bakugo?"
"Uh, yeah," I agreed. I didn't know why he was wanting to know from me of all people. He could ask Kacchan, they were friends and I felt so guilty talking about my happiness or success with Kacchan knowing how Kirishima felt about me. He was pretty intent on making sure I knew he was okay, but the guilt was starting to eat me alive.
"I saw that little stunt this morning, he was sweating like crazy before he gave you that thing," Kirishima said, chuckling as he remembered earlier and I felt my face warm. Kirishima grasped my fist in a block. I tugged out, twisting my arm in a release and brought my knee up to his chest.
"Yeah...that was so embarrassing. Sweet, but embarrassing," I said and he chuckled. "He really didn't have to do that in front of everyone. Now people will be asking me about it."
"You know Bakugo, sometimes he doesn't think things through," he replied and I nodded. I turned, Kirishima catching my side kick above his shoulder near his head. He released it and I stepped back, letting him come at me so that I could now block.
"Yup. And I, think too much. We balance each other out," I said.
"Think too much about..."
"Everything." I caught his fist and he tugged it away, bringing his knee now to my abdomen. I pushed back and caught his kick, much lower than mine. "Can I ask you something?"
"Should I tell Kacchan about..." I glanced up at him. "You know."
"Oh!" he said, understanding that I had meant the kiss we had shared before Kacchan had come to find me. I kicked at his side, catching him off guard before the top of my foot connected with his ribs. He stumbled away and my hands flew up to my mouth.
"Oh my--I'm so sorry Kiri!" I called. "Are you okay? That was totally my fault I caught you off guard and I--"
"No, no that's fine," he said, clearing his throat.
"Are you sure?!" I asked. "I don't want to bruise you." I reached out to touch his side and he shook his head, pulling away.
"No, I'm okay really. It was just an accident," he replied, standing up straight and stretching out his side. "Come on, let's just continue."
"We can stop if you--"
"(y/n), I'm fine. It's just a little kick."
"My kicks aren't little first of all," I said and he laughed.
"Come on, relax. It's fine," he replied. We set up again, getting into the flow before he let out a long winded breath. "And...to answer your question, you can if you feel like you need to. That's fine with me."
"I just don't want to mess things up with you guys."
"I don't want you to mess with what you've got going with him now either. Bakugo can be surprising, so maybe this won't be a huge deal to him. You never know. If you explain it right, I'm sure he can't get that mad at you. He never can," Kirishima explained. I caught his kick at my side unlike he had with mine.
"Yeah but should I?"
"That's not for me to decide," he said. "All I'm saying is that it's alright with me." I nodded and we finished out the combos. I had no idea if I was going to tell Kacchan. It seemed like the type of thing to get mad at, but it had been before we talked and I was upset and very stupid. Kirishima was his best friend, he can't get that mad at him, but then again Kirishima was his best friend and learning the girl who he was getting close with had kissed his best friend was something to really get mad at. As we were dismissed, I felt a hand catch my arm and I glanced back at Kacchan.
"Way to ditch me," he said.
"I was going to ask you to spar," he said.
"Kirishima asked first, I'm sorry," I replied. "I'll spar with you next time."
"Well fine then," he said, pouting slightly. I could tell he was trying not to get jealous. "How about I kick your ass in some video games now?"
"Hmm," I hummed, placing a finger on my chin in fake contemplation. "As tempting as that sounds, I think you're forgetting we have homework." I gestured to the board and he scoffed.
"Okay so we do that and then I kick your ass."
"I can't, Izuku and I are doing our homework together," I said. This was partly true, considering I had invited him to my dorm to talk about Kacchan and we would most likely be multi tasking.
"Ugh, what the hell?"
"Asked first. I know," Kacchan muttered and I smirked. "Why the fuck are you hanging out with Deku anyways?"
"Because he's one of my best friends?"
"Pft," Kacchan scoffed and I crossed my arms over my stomach.
"Kacchan...are you jealous?" he grimaced at me and shoved my shoulder lightly. He didn't make any effort to deny it, however. "You know you don't have to hang out with me all day, everyday. I've been meaning to tell you that you're forgiven."
"What? Why?"
"Because of that stunt you pulled this morning. It was very sweet, but I do not want that to happen in front of everyone again," I said. "So you are forgiven, that was very big of you."
"So you don't have to be so intent on making it up to me anymore," I said.
"Are you dense?"
"Excuse me?" I asked.
"I'm not hanging around you because I'm trying to get your forgiveness, idiot. I'm hanging around you because I want to," he replied and I felt my throat grow tight. I knew that already, but I had been burying that fact deep so that I might keep my cool. It was getting harder and harder to think about this as if we were just friends flirting with each other. Of course it wasn't that simple, which was what was killing me.
"Okay, but I have other people to hang out with and so do you," I said. "As much as I like spending time with you, I can't just forget everyone else."
"Ugh, I know," he scoffed and I smiled slightly.
"I'll see you later, promise," I said, nodding firmly and turning to get my bag.
"Wait," he said, causing me to reverse and turn back to him.
"Yeah?" I stared up at him expectantly, await what he might do or say. I watched him swallow and his lips press together tightly. He took the action route, scooping underneath both my arms so that they were forced upwards and around his shoulders. He squeezed tight around my chest, burying his face in my collarbone his face warm with embarrassment. I hugged back, running my nails gently against the nape of his neck, slightly in his hair. I was barely on my toes at this point, having him hold me up in a tight hug. "You don't have to--" I stopped myself, squeezing into the hug tighter. He didn't respond, letting me down and out of the embrace.
"I didn't take you for such an affectionate guy," I replied. I placed the back of my hand against his fiery cheek with a soft smile.
"Yeah well...I'm not," he said and I felt my chest warm, knowing that it must be me that brings it out of him. It was almost like he was marking his territory in a way, so that I might not forget his affection while hanging out with Deku. It made my stomach twist to think that I had kissed Kirishima now that he had hugged me like this. Even if it was before, I was that girl who went behind his back to kiss his best friend. I tugged my bag around my shoulder with a soft wave and he nodded as I left the classroom. Maybe I wouldn't have to wait as long as I thought with Kacchan and idea made me happy but horrifically nervous.
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