Ch. 9: Before The Meeting

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POV: Wally (Next few chapters are going to be Wally's POV)

After putting Y/N down for bed Wally went into his own room and fell on to his bed. He was exhausted from reading file, doing papers, and looking for Y/N most of the day. Hopefully tomorrow they can have the meeting that was supposed to happen today but got canceled. Wally got into his PJs and went to bed.

Then it was morning. Wally's alarm went off and he got up. He walked to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was all messed up so he started to fix it.

Not long after his hair was fixed. He changed into his work clothes and walked to the kitchen where he made himself a mug of coffee. He drank it and put the mug on the table.

He walked down the hallway to Y/N's room. He  opened the door and walked in. Y/N was still pretending to sleep. Wally smiled and walked over to their bed and sat down.

"Morning darling, come on it time to get up and get dressed." He said and kissed Y/N forehead.

He stood up and walked out of the room. He went into the kitchen and made some breakfast and another mug of coffee.

Soon Y/N came out of their room dressed and ready for the day. Wally walked over to them and put the plate down in front of them.

He took Y/N's arm to check the wrap. The wrap came off so Wally went to the bathroom and came out with a bandage. He walked over to Y/N and wrapped their arm again.

"There. Just make sure you don't take it off. Okay?" He told Y/N.

Y/N nodded and finished their breakfast. Wally walked over and put on his shoes. Y/N also put on their shoes and Wally picked them up.

Wally opened the door and walked out locking the door behind him. He started walking to the factory.

"Father do I have to be at the meeting today?" Y/N asked.

Wally looked at Y/N "You don't have to. You can sit in the office until the meeting is over."

Wally also was planning to start the big project today. First he needed some workers that were going to be his assistant for the day. He also needed to do some surgeries on the experiments for notes and he also needed to make sure to check the grinders himself.

The grinders were breaking down for no reason . He did call maintenance to come and check on them, but he was not sure if they were gonna come or not. 

After a few more minutes to go to the factory entrance. Wally opened the door and went inside with Y/N.

He headed to his office. He opened the door and grabbed the mic.

"Good morning everyone, our meeting is going to start in 15 minutes. Please be there since this is going to be important." He said in the mic before putting it down.

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