Chapter 5

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About two weeks passed and Aiden was on his hour lunch break when he received an email alert. He went to ignore the notification, but before he could swipe it away, the word 'University' caught his eye. It felt like his heart stopped as he went to open the email. This is what would make or break his plans. Hovering his thumb over the email, Aiden took a deep breath. Even if he didn't get accepted, everything would be okay.

A short message appeared as he clicked on the email. 'An update has been posted to your status'. There was a link below and it led him to another website. Almost immediately, small pieces of confetti started shooting on the screen and the word congratulations was written. Aiden was so excited, he couldn't contain himself. He started jumping up and down like a child and he couldn't stop smiling. He didn't care that he was getting weird looks from the customers. He had gotten accepted into college. The first thing he wanted to do was call his mom and tell her before he remembered that he had not talked to her in several weeks. After learning that his future plans would work out, he decided he wanted to talk to his mom. He planned on stopping at home on his way back to Michael's after work. Aiden felt like his mom deserved to know what was going on, even if he didn't want her to be involved in his life anymore.

Aiden breathed a sigh of relief as he got into his car. The rest of the work day went very slow. All Aiden could think about was what he was going to say to his mother. He knew she was going to ask for money, and he didn't know if he wanted to share any with her. Aiden was stressed about the decision and wanted someone to tell him what to do.

He started driving towards his house, the short ride was too short for him. Only a few minutes passed and he was sitting in his driveway, not moving. Aiden took a deep breath to calm his nerves and got out of the car.

As he reached the front door, his hand visibly shook in front of the doorknob. He hesitated, wondering if this was the right choice, facing his mother again. Without another thought, he pushed the front door open.

"Oh! Honey! I didn't know you were coming home today!" Amy gasped as she shot up from the couch. A man was sitting below her, his shirt unbuttoned.

"Hi, mom."

"James, this is my son, Aiden, that I was telling you about. He's the one that's got all the money." Amy exclaimed, pulling her son into a tight embrace.

Aiden didn't hug back as he looked around the room. He noticed a few empty wine bottles littering the floor and a pizza box on the coffee table, reminding him of a similar scenario he had walked into years prior.


Twelve year old Aiden jumped off the school bus and ran to his house. He couldn't wait to show his mom what he had done at school.

As soon as he arrived at the house, he threw the door open and called for his mom.

"Mom! I have something for you!"

"Aiden! Uh, hold on one second. I'll be out in a minute."
Aiden, unable to hold in his excitement, rushed into his mother's room with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Look at what-"

"Aiden, I asked you to wait!" Amy yelled, startled by her son.

Amy was quickly trying to hide several empty bottles of wine and beer as a man Aiden had never seen was lying on the bed, watching her.

"Get out of my room!" Amy commanded as she slammed her bedroom door closed again. Aiden stuffed his test with a perfect score back into his book bag and went into his own bedroom.


James, the man lounging on the couch, got up and held out his hand to shake Aiden's.

"Hello, son. I'm going to smoke a cigarette." James greeted in a gruff voice before stumbling out the front door.

"Isn't he wonderful!" Amy smiled.

"Mom, what's going on?" Aiden finally asked.

"I should be the one asking you that. I haven't seen you in weeks or even heard from you? Where have you been?"

"I'm staying at Michael's. I actually came to talk to you about something important." Aiden admitted, taking a seat on the loveseat, his mom joining him.

"Well, what is it?" She asked, seeming interested in his news.

"I got into college and I'm gonna start next fall."

"That's amazing! I didn't know you wanted to go to college."

"You never asked. But, I'm only telling you because I'm moving away. I'm going to live in the dorms and it's pretty far from here so I probably won't see you for a while."

Amy's mood drastically changed. Her face went from a wide grin to a frown.

"Oh. Well, I'm happy for you."

"Thanks. That's really all I wanted to talk to you about. I'm still going to stay at Michael's until I move into the dorms."

"Wait, I also wanted to talk to you about something." Amy interrupted as Aiden was standing up to leave.

"What about?"

"I feel terrible asking you, but I need some extra money. I had enough money for rent, but James and I wanted to go out and do something, so now I don't have enough anymore? Could you maybe give me some? Enough for the next few months, maybe?" Aiden rolled his eyes, surprised that it took so long for her to ask.

"Mom, I'm done helping you with money. I've been helping you my whole life and, I'm sorry, but I can't do it anymore."

"Please, if I don't get the money by the end of the week, I'm going to get kicked out. You wouldn't do that to me, would you?" Amy pleaded.

"I'm serious, mom."

"So am I. I've done everything for you your whole life. You can't just do me this one favor?" Amy's voice was getting increasingly louder with each word.

"We both know that's not true. I've been taking care of myself and you for as long as I can remember. The only thing you ever gave me was a horrible life."

"Aiden, if you don't help me now, then I never want to see you again."

"If that's how you want it to be."

The front door creaked open again as James stepped back into the house.

"I need another beer." He glared at Amy as he threw himself down onto the couch.

"You need to leave now, Aiden. You aren't welcome here." Amy demanded as she got up to get a beer from the fridge.

Aiden closed the door behind him and put his head in his hands. He could feel the fast rate of his heartbeat. He hadn't wanted the conversation to end that way, but he expected it. His mom couldn't change. After years of relying on him, she was finally on her own again.


Aiden parked in front of Michael's house and slowly made his way into the home. Immediately, he was met with the smell of dinner.

"Hey, Aiden! How was work today?" Michael's mom asked when she saw him walk in.

"Boring, as usual. I can't wait to quit."

Aiden went upstairs to Michael's room and found him playing video games as usual.

"Hey, man. You're late." Michael commented.

"Yeah, Jessica held me late at work. She sucks."


After months of waiting, August 20th finally arrived. Aiden was fully moved into his new dorm room, thanks to the help of Michael and his family.

"If you need anything, we're just a call away. And you better come visit. We're really gonna miss you." Mary insisted, hugging Aiden.

This was how families were supposed to act. Not constantly asking for money or hiding things. Genuinely caring for each other. Aiden felt happy that he chose to stay with Michael's family because they gave him a sense of warmth and love that he was extremely grateful for.

"You know I will. Now, get outta here, you guys are gonna get home late."

"See ya, Aiden." Michael closed the door, leaving Aiden completely alone.

Aiden knew this was where he was supposed to be. While he felt sorry for his mom, he knew that she would have to be okay without him. He had his own future to worry about, starting with his first day of college.

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