Rachels Road: We meet again

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My dad was still at work, as always and I had finally finished my homework. You know how when your doing something you so badly want it to be finished and then suddenly when your done you have nothing to do. I decided too go to sleep, it was late as it was and I was too tired to paint. I played some music ( music always seems too calm me down ) and slowly drifted off into sleep. I wish the story ended there but I just had to have nightmares, oh how I wish it would've been a sweet dream like the ones I used to have as a child. Again, that wasn't possible for me Rachel Elizabeth Dare to have one tiny simple normal time in my miserable life.

I was in a maze-like place with long stone walls and even though it was open to the sky it was dark and obviously hard to navigate out. Notice I said hard and not impossible, well as you can tell by my love of art and music. Art is practically all about telling people that nothing can't be done.People appeared from the shadows in the maze, wait a second they weren't people...they were-they were...MONSTERS!

There were those things that looked like the normal tv series vampires...except for the fact that they had a goat leg and a...well it was so far away you couldn't even see what it was made of but it definitely  wasn't normal human flesh. In fact after seeing that I wasn't totally surprised when I saw a golden sarcophagus, I mean thats almost normal compared to a squad of monsters. Almost. I didn't even open it but somehow when it did creak open I was shocked to see a teenage boy with sandy hair and- well actually I couldn't tell much about him because I was so drawn too his eyes.

 No, I am not being silly and fan-girling over some boy, its because his eyes were golden! Although his eyes were closed somehow I knew that something was unnatural about his expression of horror and how when I touched his face time seemed to stop. Again no i'm not trying to be cheesy, time ACTUALLY stopped. 

The scene dissipated until nothing was left of what I had just experienced, however, it wasn't the end of my horrible nightmare that was...well a nightmare. Another boy appeared which was weird for me, I mean i'm not usually one to dream about a boy much less TWO boys you know?The boy seemed strangely familiar but I doubt he talked too me though with his good looks and charming smile and- wait we're am i going with this? Lets just say he seemed like one of those popular boys who were stuck up and arrogant and never knew my name.

 Yet I knew his voice...and thats when it clicked. The boy was Percy whatever-his-last-name-is,it had been months maybe a year since I first and last saw him.Before him was a throne room and sure I had seen the queens throne room before ( don't ask me, i'm just gonna remind you my dad is VERY rich ) but it was nothing compared to the site I saw before me. Just seeing it made me feel weird like the place wasn't somewhere I could be in, like I was intruding a press conference.I can't really explain how it looked like because I was so distracted by Percy.

Ok, that last sentence seemed really fan-girly but whatever, but he was locked in battle with the blonde haired guy from my last dream so you can't really blame me.Another blonde person was at Percys side and when the athletic figure turned to me and I could see that she was a girl. She had stormy grey calculating eyes and a regal looking face. She opened her mouth to tell me something, maybe warn me about what was ahead of me the next day. Then my eyes fluttered open. I was in my bedroom warm and cosy far away from danger, hopefully, at least for now.

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