Chapter 23: No Driver?!

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Chris jumped out of his jeep and glanced around the quiet yard of his son's property. The house was dark, but the garage was lit up with bright lights and there was the sound of a loud clanking.

"Oh Henry," Shaking his head, Chris sighed. "You've got to start facing your problems."

He shut the door to his jeep and approached the garage. Opening the man-door he stepped inside and glanced around.

Henry was standing underneath a black ford that was up on a lift.

"What are you doing?" Chris asked, arms folded as he walked over to the man.

Startled, Henry jumped and dropped the wrench in his hand. Slowly he bent over and picked the tool up. Then he looked at Chris. "Dad, what are you doing here?"

"I heard about Maia's car," Chris explained, an eyebrow raised.

"Not you too," Henry sighed and turned back to his car. "Look, he had papers and even-"

"-The papers were forgeries," Chris interrupted.

"What?" Henry hit his head on the car. Rubbing the offending spot he turned and frowned at his father. "What do you mean?"

"I have the papers from the contract Craig Stevenson signed when he dropped the car off at my lot," Chris explained, pulling a folder out from under his arm and holding it up for his son to see. "It said that if the car was not picked up after five years, then it became my property."

Henry threw the wrench in his hand and swore under his breath. "Then who the heck has my daughter's car?"

Chris shrugged and turned to leave the garage. "There's only one way to find out."

There was silence for a moment as Chris exited the garage. Then...

"Wait! I'm coming!" Henry switched the light off and shut the door. "I'll call the police on the way and explain how the file was stolen."

Both men made their way to the jeep. Chris had just opened the door to the car when there was suddenly a bright light.

Henry and Chris turned to see a large tractor trailer pulling onto the driveway. It had no trailer and was painted in blue with red flames.

Scratching his head, Chris frowned. "What the heck is a big rig doing here?"

"Probably is lost and will want to park here for the night," His face twisted in a scowl, Henry scoffed. Turning away from the jeep he made his way towards the car.

"Hey, you!" he held up his hand, blinking against the bright headlights. "Mister, you're going to have to have to park somewhere else tonight. This is private property...." He said looking up at the driver's window.

He froze mid step and his jaw dropped.

"What is it?" At once noting his son's expression Chris hurried over. "What's wrong?"

Henry looked at Chris, his eyes wide, his voice coming out in a whisper. "There's no driver."

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